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5"67'(8 o moo lo bls eotly slxtles
&'(#"(98 bls soo, fotty
&'(#"(98 bls soo, tbltty-flve
%:*;"'6 &6"*<8 bls soo, tbltty-flve

1be ploy ls fot two octots. Ooe ploys 5oltet, tbe otbet bls soos.
1be sceoe ls tbe some tbtooqboot, lt's wbete 5oltet llves.

A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 9 of 62
age 9 of 62


A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 10 of 62
age 10 of 62
SAL1L8, o moo lo bls eotly slxtles ooJ bls soo
8L8nA8u (82), tbltty-flve

82 A number
SAL1L8 you mean
82 a number of Lhem, of us, a conslderable
SAL1L8 say
82 Len, LwenLy
SAL1L8 dldn'L you ask?
82 l goL Lhe lmpresslon
SAL1L8 why dldn'L you ask?
82 l dldn'L Lhlnk of asklng.
SAL1L8 l can'L Lhlnk why noL, lL seems Lo me lL
would be Lhe flrsL Lhlng you'd wanL Lo
know, how far has Lhls Lhlng gone, how
many of Lhese Lhlngs are Lhere?
82 Cood, so lf lL ever happens Lo you
SAL1L8 no you're rlghL
82 no lL was sLupld, lL was shock, l'd known
for a week before l wenL Lo Lhe hosplLal
buL lL was sLlll

A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 11 of 62
age 11 of 62
SAL1L8 lL ls, l am, Lhe shocklng Lhlng ls LhaL Lhere
ote Lhese, noL how many buL aL all
82 even one
SAL1L8 exacLly, even one, a Lwln would be a
82 a Lwln would be a surprlse buL a number
SAL1L8 a number any number ls a shock
82 ?ou sald Lhlngs, Lhese Lhlngs
SAL1L8 l sald?
82 you called Lhem Lhlngs. l Lhlnk we'll flnd
Lhey're people.
SAL1L8 ?es of course Lhey are, Lhey are of
82 8ecause l'm one.
SAL1L8 no.
82 ?es. Why noL? ?es.
SAL1L8 8ecause Lhey're coples
82 coples? 1hey're noL
SAL1L8 coples of you whlch some mad sclenLlsL
has lllegally
82 how do you know LhaL?
SAL1L8 l don'L buL
82 whaL lf someone else ls Lhe one, Lhe flrsL
one, Lhe real one and l'm

A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 12 of 62
age 12 of 62
SAL1L8 no because
82 noL LhaL l'm oot real whlch ls why l'm
saylng Lhey're noL Lhlngs, don'L call Lhem
SAL1L8 [usL walL, because l'm your faLher.
82 ?ou know LhaL?
SAL1L8 Cf course.
82 lL was all a normal, everyLhlng, blrLh
SAL1L8 you Lhlnk l wouldn'L know lf l wasn'L your
82 ?es of course l was [usL for a momenL
Lhere, buL Lhey are all sLlll people llke
Lwlns are all, qulns are all
SAL1L8 yes l'm sorry
82 we [usL happen Lo have ldenLlcal be
ldenLlcal ldenLlcal geneLlc
SAL1L8 sorry l sald Lhlngs, l dldn'L mean anyLhlng
by LhaL, lL [usL
82 no forgeL lL, lL's noLhlng, lL's
SAL1L8 because of course for me you're Lhe
82 yes l know whaL you meanL, l [usL,
because of course l wanL Lhem Lo be
Lhlngs, l do Lhlnk Lhey're Lhlngs, l don'L
Lhlnk Lhey're, of course l Jo Lhlnk Lhey're
Lhem [usL as much as l'm me buL l. l
don'L know whaL Lo Lhlnk, l feel Lerrlble.
SAL1L8 l wonder lf we can sue.

A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 13 of 62
age 13 of 62
82 Sue? who?
SAL1L8 1hem, whoever dld lL. Who dld you see?
82 !usL some young, l don'L know, younger
Lhan me.
SAL1L8 So who dld lL?
82 Pe's dead, he was some old and Lhey've
[usL found Lhe records and Lhey've Lraced
SAL1L8 so we sue Lhe hosplLal.
82 Maybe. Maybe we can.
SAL1L8 8ecause Lhey've Laken your cells
82 buL when how dld Lhey?
SAL1L8 when you were born maybe or laLer you
broke your leg when you were Lwo you
were ln Lhe hosplLal, some halrs or
scraplngs of your skln
82 buL Lhey dldn'L damage
SAL1L8 buL lL's you, parL of you, Lhe value
82 Lhe value of Lhose people
SAL1L8 yes
82 and whaL ls Lhe value of
SAL1L8 Lhere you are, who knows, prlceless, and
Lhey belong
82 no
SAL1L8 Lhey belong Lo you, Lhey should belong
Lo you, Lhey're made from your

A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 14 of 62
age 14 of 62
82 Lhey should
SAL1L8 Lhey've been sLolen from you and you
should geL your rlghLs
82 buL ls lL
SAL1L8 whaL? ls lL money? ls lL someLhlng you
can puL a flgure on? puL a flgure on lL.
82 1hls ls purely
SAL1L8 yes
82 suppose each person was worLh Len
Lhousand pounds
SAL1L8 a hundred
82 a hundred Lhousand?
SAL1L8 Lhey've Laken a person away from you
82 Llmes Lhe number of people
SAL1L8 whlch we don'L know
82 buL a number a falrly large say anyway
SAL1L8 a mllllon ls Lhe leasL you should Lake, l
Lhlnk lL's more llke half a mllllon each
person because whaL Lhey've done
Lhey've damaged your unlqueness,
weakened your ldenLlLy, so we're looklng
aL flve mllllon for a sLarL.
82 Maybe.
SAL1L8 yes, because how dare Lhey?

A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 13 of 62
age 13 of 62
82 We'd need Lo be able Lo prove
SAL1L8 we prove you're geneLlcally my son
geneLlcally and Lhen
82 because Lhere's no doubL
SAL1L8 no doubL aL all. l suppose you dldn'L see
82 Cne whaL? of Lhem?
SAL1L8 of Lhese people
82 no l Lhlnk Lhey'd keep us aparL wouldn'L
Lhey so we don'L spoll llke conLamlnaLe
Lhe crlme scene so you don'L Lell each
oLher l have nlghLmares oh come Lo Lhlnk
of lL l have nlghLmares and he mlghL
have sald no lf he was asked ln Lhe flrsL
SAL1L8 because Lhey need Lo flnd ouL
82 yes how much we're Lhe same, noL [usL
how Lall we are or do we geL asLhma buL
whaL do you call your dog, why dld you
leave your wlfe you don'L even know Lhe
answer Lo Lhese quesLlons.
SAL1L8 So you dldn'L suddenly suddenly see
82 whaL suddenly see myself comlng round
Lhe corner
SAL1L8 because LhaL could be
82 llke seelng yourself on Lhe camera ln a
shop or you hear yourself on Lhe

