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Dr Paul Mosley
Professor of Economics at the University of Sheffield
Paul holds BA and PhD degrees (1968, 1980) from the
University of am!ridge" #e has s$ent most of his %areer in the
university se%tor, !ut in his main area of s$e%ialisation,
e%onomi% develo$ment, he has alternated !et&een a%ademi%
and hands'on &or() he &as an e%onomist*statisti%ian in the
+inistry of ,%onomi% Planning, -enya, in the early 19.0s,
&or(ed from 19.9 to 1981 as an e%onomi% adviser at the
+inistry of /verseas Develo$ment (no& D01D), has done mu%h
%onsultan%y and advisory &or( for D01D, the 2orld Ban( and other develo$ment
organisations, and has %o'founded a $ressure grou$, the 1nde$endent 3rou$ on
British Aid, and has !een a trustee of the develo$ment 43/ A%tion Aid" #e has !een
editor of the 5ournal of 1nternational Develo$ment sin%e 1989, and from 1998 until
6001 served as President of the Develo$ment 7tudies Asso%iation" #e is %urrently %o'
&riting a !iogra$hy of the first and argua!ly greatest develo$ment e%onomist, 7ir
Arthur 8e&is (1919'1991)"
60 5une, 601:
Dr Michael Tribe
Honorary Lecturer at the Department of Economics at
the University of Strathclyde
+i(e ;ri!e graduated from 7heffield University in 1969 &ith a BA
(,%on) in ,%onomi%s and A$$lied ,%onomi%s" #e %om$leted an
+A in the Afri%an 7tudies Programme in +a(erere University
ollege, Uganda (then $art of the University of ,ast Afri%a) in 1969" 1n 1996 he &as
a&arded a PhD !y the University of Bradford on the !asis of $u!lished &or( in
Develo$ment ,%onomi%s"
#e &as a 8e%turer in the De$artment of ,%onomi%s in +a(erere University ollege
(+a(erere University, -am$ala) from mid'196. to end'19.1" Bet&een the !eginning
of 19.6 and mid'19.8 he &as 8e%turer*<esear%h 0ello& in the De$artments of
1nternational ,%onomi% 7tudies*Politi%al ,%onomy in the University of 3lasgo&" 0rom
19.8 to mid'1989 he &as a <esear%h 0ello& in the David 8ivingstone 1nstitute of
/verseas Develo$ment 7tudies in the University of 7trath%lyde" Bet&een mid'1986
and mid'198: he &as a <esear%h 0ello& in the entre for Develo$ment 7tudies,
University of a$e oast, 3hana &ithin a $ro=e%t also involving t&o %olleagues from
the David 8ivingstone 1nstitute" 0rom mid'1989 until mid'6006 he &as a
8e%turer*7enior 8e%turer in the Pro=e%t Planning entre (renamed as the Develo$ment
and Pro=e%t Planning entre and then as the Bradford entre for 1nternational
Develo$ment) in the University of Bradford" ;a(ing early retirement in mid'6006 he
!e%ame an #onorary >isiting 7enior <esear%h 0ello& in the Bradford entre for
1nternational Develo$ment, %om!ining this &ith %ontri!utions to tea%hing in the
De$artment of ,%onomi%s, University of 7trath%lyde from mid'6009"
Dr Sue Kinn
Head of Health Research in the Department for
nternational Development !D"D# and team leader
for the Human Development team in Research and
Evidence Division
7ue -inn !egan her %areer as a la!oratory'!ased %ell
!iologist, and has a PhD from 3lasgo& University" 7he
has 19 years? e@$erien%e &or(ing in U- $u!li% health and
health servi%es resear%h and led a resear%h $rogramme
(latterly in $atient %entred out%omes) in a 7%ottish ,@e%utive funded resear%h unit in
3lasgo& !et&een 1996'600:" 1n D01D the human develo$ment resear%h team
%ommissions and manages a $ortfolio &hi%h in%ludes resear%h on %ommuni%a!le
diseases, health systems, re$rodu%tive, maternal and %hild health and non'
%ommuni%a!le diseases and &ill s$end a!out A.9m in 6019'1."
