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Audio script

Track 1
Michio Michio Yamada.
Noemi Hello, Michio. Its Noemi. How are you?
Michio Fine, thanks, Noemi. How about you?
Noemi Fine, thanks. I posted the contract to you earlier this week. Have you received it?
Michio Yes, it arrived yesterday.
Noemi ood, !ood.
Michio "nd Ive already si!ned it. Ill post it back to you tomorrow.
Noemi reat. I look #orward to receivin! it. Have you scheduled your ne$t visit
to Hun!ary?
Michio Yes, Im plannin! to be there in three weeks. I arrive on the %&th o# March.
Noemi 'he %&th o# March. ood. How lon! can you stay?
Michio I can stay #or three days.
Noemi 'hats enou!h time #or a team meetin!.
Track 2
Noemi Michio, welcome to Hun!ary. How was your #li!ht?
Michio It was #ine, thanks, Noemi. "nd its !ood to see you a!ain(
Noemi Michio, this is Maria )later. )hes in char!e o# our Marketin! *epartment.
Michio ood to meet you, Ms )later.
Maria ood to meet you, Mr Yamada.
Noemi Ive !ot a company car waitin!. +ell take you to your hotel.
Michio reat. Im pretty tired( I didnt sleep on the #li!ht.
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Audio script
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Track 3
Mr /ecker ood mornin!. My name is Henry /ecker and, as you all know, Im the .1- o#
Hendi$ .orporation.
My purpose today is to welcome you to Hendi$ .orporation. Ill be!in today by
con!ratulatin! you on 5oinin! the company. Ne$t, Ill discuss the companys
e$pectations #or its employees. Finally, Ill talk about what makes Hendi$
.orporation a !ood company to work #or.
)o #irst, con!ratulations. "s recent !raduates, you have all chosen to be!in your
careers with one o# the worlds most respected manu#acturin! companies. 'he
5ob market is tou!h these days and there is a lot o# competition #or every 5ob. )o
youve already achieved a lot, 5ust bein! here today.
Movin! on to e$pectations, each o# you has a di##erent reason #or choosin! to
5oin our company and di##erent e$pectations o# the 5ob. However, the company
has one main e$pectation #or all o# you6 that you will always work to make the
company better. /etter how? +hat makes a 7!ood company? +ell, our
company motto is 7Honesty, 8uality and innovation.
Honesty. "s a company, we believe in bein! #air and honest in business. 'his
means we e$pect our employees to deal honestly and #airly in every part o#
their work.
9uality. +e make some o# the best products on the market in our sector. +hy?
/ecause we e$pect our employees to think about 8uality in everythin! they do.
Innovation. 'his means always chan!in! and improvin!. +e improve as a
company because we e$pect our employees to always make small improvements
in the way we work.
:i!ht. )o what makes Hendi$ .orporation a !ood company to work #or?
First, were committed to teamwork and to #air treatment o# all employees.
)econd, we !ive our employees a 8uality workplace. +e provide the best
trainin! and tools #or our employees. 'his means you can do your 5ob well and it
also means you can develop and #ollow a career path that we decide to!ether.
'hird, we listen. )ome o# our best ideas come #rom our employees. "t Hendi$,
you and your ideas are one o# the companys most important assets.
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-nce a!ain, welcome to Hendi$ .orporation.
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Audio script
Track 4
)andra Im )andra Hebbert and this is Great Ideas, the show. Im talkin! today with
,hilippe /oisseau, an award=winnin! #urniture desi!ner #rom France.
Hello, ,hilippe.
,hilippe Hi, )andra. 'hanks #or havin! me on your show.
)andra 'hanks #or comin!. Now, on Great Ideas, I always start the interview with this
8uestion6 +here do your ideas come #rom?
,hilippe 'hats a !ood 8uestion, )andra. I think a lot o# #urniture desi!ners are like artists.
For those desi!ners, desi!nin! a piece o# #urniture is like paintin!. For them, its
a piece o# art. /ut #or me, its a business. I make thin!s that people use every
day. )o I want them to be use#ul and com#ortable and a##ordable.
)andra I see. +hat do you mean e$actly when you say its a business #or you?
