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PTCL (Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited)
Presented to:
Department o Commerce
!ni"ersity o Sar#od$a% Sar#od$a
Presented by:
&u$ammad 's$ra
Roll ( )*+ss
&, Com (-../+-.*.)
Email0 redeyes**1li"e,com

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University of Sargodha

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University of Sargodha

I $a"e taken immense pride in assumin# t$e duty as President and CEO o PTCL% 7$ic$ is a #reat
opportunity or me to e8ecute my responsi9ilities as a team leader,
To me Pakistan and PTCL are synonymous 7it$ an opportunity or #ro7t$, T$e potential o t$is
#ro7t$ is "isi9le to me as it is a9out t$e $uman capital 7e $a"e in t$e orm o talented and
e8perienced employees, I can assure you t$at 7it$ t$e traditional dedication and determination o
PTCL 7orkers 7e 7ill transorm t$is company into a 7orld class ICT Company,
I am proud o my ello7 collea#ues 7$o $a"e 9een leadin# t$e market so ar and $a"e 9een
adaptin# to c$an#in# tec$nolo#ical ad"ancements, 'ter t$e dere#ulation in t$e telecom sector o
Pakistan% PTCL is no7 a#ain ready to ace ne7 c$allen#es in a competiti"e en"ironment,
3e are poised to retain our leaders$ip position 9y #i"in# PTCL a ne7 and impro"ed look, T$e
ne7 colors o t$e Lo#o are in conte8t 7it$ e"ery Pakistani:s sense o identity and patriotism;
#reen and 7$ite 9ein# t$e colors o purity and $onesty% t$e colors o trust7ort$iness and inte#rity%
t$e colors o Pakistan:s la# and t$e colors o e"ery Pakistani:s passion,
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University of Sargodha

4e assured t$at PTCL 7ill remain t$e people:s irst c$oice o communication in t$e uture,
Promisin# you t$e 9est o our ser"ices% at all times,
In act% or t$e students o &, Com, T$e t7o mont$s interns$ip is a #olden c$ance to
de"elop t$e capa9ility and skill o administration and mana#ement in t$e practical en"ironment o
dierent or#ani<ations, In t$e conte8t% I select t$e PTCL (P'=IST'N
TELECO&&!NIC'TION CO&P'N> LI&ITED), T$is report s$o7s and 7ill #uide t$e
readers to $a"e an idea a9out maintain accounts% its operations and t$e practices ollo7ed today
in Pakistan, &y reasons or doin# t$e interns$ip pro#ram in PTCL is to #et irst $and kno7led#e
a9out maintain accounts and impro"e my 9usiness lie% 9ecause PTCL is t$e 9est or#ani<ation
I tried to remain to t$e point% in 7ritin# t$e report, 4rie $istory% mana#ement% or#ani<ational
structure o P'=IST'N TELECO&&!NIC'TION CO&P'N> LI&ITED and my 7ork at
9ranc$ su##estions% or impro"ement are also #i"en in it,
&oreo"er% particularly 9ein# a student o 2inance 5 'ccounts it is necessary or me to #et
practical kno7led#e o t$e mana#erial 5 inancial acti"ities o t$e or#ani<ation, So I $a"e tried
my 9est to learn a lot a9out accounts 9ecause it relates 7it$ inancial acti"ities, I $a"e made all
possi9le eorts to summaries t$e 9road $istory and 7orkin# o t$e or#ani<ation,
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University of Sargodha

T$is 7ork is a collection o my o9ser"ations and e8perience durin# t$e interns$ip period and
ater7ard, T$e sources o my inormation or t$e preparation o t$is report also include t$e
7ritten notes% literature on 9ankin#% "er9al discussion 7it$ sta mem9ers% senior students and my
Interns$ip Pro#ram is a con"entional constituent is part o total spectrum o &, Com, T$e
inormation contained in t$e report is 9ased on my personal o9ser"ation% practical 7orkin# and
inter"ie7s 7it$ t$e sta durin# my interns$ip trainin#,
No 7ords can ade?uately e8press my o"erridin# de9t o #ratitude to my parents 7$ose support
$elps me in all t$e 7ay, '9o"e all I s$all t$ank my riends 7$o constantly encoura#ed and
9lessed me so ena9le me to do t$is 7ork successully,
In t$e name o 'lla$% 7$o #a"e me a9ility and stren#t$ to complete my interns$ip, I o7e
considera9le de9t to lar#e num9er o persons 7$o eit$er directly or indirectly $elped me durin#
"arious p$ases o interns$ip, It 7as a ne7 e8perience% e8citin# 9ut c$allen#in# and indeed
#uidance rat$er re?uently% 7$ic$ 7as aord "ery #enerously,
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&y special t$anks to &iss Imrana 'sad or $er #uidance and support durin# my interns$ip report
In PTCL I am #rateul to all t$e sta mem9ers or pro"idin# me an opportunity to 7ork in t$e
or#ani<ation at t$e style and speed o my con"enience, I also 7is$ to record my #ratitude or t$e
ollo7in# sta mem9ers or transormin# my t$eoretical kno7led#e in practical understandin#%
despite t$eir $ea"y commitments t$ey al7ays ound time to ans7ers my ?uestions% resol"e
?ueries and ne"er ran out o patience,

E#ec$ti%e S$""ary
4y t$e #race o almi#$ty @od% I $a"e successully completed my / 7eeks interns$ip as per
re?uirement o &,com course, I 7as appointed at PTCL Head?uarter Islama9ad Sector @+/AB, I
eel my sel+lucky to $a"e 7orked 7it$ suc$ a cooperati"e% dedicated% result+oriented team, T$ey
all $elped me in e"ery possi9le 7ay t$ey can, I 7as $appened to 7ork in INTERCONNECT
3it$ employee stren#t$ o ).%... and C,D million customers% PTCL is t$e lar#est
telecommunications pro"ider in Pakistan, PTCL also continues to 9e t$e lar#est CD&' operator
in t$e country 7it$ .,/ million 6+one customers, T$e company maintains a leadin# position in
Pakistan as an inrastructure pro"ider to ot$er telecom operators and corporate customers o t$e
country, It $as t$e potential to 9e an instrumental a#ent in Pakistan:s economic #ro7t$, PTCL
$as laid an Optical 2i9er 'ccess Net7ork in t$e maEor metropolitan centers o Pakistan and local
loop ser"ices $a"e started to 9e moderni<ed and up#raded rom copper to an optical net7ork,
T$is report is 9ein# started 7it$ t$e 9rie and complete introduction o or#ani<ation% its $istorical
9ack#round% its ser"ices and its products oerin#s, In t$is report or#ani<ation structure is
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discussed as pr t$e re?uirement o interns$ip, 3$at is t$e $ierarc$y in t$e or#ani<ation as 7ell as
7orkin# o "arious departments are concisely discussed,
T$e most important t$in# t$e 4!SINESS STR'@TE@IES is discussed in suc$ a 7ay t$at its not
diicult to understand it, Internal and E8ternal analysis $as t$e "ital importance% 7$ic$ in t$is
report is also done, &ore o"er t$e 2inancial 'nalysis is also done 7$ic$ is depictin# t$e
inancial position o t$e or# in t$e market place,
3$ereas S3OT analysis is done 7$ic$ clearly so7s 7$at ar e t$e stren#t$s% 7eaknesses%
opportunities and t$reats in t$e or#ani<ation, 2inally some su##estions and recommendations are
#i"en to or# in t$is report, Limitation alt$ou#$ "ery e7 9ut cant 9e ne#li#i9le are discussed, T$us
t$is report completely depicts t$e true picture o PTCL in a meanin#ul 7ay,
I $a"e completed my / 7eeks interns$ip successully in PTCL(Pakistan Telecommunication
Ltd,) in Interconnect Re"enue Department rom
&$ne '() '*(* to A$! '+) '*(*,
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University of Sargodha

Industry Introduction 10
- -- - History of Organization 12
a. Vision Statement 18
b. Mission Statement 18
- -- - Main Features 19
- -- - projects& activities 23
ro!ucts & Services 28
"ompatetors 32
Mora# Va#ues of $mp#oyees 32
Organizational Structure 34
- -- - Hierarc%y "%art 3&
- -- - 'um(er of $mp#oyees 3&
- -- - )ntro!uction of a## *epartments 38
*epartments an! t%eir +or,ing -1
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University of Sargodha

Finance system of ."# -/
Fun!ing of ."0 -8
. Work done by Internee 54
Financial Analysis o Organization 5!
- -- - Significance of ratio 1/
- -- - "omponents of ratios 2formu#ae use! 3 /4
!. SWO" Analysis !#
$. %onclusion $3
&. 'eco((endations $&
#. )i(itations &0
10. *ibliogra+,y &0
11. Anne-es &1
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University of Sargodha

Pakistan Telecommunication Corporation (PTC) $as esta9lis$ed in Decem9er *FF.%
takin# o"er operations and unctions rom Pakistan Telep$one and Tele#rap$ Department under
Pakistan Telecommunication Corporation 'ct *FF*,
T$is coincided 7it$ t$e @o"ernmentGs competiti"e policy% encoura#in# pri"ate sector
participation and resultin# in a7ard o licenses or cellular% card+operated payp$ones% pa#in# and%
lately% data communication ser"ices,
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University of Sargodha