A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 16 of 62
age 16 of 62
82 cootJ answerlng machlne and you Lhlnk god ls
LhaL whaL l
SAL1L8 buL more Lhan LhaL, lL'd be lL'd be
82 don'L Lhey say you dle lf you meeL
SAL1L8 walk round a corner and see yourself you
could geL a hearL aLLack. 8ecause lf
LhaL's me over Lhere who am l?
82 ?es buL lL's noL me over Lhere
SAL1L8 no l know
82 lL's llke havlng a Lwln LhaL's all lL's [usL
SAL1L8 l know whaL lL ls.
82 l Lhlnk l'd llke Lo meeL one. lL's an
advenLure lsn'L lL and you're parL of
sclence. l wouldn'L be frlghLened Lo
meeL any number.
SAL1L8 l don'L know.
82 1hey're all your sons.
SAL1L8 l don'L wanL a number of sons, Lhank
you, you're plenLy, l'm flne.
82 Maybe afLer Lhey've found everyLhlng
ouL Lhey'll leL us meeL. 1hey'll have a
parLy for us, we can
SAL1L8 l'm noL golng Lo drlnk wlLh Lhose docLors.
8uL maybe you're rlghL you're rlghL, Lake
lL ln a poslLlve splrlL.

A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 17 of 62
age 17 of 62
82 1here ls a Lhlng
SAL1L8 whaL's LhaL?
82 a Lhlng LhaL puzzles me a llLLle
SAL1L8 whaL's LhaL?
82 l dld geL Lhe lmpresslon and l know l may
be wrong because maybe l was ln shock
buL l goL Lhe lmpresslon Lhere was Lhls
baLch and we were all ln lL. l was ln lL.
SAL1L8 no because you're my son.
82 no buL we were all
SAL1L8 l explalned already
82 buL l wasn'L belng qulLe open wlLh you
because l'm confused because lL's a
shock buL l wanL Lo know whaL happened
SAL1L8 Lhey sLole
82 no buL whaL happened
SAL1L8 l don'L
82 because Lhey sald LhaL none of us was
Lhe orlglnal.
SAL1L8 1hey sald LhaL?
82 l Lhlnk
SAL1L8 l Lhlnk you're mlsLaken because you're
82 you Lhlnk

A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 18 of 62
age 18 of 62
SAL1L8 you need Lo geL back Lo Lhem.
82 well l'll do LhaL. 8uL l Lhlnk LhaL's whaL
Lhey meanL
SAL1L8 lL's noL whaL Lhey meanL
82 ok. 8uL LhaL's my lmpresslon, LhaL none
of us ls Lhe orlglnal.
SAL1L8 1hen who? do Lhey know?
82 Lhey're noL saylng, Lhey [usL say we were
SAL1L8 Lhey're noL saylng?
82 so lf l was your son Lhe orlglnal would be
your son Loo whlch ls nonsense so
SAL1L8 does LhaL follow?
82 so please lf you're noL my faLher LhaL's
flne. lf you couldn'L have chlldren or my
moLher, and you dld ln vlLro or l don'L
know whaL you dld l really Lhlnk you
should Lell me.
SAL1L8 ?es, LhaL's whaL lL was.
82 1haL's all rlghL.
SAL1L8 ?es l know.
82 1hank you for Lelllng me.
SAL1L8 yes.
82 lL's beLLer Lo know.
SAL1L8 ?es.
82 So don'L be upseL.

A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 19 of 62
age 19 of 62
SAL1L8 no.
82 ?ou are Lhough
SAL1L8 Well.
82 l'm flne abouL lL. l'm noL qulLe sure whaL
l'm flne abouL. 1here was some oLher
person Lhls orlglnal some baby or clusLer
or and Lhere were a number a number of
us made somehow and you were one of
Lhe people who acqulred, someLhlng llke
SAL1L8 lL wasn'L
82 don'L worry
SAL1L8 because Lhe Lhlng ls you see LhaL lsn'L
whaL happened, l am your faLher, lL was
by an arLlflclal Lhe forefronL of sclence
buL l am geneLlcally.
82 1haL's greaL.
SAL1L8 ?es.
82 So l know Lhe LruLh and you're sLlll my
faLher and LhaL's flne.
SAL1L8 ?es.
82 So whaL abouL Lhls orlglnal? l don'L qulLe
l don'L
SAL1L8 1here was someone.
82 1here was whaL klnd of someone
SAL1L8 1here was a son.
82 A son of yours?

A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 20 of 62
age 20 of 62
SAL1L8 ?es.
82 So when was LhaL?
SAL1L8 1haL was some Llme earller.
82 Some Llme before l was born Lhere was
SAL1L8 anoLher son, yes, a flrsL
82 who whaL, who dled
SAL1L8 who dled, yes
82 and you wanLed Lo replace hlm
SAL1L8 l wanLed
82 lnsLead of [usL havlng anoLher chlld you
SAL1L8 because your moLher was dead Loo
82 buL she dled when l was born, l LhoughL
SAL1L8 well l'm Lelllng you whaL happened.
82 So whaL happened?
SAL1L8 So Lhey'd been kllled ln a carcrash and
82 my moLher and Lhls
SAL1L8 carcrash
82 when was Lhls? how old was Lhe chlld,
was he
SAL1L8 four, he was four
82 and you wanLed hlm back
SAL1L8 yes

A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 21 of 62
age 21 of 62
82 so l'm [usL hlm over agaln.
SAL1L8 no buL you are you because LhaL's who
you are buL l wanLed one [usL Lhe same
because LhaL seemed Lo me Lhe mosL
82 buL anoLher chlld mlghL have been beLLer
SAL1L8 no l wanLed Lhe same
82 buL l'm noL hlm
SAL1L8 no buL you're [usL Lhe way l wanLed
82 buL l could have been a dlfferenL person
noL llke hlm l
SAL1L8 how could you? lf l'd had a dlfferenL chlld
LhaL wouldn'L be you, would lL. ?ou're
Lhls one.
82 l'm [usL a copy. l'm noL Lhe real one.
SAL1L8 ?ou're Lhe only one.
82 WhaL do you mean only, Lhere's all Lhe
oLhers, Lhere's
SAL1L8 buL l dldn'L know LhaL, LhaL wasn'L parL of
Lhe deal. 1hey were meanL Lo make one
of you noL a whole number, Lhey sLole
LhaL, we'll deal wlLh, lL's someLhlng for
lawyers. 8uL you're whaL l wanLed,
you're Lhe one.
82 uld you glve me Lhe same name as hlm?
SAL1L8 uoes lL make lL worse?
82 robably.