Mr $italiy Kartamyshev
%hairman of the Russian %oalition &'ainst Poverty(
part of the )lobal %all to &ctions &'ainst Poverty
>italiy is an e@$ert in develo$ment $rogrammes and <ussian and glo!al %ivil so%iety
net&or(s and %oo$eration on ta%(ling so%ial issues, in%luding $overty and ineBuality"
#ad studied at the Universities of U(raine, Ce%h <e$u!li%, the U7A and 1taly, he
started his %arrier as a %onsultant at the 2orld Ban(, and then &or(ed as an asso%iate
at the 2orld Ban( 1nstitute (1998'600D)" A long time >italiy had !een &or(ing for
/@fam 3B in <ussia as a head of $oli%y, advo%a%y and $rogrammes (600D'6011),
!eing a%tively engaged in lo!!ying governments as re$resentative of /@fam
1nternational at the 38*360 summits in 7t"Peters!urg, #eiligendamm, ;oya(o, ABuila,
;oronto, 7eoul" #e set u$, guided and managed 3AP <ussia %oalition %om$rising
:0 43/s a%ross <ussia" 7in%e 6011 he &as a head of 4/*4P Assistants
Programme at 7o%hi 601: /rganiCing ommittee" urrently he is an A%ademi% and
3overnment <elations oordinator at ,;7 3lo!al and a hairman of 3AP in
>italiy &as a&ared !y E/rder of Pea%ema(eF for $rofessional e@%ellen%e in %harity
&or( $resented in 4ovem!er 6006 !y international allian%e EPea%ema(erF"
Thu $u
%hevenin' Scholar( student of MSc Economics and
"inance course at the University of Leeds
;hu o!tained her Ba%helor degree in 1nternational ,%onomi%s
<elations from 0oreign ;rade University #anoi, >ietnam &ith
distin%tion grade" #er main fields of interests are !an(ing,
relationshi$ management and $oliti%al e%onomi%s" <e%ently,
she fo%uses her studies on ho& to sta!iliCe %oo$eration &ithin ,ast Asia region and
harmoniCe !enefits of !ig %ountries &ith small ones"
7he has !een <elationshi$ +anager for over 8 years at the Ban( for 0oreign ;rade of
>ietnam (>iet%om!an(), one of the !ig four >ietnamese !an(s, s$e%ialiCes in trade
and investment enhan%ement !et&een >ietnam enter$rises and rest of the &orld" #er
role %overs !an(ing %oo$eration management &ith &estern %ountries" 0or years of
&or(ing, she has &on trust of many %ustomers and hel$ed them unlo%(ed their
$otentials" Previously, she &as also re$orter and editor of >ietnam Business 0orum
Tania &ria
%hevenin' Scholar( student of MSc "inance
and Economics course at the University of
;ania studied her BA in e%onomi%s at -a!ul
University and has a di$loma in 1; from <ana institute
of higher studies" 7he has &or(ed in many
organiCations, su%h as the governmental, U7A1D
Pro=e%ts and edu%ational institutions" <e%ently she
&as managing Professional A%%ountants /rganiCation Develo$ment'Pu!li% 0inan%ial
+anagement <eform'2orld Ban( in the ministry of finan%e" 7he &as %losely &or(ing
&ith a 4ational 7teering ommittee in a %a!inet level to 7tandardising finan%ial se%tor
in Afghanistan" Besides, she &as a le%ture at /ru= 1nstitute of 8eadershi$ and
+anagement and &as honored &ith a fello&shi$ a&ard of =unior fa%ulty develo$ment
$rogram at Purdue University !y U7 de$artment of states" 7he is a mem!er of some
volunteer organiCations and also has done some resear%hes on finan%ial mar(ets
from 1slami% $ers$e%tive, Aid ,ffe%tiveness in Afghanistan, Afghan &omen e%onomi%
em$o&erment and %urrently %arrying on a resear%h in 0oreign Dire%t 1nvestment role
in e%onomi% develo$ment of Afghanistan"
Tracy Ma'u*e(
%hevenin' Scholar( student of LLM %orporate La+
at University of Edinbur'h
;ra%y holds a Ba%helor of 8a&s Degree from the University of
Gim!a!&e" Before %ommen%ing her studies at the
University of ,din!urgh, ;ra%y &or(ed at BG #oldings
8imited, the largest finan%ial servi%es grou$ in Gim!a!&e" 1n
her role she $rovided in'house %ounsel and %om$any se%retarial
servi%es a%ross the 3rou$Fs !an(ing, insuran%e and asset management su!sidiaries"
;ra%y $reviously &or(ed as a <esear%h assistant to a 8egal onsultant in 8a& and
Develo$ment and intern at Du!e, +ani(ai, #&a%ha 8egal Pra%titioners"
A$art from her $rofessional $ursuits, ;ra%y sits on the Board of ;rustees for the
entre for A$$lied 8egal <esear%h (Gim!a!&e)" 7he also has a $assion for e%onomi%
em$o&erment of young $eo$le and is an a%tive mem!er of the ,n%taus Alumni UG
and general %ounsel for $a4hari ;rust" Both organisations are international non'$rofit
!odies that &or( &ith university students and re%ent graduates !y eBui$$ing them &ith
s(ills to !e%ome so%ially res$onsi!le !usiness leaders and develo$ing outrea%h
$ro=e%ts that im$rove the Buality of life and standard of living for $eo$le in need" ;ra%y
+aguCe, hevening 7%holar, student of 88+ or$orate 8a& at University of

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