In *FFB% t$e PTCL 9ecomes t$e company limited (Pakistan Telecommunication Company
Limited) 9y issued si8 million "ouc$ers e8c$an#ea9le into H.. million s$ares o t$e PTCL in t7o
separate placements, Eac$ $ad a par "alue o Rs, *. per s$are, T$ese "ouc$ers 7ere con"erted
into PTCL s$ares in mid+*FFH,
In *FFC% Pakistan Telecommunication (Reor#ani<ation) Ordinance ormed t$e 9asis or
PTCL monopoly o"er 9asic telecommunication sector in t$e country, It also pa"ed t$e 7ay or
t$e esta9lis$ment o an independent re#ulatory re#ime, T$e pro"isions o t$e Ordinance 7ere lent
permanence in Octo9er *FFH t$rou#$ Pakistan Telecommunication (Reor#ani<ation) 'ct,
T$e year -..H+.D in t$e telecom sector 7as marked 9y t$e p$enomenal #ro7t$ in t$e
mo9ile sector in Pakistan% 7$ic$ dou9led its su9scri9er 9ase to H. million, T$e teledensity
increased rom -HI to B.I% $elpin# to spread t$e 9eneits o communication tec$nolo#y across
t$e country, PTCL :s mo9ile p$one su9sidiary !one:s su9scri9er 9ase #re7 9y more t$an /DI%
rom D,BF million to *B million, T$e year also 7itnessed t$e entry o maEor telecom companies%
most nota9ly C$ina Telecom and Sin#tel% into market,
T$e pri"ati<ation o t$e company 7as completed in t$e 2>.H% ollo7in# t$e purc$aser o
-HI J4: class ordinary s$ares 9y Etisalat International Pakistan L,L,C, EIP took o"er
mana#ement control on *-
on 'pril -..H,
In s$ort PTCL $as 9een 7orkin# "i#orously to meet t$e dual c$allen#e o telecom
de"elopment and socio+economic uplit o t$e country, T$is is c$aracteri<ed 9y a clearer
appreciation o on#oin# telecom scenario 7$erein con"er#ence o tec$nolo#ies continuously
c$an#es t$e s$ape o t$e sector,
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University of Sargodha

T$e telecommunications industry is at t$e oreront o t$e inormation a#eKdeli"erin# "oice%
data% #rap$ics and "ideo at e"er increasin# speeds and in an increasin# num9er o 7ays, 3$ereas
7ire line telep$one communication 7as once t$e primary ser"ice o t$e industry% 7ireless
communication ser"ices and ca9le and satellite pro#ram distri9ution make up an increasin# s$are
o t$e industry,
T$e lar#est sector o t$e telecommunications industry continues to 9e made up o 7ired
telecommunications carriers, Esta9lis$ments in t$is sector mainly pro"ide telep$one ser"ice "ia
7ires and ca9les t$at connect customers premises to central oices maintained 9y
telecomm urinations companies, T$e central oices contain s7itc$in# e?uipment t$at routes
*content to its inal destination or to anot$er s7itc$in# center t$at determines t$e most eicient
route or t$e content to take, 3$ile "oice used to 9e t$e main type o data transmitted o"er t$e
7ires% 7ired telecommunications ser"ice no7 includes t$e transmission o all types o #rap$ic%
"ideo% and electronic data mainly o"er t$e Inter net,
T$ese ne7 ser"ices $a"e 9een made possi9le t$rou#$ t$e use o di#ital tec$nolo#ies t$at pro"ide
muc$ more eicient use o t$e telecommunications net7orks, One maEor tec$nolo#y 9reaks
di#ital si#nals into packets durin# transmission, Net7orks o computeri<ed s7itc$in# e?uipment%
called packet s7itc$ed net7orks% route t$e packets, Packets may take separate pat$s to
t$eir destination and may s$are t$e pat$s 7it$ packets rom ot$er users, 't t$e destination% t$e
packets are reassem9led% and t$e transmission is complete, 4ecause packet s7itc$in# considers
alternate routes% and allo7s multiple transmissions to s$are t$e same route% it results in a more
eicient use o
telecommunications capacity as packets are routed alon# less con#ested routes, 3ireless
telecommunications carriers% many o 7$ic$ are su9sidiaries o t$e 7ired carriers% transmit
"oice% #rap$ics% data% and Internet access t$rou#$ t$e transmission o si#nals o"er net7orks
o radio to7ers, T$e si#nal is transmitted t$rou#$ an antenna into t$e 7ire line net7ork,
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University of Sargodha