A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 22 of 62
age 22 of 62


A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 23 of 62
age 23 of 62
7;:5 ?"@' 6'A7 &6"#<

A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 24 of 62
age 24 of 62
SAL1L8 ooJ bls otbet soo 8L8nA8u (81), fotty.
SAL1L8 So Lhey sLole - don'L look aL me - Lhey
sLole your geneLlc maLerlal and
81 no
SAL1L8 Lhey're Lhe ones you wanL Lo
81 no
SAL1L8 because whaL Len LwenLy LwenLy coples
of you walklng round Lhe sLreeLs
81 no
SAL1L8 whlch was noLhlng Lo do wlLh me
whaLsoever and l Lhlnk you and l should
be unlLed on Lhls.
81 LeL me look aL you.
SAL1L8 ?ou've been looklng aL me all Lhe
81 leL me look aL you.
SAL1L8 8lL older.
81 no because your faLher's noL young
when you're small ls he, he's noL any
age, he's more a power. Pe's a dark dark
power whlch ls why my hearL, people pay
Lralners Lo geL lL up Lo Lhls speed, buL ls lL
because my body recognlses or

A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 23 of 62
age 23 of 62
81 cootJ because l'm Lold? because lf l'd seen you
ln Lhe sLreeL l don'L Lhlnk l'd've sLopped
and shouLed uaddy. 8uL you'd've known
me wouldn'L you. unless you LhoughL l
was one of Lhe oLhers.
SAL1L8 lL's a long Llme.
81 Can we Lalk abouL whaL you dld?
SAL1L8 ?es of course. l'm noL sure where whaL
81 abouL you senL me away and had Lhls
oLher one made from some blL of my
body some
SAL1L8 lL dldn'L hurL you
81 whaL blL
SAL1L8 l don'L know whaL
81 noL a llmb, Lhey clearly dldn'L Lake a llmb
llke a sLarflsh and grow
SAL1L8 a speck
81 or half of me chopped Lhrough llke a
worm and grow Lhe oLher
SAL1L8 a scraplng cells a speck a speck
81 a speck yes because we're Lalklng LhaL
mlcroscope world of glanL blobs and
SAL1L8 LhaL's all
81 and Lhey Lake Lhls palnless scrape Lhls
specky llLLle cells of me and kepL LhaL and
you Lhrew Lhe resL of me away

A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 26 of 62
age 26 of 62
SAL1L8 no
81 and had a new one made
SAL1L8 no
81 yes
SAL1L8 yes
81 yes
SAL1L8 yes of course, you know l dld, l'm noL
aLLempLlng Lo deny, l LhoughL lL was Lhe
besL Lhlng Lo do, lL seemed a brllllanL lL
was Lhe only
81 brllllanL?
SAL1L8 lL seemed
81 Lo geL rld
SAL1L8 lL wasn'L perfecL. lL was Lhe besL l could
do, l wasn'L very l was l was always and
lL's a blur Lo be honesL buL lL was l
promlse you Lhe besL
81 and Lhls copy Lhey grew of me, LhaL
worked ouL all rlghL?
SAL1L8 Lhere were fallures of course, lnevlLable
81 dead ones
SAL1L8 ln Lhe LesL Lubes Lhe dlshes, l was Lold
Lhey dldn'L all
81 buL Lhey flnally goL a saLlsfacLory a

A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 27 of 62
age 27 of 62
SAL1L8 yes buL Lhey lled Lo me because Lhey
dldn'L Lell me
81 ln a cradle
SAL1L8 all Lhose oLhers, Lhey sLole
81 and he looked [usL llke me dld he
lndlsLlngulshable from
SAL1L8 yes
81 so lL worked ouL very well. And Lhls son
llves and breaLhes?
SAL1L8 yes?
81 Lalks and fucks? eaLs and walks? swlms
and dreams and exlsLs somewhere rlghL
now yes does he? exlsL now?
SAL1L8 yes
81 sLlll exlsLs
SAL1L8 yes of course
81 happlly?
SAL1L8 well mosLly you could say
81 as happlly as mosL people?
SAL1L8 yes l Lhlnk
81 because mosL people are happy l read ln
Lhe paper. uld lL cosL a loL of money?
SAL1L8 Lhe procedure? Lo geL?
81 Lhe baby?

A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 28 of 62
age 28 of 62
SAL1L8 yes.
81 Were we rlch?
SAL1L8 noL rlch.
81 no, l don'L remember anyLhlng rlch. A
loL of dusL under Lhe bed Lhose heaps of
fluff you geL don'L you lf you look lf you
go under Lhere and lle ln lL.
SAL1L8 no, we weren'L. 8uL l managed. l was
spendlng less.
81 ?ou made an efforL.
SAL1L8 l dld and for LhaL money you'd Lhlnk l'd
geL excluslve
81 Lhey rlpped you off
SAL1L8 because one one was Lhe deal and Lhey
81 whaL do you expecL?
SAL1L8 from you Loo Lhey lL's you Lhey, [usL so
Lhey can do some sclenLlflc some
research some do you geL asLhma do you
have a dog whaL do you call lL do you
81 Who dld you Lhlnk lL was aL Lhe door?
dld you Lhlnk lL was one of Lhe oLhers or
your son or
SAL1L8 l don'L know Lhe oLhers
81 you know your son
SAL1L8 l know
81 your son Lhe new

A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 29 of 62
age 29 of 62
SAL1L8 yes of course
81 you know hlm
SAL1L8 yes l wouldn'L Lhlnk he was you, no.
81 ?ou wouldn'L Lhlnk lL was hlm havlng a
bad day.
SAL1L8 ?ou look very well.
81 8uL lL could have been one of Lhe oLhers?
SAL1L8 ?es because LhaL's whaL l was Lhlnklng
abouL, how could Lhe docLors, l Lhlnk
Lhere's money Lo be made ouL of Lhls.
81 l've noL been lucky wlLh dogs. l had Lhls
black and Lan blLch wouldn'L do whaL lL's
Lold, useless. 8efore LhaL l had a lurcher
Lhey need Lo much runnlng abouL. 1hen
a frlend of mlne wenL lnslde could l look
afLer, baLLle from day one wlLh LhaL dog,
8oLLweller plL bull l had Lo Lhrow a chalr,
you could hlL lL wlLh a belL lL kepL comlng
back. l'd keep lL shuL up ln Lhe oLher
room and lL barks so you would have Lo
hlL lL, l was glad when lL blL a glrl wenL Lo
paL lL and sLralghL off Lo Lhe veL, geL rld
of Lhls one lL's a basLard. My frlend
wasn'L pleased buL he shouldn'L have
gone ln Lhe posLofflce.
SAL1L8 no LhaL's rlghL. l've never wanLed a dog.
81 uon'L paLronlze me
SAL1L8 l'm noL l'm noL
81 you don'L know whaL you're dolng

