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A con man, Irving Rosenfeld, along with
his seductive British partner, Sydney
Prosser, is forced to wor for a wild !BI
agent, Richie "i#aso. "i#aso pushes
them into a world of $ersey
power%roers and mafia."ir& "avid '.
Russell (ith& )hristian Bale, Amy
Adams, Bradley
)ooper )rime * "rama+3, mins.
Add to (atchlistLone
Survivor .2/+30
#arcus 2uttrell and his team set out on
a mission to capture or ill notorious al
3aeda leader Ahmad Shahd, in late
$une 2//4. #arcus and his team are
left to fight for their lives in one of the
most valiant efforts of modern
warfare."ir& Peter Berg (ith& #ar
(ahl%erg, 5aylor 6itsch, 7mile
8irsch Action * Biography * "rama * 5hri
ller * (ar+2+ mins.
Add to (atchlistEa .2/+30
A lonely writer develops an unliely
relationship with his newly purchased
operating system that9s designed to
meet his every need."ir& Spie
$on:e (ith& $oa;uin Phoeni<, Amy
Adams, Scarlett
$ohansson "rama * Romance * Sci=!i+2>
Add to (atchlistRegatul de
gheata .2/+30
!earless optimist Anna teams up with
6ristoff in an epic ?ourney,
encountering 7verest=lie conditions,
and a hilarious snowman named 'laf in
a race to find Anna9s sister 7lsa, whose
icy powers have trapped the ingdom in
eternal winter."ir& )hris Buc, $ennifer
2ee (ith& 6risten Bell, $osh @ad, Idina
#en:el Animation * Adventure * )omedy
* !amily * !antasy * #usical+/2 mins.
Add to (atchlist12 ani de
sclavie .2/+30
In the ante%ellum Bnited States,
Solomon Corthup, a free %lac man
from upstate Cew Dor, is a%ducted and
sold into slavery."ir& Steve
#c3ueen (ith& )hiwetel
7?iofor, #ichael 6. (illiams, #ichael
!ass%ender Biography * "rama * 8istory
+3- mins.
Add to (atchlistHobbitul:
Deolarea lui S!aug .2/+30
5he dwarves, along with Bil%o Baggins
and @andalf the @rey, continue their
;uest to reclaim 7re%or, their
homeland, from Smaug. Bil%o Baggins
is in possession of a mysterious and
magical ring."ir& Peter
$acson (ith& Ian #c6ellen, #artin
!reeman, Richard
Armitage Adventure * !antasy+>+ mins.
Add to (atchlist"iata secreta
a lui #alter $itt% .2/+30
A day=dreamer escapes his anonymous
life %y disappearing into a world of
fantasies filled with heroism, romance
and action. (hen his ?o% along with
that of his co=worer are threatened, he
taes action in the real world
em%aring on a glo%al ?ourney that
turns into an adventure more
e<traordinary than anything he could
have ever imagined."ir& Ben
Stiller (ith& Ben Stiller, 6risten
(iig, $on
"aly Adventure * )omedy * "rama * !an
tasy++- mins.
Add to (atchlistDallas 'u%ers
(lub .2/+30
In +E,4 "allas, electrician and hustler
Ron (oodroof wors around the system
to help AI"S patients get the
medication they need after he is himself
diagnosed with the disease."ir& $ean=
#arc FallGe (ith& #atthew
#c)onaughey, $ennifer @arner, $ared
2eto Biography * "rama * 8istory++A
Add to (atchlist)ocurile
*oa!ei: S*idarea .2/+30
6atniss 7verdeen and Peeta #ellar
%ecome targets of the )apitol after
their victory in the A-th 8unger @ames
spars a re%ellion in the "istricts of
Panem."ir& !rancis
2awrence (ith& $ennifer 2awrence, $osh
8utcherson, 2iam
8emsworth Action * Adventure * Sci=!i *
5hriller+-> mins.
Add to (atchlist'urlaci
+ntariati .2/+30
5hree si<ty=something friends tae a
%rea from their day=to=day lives to
throw a %achelor party in 2as Fegas for
their last remaining single pal."ir& $on
5urteltau% (ith& Ro%ert "e
Ciro, #ichael "ouglas, #organ
!reeman )omedy +/4 mins.
Add to (atchlist,inutul din
!i-locul verii .2/+30
A loo at the lives of the strong=willed
women of the (eston family, whose
paths have diverged until a family crisis
%rings them %ac to the 'lahoma
house they grew up in, and to the
dysfunctional woman who raised
them."ir& $ohn (ells (ith& #eryl
Streep, "ermot #ulroney, $ulia
Ro%erts "rama +2+ mins.