Ot$er 7ireless ser "ices include 9eeper and pa#in# ser"ices, 4ecause 7ireless de"ices re?uire no
7ire line connection% t$ey are popular 7it$ customers 7$o need to communicate as t$ey tra"el%
residents o areas 7it$ inade?uate 7ire line ser"ice% and t$ose 7$o simply desire t$e con"enience
o porta9le communications, Increasin# num9ers o consumers are c$oosin# to replace t$eir
$ome landlines 7it$ 7ireless p$ones,
3ireless telecommunications carriers are deployin# se"eral ne7 tec$nolo#ies to allo7 aster data
transmission and 9etter Internet access t$at s$ould make t$em competiti"e 7it$ 7ire line
carriers, One tec$nolo#y is called t$ird #eneration ()@) 7ireless access, 3it$ t$is tec$nolo#y%
7ireless carriers plan to sell music% "ideos% and ot$er e8clusi"e content t$at can 9e do7nloaded
and played on p$ones desi#ned or )@ tec$nolo#ies, 3ireless carriers are de"elopin# t$e ne8t
#eneration o tec$nolo#ies t$at 7ill surpass )@ 7it$ e"en aster data transmission,
'not$er tec$nolo#y is called Li8ed 7ireless ser"ice%M 7$ic$ in"ol"es connectin# t$e
telep$one andAor Internet 7irin# system in a $ome or 9usiness to an antenna% instead o a
telep$one line, T$e replacement o landlines 7it$ cellular ser"ice $as 9ecome increasin#ly
common 9ecause ad"ances in 7ireless systems $a"e pro"ided data transmission speeds
compara9le to 9road9and landline systems,
Pakistan $as made steady pr o#ress in e8pandin# telecommunication net7orks and ser"ices
in recent years, In Pakistan t$is industry $ad e7 9i# #iants in t$e past 7it$ PTCL 9ein# t$e
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sole pro"ider o landline telep$one ser"ice in t$e country, 't present t$e or#ani<ations
principal acti"ity is to pro"ide telecommunication ser"ices all o"er t$e country, It oers 9ot$
domestic and international ser"ices t$rou#$out Pakistan, PTCL also manuactures
telecommunication related e?uipment,
Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited $ad e8clusi"e ri#$ts to pro"ide 9asic
telecom ser"ices in Pakistan till t$e end o year -..-, 3it$ t$e announcement o Dere#ulation
Policy 9y t$e @o"ernment o Pakistan in -..)% PT' $as issued licenses or 9asic telep$ony to t$e
pri"ate sector in Pakistan 7$o 7ill 9e competin# PTCL% t$e incum9ent, 2rom t$e $um9le
9e#innin#s o Posts 5 Tele#rap$ Department in *FBD and esta9lis$ment o Pakistan Telep$one
5 Tele#rap$ Department in *FH-% to t$is "ery day% ours is a story o commitment and "ision,
PTC set sails or its "oya#e o #lory in Decem9er *FF.% takin# o"er operations and unctions
rom Pakistan Telep$one and Tele#rap$ Department under Pakistan Telecommunication
Corporation 'ct *FF*, T$is coincided 7it$ t$e @o"ernmentGs competiti"e policy% encoura#in#
pri"ate sector participation and resultin# in a7ard o licenses or cellular% card+operated
payp$ones% pa#in# and% lately% data communication ser "ices,
Pursuin# a pro#ressi"e policy% t$e @o"ernment in *FF*% announced its plans to pri"ati<e PTC% and
in *FFB issued si8 million "ouc$er s e8c$an#ea9le into H.. million s$ares o t$e 7ould+9e PTCL
in t7o separate placements, Eac$ $ad a par "alue o Rs, *. per s$are, T$ese "ouc$ers 7ere
con"erted into PTCL s$ares in mid+ *FFH,
In *FFC% Pakistan Telecommunication (Reor#ani<ation) Ordinance ormed t$e 9asis or PTCL
monopoly o"er 9asic telep$ony in t$e country, It also pa"ed t$e 7ay or t$e esta9lis$ment o an
independent re#ulatory re#ime, T$e pro"isions o t$e Ordinance 7ere lent permanence in
Octo9er *FFH t$rou#$ Pakistan Telecommunication (Reor#ani<ation) 'ct, T$e same year%
Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited 7as or med and listed on all stock e8c$an#es o
Since t$en% PTCL $as 9een 7orkin# "i#orously to meet t$e dual c$allen#e o telecom
de"elopment and socio+economic uplit o t$e country, T$is is c$aracteri<ed 9y a clearer
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appreciation o on#oin# telecom scenario 7$erein con"er#ence o tec$nolo#ies continuously
c$an#es t$e s$ape o t$e sector, ' measure o t$is understandin# is pro#ressi"e measures suc$ as
esta9lis$ment o t$e companyGs mo9ile and Internet su9sidiaries in *FF/,
's telecommunication monopolies $ead to7ards an imminent end% ser"ices and inrastructure
pro"ider s are set to ace e"en 9i##er c$allen#es, Pakistan also entered post+monopoly era 7it$
dere#ulation o t$e sector in Nanuary -..), On t$e @o"ernment le"el% a compre$ensi"e
li9erali<ation policy or telecom sector is in t$e oin#,
PTCL is in ull a7areness o t$e same% and uture policies eature a stron# con"iction o $ealt$y
T$e company is in process o en$ancin# or#ani<ational and 9usiness proiciency t$rou#$
"ertical inte#ration and $ori<ontal di"ersiication, 't t$e same time% cross+national o7ners$ips%
operations and partners$ips are 9ein# e"aluated 7it$ a "ie7 to de"elopin# and di"ersiyin# t$e
T$e #o"ernments eorts to restructure and pri"ati<e PTCL $a"e 9een on+a#ain o+a#ain
since*FF*, It $ad an oer in t$e late *FF.s or -H percent e?uity% reputedly totalin# O) 9illion%
9ut$eld out in ne#otiations and ultimately missed t$e uni?ue #lo9al market 7indo7 at t$at time,
Since t$en% it $as $ad diiculty attractin# potential 9uyers,
In"estors $a"e 9een concerned a9out political risk% and appropriate support rom t$e #o"ernment
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to transorm t$e utility into a commercially+oriented corporation, 3it$ ortunes risin# in t$e local
telecom sector% t$e #o"ernment $oped to make pri"ati<ation o t$e company a landmark deal or
9roader reorm o t$e economy, ' successul deal 7ould demonstrate t$e #o"ernments increasin#
support or market capitalism and% it 7as $oped to% 9oost anemic le"els o direct orei#n
PTCL and t$e #o"ernment 7ere contemplatin# dierent strate#ic options or restructurin#, Plans
7ere "etted or 9ot$ a #eo#rap$ic and unctional split o operations, 'nalysts 9elie"ed t$e most
likely scenario is a 9reak+up into t$ree ne7 companies% trackin# 7it$ t$e irms lar#est 9usiness
units0 local% lon# distance and mo9ile, T$is approac$ mirrors t$e policy en"ironment as$ioned
or ne7 competiti"e entrants, 2rom t$e #o"ernment perspecti"e% 9reakin# up PTCL prior to as
ell+o 7ill $elp curtail t$e market po7er o any one sin#le ser"ice pro"ider% t$ere9y stimulatin#
!n9undlin# t$e sale 7as also likely to increase re"enues or t$e #o"ernment, T$e risk% o course%
7as t$at t$e mo9ile company% PT&L (9randed as L!oneM)% 7as disproportionately more
attracti"e t$an t$e ot$er 9usinesses, 'ccordin# to '=D Securities% PT&LGs contri9ution to
PTCLGs total re"enues 7as e8pected to rise to *-,CI o"er t$e ne8t i"e years P and 7as assumed
to contri9ute )FI o PTCLs o"erall re"enue #ro7t$, 2uture #ro7t$ o mo9ile% 9ot$ in terms o
su9scri9ers and net re"enues% 7as considered to almost certainly outstrip demand or i8ed line
ser"ices, T$e tar#et 7as to sell up to a -H percent stake in PTCL; t$e #o"ernment $eld // percent
o O-,H 9illion% and t$en any lo7erin# o 9id price in t$e re"ised a#reement appro"ed 9y t$e
ca9inet in &arc$, T$e oicial documents state t$at t$e accumulated 9iddin# price in t$e re"ised
9id came do7n to O-,-.C 9illion a#ainst t$e ori#inal Etisalat 9id o O-,CFF 9illion% said a report in
t$e @ul Today,
T$e PTCl pri"ati<ation a#reement 7it$ Etisalat alle#edly inlicted a urt$er loss o 9illions o
rupees to t$e national e8c$e?uer 9esides unprecedented concessions oered in t$e lon# term%
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indirect conlict 7it$ 'rticle ). o t$e Pu9lic Procurement Rules -..B% it said, 4y ar% t$e
PTCL$as 9een t$e $i#$est proit earnin# state+o7ned company 7it$ real+estate assets 7ort$
9illions orupees across t$e country includin# commercial pla<as% residential colonies and
e8c$an#es, 'ccordin# to t$e #o"ernment documents% t$e S$are Purc$ase '#reement (SP') o t$e
PTCL7it$ Etisalat lapsed in Septem9er -..C ater t$e non+payment o t$e dues 9y t$e 7inner
9idders, 'ter urt$er ne#otiations 7it$ t$e Etisalat mana#ement% t$e #o"ernment a#reed to
additional concessions and modiications to t$e transaction structure oer
To 9e t$e leadin# Inormation and Communication Tec$nolo#y Ser"ice Pro"ider in t$e re#ion 9y
ac$ie"in# customer satisaction and ma8imi<in# s$are$oldersG "alueG,
T$e uture is unoldin# around us, In times to come% 7e 7ill 9e t$e link t$at allo7s #lo9al
communication, 3e are stri"in# to7ards mo9ili<in# t$e 7orld or t$e uture, 4y 9ecomin#
partners in inno"ation% 7e are ready to s$ape a uture t$at oers telecom ser"ices t$at 9rin# us
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'n or#ani<ational en"ironment t$at osters proessionalism% moti"ation and ?uality
'n en"ironment t$at is cost eecti"e and ?uality conscious
Ser"ices t$at are 9ased on t$e most optimum tec$nolo#y
Quality and Time conscious customer ser"ice
Sustained #ro7t$ in earnin#s and proita9ility
Proessional Inte#rity
Customer Satisaction
Company Loyalty
Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) is t$e primary pro"ider o
Telecommunication ser"ices in Pakistan, T$e ran#e o
ser"ices include 9asic telep$ony% tele#rap$% a8% tele8% Pu9lic data% Internet% E+mail%
ISDN(Inte#rated Ser"ices Di#ital Net7ork)%!ni"ersal 'ccess Num9ers(!'N)% anot$er "alue+
added ser"ices,
Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited is a proessionally mana#ed company and $as
initiated measures% 7it$ acti"e support o t$e 2ederal @o"ernment% to inculcate a corporate
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culture t$at 9eneits company, Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited 9elie"es t$at it $as
an in$erent potential t$at it can e8ploit to emer#e as an important and acti"e 9usiness entity,
Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited $as some 9asic stren#t$ and t$e potential t$at
needs to 9e e8ploited into real 9usiness opportunities, T$e Directors o t$e Company eel t$at a
irm and un7a"erin# commitment to7ards pro"ision o a complete ran#e o market dri"en
telecommunication ser"ices to its customers usin# state o t$e art tec$nolo#y pro"en products and
a customer care approac$ is essential in a rapidly e8pandin# telecom market, T$e radical c$an#e
rom a monolit$ state controlled culture to a open market competiti"e en"ironment, T$e customer
is 9ecomin# and more conscious o t$e "alue o telecom ser"ices in an impro"in# 9usiness
T$e ad"ent o di#ital systems% increasin# application o computer tec$nolo#ies and de"elopment
o 7ide+9and systems $as #enerated ne7 customer needs, Inno"ati"e products and ser"ices suc$
as cellular mo9ile% $i#$+speed data% Internet etc are muc$ in demand, T$e current decade $as
pro"ed to 9e t$e period o sector restructurin# and #ro7t$ #lo9ally, To keep pace 7it$ t$e
c$an#es and to meet t$e emer#in# ne7 demands% Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited
$as adEusted its pro#rams to meet t$e re?uirements o t$e market, Traditional telecom monopolies
like Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited need to e8plore ne7 a"enues o tec$nolo#y
and inancin# to accomplis$ a ?uantum leap in #ro7t$ and 9rid#e t$e #ap 9et7een demand and
supply% still remainin# inancially "ia9le, T$e Company $as taken initiati"es and a
c$an#e is #radually 9ecomin# "isi9le t$rou#$ e8panded capacity and increasin# re"enue,
Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited $as taken decisions to cope 7it$ t$e competition
7it$in t$e ne8t years, T$e initiati"es taken resulted in t$e esta9lis$ment o *..I Pakistan
Telecommunication Company Limited o7ned su9sidiaries like Pak Telecom &o9ile
Limited,Paknet and Pak Telecom Pay P$one ser"ices limited, T$ese ne7 entities s$all pro"ide
cellular mo9ile inormation tec$nolo#y% Internet% payp$one% prepaid callin# cards and ot$er ran#e
o ser"ices% Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited made a conscious decision to enter
t$e cellular 9usiness as it $as tremendous potential and an accelerated annual #ro7t$ o a9out
H.I7$ic$ is likely to continue or many years,
Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited $as 9een successul in o9tainin# a Cellular
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&o9ile License or its su9sidiary and $as selected t$e @S& F.. state +o t$eKart tec$nolo#y%
7$ic$ is #ro7in# at a muc$ aster rate internationally, Pak Telecom &o9ile Limited 7as
incorporated on */t$ Nuly *FF/ to esta9lis$ and run t$is ne7 9usiness independent o Pakistan
Telecommunication Company Limited 7it$ ull accountin# separation t$us creatin# a le"el
playin# ield or industry competitors,
Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited is ollo7in# a 9usiness+oriented policy to
associate pri"ate entrepreneurs in telecom sector de"elopment, T$e options are 9ased on
interconnect and re"enue s$arin# arran#ements 7it$ license operators and t$rou#$ out+sourcin#
re"enue s$arin# 7it$ . 5 & contractors as 9usiness partners, PTCL $as successully entered into
arran#ements 7it$ orei#n and local telecom companies and $as si#ned t$ree contracts prepaid
callin# card ser"ice to promote international traic,
T$e @o"ernment o Pakistan $as encoura#ed t$e #ro7t$ o t$e telecom sector to ena9le Pakistan
to keep pace 7it$ t$e rapid tec$nolo#ical ad"ancement in t$e ield o telecommunication, T$e
tari structure remains under constant re"ie7 o t$e #o"ernment to rationali<e rom t$e point o
pro"idin# ade?uate returns to t$e telecom operators and to tap t$e tremendous potential o t$e
#ro7t$ in t$e demand and market or telecom ser"ices, T$e @OP $as reduced t$e CED on
telecom ser"ices% encoura#es t$e use o "alue added ser"ices 7it$ special emp$asis on
prolieration o Internet, It $as also reduced t$e import duties on telecom e?uipment and allo7s
ta8 e8emption,
Pri"ate sector data and Internet ser"ices pro"iders are operatin# under license and re"enue s$are
arran#ements, Internet 5 inormation tec$nolo#y ser"ices are no7 "ery popular in t$e market and
num9ers o ne7 entrants are competin#% pro"idin# Pakistan Telecommunication Company
Limited an opportunity lease capacity, Its a"aila9le IT 5 Internet inrastructure 9ot$ or pri"ate
sector licensed operators and Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited o7n customers,
Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited is launc$in# a t$ree+p$ased proEect or IT 5
Internet to e8pand t$e ser"ice to take care o )..%... customers includin# t$e needs o pri"ate
license or inrastructure,
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T$e primary o9Eecti"e o Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited is to pro"ide
telecommunication ser"ices to t$e people in t$e country or in s$ort to satisy t$e
telecommunication needs o its customers, Respondin# to t$e rapid economic and tec$nolo#ical
#ro7t$% t$e company is determined to meet t$e c$allen#e o e8pandin# needs o telep$one and
data communication suc$ as pu9lic data net7ork% inte#rated ser"ices di#ital net7ork and Internet
T$e maEor ocus o attention is to impro"e and e8pand t$e ser"ices% minimi<e t$e aults and
pro"ide communication acilities to rural areas, It is also one o t$e maEor o9Eecti"es o
mana#ement t$at t$e company s$ould not impro"e its perormance 9ut also encoura#e t$e
pri"ate sector to enter t$e Tele 9usiness, T$e company $as entered t$e domain o ree market
economy% 7$ic$ necessitates t$e li9eral mana#ement policies and pri"ate sector,
T$e ollo7in# 9asic policy steps $a"e 9een taken to meet t$e o9Eecti"es laid in PTCL 'ct to
e8pand and operate telecommunication ser"ices in t$e country, T$e main o9Eecti"e o any
company is to earn t$e proit and minimi<e e8penses 9y 7innin# #ood7ill in t$e market
T4e foowin! are t4e on!5ter" ob6ecti%es of t4e or!ani7ation,
Pro"ision o Telecom ser"ices all o"er t$e country,
Plan% esta9lis$ and maintain telecommunication
'c?uire% promote and mana#e researc$ and de"elopment% transer o tec$nolo#y and
sot7are de"elopment includin# manuacturin# o telecommunication e?uipment and
En$ance eiciency% impro"e ?uality and e8pand t$e system to meet customer satisaction
and pro"ide ser"ice on demand,
Create con#enial climate or 9indin# o $uman skill and $ori<on o employees t$rou#$
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trainin# and education,
Con"ert its cas$ 9asis sin#le entry accountin# system to accrual 9asis dou9le entry system
meetin# t$e commercial international accountin# standards,
To introduce computeri<ed directory assistance and complaint ser"ices reorm 9illin#
o and a re"enue collection system,
Stren#t$en relation 7it$ orei#n international administration% entities% ser"ices
o pro"iders% international and re#ional telecom or#ani<ations or 9etter international
o communication and tec$nical cooperation in telecommunication 9usiness,
E8pand customer a7areness o all "alue+added ser"ices o PTCL,
To impro"e t$e eiciency o Customer Ser"ice Centers 9y deputin# ?ualiied persons
o 7$o are 7ell a7are o pu9lic relation tec$ni?ues,
Pro6ects and Acti%ities
(, 0r!ent Trainin! Needs Pro!ra""e:
T$e !r#ent Trainin# Needs 7$ic$ realistically depict t$e post 6SS scenario are 9ein# assessed
and catered immediately 9y conductin# customi<ed trainin# pro#rams, T$e in"ol"ement o all
departments% re#ions and 9usiness units or pro"idin# t$eir "alua9le input in t$e orm o TN'
response is essential or accurate identiication o t$eir re?uirements, @i"en t$e transormation
sta#e% t$e most eminent de"elopmental needs 7ere $i#$li#$ted and incorporated in t$is pro#ram,
', C$sto"er Care Initiati%e:
To ac$ie"e t$e pinnacle o E8cellence in Customer Ser"ice en"isioned 9y t$e PresidentACEO t$e
Trainin# and De"elopment department $as assumed t$e responsi9ility or eecti"ely impartin#
trainin# under t$e Customer Care Initiati"e to all PTCL employees,
+, 8RD Pan for '**95(*:
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Trainin# is one o t$e tools used or t$e de"elopment o employees and to consolidate c$an#e on
sustaina9le #round, In order to address t$e trainin# needs o all stake$olders o PTCL% E6P
(T5D) $as directed trainin# re#ion administration to conduct compre$ensi"e Trainin# Need
'ssessment o PTCL employees, T$is e8ercise o TN' is re?uired or de"elopin# an eecti"e
and need satisyin# Human Resource De"elopment Plan or PTCL trainin# centers, T$e pilot run
o t$is pro#ram is e8pected to commence 9y t$e end o 'pril -..F,
:, Trainin! Incenti%e offered to 3SS .;tees:
2or t$e re$a9ilitation o 6SS Optees% PTCL oered a packa#e o post 6SS trainin# 5
de"elopment ser"ices% out o 7$ic$ t$e most 9eneicial and $elpul ser"ice oers 7ere
6ocational and Tec$nical trainin#s,
<, Re%a";in! Pro6ect of PTCL Trainin! = De%eo;"ent by Etisaat Acade"y:
PTCL $as a $u#e trainin# inrastructure t$rou#$out t$e country t$at is #eo#rap$ically 7ide
spread, To re"amp t$is 7in# o PTCL and transorm it into a proit center% Etisalat 'cademy $as
9een en#a#ed or t$is proEect 7it$ t$e ollo7in# main o9Eecti"es0