A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 30 of 62
age 30 of 62
SAL1L8 l [usL
81 because you go ln a pub someone Lhrows
hls beer ln your face you're supposed Lo
say sorry, he only had Lhree sLlLches l'm a
very resLralned person. 8ecause Lhls
mlnuLe we slL here Lhere's somebody a
loL of Lhem buL Lhlnk of one on Lhe
elecLrlc bedsprlngs or waLer poured
down hls LhroaL and [ump on hls
sLomach. 1here's a loL of wlcked people.
So LhaL's why. And you see Lhem all
around you. ?ou go down Lhe sLreeL and
you see Lhelr faces and you Lhlnk you
don'L fool me l know whaL you're
capable of. So don'L sLarL anyLhlng.
SAL1L8 l Lhlnk whaL we need ls a good sollclLor.
81 WhaL l llke abouL a dog lL sLops people
geLLlng afLer you, Lhey're noL golng Lo
come round ln Lhe nlghL. 8uL Lhey make
Lhe place sLlnk because l mlghL wanL Lo
sLay ouL a few days and when l geL back l
mlghL wanL Lo sLay ln a few days and a
dog can become a LyranL Lo you.
81 cootJ Pello daddy daddy daddy, daddy hello.
SAL1L8 nobody regreLs more Lhan me Lhe
compleLely unforeseen unforeseeable
whlch lsn'L my faulL and does make lL
more upseLLlng buL whaL l dld dld seem
aL Lhe Llme Lhe only and also lL's a
LrlbuLe, l could have had a dlfferenL one,
a new chlld alLogeLher LhaL's whaL mosL

A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 31 of 62
age 31 of 62
S. cootJ people buL l wanLed you agaln because l
LhoughL you were Lhe besL.
81 lL wasn'L me agaln.
SAL1L8 no buL Lhe same baslc Lhe same raw
maLerlals because Lhey were perfecL.
?ou were Lhe mosL beauLlful baby
everyone sald. As a chlld Loo you were
very preLLy, very preLLy chlld.
81 ?ou know when l used Lo be shouLlng.
SAL1L8 no.
81 When l was Lhere ln Lhe dark. l'd be
SAL1L8 no.
81 ?es, l'd be shouLlng dad dad
SAL1L8 Was Lhls some Llme you had a bad dream
81 shouLlng on and on
SAL1L8 l don'L Lhlnk l
81 shouLlng and shouLlng
SAL1L8 no
81 and you never came, nobody ever came
SAL1L8 so was Lhls afLer your mum
81 afLer my mum was dead Lhls was afLer
SAL1L8 because you were very llLLle when she
81 yes because l can only remember
SAL1L8 you were maybe Lwo when she

A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 32 of 62
age 32 of 62
81 and l remember her slLLlng Lhere, she
was Lhere
SAL1L8 you remember so early?
81 she'd be Lhere buL she wouldn'L help
sLop anyLhlng
SAL1L8 l'm surprlsed
81 so when l was shouLlng whaL l wanL Lo
SAL1L8 buL when was Lhls
81 l wanL Lo know lf you could hear me or
noL because l never knew were you
hearlng me and noL comlng or could you
noL hear me and lf l shouLed loud enough
you'd come
SAL1L8 l can'L have heard you, no
81 or maybe Lhere was no one Lhere aL all
and you'd gone ouL so no maLLer how
hard l shouLed Lhere was no one Lhere
SAL1L8 no LhaL wouldn'L have
81 so Lhen l'd sLop shouLlng buL lL was
SAL1L8 because l hardly ever
81 and l dldn'L dare geL ouL of bed Lo go and
SAL1L8 l don'L Lhlnk Lhls can have
81 because lf Lhere was nobody Lhere LhaL
would be Lerrlfylng and lf you were Lhere

A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 33 of 62
age 33 of 62
81 cootJ LhaL mlghL be worse buL lL's someLhlng l
SAL1L8 no
81 could you hear me shouLlng?
SAL1L8 no l don'L
81 no
SAL1L8 no l don'L Lhlnk Lhls happened ln qulLe
81 whaL?
SAL1L8 because l'd
81 agaln and agaln and agaln, every nlghL l'd
SAL1L8 no
81 so you dldn'L hear?
SAL1L8 no buL you can'L have
81 yes l was shouLlng, are you Lelllng me
you dldn'L
SAL1L8 no of course l dldn'L
81 you dldn'L
SAL1L8 no
81 you weren'L slLLlng Lhere llsLenlng Lo me
SAL1L8 no
81 you weren'L ouL

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age 34 of 62
age 34 of 62
SAL1L8 no
81 so l needed Lo shouL louder
SAL1L8 Cf course someLlmes everyone who's
had chlldren wlll Lell you someLlmes you
puL Lhem Lo bed and Lhey wanL anoLher
sLory and you say goodnlghL now and go
away and Lhey call ouL once or Lwlce and
you say no go Lo sleep now and Lhey
mlghL call ouL agaln and Lhey go Lo sleep.
81 1he oLher one. ?our son. My broLher ls
he? my llLLle Lwln.
SAL1L8 ?es.
81 Pas he goL a chlld?
SAL1L8 no.
81 8ecause lf he had l'd klll lL.
SAL1L8 no, he hasn'L goL one.
81 So when you opened Lhe door you dldn'L
recognlse me.
SAL1L8 no because
81 uo you recognlse me now?
SAL1L8 l know lL's you.
81 no buL look aL me.
SAL1L8 l have. l am.
81 no, look ln my eyes. no, keep looklng.

A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 33 of 62
age 33 of 62


A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 36 of 62
age 36 of 62
SAL1L8 ooJ 8L8nA8u (82).
82 noL llke me aL all
SAL1L8 noL llke
82 well llke llke buL noL ldenLlcal noL
SAL1L8 noL ldenLlcal no noL
82 because whaL sLruck me was how
SAL1L8 yes l was sLruck
82 you couldn'L mlsLake
SAL1L8 no no noL aL all l knew aL once lL wasn'L
82 Lhough of course he ls older lf l was older
SAL1L8 buL even Lhen you wouldn'L
82 l wouldn'L be ldenLlcal
SAL1L8 no no noL aL all no, you're a dlfferenL
82 [usL a blL llke
SAL1L8 well bound Lo be a blL
82 because for a sLarL l'm noL frlghLenlng.
SAL1L8 So whaL dld he wanL dld he

A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 37 of 62
age 37 of 62
82 no noLhlng really, noL frlghLenlng noL
SAL1L8 he dldn'L hlL you?
82 hlL? god no, hlL me? do you Lhlnk?
SAL1L8 well he
82 he could have done yes, noL he shouLed
SAL1L8 shouLed
82 shouLed and rambled really, rambled
he's noL enLlrely
SAL1L8 no, well
82 so LhaL's whaL, hls chlldhood, hls llfe, hls
SAL1L8 all klnds of
82 has made hlm a nuLLer really ls whaL l
Lhlnk l mean noL a nuLLer buL he's
SAL1L8 yes yes l'm noL, yes he probably ls.
82 he says all klnds of wlld
SAL1L8 yes
82 so you don'L know whaL Lo belleve.
SAL1L8 And how dld lL end up, are you on
82 frlendly no
SAL1L8 noL
82 no no we ended up