Add to (atchlist(a/itanul
0hilli/s .2/+30
5he true story of )aptain Richard
Phillips and the 2//E hi?acing %y
Somali pirates of the BS=flagged #F
#aers Ala%ama, the first American
cargo ship to %e hi?aced in two
hundred years."ir& Paul
@reengrass (ith& 5om 8ans, Barhad
A%di, Barhad
A%dirahman Adventure * Biography * "r
ama * 5hriller+3- mins.
Add to
(atchlist1%!/ho!aniac .2/+
A self=diagnosed nymphomaniac
recounts her erotic e<periences to the
man who saved her after a
%eating."ir& 2ars von
5rier (ith& )harlotte
@ains%ourg, Stellan SarsgHrd, Stacy
#artin "rama +22 mins.
Add to (atchlist2ravit%:
$isiune in s/atiu .2/+30
A medical engineer and an astronaut
wor together to survive after an
accident leaves them adrift in
space."ir& Alfonso )uarIn (ith& Sandra
Bulloc, @eorge )looney, 7d
8arris "rama * Sci=!i * 5hrillerE+ mins.
Add to (atchlist,he 'oo4
,hie* .2/+30
(hile su%?ected to the horrors of (orld
(ar II @ermany, young 2iesel finds
solace %y stealing %oos and sharing
them with others. Bnder the stairs in
her home, a $ewish refugee is %eing
sheltered %y her adoptive
parents."ir& Brian Percival (ith& Sophie
CGlisse, @eoffrey Rush, 7mily
(atson "rama * (ar+3+ mins.
Add to (atchlist'lue
)as!ine .2/+30
A Cew Dor socialite, deeply trou%led
and in denial, arrives in San !rancisco
to impose upon her sister. She loos a
million, %ut isn9t %ringing money,
peace, or love..."ir& (oody
Allen (ith& )ate Blanchett, Alec
Baldwin, Peter
Sarsgaard )omedy * "ramaE, mins.
Add to (atchlist2rudge
$atch .2/+30
A pair of aging %o<ing rivals are coa<ed
out of retirement to fight one final %out
== 3/ years after their last
match."ir& Peter Segal (ith& Ro%ert "e
Ciro, Sylvester Stallone, 6im
Basinger )omedy * Sport++3 mins.
Add to (atchlistSaving $r.
'an4s .2/+30
Author 0.L. ,ravers reflects on her
difficult childhood while meeting with
filmmaer #alt Disne% during
production for the adaptation of her
novel, $ar% 0o//ins."ir& $ohn 2ee
8ancoc (ith& 7mma 5hompson, 5om
8ans, Annie Rose
Bucley Biography * )omedy * "rama *
!amily * 8istory * #usic+24 mins.
Add to (atchlistRush .2/+30
5he merciless +EA/s rivalry %etween
!ormula 'ne rivals $ames 8unt and Cii
2auda."ir& Ron 8oward (ith& "aniel
BrJhl, )hris 8emsworth, 'livia
(ilde Action * Biography * "rama * Spor
t+23 mins.
Add to (atchlistRonin: .7
/entru rabunare .2/+30
A %and of samurai set out to avenge
the death and dishonor of their master
at the hands of a ruthless
shogun."ir& )arl Rinsch (ith& 6eanu
Reeves, 8iroyui Sanada, 6o
Shi%asai Action * Adventure * !antasy+
+, mins.
Add to (atchlist+nside Lle5%n
Davis .2/+30
A wee in the life of a young singer as
he navigates the @reenwich Fillage fol
scene of +E>+."ir& 7than )oen, $oel
)oen (ith& 'scar Isaac, )arey
#ulligan, $ohn
@oodman "rama * #usic+/- mins.
Add to (atchlist6bout
,i!e .2/+30
At the age of 2+, 5im discovers he can
travel in time and change what happens
and has happened in his own life. 8is
decision to mae his world a %etter
place %y getting a girlfriend turns out
not to %e as easy as you might
thin."ir& Richard
)urtis (ith& "omhnall @leeson, Rachel
#cAdams, Bill
Cighy "rama * !antasy * Romance+23
Add to (atchlist(arrie .2/+30
A reimagining of the classic horror tale
a%out )arrie (hite, a shy girl outcast
%y her peers and sheltered %y her
deeply religious mother, who unleashes
teleinetic terror on her small town
after %eing pushed too far at her senior
prom."ir& 6im%erly Peirce (ith& )hloK
@race #oret:, $ulianne #oore, @a%riella
(ilde "rama * 8orror+// mins.
Add to (atchlistDon )on .2/+30
A Cew $ersey guy dedicated to his
family, friends, and church, develops
unrealistic e<pectations from watching
porn and wors to find happiness and
intimacy with his potential true
love."ir& $oseph @ordon=
2evitt (ith& $oseph @ordon=
2evitt, Scarlett $ohansson, $ulianne
#oore )omedy * "rama * RomanceE/
Add to
(atchlist0risoners .2/+30
(hen 6eller "over9s daughter and her
friend go missing, he taes matters into
his own hands as the police pursue
multiple leads and the pressure
mounts. But ?ust how far will this
desperate father go to protect his
familyL"ir& "enis Filleneuve (ith& 8ugh
$acman, $ae @yllenhaal, Fiola
"avis )rime * "rama * 5hriller+43 mins.