E"aluation o e8istin# trainin# inrastructure
Identiication o potential and non+potential trainin# institutes
De"elopment plan or proposed trainin# set+up
Compre$ensi"e 7orkorce analysis o e8istin# Human Resources in T5D department
Proposals re#ardin# computeri<ed learnin# mana#ement system
Preparation o Quality 'ssurance (Q') systems 5 procedures
Determination o =ey Perormance Indicators (=PIs)

>, I";e"entation of ERP syste" in T=D:
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T$e ocus o t$e proEect is to set up and maintain t$e ?ualiications catalo#s% create and e"aluate
proiles or a ran#e o o9Eects (or e8ample% persons and positions)% e"aluate career and
succession plannin# scenarios% set up appraisal systems% as 7ell as plan% $old% and e"aluate
appraisals% create de"elopment plans% and 7ork t$rou#$ indi"idual de"elopment plannin#
scenarios 9y customi<in# t$e unctions o personnel de"elopment to meet customer re?uirements,
?, PTCL Acade"y acti%ities:
PTCL 'cademy $as 9een re"itali<ed 7it$ a ne7 "ision to 9e reco#ni<ed locally and re#ionally as
a center o e8cellence in t$e pro"ision o state+o+t$e+art trainin# and consultancy ser"ices in
telecommunications and related ields, It 7ill pro"ide a platorm or t$e creation% dissemination
and e8c$an#e o kno7led#e and e8pertise in all areas o telecom and IT to internal and e8ternal
stake$olders, Some o t$e pro#rams on its a#enda are0
R P$,D, Pro#ramme
R &S pro#ramme
R Post @raduate Diploma
R Cisco Re#ional 'cademy Pro#ramme
R Oracle 'cademy Pro#ramme
R Noint "enture 7it$ CISCO and N!ST
R Seminars A S$ort Courses A Certiicate pro#rammes
R Course de"elopment or ne7 oerin#s (tec$nical and mana#ement courses)
R Testin# A Inspection o telecom e?uipment