A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 38 of 62
age 38 of 62
SAL1L8 yes
82 we ended as l mean Lo go on wlLh me
runnlng away, l was glad we were
meeLlng ln a publlc place, lf l'd been aL
home you can'L run away ln your own
home and lf we'd been aL hls l wonder lf
he'd have leL me go he mlghL puL me ln a
cupboard noL really, anyway yes l goL up
and lefL and l kepL Lhlnklng had he
followed me.
SAL1L8 As you mean Lo go on as ln noL seelng
hlm any more
82 as ln leavlng Lhe counLry.
SAL1L8 lor whaL for a week or Lwo a hollday, l
82 leavlng, golng on yes l don'L know, golng
away, l don'L wanL Lo be here
SAL1L8 8uL when you come back he'll sLlll
82 so maybe l won'L
SAL1L8 buL LhaL's, noL come back, no LhaL's
82 l don'L know l don'L know don'L ask me l
don'L know. l'm golng, l don'L know. l
don'L wanL Lo be anywhere near hlm.
SAL1L8 ?ou Lhlnk he mlghL Lry Lo hurL you?
82 Why? why do you keep
SAL1L8 l don'L know. ls lL LhaL?
82 lL's parLly LhaL, lL's also lL's horrlble, l
don'L feel myself and Lhere's Lhe oLhers

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age 39 of 62
age 39 of 62
82 cootJ Loo, l don'L wanL Lo see Lhem l don'L
wanL Lhem
SAL1L8 l LhoughL you dld.
82 l LhoughL l dld, l mlghL, lf l go away by
myself l mlghL feel all rlghL, l mlghL feel -
you can undersLand LhaL.
SAL1L8 ?es, yes l can.
82 8ecause Lhere's Lhls person who's
ldenLlcal Lo me
SAL1L8 he's noL
82 who's noL ldenLlcal, who's llke
SAL1L8 noL even very
82 noL very llke buL very someLhlng Lerrlble
whlch ls exacLly Lhe same geneLlc person
SAL1L8 noL Lhe same person
82 and l don'L llke lL.
SAL1L8 l know. l'm sorry.
82 l know you're sorry l'm noL
SAL1L8 l know
82 l'm noL Lrylng Lo make you say sorry
SAL1L8 l know, l [usL am
82 l know
SAL1L8 l [usL am sorry.
82 Pe sald some Lhlngs.

A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 40 of 62
age 40 of 62
SAL1L8 ?es.
82 1here's a loL of Lhlngs l don'L, could you
Lell me whaL happened Lo my moLher?
SAL1L8 She's dead.
82 ?es.
SAL1L8 l Lold you she was dead.
82 ?es buL she dldn'L dle when l was born
and she dldn'L dle wlLh Lhe flrsL chlld ln a
carcrash because Lhe flrsL chlld's noL
dead he's walklng round Lhe sLreeLs aL
nlghL glvlng me nlghLmares. unless she
dld dle ln a carcrash?
SAL1L8 no.
82 no.
SAL1L8 ?our moLher, Lhe Lhlng a Lhlng abouL
your moLher was LhaL she wasn'L very
happy, she wasn'L a very happy person aL
all, l don'L mean Lhere were someLlmes
days she wasn'L happy or l dld Lhlngs LhaL
made her noL happy l dld of course, she
was always noL happy, ofLen cheerful
82 she kllled herself. Pow dld she do LhaL?
SAL1L8 She dld lL under a Lraln under a Lube
Lraln, she was one of Lhose people when
Lhey say Lhere has been a person under a
Lraln and Lhe Lralns are delayed she was
a person under a Lraln.

A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 41 of 62
age 41 of 62
82 Were you wlLh her?
SAL1L8 WlLh her on Lhe plaLform no, l was sLlll
wltb her more or less buL noL wlLh her
Lhen no l was havlng a drlnk l Lhlnk.
82 And Lhe boy?
SAL1L8 uo you know l don'L remember where
Lhe boy was. l Lhlnk he was aL a frlend's
house, we had frlends.
82 And he was how old four?
SAL1L8 no no he was four laLer when l he was
walklng, abouL Lwo [usL sLarLlng Lo Lalk
82 he was four when you senL hlm
SAL1L8 LhaL's rlghL when hls moLher dled he was
82 So Lhls was leL me be clear Lhls was
before Lhls was some years before l was
born she dled before
SAL1L8 yes
82 so she was already always
SAL1L8 yes she was
82 [usL so l'm clear. And Lhen you and Lhe
boy you and your son
SAL1L8 we wenL on we [usL
82 llved alone LogeLher
SAL1L8 yes

A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 42 of 62
age 42 of 62
82 you were brlnglng hlm up
SAL1L8 yes
82 Lhe besL you could
SAL1L8 l
82 unLll
SAL1L8 and my besL wasn'L very buL l had my
momenLs, don'L Lhlnk, l dld cook meals
now and Lhen and read a sLory l'm sure l
can remember a parLlcularly borlng and
badly wrlLLen llLLle book abouL an
elephanL aL sea. 8uL l could have
managed beLLer.
82 ?es he sald someLhlng abouL lL
SAL1L8 he sald
82 yes
SAL1L8 yes of course he dld yes. l know l could
have managed beLLer because l dld wlLh
you because l sLopped, shuL myself away,
glve lL all up came off lL all whlle l walLed
for you and l Lhlnk we may even have
had LhaL same book, maybe lL's you l
remember readlng lL Lo, do you
remember lL aL all? lL had an elephanL ln
red Lrousers.
82 no l don'L Lhlnk
SAL1L8 no lL was Lerrlble, we had far beLLer
books we had

A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 43 of 62
age 43 of 62
82 Maybe he shouldn'L blame you, maybe lL
was a geneLlc, could you help drlnklng
we don'L know or drugs aL Lhe Llme
phllosophlcally as l undersLand lL lL
wasn'L vlewed aL noL llke now when our
undersLandlng's dlfferenL and would a
dlfferenL person geneLlcally dlfferenL
person noL have been so been no
vulnerable because Lhere could always
be some geneLlc addlcLlve and Lhen agaln
someone wlLh Lhe same geneLlc exacLly
Lhe same buL aL a dlfferenL Llme a
dlfferenL culLural and of course all Lhe
personal all klnds of whaL happened ln
your own llfe your chlldhood or Lhlngs all
klnd of because suppose you'd had a
broLher wlLh ldenLlcal an ldenLlcal Lwln
say buL separaLed aL blrLh so you had
enLlrely dlfferenL early you see whaL l'm
saylng would he have done Lhe same
Lhlngs who can say he mlghL have been a
very lovlng faLher and ln facL of course
you have LhaL ln you Lo be LhaL because
you were Lo me so lL's a comblnaLlon of
very compllcaLed and LhaL's who you
were so probably l shouldn'L blame you.
SAL1L8 l'd raLher you blamed me. l blame
82 l'm noL saylng you weren'L horrlble.
SAL1L8 Couldn'L l noL have been?
82 ApparenLly noL.