Add to (atchlistEsca/e 0lan:
,estul su/re! .2/+30
(hen a structural=security authority
finds himself set up and incarcerated in
the world9s most secret and secure
prison, he has to use his sills to
escape with help from the
inside."ir& #iael
8HfstrMm (ith& Sylvester
Stallone, Arnold Schwar:enegger, 4/
)ent Action * #ystery * 5hriller++4 mins.
Add to (atchlist6nchor!an 2:
,he Legend (ontinues .2/+30
(ith the A/s %ehind him, San "iego9s
top rated newsman, Ron Burgundy,
returns to tae Cew Dor9s first 2-=hour
news channel %y storm."ir& Adam
#c6ay (ith& (ill !errell, )hristina
Applegate, Paul Rudd )omedy ++E mins.
Add to (atchlist,he Right 8ind
o* #rong .2/+30
2eo the dishwasher falls in love with a
%ride on the day of her wedding = to
another man."ir& $eremiah S.
)hechi (ith& Ryan 6wanten, 6risten
8ager, Sara
)anning )omedy * RomanceEA mins.
Add to (atchlistLee Daniels9
,he 'utler .2/+30
As )ecil @aines serves eight presidents
during his tenure as a %utler at the
(hite 8ouse, the civil rights movement,
Fietnam, and other ma?or events affect
this man9s life, family, and American
society."ir& 2ee "aniels (ith& !orest
(hitaer, 'prah (infrey, $ohn
)usac Biography * "rama+32 mins.
Add to (atchlist#e9re the
$illers .2/+30
A veteran pot dealer creates a fae
family as part of his plan to move a
huge shipment of weed into the B.S.
from #e<ico."ir& Rawson #arshall
5hur%er (ith& $ason Sudeiis, $ennifer
Aniston, 7mma
Ro%erts )omedy * )rime++/ mins.
Add to
(atchlist1ebras4a .2/+30
An aging, %oo:e=addled father maes
the trip from #ontana to Ce%rasa with
his estranged son in order to claim a
million=dollar #ega Sweepstaes
#areting pri:e."ir& Ale<ander
Payne (ith& Bruce "ern, (ill
!orte, $une
S;ui%% Adventure * "rama++4 mins.
Add to (atchlistRiddic4 .2/+30
2eft for dead on a sun=scorched planet,
Riddic finds himself up against an alien
race of predators. Activating an
emergency %eacon alerts two ships&
one carrying a new %reed of mercenary,
the other captained %y a man from
Riddic9s past."ir& "avid
5wohy (ith& Fin "iesel, 6arl
Br%an, 6atee Sachoff Action * Sci=
!i * 5hriller++E mins.
Add to (atchlist$arele
2atsb% .2/+30
A #idwestern war veteran finds himself
drawn to the past and lifestyle of his
millionaire neigh%or."ir& Ba:
2uhrmann (ith& 2eonardo
"i)aprio, )arey #ulligan, $oel
7dgerton "rama * Romance+-3 mins.
Add to (atchlist,hor:
:ntunericul .2/+30
(hen $ane !oster is possessed %y a
great power, 5hor must protect her
from a new threat of old times& the
"ar 7lves."ir& Alan 5aylor (ith& )hris
8emsworth, Catalie Portman, 5om
8iddleston Action * Adventure * !antasy
++2 mins.
Add to (atchlist,he Rail5a%
$an .2/+30
A victim from (orld (ar II9s N"eath
RailwayN sets out to find those
responsi%le for his torture. A true
story."ir& $onathan
5eplit:y (ith& Cicole 6idman, 8iroyui
Sanada, )olin
!irth Biography * "rama++> mins.
Add to (atchlistSunt un !ic
ticalos 2 .2/+30
@ru is recruited %y the Anti=Fillain
2eague to help deal with a powerful
new super criminal."ir& Pierre
)offin, )hris Renaud (ith& Steve
)arell, 6risten (iig, Ben?amin
Bratt Animation * Adventure * )omedy *
)rime * !amily * Sci=!iE, mins.
Add to (atchlist)ocul lui
Ender .2/+30
Doung 7nder (iggin is recruited %y the
International #ilitary to lead the fight
against the !ormics, a genocidal alien
race which nearly annihilated the
human race in a previous
invasion."ir& @avin 8ood (ith& 8arrison
!ord, Asa Butterfield, 8ailee
Steinfeld Action * Adventure * Sci=!i++-
Add to (atchlist$an o* Steel:
Eroul .2/+30
A young itinerant worer is forced to
confront his secret e<trastellar origin
when 7arth is invaded %y mem%ers of
his own race."ir& Oac
Snyder (ith& 8enry )avill, Amy
Adams, #ichael
Shannon Action * Adventure * !antasy *
Sci=!i+-3 mins.