@, Line"an Trainin! Pro!ra""e:
T$e declaration to cele9rate year -../+.F as year o Customer Care 5 Satisaction 9y t$e
PresidentACEO o t$e company% $as entrusted upon Trainin# 5 De"elopment Department a
#i#antic task to transorm our line sta 7$o are t$e real customer care a#ents o PTCL, T$is
initiati"e is t$e part o company:s strate#ic "ision to turn PTCL a leadin# corporate entity in
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$i#$ly competiti"e 9usiness en"ironment o telecom industry, ' me#a trainin# campai#n $as
9een launc$ed or all t$e Linemen o PTCL, T$e trainin# module prepared 9y Trainin# 5
De"elopment department $as tried to address all skill needs most direly re?uired 9y our Linemen
to cope 7it$ emer#in# tec$nolo#ies in telecommunication, T$is trainin# 7ill si#niicantly
impro"e 9ot$ sot and tec$nical competencies o our linemen and 7e 9elie"e t$at t$is trainin#
s$all 9e remem9ered as a milestone in PTCL:s $istory,
9, A$aity Awareness Pro!ra""e:
In order to create ?uality a7areness and skills impro"ement o PTCL sta% a )+year Q' plan $as
9een made, T$e proEect is sc$eduled rom &arc$ -..D to Decem9er -..F, 2ollo7in# our types
o pro#rammes are under t$e 7ork plan0
R Installation Quality Standards
R Quality 'uditor Course
R Company7ide Quality '7areness
R JTrain t$e Trainer Pro#ramme: oered to t$e aculty o PTCL trainin# centers
(*, Senior Mana!e"ent De%eo;"ent Pro!ra":
Etisalat 'cademy 9ein# t$e lead consultants o PTCL:s Trainin# and De"elopment department
$as proposed a meritorious pro#ram or t$e de"elopment o Senior &ana#ement Team (S&T) o
PTCL, T$e 7orks$ops% t$eir contents and out comes $a"e 9een re"ie7ed and $a"e 9een ound
9eneicial or t$e company, Proposed plan o i"e 7orks$ops is in line 7it$ emer#in# concept o
Continuous Proessional De"elopment, CPD is 9ein# promoted or conscious updatin# o
proessional kno7led#e and en$ancement o proessional competence t$rou#$out a personGs
7orkin# lie, PTCL Trainin# 5 De"elopment 7in# is committed to t$e pursuit o proessional
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e8cellence 7it$ its Senior &ana#ement Team, PTCL:s S&T% t$ou#$ possesses matc$less
unctional competencies% 7ill 9eneit rom t$ese 7orks$ops,
((, Interns4i; Pro!ra""e:
's per e8istin# policy appro8imately *FB interns$ip oers 7ere made durin# -../+.F, Currently%
7e are in t$e process o in"i#oratin# our Interns$ip Policy, Durin# t$e last couple o years
Interns$ip Pro#ramme at PTCL $as recei"ed special attention and ocus, T$e o"erall concept $as
e"ol"ed rom its traditional perspecti"e into a strate#ic perspecti"e, 3e look or7ard to t$is
pro#ramme not only as a learnin# opportunity or t$e participants 9ut also a prospect or PTCL in
its continuous endea"or or talent $unt, It is t$e process 9y 7$ic$ 7e not only contri9ute
si#niicantly to t$e de"elopment o t$e 9est talent in proessional and leadin# uni"ersities and
sc$ools% 9ut it also aims at creatin# SPTCL 'm9assadorsT t$at spread #ood7ill o t$e company
all o"er t$e country, T$is pro#ramme is intended to pro"ide students 7it$ t$e opportunity to
apply 7$at t$ey are learnin# in t$eir academic pursuits to real 7orld situations, T$rou#$ t$e
successul implementation o t$is pro#ramme% PTCL looks or7ard to ri#$tly identiy% recruit%
train and de"elop its most important need o t$e day i,e, t$e Human Resource,
Prod$cts and Ser%ices
PTCL Landine
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2or local calls t$e code used is non+STD, 2or calls to ot$er cities (e,#, =arac$i to La$ore) t$e
code is called STD, 2or International calls t$e code used is ISD,
Dialin# System
3$en dialin# on landlines% calls made 7it$in cities are considered local calls, Calls to ot$er cities
(e,#, Karachi to Lahore) are considered lon# distance calls and are metered accordin# to distance,
(e,#, 3$en dialin# to La$ore rom =arac$i you $a"e to dial t$e code or La$ore t$en ollo7ed 9y
t$e num9er o t$e destination% t$ereore you dial .B-)+UUU+UUUU ), 2or local calls% you Eust
dial t$e local num9er, 2or international calls% you dial V..V ollo7ed 9y t$e country code, (e,#,
2or calls to t$e != rom Pakistan you dial .. + BB + UUUUUU ),
PTCL 35fone
It is a product 7$ic$ is 7ireless, 3e can use any7$ere in Pakistan,
Internet and 7e9 9ro7sin# is also its eature, It is under CD&'
!one (Pakistan Telecom &o9ile Ltd) a 7$olly+o7ned su9sidiary o PTCL commenced its
operations on -Ft$ Nanuary -..* as a @S& F.. ser"ice pro"ider, Since t$e outset% it $as
e8panded its co"era#e and customer 9ase at a rapid pace and esta9lis$ed itsel as one o t$e
leadin# cellular ser"ice pro"iders in Pakistan, !one is no7 considered to 9e one o t$e most
acti"e% a##ressi"e and inno"ati"e players in t$e mo9ile sector o Pakistan,
T$e #ro7t$ o t$e cellular industry is a direct result o t$e successul implementation o t$e
telecom dere#ulation and cellular mo9ile policy 9y t$e &inistry o IT and Telecommunications
(&OIT5T) and t$e support% #uidance and timely enorcement o re#ulatory process 9y t$e
Pakistan Telecommunication 'ut$ority (PT'),
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T$e #ro7t$ o t$e cellular sector in Pakistan can also 9e attri9uta9le to #ood #o"ernance policies
o t$e #o"ernment o Pakistan and t$e Pri"ati<ation Commission, In 'pril -..H% Emirates
Telecommunication Corporation% 7$ic$ is commonly kno7n as Etisalat% $as assumed
mana#ement control o Pakistan Telecommunication Corporation Ltd W part o t$e O-,H9n deal to
9uy a -HI stake in PTCL, T$e successul pri"ati<ation o PTCL% and conse?uently !one% is
$ailed as us$erin# in a ne7 era or telecommunications in Pakistan,
No7% under t$e mana#ement o Etisalat% !one 7ill concentrate on customer needs and 9eneits
and is more determined t$an e"er to 9e t$e leadin# cellular player in t$e market, !one $as 9een
kno7n or pro"idin# super9 propositions and ?uality ser"ice to its customers, 3it$ t$e ne7
e8pected in"estment% !one can no7 a##ressi"ely e8pand its net7ork co"era#e,
1ey Acco";is4"ents
!one $as al7ays played a pi"otal role in t$e de"elopment o t$e cellular market in Pakistan, 2or
t$e most part% it $as 9een a step a$ead in introducin# inno"ati"e products to t$e market, !one
7as a pioneer in launc$in# t$e @PRS ser"ices and &ulti+media &essa#in# Ser"ice (&&S) in
Pakistan% and lead t$e 7ay in introducin# @PRS international roamin# and prepaid international
roamin# or t$ese ser"ices in t$e Pakistani market,
's mo9ile users in t$e country $a"e reac$ed o"er -/ million at a "ery rapid pace% !one $as
maintained itsel as t$e -nd lar#est cellular operator in Pakistan 7it$ a su9scri9er 9ase o around
H,C million and a market s$are o nearly -CI, !one $as seen a su9scri9er #ro7t$ rate o o"er
-..I in t$e last year% and since t$e start o -..C !one added nearly C million su9scri9ers onto
its net7ork, ' remarka9le ac$ie"ement indeed% especially considerin# t$e act t$at t7o ne7
international players also entered into t$e market in -..C, Su9se?uently t$e #ro7t$ in su9scri9er
9ase caused a $ealt$y trend in re"enues 7$ic$ $a"e dou9led,
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3$ile keepin# its tradition o 9ein# t$e trend setter in t$e industry% !one c$an#ed t$e ima#e o
mo9ile p$ones rom a lu8ury only aorda9le 9y t$e elite% to a necessity aorda9le 9y t$e
common man, Since its inception% !one $as positioned its 9rand or masses, In keepin# 7it$ t$e
upcomin# competition and market dynamics% !one increased its ocus on t$e yout$ se#ment
(7$ic$ comprises C.I o t$e population)% 7it$ t$e Prepay 9rand, 4y desi#nin# market ocused
products% !one:s 9rand team launc$ed a##ressi"e campai#ns% 7$ic$ urt$er increased t$e 9rand
e?uity, T$e ne7 9rand ima#e #ained $u#e popularity amon#st t$e tar#eted market, ' recent
marketin# sur"ey conducted 9y a prominent marketin# researc$ company s$o7ed t$at !one $as
considera9ly increased its 9rand "isi9ility and ima#e, !one:s Prepay 9rand is no7 considered to
9e one o t$e most a"ored 9rands 9y t$e yout$ market and is ollo7ed 9y ot$er mo9ile operators
launc$in# t$eir respecti"e 9rands or t$e yout$ market,
Internationa Co%era!e
!one pro"ides International Roamin# acility 7it$ more t$an *C. international operators across
DF countries, !one $as @PRS roamin# a#reements 7it$ se"eral international operators and also
pro"ides prepaid roamin# acility to selecti"e destinations,
C$sto"er Ser%ice
!one is proud to $a"e an eicient and riendly customer ser"ice t$rou#$ -* company+o7ned
Sales 5 Customer Ser"ice Centers and nearly -C. ranc$isees across t$e country, T$e outlets are
a9le to ser"ice t$e customers 7it$ inno"ati"e solutions% and are empo7ered 7it$ 3e9 9ased
ranc$ise mana#ement systems, !one is poised to ace t$e e"er increasin# c$allen#es o t$e
market and is conident it 7ill attract ne7 customers, It $as t$e a9ility to retain its e8istin#
customer 9ase 7it$ a $i#$ le"el o customer satisaction "ia optimum net7ork ser"ice and a -B
$our call center acility,
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Network Co%era!e
!one $as al7ays 9elie"ed in a solid commitment to #ro7t$% security and relia9ility, T$ereore%
!one $as al7ays 9alanced its e8pansion eorts and ?uality o ser"ice, 3it$ a total current
in"estment o OB.. &illion% !one $as net7ork co"era#e in more t$an -H. cities and to7ns and
across all maEor $i#$7ays o t$e country,
!one $as 9een instrumental in t$e #ro7t$ o t$e cellular market in Pakistan, It is a company
committed to e8cellence, !nder t$e ne7 "ision o Etisalat and 7it$ t$e support and colla9oration
o its employees and "endors% !one aspires to 9e t$e 9est in t$e market 9y oerin# customer
ocused products and a ?uality ser"ice and sales net7ork,
!one is a su9sidry o PTCL, It 7orks under PT' and it is a @S& eatured product, !one is a
leadin# @S& ser"ice pro"ider in Pakistan no7 a days,
PTCL -roadband
It is pro"idin# $i#$ speed internet 9ro7sin#, DSL is no7 in top internet speed,
S"art Ser%ices
PTCL no7 a days pro"idin# smart T6 ser"ice in dierent areas, O"er *C. li"e c$annels are
a"aila9le to see 7it$ #ood picture ?uality,
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C$ina &o9iles
Orascom telecom
3e treat eac$ o our customer e?uality 5 as t$e most important person 7$ile 7e interact 7it$
$imA$er, 3e must ensure t$at 7e do e"eryt$in# to meet and e8ceed t$e customers e8pectations
7it$ perect to times% accuracy 5 ?uality ser"ices,
3e treat eac$ o our employees 7it$ airness% 7$ic$ includes #i"in# constructi"e eed9ack or
t$eir de"elopment, 3e cele9rate di"ersity and seek su##estions rom all employees or
impro"ement, 3e ensure t$at responsi9ility 5 airness in all our decision+makin#,
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.r!ani7ationa Str$ct$re
-oard of Directors