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age 44 of 62
age 44 of 62
SAL1L8 lf l'd Lrled harder.
82 8uL someone llke you couldn'L have Lrled
harder. WhaL does lL mean? lf you'd
Lrled harder you'd have been dlfferenL
from whaL you were llke and you weren'L
you were
SAL1L8 buL Lhen laLer l
82 laLer yes
SAL1L8 l dld Lry LhaL's whaL l dld l sLarLed agaln l
82 LhaL's whaL
SAL1L8 l was good l Lrled Lo be good l was good
Lo you
82 LhaL's whaL you were llke
SAL1L8 l was good
82 buL l can'L you can'L l can'L glve you
credlL for LhaL lf l don'L glve you blame
for Lhe oLher lL's whaL you dld lL's whaL
SAL1L8 buL lL felL
82 lL felL
SAL1L8 lL felL as lf l Llred l dellberaLely
82 of course lL felL
SAL1L8 well Lhen
82 lL fells lL always lL feels doesn'L lL lnslde
LhaL's [usL how we feel whaL we are and

A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 43 of 62
age 43 of 62
82 cootJ we don'L know all Lhese compllcaLed we
can'L know whaL we're lL's Loo
compllcaLed Lo dlsenLangle all Lhe causes
and we feel Lhls ls me l freely and of
course lL's Lrue who you are does freely
noL forced by someone else buL who you
are who you are lLself forces or you'd be
someone else wouldn'L you?
SAL1L8 l dld some bad Lhlngs. l deserve Lo
suffer. l dld some beLLer Lhlngs. l'd llke
82 1haL's how everyone feels, cerLalnly.
SAL1L8 Pe sLlll blames me.
82 1here's a dlfference Lhen.
SAL1L8 ?ou remlnd me of hlm.
82 l remlnd myself of hlm. We boLh haLe
SAL1L8 l LhoughL you
82 l don'L blame you lL's noL your faulL buL
whaL you've been llke whaL you're llke l
can'L help lL.
SAL1L8 ?es of course.
82 LxcepL whaL he feels as haLe and whaL l
feel as haLe are compleLely dlfferenL
because whaL you dld Lo hlm and whaL
you dld Lo me are dlfferenL Lhlngs.
SAL1L8 l was nlce Lo you.

A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 46 of 62
age 46 of 62
82 ?es you were.
SAL1L8 ?ou don'L have Lo go away. noL for long.
82 lL mlghL make me feel beLLer.
SAL1L8 l love you.
82 1haL's someLhlng else you can'L help.
SAL1L8 1haL's all rlghL. 1haL's all rlghL.
82 Also l'm afrald he'll klll me.

A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 47 of 62
age 47 of 62


A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 48 of 62
age 48 of 62
SAL1L8 ooJ 8L8nA8u (81).
SAL1L8 So whaL klnd of a place was lL? was lL
81 Lhe place
SAL1L8 he was ln a hoLel was he or
81 no
SAL1L8 l LhoughL he was ln a hoLel. So where
was he?
81 whaL?
SAL1L8 l'm Lrylng Lo geL a plcLure.
81 uoes lL maLLer?
SAL1L8 lL won'L brlng hlm back no obvlously buL
l'd llke l'd llke you can'L help feellng
curlous you wanL Lo geL aL lL and you're
blocked ln all dlrecLlon, your son dles you
wanL hls body, you wanL Lo know where
hls body lasL was when he was allve, you
can'L help
81 Pe had a room.
SAL1L8 ln somebody's house, renLlng
81 some small you know how Lhe locals
when you arrlve, [usL a room noL
breakfasL you'd go ouL for a coffee.

A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 49 of 62
age 49 of 62
SAL1L8 So was lL some preLLy on a harbour fronL
81 no
SAL1L8 Lhlnklng of hlm on hollday
81 ln a sLreeL [usL a slde
SAL1L8 buL of course lL wasn'L a hollday he was
hldlng he LhoughL he was hldlng. uld you
go lnslde Lhe room?
81 !usL a small room, raLher dark, one
wlndow and Lhe shuLLers
SAL1L8 noL very Lldy l expecL
81 LhaL's rlghL, noL Lldy Lhe bed noL made,
couple of books, bag on Lhe floor wlLh
cloLhes half ouL of lL
SAL1L8 dld he scream?
81 and you know whaL he's llke, noL Lldy,
am l Lldy you don'L know do you buL
you'd guess noL wouldn'L you buL you'd
be wrong Lhere because l'm meLlculous.
SAL1L8 WhaL l wanL Lo know ls how you acLually,
whaL you, how you goL hlm Lo go off Lo
some remoLe because LhaL's whaL l'm
lmaglnlng, you don'L shooL Lhe lodger
wlLhouL Lhe landlady hearlng, l don'L
know lf you dld shooL l don'L know why l
say shooL you could have had a knlfe you
could have sLrangled, l can'L Lhlnk he
would have gone off wlLh you because
he was frlghLened whlch ls why

A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 30 of 62
age 30 of 62
S. cootJ buL perhaps you Lalked you made hlm
feel or dld you follow hlm or lle ln walL ln
some dark? and l don'L know how you
found hlm Lhere dld you follow hlm from
hls house when he lefL or follow hlm
from here lasL Llme he?
81 l dldn'L need Lo Lell you lL had happened
SAL1L8 buL you dld so naLurally l wanL Lo
81 and l'm wlshlng l hadn'L
SAL1L8 no l'm glad
81 and l'm noL Lelllng you
SAL1L8 because l won'L Lell anyone
81 and Lhere's noLhlng more Lo be sald.
SAL1L8 WhaL abouL Lhe oLhers? or ls he Lhe only
one you haLed because l loved hlm, l
don'L love Lhe oLhers, you and l have goL
common cause agalnsL Lhe oLhers don'L
forgeL, l'm sLlll hoplng we'll make our
fuLures Lhere. l'm golng Lo Lalk Lo a
sollclLor, l've been Loo busy noL busy buL
lL's been llke a sLorm golng on l don'L
know whaL's gone on, lL's noL been very
long ago lL all sLarLed. ?ou're noL golng
Lo be a serlal, wlpe Lhem all ouL so you're
Lhe only, back llke lL was aL Lhe sLarL l'd
undersLand LhaL. lf Lhey do caLch up wlLh
you, l'm sure Lhey won'L l'm sure you
know whaL you're, lf Lhey do we'll Lell
Lhem lL was me lL was my faulL anyway
you look aL lL. uon'L you