Add to (atchlistEl%siu! .2/+30
In the year 2+4-, the very wealthy live
on a man=made space station while the
rest of the population resides on a
ruined 7arth. A man taes on a mission
that could %ring e;uality to the
polari:ed worlds."ir& Ceill
Blomamp (ith& #att "amon, $odie
!oster, Sharlto
)opley Action * "rama * Sci=!i * 5hrille
r+/E mins.
Add to (atchlist6ll +s
Lost .2/+30
After a collision with a shipping
container at sea, a resourceful sailor
finds himself, despite all efforts to the
contrary, staring his mortality in the
face."ir& $.). )handor (ith& Ro%ert
Redford Action * Adventure * "rama+/>
Add to (atchlist)ac4ass
0resents: 'ad
2rand/a .2/+30
,>=year=old Irving Oisman taes a trip
from Ce%rasa to Corth )arolina to tae
his , year=old grandson, Billy, %ac to
his real father."ir& $eff
5remaine (ith& $ohnny
6no<ville, $acson Cicoll, @reg
8arris )omedy E2 mins.
Add to (atchlist'ad
#ords .2/+30
A spelling %ee loser sets out to e<act
revenge %y finding a loophole and
attempting to win as an
adult."ir& $ason Bateman (ith& Rachael
8arris, $ason Bateman, 6athryn
8ahn )omedy ,, mins.
Add to (atchlistSta sa /loua
cu chi*tele 2 .2/+30
!lint 2ocwood now wors at 5he 2ive
)orp )ompany for his idol )hester F.
But he9s forced to leave his post when
he learns that his most infamous
machine is still operational and is
churning out menacing food=animal
hy%rids."ir& )ody )ameron, 6ris
Pearn (ith& Bill 8ader, Anna !aris, (ill
!orte Animation * )omedy * !amily * !a
ntasy * Sci=!iE4 mins.
Add to (atchlist6 venit
s*;rsitu9< .2/+30
(hile attending a party at $ames
!ranco9s house, Seth Rogen, $ay
Baruchel and many other cele%rities are
faced with the apocalypse."ir& 7van
@old%erg, Seth Rogen (ith& $ames
!ranco, $onah 8ill, Seth
Rogen )omedy * !antasy+/A mins.
Add to (atchlist8ic4=6ss
2 .2/+30
5he costumed high=school hero 6ic=
Ass ?oins with a group of normal
citi:ens who have %een inspired to fight
crime in costume. #eanwhile, the Red
#ist plots an act of revenge that will
affect everyone 6ic=Ass
nows."ir& $eff (adlow (ith& Aaron
5aylor=$ohnson, )hloK @race
#oret:, )hristopher #int:=
Plasse Action * )omedy * )rime+/3
Add to (atchlist+nstru!ente
!ortale: >rasul
oaselor .2/+30
(hen her mother disappears, )lary
!ray learns that she descends from a
line of warriors who protect our world
from demons. She ?oins forces with
others lie her and heads into a
dangerous alternate Cew Dor called
"ownworld."ir& 8arald Owart (ith& 2ily
)ollins, $amie )amp%ell Bower, Ro%ert
Sheehan Action * Adventure * "rama * !
antasy * #ystery * Romance+3/ mins.
Add to (atchlist?ast @ ?urious
& .2/+30
8o%%s has "om and Brian reassem%le
their crew in order to tae down a
mastermind who commands an
organi:ation of mercenary drivers
across +2 countries. PaymentL !ull
pardons for them all."ir& $ustin
2in (ith& Fin "iesel, Paul
(aler, "wayne
$ohnson Action * )rime * 5hriller+3/
Add to (atchlist>blivion.
0laneta uitata .2/+30
A veteran assigned to e<tract 7arth9s
remaining resources %egins to ;uestion
what he nows a%out his mission and
himself."ir& $oseph 6osinsi (ith& 5om
)ruise, #organ !reeman, Andrea
Rise%orough Action * Adventure * #yster
y * Sci=!i+2- mins.
Add to (atchlistHansel si
2retel: ";natorii de
vra-itoare .2/+30
8ansel P @retel are %ounty hunters who
trac and ill witches all over the world.
As the fa%led Blood #oon approaches,
the si%lings encounter a new form of
evil that might hold a secret to their
past."ir& 5ommy (irola (ith& $eremy
Renner, @emma Arterton, Peter
Stormare Action * !antasy * 8orror,,
+=4/ of ,,A3, titles.
Ce<t Q

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