,hilippe +ell, !ood business starts with the market. I dont have an idea #or a piece o#
#urniture and then try to sell it. I want to meet a need in the market so I start by
talkin! to people. I #ind out about the #urniture they like and why they like it. I
ask them #or ideas about #urniture they would like to buy > thin!s that they cant
#ind in any #urniture store.
)andra )o you look #or a !ap in the market and then try to #ill it?
,hilippe 1$actly.
)andra .an you !ive us an e$ample?
,hilippe Yes, I can. 'wo years a!o, I was doin! research on livin! room #urniture. My
chairs and so#as were sellin! well but I wanted to e$tend the product ran!e.
+hen I talked to people, I discovered that a lot o# people wanted more stora!e
space in the livin! room. *rawers, especially.
)andra *rawers?
,hilippe :i!ht. /ut they didnt want to add a new piece o# #urniture > a desk or a dresser
with drawers.
)andra -?, so theres a need. More drawers in the livin! room. )o what did you do?
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,hilippe +ith my team, I looked closely at our products that were already sellin! well >
chairs and so#as. +e very 8uickly saw that the bottom part o# the so#a had empty
space. I# you need stora!e, empty space is waste#ul. )o we redesi!ned our so#a
and added drawers.
)andra " so#a with drawers? *idnt that look stran!e?
,hilippe Yes, it did( +e really made a breakthrou!h with that( 'he market loved the new
desi!n because it was di##erent > you could say a bit stran!e > but also very practical.
)andra "nd thats the desi!n you won an award #or, ri!ht?
,hilippe Yes, thats ri!ht. 'he 1uropean Furniture *esi!n "ward.
)andra 'hats !reat, ,hilippe. Now, I wonder i# you could tell us about @
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Audio script
Track 5
"dnan "dnan YilmaB speakin!.
"!nes Hello, Mr YilmaB. 'his is "!nes Yim callin! #rom Hon! ?on!.
"dnan -h, hello "!nes.
"!nes Id like to !o over the arran!ements #or your visit, i# you have a #ew
minutes now?
"dnan )ure, no problem.
"!nes -?. +ell, the main event that youd like to attend is the lobal 'rade )how at
the .onvention .entre, ri!ht?
"dnan Yes, thats ri!ht. 'he show runs #rom )eptember third throu!h the si$th > thats
'hursday throu!h )unday. Im !ivin! a presentation on the #ourth.
"!nes I thou!ht your presentation was on the #i#th?
"dnan No, its the #ourth. Im !oin! to listen to some other presentations on the #i#th.
"!nes -?, #ine. "nd when do you plan to arrive in Hon! ?on!?
"dnan Im plannin! to arrive on "u!ust thirty=#irst. 'hats @ lets see @ thats
a Monday.
"!nes :i!ht, -?. "nd you wanted me to schedule the meetin!s that week, ri!ht? -n
the days be#ore the trade show?
"dnan Yes, thats ri!ht.
"!nes -?. +ell, the new sales mana!er in the Hon! ?on! o##ice wants to spend about
hal# a day with you. Hes hopin! you can talk him throu!h the new product line.
"dnan "bsolutely.
"!nes -?. )o why dont we make that +ednesday @
"dnan 'he second?
"!nes Yes, +ednesday the second o# )eptember, in the mornin!. "nd well
arran!e lunch.
"dnan 'hat sounds !ood.
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"!nes Ill have to !et back to you about the other meetin!s on the #irst and second.
"dnan -?. Now, a#ter the show, on the seventh, Im plannin! to !o up to the
)han!hai o##ice.
"!nes )o you arrive there on the seventh?
"dnan Yes, thats ri!ht. 'heyre also arran!in! some meetin!s #or me.
"!nes -?. "ctually, we thou!ht you were !oin! to )han!hai on the ei!hth, and weve
already set up a hal# day #or you on the seventh with the re!ional sales mana!er.
"dnan -h, ri!ht. -?. 0ets see. +ell, Im sure I can chan!e my )han!hai plans. Ill !o
up there on the ei!hth. 'hat wont be a problem.
"!nes +ould you like me to !et in touch with )han!hai and let them know about
the chan!e?
"dnan +ould you? 'hat would be !reat. "nd could you let them know Im !oin! to
need a day to recover? Id like to plan a day o## in )han!hai #or +ednesday
the ninth.