A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 31 of 62
age 31 of 62
S. cootJ agree, don'L you feel LhaL? uon'L sLop
Lalklng Lo me. lL wasn'L hls faulL, you
should have kllled me, lL's my faulL you.
erhaps you're golng Lo klll me, ls LhaL
why you've sLopped Lalklng? Shall l klll
myself? l'd do LhaL for you lf you llke,
would you llke LhaL?
S. cootJ l'll Lell you a LhoughL, l could have kllled
you and l dldn'L. l may have done
Lerrlble Lhlngs buL l dldn'L klll you. l
could have kllled you and had anoLher
son, made one Lhe same llke l dld or sLarL
agaln have a dlfferenL one geL marrled
agaln and l dldn'L, l spared you Lhough
you were Lhls dlsgusLlng Lhlng by Lhen
anyone ln Lhelr rlghL mlnd would have
squashed you buL l remembered whaL
you'd been llke aL Lhe beglnnlng and l
spared you, l dldn'L wanL a dlfferenL one,
l wanLed LhaL agaln because you were
perfecL [usL llke LhaL and l loved you.
S cootJ ?ou know you asked me when you used
Lo shouL ln Lhe nlghL. SomeLlmes l was
Lhere, l'd slL and llsLen Lo you or l'd noL
be ln any condlLlon Lo hear you l'd [usL
be slLLlng. SomeLlmes l'd go ouL and
leave you. l don'L Lhlnk you goL ouL of
bed, dld you geL ouL of bed, because
you'd be frlghLened whaL l'd do Lo you so
lL was all rlghL Lo go ouL. 1haL was [usL a
shorL perlod you used Lo shouL, you grew
ouL of LhaL, you goL so you'd

A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 32 of 62
age 32 of 62
S cootJ raLher noL see me, you wanLed Lo be lefL
alone ln Lhe nlghL, you wouldn'L wanL me
Lo come any more. ?ou'd nearly sLopped
speaklng do you remember LhaL? noL
speaklng noL eaLlng l Lrled Lo make you.
l'd puL you ln Lhe cupboard do you
remember? or l'd look for you
everywhere and l'd Lhlnk you'd goL away
and l'd flnd you under Lhe bed. ?ou llked
lL Lhere l'd puL your dlnner under for you.
8uL lL goL worse do you remember?
1here was nobody buL us. Cne day l
cleaned you up and sald Lake hlm lnLo
care. ?ou dldn'L look Loo bad and Lhey
Look you away. My darllng. uo you
remember LhaL? uo you remember LhaL
day because l don'L remember lL you
know. 1he whole Lhlng ls very vague Lo
me. lL's Lwo years l remember almosL
noLhlng abouL buL you musL remember
Lhlngs and when you're LhaL age Lwo
years ls much longer, lL wasn'L very long
Lo me, lL was one long nlghL ouL. Can
you Lell me anyLhlng you remember? Lhe
day you lefL? can you Lell me Lhlngs l dld
l mlghL have forgoLLen?
81 when l was followlng hlm Lhere was a
Llme l was geLLlng on Lhe same Lraln and
he looked round, l LhoughL he was
looklng rlghL aL me buL he dldn'L see me.
l goL on Lhe Lraln and wenL wlLh hlm all
Lhe way.
SAL1L8 ?es? yes?

A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 33 of 62
age 33 of 62


A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 34 of 62
age 34 of 62
SAL1L8 ooJ MlCPALL 8LACk, bls soos, tbltty-flve.
MlCPALL Pave you meL Lhe oLhers?
SAL1L8 ?ou're Lhe flrsL.
MlCPALL Are you golng Lo meeL us all?
SAL1L8 l LhoughL l'd sLarL.
MlCPALL l'm sure everyone wlll be pleased Lo
meeL you. l know l am.
SAL1L8 l'm sorry Lo sLare.
MlCPALL no, please, l can see lL musL be. uo l look
SAL1L8 ?es of course
MlCPALL of course, l meanL
SAL1L8 no no l dldn'L mean
MlCPALL l suppose l meanL how
SAL1L8 because of course you don'L, you don'L,
noL exacLly
MlCPALL no of course
SAL1L8 l would mlsLake

A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 33 of 62
age 33 of 62
SAL1L8 or l mlghL aL a casual
MlCPALL of course
SAL1L8 buL noL lf l really look
SAL1L8 no
MlCPALL because?
SAL1L8 because of Lhe eyes. ?ou don'L look aL
me ln Lhe same way.
MlCPALL l'm looklng aL someone l don'L know of
SAL1L8 Maybe you could Lell me a llLLle
MlCPALL abouL myself
SAL1L8 lf you don'L mlnd
MlCPALL no of course, lL's where Lo, you already
know l'm a Leacher, maLhemaLlcs, you
know l'm marrled, Lhree chlldren dld l
Lell you LhaL
SAL1L8 yes buL you dldn'L
MlCPALL boy and glrl Lwelve and elghL and now a
baby well elghLeen monLhs so she's
walklng and beglnnlng Lo Lalk, l don'L
have any phoLographs on me l dldn'L
Lhlnk, Lhere's no need for phoLographs ls
Lhere lf you see someone all Lhe Llme so
SAL1L8 are you happy?
MlCPALL whaL now? or ln general? ?es l Lhlnk l
am, l don'L Lhlnk abouL lL. l am. 1he

A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 36 of 62
age 36 of 62
M. cootJ [ob geLs me down someLlmes. 1he
world's a mess of course. 8uL you can'L
help, a sunny mornlng, leaves Lurnlng, off
Lo park wlLh Lhe baby, you can'L help
feellng wonderful can you?
SAL1L8 Can'L you?
MlCPALL Well LhaL's how l seem Lo be.
SAL1L8 1ell me. lorglve me
MlCPALL no go on
SAL1L8 Lell me someLhlng abouL yourself LhaL's
really speclflc Lo you, someLhlng really
MlCPALL whaL sorL of?
SAL1L8 anyLhlng
MlCPALL lL's hard Lo
SAL1L8 yes.
MlCPALL Well here's someLhlng l flnd fasclnaLlng,
Lhere are Lhese people who used Lo llve
ln holes ln Lhe ground, wlLh all Lunnels
and underground chambers and
someLlmes you'd have a chamber you'd
geL Lo lL Lhrough a labyrlnLh of passages
and Lhe celllng goL lower and lower so
you had Lo go on your hands and knees
and Lhen wrlggle on your sLomach and
you'd geL Lhrough Lo Lhls chamber deep
deep down LhaL had a hole llke a
chlmney llke a well a hole all Lhe way up
Lo Lhe sky so you could slL ln Lhls

