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New Era University

Dulaang Asilaw
May 14, 2012
To whom it may concern,
The Dulaang Asilaw is now in preparation to our opening production for school year 2012-2013. The
said production is entitled !u"te#t$ to "e perfor%ed on the 1
wee& of 'uly 2012.
(n this regard, we are as&ing your good office to please allow us utili)e 2 pro*ectors for it will "e used
on the actual play and DT+ dated on 'uly 1-,, 2012 -./00a% to ,/00p%0.
1e are pro%ising to ta&e good care of the said e2uip%ent.
Than& you in anticipation of your fa3ora"le response.
+espectfully yours,
4resident, Dulaang Asilaw
5oted "y/
%"#&! N#ME" A! ME"'AD#
Ad3iser of Dulaang Asilaw

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