Mr, Na!$ib$a4 Mai
C4air"an PTCL -oard
Secretary IT 5 Telecom Di"ision% &inistry o InormationTec$nolo#y@o"ernmento

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3e 7ork to7ards ac$ie"ement o our "ision 5 mission as a com9ines #roup, 3e encoura#e inter
5 intra+departmental communications, 3e treat our collea#ues as our internal customers 5
ensure t$at t$e re?uirements o internal customer ocus are al7ays met,

Mr, Abd$ra4i" Abd$a Abd$ra4i" A Nooryani
C$airman 5 C$ie E8ecuti"e Oicer%
Etisalat International Pakistan L,L,C
E8ecuti"e 6ice President Contracts 5 'dministration
Etisalat% !'E,

Mr, Sa"an SiddiB$e
Secretary (2inance)% &inistry o 2inance
@o"ernment o Pakistan%

Mr, Abd$a7i7 A4"ed Sae4 A4"ed A Sawae4
C$ie Human Resources Oicer
Etisalat% !'E

Mr, M$s4taB A4"ad -4atti
&em9er Telecom
@o"ernment o Pakistan%

Mr, /ad4i Mo4a"ed Er4a"a A Ansari
E8ecuti"e 6ice President En#ineerin#
Etisalat% !'E
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Mr, 14$rs4eed A4"ed &$ne6o
'm9assador% Em9assy o Pakistan
'9u D$a9i% !'E

Mr, Abd$a7i7 8a"ad ."ran Tarya"
@eneral &ana#er% Nort$ern Emirates
Etisalat% !'E

Dr, A4"ed A &arwan
@eneral &ana#er
Real Estate
Etisalat% !'E

Ms, /ara4 Aa"ar
Co";any Secretary PTCL
PTCL Head?uarters%
Cor;orate Infor"ation
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Caid Irs4aid
President 5 C$ie E8ecuti"e Oicer
M$4a""ad Ne4"at$a4 Toor
S,E,6,P (2inance) A C$ie 2inancial Oicer (C,2,O)
Mo4a""ad Nasr$a4
C$ie Tec$nical Oicer (C,T,O)
Mr, &a%ed M$s4taB
C4ief Infor"ation .fficer DC,I,.E
Syed Ma74ar 8$ssain
S,E,6,P (HR A 'dmin 5 Procurement)
Sikandar NaBi
S,E,6,P (Corporate De"elopment)
Na%eed Saeed
S,E,6,P (Commercial)
Mr TariB Sa"an
S,E,6,P (4usiness Xone Nort$)
Mr Abd$a4 2o$sef
S,E,6,P 4usiness Xone Sout$
Mr 8a"id /arooB
S,E,6,P Special ProEect
/ara4 Aa"ar
Company Secretary
Le!a Affairs
Dr, Syed &o$ammad 'n7ar S$a$

'skari 4ank Limited
Citi9ank N,',
2aysal 4ank Limited
Ha9i9 4ank Limited
&C4 4ank Limited
National 4ank o PakistanR4S (ormerly '4N '&RO)
Standard C$artered 4ank Limited
!nited 4ank Limited

Re!istered .ffice
PTCL Head?uarters%
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4lock+E% Sector @+/AB%
Islama9ad+BB...% Pakistan,
Tel0 YF-+C*+--H)D)- 5 )B
2a80 YF-+C*+--H)D))
3e90 777,ptcl,com,pk

',2, 2er#uson 5 Co,
C$artered 'ccountants
Ernst 5 >oun# 2ord R$odes Sidat Hyder%
C$artered 'ccountants

S4are Re!istrar
&AS 2'&CO 'ssociates (P"t,) Limited
@round 2loor%
State Lie 4uildin# *+'
I , I C$undri#ar Road
=arac$i DB...
Tel0 YF-+-*+-B--)BB% -BHDB.H
.r!ani7ation 8ierarc4y C4art
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N$"ber of E";oyees
Num9er o employees in PTCL is more t$en )....,
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Introd$ction of a de;art"ent
o En!ineerin!
o &inuteness department
o Operation department
o Researc$ and de"elopment
o Marketin!
o It is concered 7it$ t$e creation o "alue or t$e customers
o /inance
o 'ccountin# department
o Re"enue department
o Ta8ation department
o 8$"an Reco$rse de;art"ent
o Trainin# and De"elopment
Co""ents on t4e .r!ani7ationa Str$ct$re
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T$e structure o t$e or#ani<ation is "ery #ood in my opinion,
.e+art(ents and t,eir Working
T$e PTCL Or#ani<ational structure needs to 9e ormali<ed on emer#ent 9asis,
't t$is le"el t$ere is one $ead SE6P (2inance) 7$o controls t$e unctions o
2IN'NCE% 'CCO!NTS% and RE6ENE! 7it$ t$e assistant o E6P in t$eir respecti"e 7it$in t$e
Re#ion% Director 'ccounts $as Senior Re"enue Oicers in $is area o 2inance Nurisdiction on
Di"ision Le"el, T$e Senior Re"enue Oicer% usually t$e $ead o 2inance Di"ision and Re"enue
Oicers t$en super"ised on District le"el,
SE6P (2inance)
E6P (2inance)% ('ccounts) 5 (Re"enue)
T$e Director (2inance)%('ccounts) 5 (Re"enue)
On t$e Re#ional Le"el comprisin# t7o or t$ree Di"isions,
T$e Senior Re"enue Oicers on Di"ision Le"el
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T$e Re"enue Oicers on District Le"el
In %iew of t4e c4aen!in! scenario PTCL 4as to take bod ste;s re!ardin! its
or!ani7ationa str$ct$re in order to de"onstrate t4at PTCL 4as set5$; ar"s5en!t4
reations4i;s a"on! t4e staff, T4ere s4o$d be se;aration of /inance Cin! fro" t4e
En!ineerin! Cin!, /inance Cin! s4o$d !i%e iberty to take t4e decision in t4eir fa%or,
Mana!e"ent 4as to take t4e strate!ic decisions) t4e cear and instit$tionai7ed
/inance Cin! Str$ct$re

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$% (Finance) $%
$ene'a( %anage' !) "*e
Regi!n+ ,e -i(( 'e.!'" "!
"*e SEVP (/PS) a# -e(( a#
an0 !))ice' 1e#igna"e1 20