A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 37 of 62
age 37 of 62
M. cootJ chamber Lhls room Lhls cave whaLever
and look up aL a llLLle clrcle of sky golng
pasL overhead. And when somebody
dled Lhey'd hollow ouL more llLLle rooms
so Lhey weren'L burled underneaLh you
Lhey were burled ln Lhe walls beslde you.
and maybe someLlmes Lhey walled
people up allve ln Lhere, lL's posslble
because of how Lhe remalns were
conLorLed buL elLher way of course
Lhey're dead by now and very soon afLer
Lhey wenL ln of course. And
SAL1L8 l don'L Lhlnk Lhls ls whaL l'm looklng for
MlCPALL oh, how, sorry
SAL1L8 because whaL you're Lelllng me ls abouL
someLhlng else and l was hoplng for
someLhlng abouL you
MlCPALL l don'L qulLe
SAL1L8 l'm sorry l don'L know l was hoplng
MlCPALL you wanL whaL my bellefs, pollLlcs how l
feel abouL war for lnsLance ls LhaL? l
dlsllke war, l'm noL aL all happy when
people say we're dolng a loL of good wlLh
our bomblng, l'm never very comforLable
wlLh LhaL. War's one of Lhose Lhlngs,
don'L you Lhlnk, where everyone always
Lhlnks Lhey're ln Lhe rlghL have you
noLlces LhaL? nobody ever says we're
Lhe bad guys, we're golng Lo beaL shlL
ouL of Lhe good guys. WhaL do you

A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 38 of 62
age 38 of 62
SAL1L8 l was hoplng l don'L know someLhlng
more personal someLhlng from deep
lnslde your llfe. lf LhaL's noL lnLruslve.
MlCPALL Maybe whaL maybe my wlfe's ears?
SAL1L8 ?es?
MlCPALL 8ecause lasL nlghL we were waLchlng Lhe
news and l LhoughL whaL beauLlful and
sllghLly odd ears she's goL, Lhey're small
buL wlLh blg lobes, blg relaLlve Lo Lhe
small ear, and Lhey're sllghLly polnLy on
Lop, llke a dlsney elf or llLLle anlmal ears
and Lhey're always Lhere buL you know
how you suddenly noLlce and noLlclng
LhaL, l mean Lhe way l love her, felL very
felL whaL you sald someLhlng deep
lnslde. Cr Lhe chlldren obvlously, l could
Lalk abouL, ls Lhls Lhe sorL of Lhlng?
SAL1L8 lL's noL qulLe
SAL1L8 because you're [usL descrlblng oLher
people or
SAL1L8 noL yourself
MlCPALL buL lL's people l loves so
SAL1L8 lL's noL whaL l'm looklng for. 8ecause
anyone could feel
MlCPALL oh of course l'm noL clalmlng

A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 39 of 62
age 39 of 62
SAL1L8 l was somehow hoplng
SAL1L8 furLher ln
SAL1L8 [usL abouL yourself
MlCPALL myself
SAL1L8 yes
MlCPALL llke maybe l'm lylng ln bed and lL's
comforLable and Lhen lL geLs sllghLly noL
so comforLable and l move my legs or
even Lurn over and Lhen lL's
SAL1L8 no
SAL1L8 no LhaL's
MlCPALL yes LhaL's someLhlng everyone
SAL1L8 yes
MlCPALL well l don'L know. l llke blue socks.
8anana lcecream. uoes LhaL help you?
SAL1L8 uogs?
MlCPALL do l llke
SAL1L8 dogs
MlCPALL l'm okay wlLh dogs. My daughLer wanLs
a puppy buL l don'L know. ls dogs Lhe
klnd of Lhlng?

A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 60 of 62
age 60 of 62
SAL1L8 So Lell me whaL dld you feel when you
found ouL?
MlCPALL lasclnaLed.
SAL1L8 noL angry?
SAL1L8 noL frlghLened.
MlCPALL no, whaL of?
SAL1L8 ?our llfe, loslng your llfe.
MlCPALL l've sLlll goL my llfe.
SAL1L8 8uL Lhere are Lhlngs Lhere are Lhlngs LhaL
are whaL you are, l Lhlnk you're avoldlng
MlCPALL yes perhaps
SAL1L8 because Lhen you mlghL be frlghLened
MlCPALL l don'L Lhlnk
SAL1L8 or angry
MlCPALL noL really
SAL1L8 because whaL does lL do whaL does lL Lo
you Lo everyLhlng lf Lhere are all Lhese
walklng around, whaL lL does Lo me whaL
am l and lL's noL even me lL happened Lo,
so how you can [usL, you musL Lhlnk
someLhlng abouL lL.
MlCPALL l Lhlnk lL's funny, l Lhlnk lL's dellghLful
SAL1L8 dellghLful?

A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 61 of 62
age 61 of 62
MlCPALL all Lhese very slmllar people dolng Lhlngs
llke each oLher or a blL dlfferenL or
whaLever we're dolng, whaL a Lhrlll for
Lhe mad old professor lf he'd llved Lo see
lL, l do see Lhe [oy of lL. l know you're
noL aL all happy.
SAL1L8 l dldn'L feel l'd losL hlm when l senL hlm
away because l had Lhe second chance.
And when Lhe second one my son Lhe
second son was murdered lL wasn'L so
bad as you'd Lhlnk because lL seemed
falr. l was back wlLh Lhe flrsL one.
MlCPALL 8uL now
SAL1L8 now he's kllled hlmself
MlCPALL now you feel
SAL1L8 now l've losL hlm, l've losL
SAL1L8 now l can'L puL lL rlghL any more.
8ecause Lhe second Llme round you see l
slepL very llghLly wlLh Lhe door open.
MlCPALL ls LhaL Lhe worsL you dld, noL go ln Lhe
SAL1L8 no of course noL.
MlCPALL Llke whaL?
SAL1L8 1hlngs LhaL are whaL l dld LhaL are noL
Lrlvlal llke banana lcecream nor
unlfucklngversal llke Lurnlng over ln bed.

A number | Caryl Churchlll verslon 1.0 (11/21/10)
age 62 of 62
age 62 of 62
MlCPALL We've goL nlneLy-nlne per cenL Lhe same
genes as any oLher person. We've goL
nlneLy per cenL Lhe same as a
chlmpanzee. We've goL LhlrLy percenL
Lhe same as a leLLuce. uoes LhaL cheer
you up aL all? l love abouL Lhe leLLuce. lL
makes me feel l belong.
SAL1L8 l mlss hlm so much. l mlss Lhem boLh
MlCPALL 1here's nlneLeen more of us.
SAL1L8 1haL's noL Lhe same.
MlCPALL no of course noL. l was maklng a [oke.
SAL1L8 And you're happy you say are you? you
llke your llfe?
MlCPALL l do yes, sorry.


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