"!nes -?, no problem. :i!ht. I think thats all we can do ri!ht now. Ill put to!ether an
e=mail with the schedule weve a!reed so #ar and you can check it. 'hen a#ter
weve made the arran!ements #or the other meetin!s, we can put to!ether a
#inal schedule.
"dnan 'hat sounds !ood, "!nes. 'hanks a lot #or sortin! all o# this out.
"!nes Its my pleasure, Mr YilmaB.
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Audio script
Track 67
In!rid ood mornin!, everyone. Im In!rid +atson and Im here to show you our latest
product, the 'I?=EE. Its hi!h=tech and its attractive.
"s you can see, the 'I?=EE looks like a hi!h=8uality wristwatch with a
#ashionable black=and=silver case and band. /ut it does so much more than
a wristwatch.
0et me tell you about its special #eatures. It has a wireless /luetooth headset and
its completely voice activated. You can use it to make phone calls, send and
receive e=mails, browse the Internet and play music and videos. -h, and it also
tells the time( Its per#ect #or wearin! everywhere you !o.
" hu!e advanta!e o# the 'I?=EE is its small siBe. Its ;& millimetres lon!, <4
millimetres wide and only A millimetres thick. It wei!hs 5ust <4 !rams. /ut this
compact device can !ive you hi!h=8uality sound, #ull=colour video and e$cellent
te$t readability. "nd the lon!=lastin! battery !ives you more than 34 hours o#
talk time or ;4 hours o# music playback.
'he 'I?=EE is powered by a #ast microprocessor and it comes with A< !i!abytes
o# memory. 'his means its #ast and reliable. It comes with a #ull ran!e o# apps6
e=mail, calendar, address book and web browser. +hats more, this amaBin!
device is competitively priced at 5ust F;EE.
Im sure youll all want to try it #or yourselves and, in a moment, Im !oin! to
!ive you a chance to do that. /ut #irst, are there any 8uestions?
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Audio script
Track !"
.laudia Ma$, ,aul, hello. .an we start, please? -?, the main aim o# this meetin! is to
talk about trainin!. +e dont have a bi! trainin! bud!et > its about G%%,444 #or
the whole year. +e want to make !ood use o# it. Ma$, what do you think?
Ma$ Im in #avour o# sales trainin!. 'he sales team is doin! well but Im sure we
could improve our per#ormance. 'here are some very !ood courses available.
,aul I dont know about that, Ma$. I #eel mana!ement trainin! would bene#it the
whole company.
Ma$ +ell, ,aul, youre a mana!er @
,aul "nd I want to be the best mana!er I can be. Im sure we all have somethin!
to learn.
Ma$ ,erhaps we should consider sales trainin! and mana!ement trainin!.
.laudia Im not sure thats a !ood idea. G%%,444 will cover one !ood course #or one team
but its probably not enou!h #or two #ull courses.
,aul I think I a!ree with you. Im in #avour o# runnin! one course and doin! it
really well.
.laudia :i!ht. )o we need to choose one or the other, at least #or this year.
Ma$ 1$actly. +e could have one course this year and one course ne$t year.
,aul Id like to make a su!!estion. +hy dont we do mana!ement trainin! this year
and sales trainin! ne$t year?
Ma$ -# course another possibility is doin! sales trainin! this year and mana!ement
trainin! ne$t year.
.laudia -?, lets summarise. +ere !oin! to plan both sales trainin! and mana!ement
trainin!. +e need to decide which we do #irst. +hy dont we come back to
that later?
Ma$ -?.
,aul Fine.
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.laudia 'he ne$t thin! to discuss is timin!. In the past weve had one=week intensive
trainin! courses but last year it was su!!ested that we could do one=day sessions
over several weeks.
Ma$ )orry, I dont 8uite understand.
.laudia 0ast year, we had a course that ran every day, Monday to Friday, #or one week.
)o people had to miss work #or a week. Ne$t time, we could have a course on
Mondays only. Five Mondays in a row.
Ma$ -h, -?. Im in #avour o# that.
,aul Yes, I think I a!ree with you. Its easier to plan.
.laudia I completely a!ree. )o thats it, then. +ell have one trainin! day every week #or
#ive weeks. Now, lets move on to @
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