T$ere are a9out (<9@?D'**>5'**?E employees are 7orkin# in t$e PTCL% 7$ic$ are 9ein# di"ided
into cate#orically $ere under
Di"ision o Employees accordin# to t$eir Status
Re#ular Daily 7a#er T$rou#$ T,2 Contract Z'd+$oc
Z T$ere is no any employee in PTCL on 'd+$oc 9asis, T$is system o recruitment $as since 9een
c$an#ed into contract 9asis,
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T$e PTCL 2IN'NCE 5 'CCO!NTIN@ system is actually di"ided into t$ree 7in#s,
*+ 2IN'NCE
)+ RE6EN!E
T$e SE6P (2IN'NCE) is concerned 7it$ t$e makeup o t$e all type o inancial
decisions especially in t$e conte8t o ac?uisition% inancin# and mana#ement o all assets 7it$
some #oal in mind, T$e E6P (2inance) 7it$ t$e @eneral &ana#er (2inance) e8tend t$eir
e8pertise in t$e decision makin# process,
Here t$e SE6P (2inance) is once a#ain concerned 9y $eadin# t$e E6P('CCO!NTS) and
@eneral &ana#er ('ccounts) to deal 7it$ all 'ccounts Decision, In PTCL t$e 2inance and
'ccountin# are so correlated 9ut t$e dierence 9et7een inance and 'ccountin# is t$e met$od o
2unds Reco#nition and t$e decision makin#, In t$e 'ccountin# t$e Director 'ccounts in t$e
PTCL Re#ions assist t$e $i#$er mana#ement,
Here t$e SE6P (2inance) is once a#ain concerned 9y $eadin# t$e E6P (Re"enue) and
@eneral &ana#er (Re"enue) to deal 7it$ all Re"enue matters, One Director Re"enue 7it$in t$e
Re#ion assist to implement and control t$e inlo7 o Re"enue and Reconcile it 7it$ t$e PTCL
Head?uarters Islama9ad,
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T$e PTCL is actually t$e Re"enue @eneration or#ani<ation, PTCL Collect t$e Re"enue
rom t$e ollo7in# modes,
Re"enue rom System 4illin# o Land Line Num9ers,
a) T$rou#$ Line Rent o Land Line Num9ers,
9) T$rou#$ National 7ide dialin# rom LLN:s (Land Line Num9ers)
c) International dialin# rom LLN:s
d) Pro"idin# 6alue 'dded ser"ices to customers, Like !'N (!ni"ersal 'ccess
Num9ers)% P'4U (Pri"ate 'uto 4ranc$ E8c$an#es)%6PN( 6irtual Pri"ate
Net7ork) 4and7idt$ o ISP:S (Internet ser"ice pro"iders)
e) PTCL $as its t$ree su9sidiaries P'=NET (leadin# ISP in t$e country)% !2ONE
(uni?ue cellular p$one company in Pakistan)% T2 (Telecom 2oundation) t$e
leadin# oundation or t$e 7elare o employees o Telecom Sector,
In PTCL t$e rules contained in t$e special "olume o t$e PTCL under 7$ic$ t$e SE6P
(2IN'NCE) is responsi9le or creatin# t$e procedure o 'ccountin# matters,
a, Re"enue rom !sual customer,
9, Re"enue rom DUU System
c, Re"enue rom DSL System
d, Re"enue rom P'4UAP4U System
e, Re"enue rom Card P$one Operators
, Re"enue rom IPOs Internet ser"ice pro"iders
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#, Re"enue rom &o9ile P$one Operators
$, Co+location c$ar#es rom "arious companies
a, Re"enue rom O"erseas calls (Incomin#)
9, Re"enue rom Premium PRS (.F..) calls
c, Income rom Dismantle E8c$an#es
d, Re"enue rom &D2 used 9y ot$er companies
E8penses o installation o ne7 E8c$an#es are t$e maEor capital e8pense o PTCL 9ecause
PTCL purc$ases t$e ne7 telep$one e8c$an#es rom 2rance% Italy% @ermany and C$ina, So
$ea"y cost is to 9e paid or purc$asin# process in order to proper mar#in, Eac$ e8c$an#e
$a"in# dierent capacity and due 7$ic$ eac$ En#ineer s$ould $as to 9e trained accordin#ly
so e8penses rises on purc$asin# o ne7 Telep$one E8c$an#es, T$is is t$e main e8pense o
T$e e8tension o t$e e8istin# e8c$an#es is t$e dire need as t$e density o t$e population is
increasin# day 9y day and in order to ulill t$e 9asic communication and ill t$e communication
#ap PTCL $as to e8tend its normal Telep$one E8c$an#es in accordance 7it$ t$e demand and per
paid connection, So PTCL sustain $ea"y e8penses on t$e e8tension o e8c$an#es,
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T$e PTCL $as sustained $u#e amount in conte8t o internal audit 9ot$ 'ccounts and Tec$nical
rom "arious a#encies, 2or e8ample &As 2er#uson conduct 9ot$ internal audit and e8ternal audit
and payment made to auditors in t$e e8penses o t$e company,
Some time in t$e 9est interest o company% some e8penses could 9e occurred or e8ample i t$ere
is need o induction o a inancial analyst in one re#ion or i t$ere is need o an En#ineer t$en
transer and postin# order can 9e issued and tra"elin# and trainin# e8penses could 9e reali<ed to
T$e mont$ly salary o t$e sta is rest 7it$ t$e appro"al o PTCL H,Q Islama9ad, PTCL is
spendin# lot o amount on t$e salaries,
FI/A/%0 S1S"02 OF 3"%)
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PTCL $as ma#niicent inance structure; it is 9asically Product Oriented or#ani<ation so
$ere% t$e Re"enue is t$e Lie 4lood as suc$ or any ot$er proit seekin# or#ani<ation, So 7e
s$ould $a"e isolated t$e Re"enue rom 2inance side or eit$er 7e s$ould consider t$e 2inance in
t$e conte8t o Re"enue,
2inance acti"ities can 9e e"aluated in terms o PTCL:s 9asic inancial statements
analy<in# t$rou#$
Finance planning
On PTCL HQ Islama9ad% SE6P (2inance) is% 7$o 7it$ t$e concurrence 7it$ t$e CEO or
makin# all t$e 2inance Plannin# t$at:s 7ay t$e PTCL $as to inEect t$e money in order to 9oost up
t$e 9usiness and in order to complete t$e sti competition aced in t$e telecomm sector, 4eore
takin# any decision re#ardin# inancial plannin# t$e drat could 9e presented 9eore t$e 4oard o
@o"ernors, In t$is section t$ere is need o inancin# eit$er in t$e 3LL (7ireless local loop) sector
or 7ire+line or mo9ile operator ser"ices,
Managing the PTCLs Asset structure
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PTC is "ery or#ani<ed or#ani<ation and it $as also its i8ed as 7ell 7it$ t$e current asset,
So t$ere are many e8perts in order to keep t$e eye 7atc$ on t$e PTCL inrastructure% or e8ample
Director (2i8ed 'ssets) is responsi9le or t$e maintenance and repair o t$e 9uildin# and
mac$inery on t$e Re#ional le"el,
Managing the PTCLs financial structure
PTCL inancial structure is in t$e sae $ands t$e 9asic ?ualiication or t$e post o
'ssistant 'ccounts Oicer is &4' (2inance) and or t$e SE6P (2inance) t$e incum9ent s$ould
possess t$e de#ree o &4' 7it$ 'C&' 5 C', Due to suc$ res$ 9lood t$e youn# and ener#etic
inancial mana#ement takin# some 9old decision t$e results o 7$ic$ are a7aited up till,
F4/.I/5 OF 3"%)
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PTCL mo9ili<ed its unds 7it$ ollo7in# 7ays,
*) Purc$ase t$e ne7 imported inrastructure like ne7 E8c$an#es etc
PTCL mo9ili<ed its inds mostly in t$e purc$ase o ne7 telep$one e8c$an#es rom
a9road (2rance% Italy 5 C$ina), T$ere is also purc$ase o accessories o telep$one
e8c$an#e #enerators and ot$er e?uipments,
-) Capital e8penditure or t$e or#ani<ation,
T$ere are "arious e8penses or t$e PTCL in t$e conte8t o capital e8penditure t$at $as
already 9een mentioned in pre"ious pa#es,
)) Purc$ase and ac?uisition o stores,
PTCL store items are "ery important components i,e Stationery% stand+9y E8c$an#es%
#enerators% 9arites and ot$er e?uipments, PTCL spend lot o unds on t$ese items,
B) Loan and ad"ances to ot$ers% and re+in"estment,
T$ere are oerin# o Loan and ad"ances to t$e employees on "arious rates accordin#
to t$e len#t$ o ser"ices on roll, T$is is t$e main source o mo9ili<ation o unds,
C) Payment o di"idend to t$e stock$olders,
Payment made to t$e s$are$olders in t$e conte8t o di"idend to 9e paid to t$e
s$are$olders, PTCL $as currently announced t$e di"ided o Rs,)-Aper s$are,
H) Salaries o t$e sta all o"er t$e country,
O9"iously ser"ices rendered 9y t$e sta and in t$is 7ay PTCL $as to pay $andsome
amount to t$eir sta% t$ose are t$e main source o #eneratin# t$e re"enue,
D) 'nnual 4onus to employees,
PTCL pays annual 4onus o Rs, *-...A+ to its employees on t$e Eid occasion,
/) Security deposits% Transer o Company:s Land 5 4uildin#,
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3$ere PTCL does not ind any 9uildin# or land t$en security deposit may 9e paid to
t$e pri"ate land$olders or t$e installation o PTCL inrastructure,
F) Insurance o t$e Company
PTCL oers t$e insurance rom its o7n side in case o deat$ and medically unit o its
*.) Pension% #raduate% and ot$er rin#e 9eneits,
2or t$e pension and #ratuity o t$e retire oicial PTCL mo9ili<ed its unds
**) Supply o 2urniture and 2i8tures to t$e oice 9uildin#s,
T$is is t$e responsi9ility o t$e &ana#ement to 9e pro"ided t$e urniture and i8ture
to t$e oice 9uildin#s accordin#ly,
*-) Reno"ation% alteration% and rental c$ar#es o pri"ately o7ned 9uildin#s,
PTCL $as to pay t$e $andsome amount or reno"ation and alteration o e8istin#
9uildin# and t$e c$ar#es o pri"ately o7ned 9uilders are 9ein# issued accordin#ly,
*, 'mount Reali<ed rom System 4illin#,
-, 'mount Reali<ed rom deaulters,
), Re"enue rom 6alue+added Ser"ices,
B, 4and7idt$ acilities pro"ided to t$e companies,
C, Earnin# rom DUU% PSTN% P'4U% 6PN% PRI 5 ISD,
H, &edia used 9y cellular and pay+card companies and earn royalty,
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D, Earnin# rom su9sidiaries PT&L% P'=NET 5 T2,
/, 'mount reali<ed t$rou#$ co+location c$ar#es,
F, 4asic Rate Interace pro"ided to t$e su9scri9er,
*., International dialin# customers,
**, Corporate 4illin# customers% "alued customers,
*-, Earnin# rom &TR mo9ile Termination Rate,
*), Earnin# rom Incomin# O"erseas Calls in s$ape o premium rom o"erseas
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Cas4 !enerated fro" o;erations
In t$is conte8t 7e can say t$at PTCL usual earnin# lot muc$ more depends upon t$e usual
earnin# rom Telep$one num9er and payments o t$e 9ill t$ereo% t$is is t$e primary source o
unds o PTCL,
Sec$rity de;osits
6arious pay card companies like Dancom% 3orld call% Pearl Tel% Sot tec$% deposited $u#e
amount as t$e securin# deposit in t$e 9ooks o PTCL or t$e media t$at is 9ein# used 9y t$ese
companies, PTCL is utili<in# t$ese security deposits,
Ret$rn on de;osits
'ter payment t$e di"idend to t$e s$are $olders and $a"in# paid t$e income ta8 on t$e
proit t$e surplus amount is 9ein# used in t$e deposits o "arious national and multinational 9anks
rom 7$ere ROD is recei"ed accordin#ly,
Di%idend Inco"e
PTCL some time itsel purc$ases t$e s$are rom t$e open market and earn t$e di"idend income
t$ereo, It is also possi9ly t$at PTCL i applica9le may detain t$e s$ares o dierent ot$er
companies and earn t$e di"idend,
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Sae ;roceeds of fi#ed assets
T$e deunct and dismantle Telep$one e8c$an#es not allo7ed re+sell to t$e ot$er underde"eloped
countries and #ain proit, PTCL is also not in t$e process o plannin# to 9e used t$e idle land%
7$ic$ could 9e used on commercial 9asis 9y ot$er parties,
Lon!5 Ter" In%est"ent
T$ere are "arious lon#+term proEect o PTCL, 4LT is one o t$em, PTCL is no7 e8pandin# its
9usiness t$rou#$ t$e !nited 'ra9 Emirates 9y consortium and t$rou#$ t$e Eoint "enture 7it$
ot$er telecom operators, PTCL $as also some lon#+term in"estment in t$e 'T5T ('merican
Telep$one 5 Tele#rap$) and XTE (Xe$7in# Telecom En#ineerin# Company C$ina),
Lon!5Ter" Loan to ot4ers
PTCL $as also oered lon# term loan a#reement to ot$er Telecom pro"ider companies, PTCL is
pro"idin# its e8pertise and En#ineers to t$em and also oerin# amount to 9e in"ested on 9e$al
o PTCL or e8ample PT&L Pakistan Telecom &o9ile Limited and Paknet t$e Internet pro"iders
Loans) ad%ances) de;osits) ;re;ay"ents and ot4er recei%abe
In t$is conte8t all t$e reerred point and return t$ereo 7ill 9e called t$e recei"a9le,
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'#ainst all purc$ase orders issued 9y t$e PTCL HAQ:s Islama9ad payment made ater
allocation o 2unds 7$ic$ urt$er allocated 9y t$e Re#ional oices, T$e unds usually allocate in
order to mana#e t$e ollo7in#0 +
*B, Capital e8penditure
*C, Purc$ase o inrastructure like ne7 e8c$an#es,
*H, Launc$in# o ne7 Product,
*D, Human resource de"elopment
*/, Transportation e8penses% misc e8penses
*F, Domestic and o"erseas trainin# o sta
-., 4onus to t$e employees% $ouseA9uildin# ad"ances% motor carAmotor cycle ad"ances,
-*, 3orker compensation und% 9ene"olent und contri9ution #eneral pro"ident und
--, &aintenance o 9uildin#s% "e$icles% i8ed assets,
-), Deault situation o su9sidiaries,
'llocation o 2unds or &arketin# e8ploration (9G of net ;rofit
'llocation o 2unds or Researc$ 5 de"elopment (@G of net ;rofit
'llocation o 2unds or Human resources 5 'dmn ++G of net ;rofit
'llocation o 2unds or Corporate aairs +*G of net ;rofit
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De;art"ent worked d$rin! interns4i; and s;ecificHeadin!
contrib$tion "ade,
In t$e 9e#innin# t$ey #a"e me a 9rie introduction o all t$e aspects related to t$eir ield
o 9usiness% t$eir products% c$an#es in products, ' #eneral o"er"ie7 o PTCL 7as #i"en in ot$er
7ords, &oreo"er% I learned $o7 t$in#s 7ork in a practical en"ironment% c$allen#es and pro9lems
aced as I $a"e mentioned,
&ore speciically t$e proEect assi#ned to me durin# t$e interns$ip 7as t$e sales analysis
o PTCL+6 Ser"ices Packa#es% a product o PTCL, T$e maEor department in 7$ic$ I did
interns$ip 7as Interconnection Re"enue Department, T$e prices o t$e PTCL+6 de"ices 7ere
reduced durin# t$e period 7$ic$ $ad a positi"e impact on sales, I 7as assi#ned t$e task o
analy<in# t$e impact o c$an#e in t$ese prices on t$e o"erall income and ot$er ser"ice packa#es o
PTCL 6+ one (3LL Ser "ice) 7as a maEor area o ocus or PTCL durin# t$e year, '
e7 prominent measures taken in t$is area durin# t$e year 7ere launc$in# o ree $ome
deli"ery ser"ice, No line rent packa#e 7as launc$ed in Nune -.*., In Nune -../% ). seconds 9illin#
7as introduced contri9utin# as an eecti"e customer retention tool, PTCL $as e8panded t$e
net7ork to pro"ide co"era#e in all lar#e and small cities includin# o"er *.%... "illa#es in rural
areas o Pakistan,

Probe"s Identified
PTCL is a 7ell or#ani<ed company and operates eiciently in t$is competiti"e en"ironment so it
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7as diicult or me to identiy t$e pro9lem, 4ut not$in# is perect in t$is 7orld t$ere is al7ays a
room or impro"ement, 'ccordin# to my limited kno7led#e ollo7in# 7ere t$e pro9lems and
c$allen#es t$at can directly aect t$e eiciency and perormance o t$e 9ank or in ot$er 7ords
impro"ement need 9e made in t$e ollo7in# areas0
T$ere is a lack o 9alance in incenti"es #i"en to old and ne7 employees, Ne7 employees
are paid more 7$ic$ de+ moti"ates t$e old ones,
Lack o proper computer skills in old employees is anot$er pro9lem,
System pro9lems do arise at times and customers $a"e to 7ait or t$e system to
7ork properly,
Some employees misuse t$e resources o t$e company,
Employees 7ere not "ery eecti"e in communication amon# t$emsel"es, T$ey
didn:t s$are t$e e8perience 7it$ eac$ ot$er and didn:t care a9out t$e ot$er
employees, Some employees lacked t$e trust in mana#ement,
Ineecti"e pu9lic dealin# 7as anot$er maEor pro9lem 7$ic$ I e8perienced durin#
my interns$ip, y Re#ularity and punctuality s$o7s t$e c$aracter o 9i# and #ood
e8ecuti"es, 4ut t$is pro9lem is also aced 9y t$e o"erconident employees,
/inancia Anaysis
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.;eratin! 8i!4i!4ts
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C''en" A##e"#
C''en" 3ia2i(i"ie#
I"# #*!-# "*e )i'45# a2i(i"0 "! c!ve'# i" c''en" (ia2i(i"ie# -i"* i" c''en" a##e"#+
Ra"i! )!' 2005 6 6 1+89
Ra"i! )!' 2006 6 6 1+66
Ra"i! )!' 2007 6 53560840724447741 6 2+19
Ra"i! )!' 2008 639603406721913959 6 1+8
Ra"i! )!' 2009 654220241736086322 6 1+5
Current Ratio o PTCL 7as #ood last i"e year, In -..H t$e current ratio
4etter t$en t$e last year and upcomin# years, T$e last t$ree year sli#$tly
Dierence 9et7een eac$ ot$er, I PTCL increases t$e assets t$en current
Ratio o PTCL is 9etter,
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Ca#* 8 ca#* e9iva(en"
C''en" (ia2i(i"0
I" i# "*e 'a"i! !) ca#* an1 ca#* e9iva(en"# "! c''en" (ia2i(i"ie#+ I" #*!-# "*a" *!-
4c* ca#* avai(a2(e "! c!ve' "*e c''en" (ia2i(i"ie#+
Ra"i! )!' 20056 6 :
Ra"i! )!' 2006 6 6 :
Ra"i! )!' 20076 6 :
Ra"i! )!' 200864545145721913959 60+21:
Ra"i! )!' 2009611906448736086322 60+32:
In 2009 ca#* 'a"i! i# 2e""e' "*en "*e (a#" 0ea'
An1 2008 "*e ca#* 'a"i! i# 1ec'ea#e# "*en 2007 'a"i! an1 #(ig*" inc'ea#e#
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University of Sargodha
Cash ratio

;!"a( &e2"
;!"a( E9i"0
;*e Ra"i! #*!-# e<"en1 "! -*ic* "*e )i'4 i# )inance1 20 1e2"+
Ra"i! )!' 2005 6 6 13=87
Ra"i! )!' 2006 6 6 14=86
Ra"i! )!' 2007 6 6 14=86
Ra"i! )!' 2008 6 13366216775741890 6 15=85
Ra"i! )!' 2009 6 10760974 7564951136 16=84
;*i# 0ea' i# 2e""e' "*en .'evi!# 0ea'#+

CA > C3
I" #*!-# "*e ne" -!'"* !) "*e 2an?+
Ra"i! )!' 2005 6
Ra"i! )!' 20066
Ra"i! )!' 2007653560840>244477416 29113099
Ra"i! )!' 2008 639603406>21913961 6 17689445
Ra"i! )!' 2009 654220241 >360863226 18133919
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University of Sargodha
Woring !a"ita#

;*e ne" -!'"* !) "*e !'g i# #"'!ng+ 3a#" )ive 0ea' "*e 1a"a #*!-# .!#i"ive
An#-e' +i"# 4ean "*a" "*e c''en" a##e"# !) "*e 2an? i# 4!'e "*en "*e c''en"
Ne" inc!4e
N! !) !'1ina'0 #*a'e#
;*i# 'a"i! "e((# "*a" -*a" "*e ea'ning .e' #*a'e+
Ra"i! )!' 2005 6 6 5+22
Ra"i! )!' 2006 6 6 4+07
Ra"i! )!' 2007 6 6 3+07
Ra"i! )!' 2008 6 1470530073900000000 6(0+55)
Ra"i! )!' 2009 6 16206485711100000000 61+7
%C@ ea'ning .e' #*a'e !) )ive 0ea'# i# *ig* 1i))e'ence+ "*e0 a'e c*ange# In "*e

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University of Sargodha

I" i# 4ea#'e !) "*e )i'4 .'!)i"a2i(i"0 !) #a(e a)"e' "a?ing acc!n" !) a(( e<.en#e an1
inc!4e "a<e#+
Ra"i! )!' 2005 6 630+46:
Ra"i! )!' 2006 6 626+16:
Ra"i! )!' 2007 6 6 22+01
Ra"i! )!' 2008 6 6(4+26):
Ra"i! )!' 2009 6 615+45:
Ne" .'!)i" 4a'gin !) P;C( *a# i4.'!ve1A 1'ing "*e c''en" 0ea' "'e4en1!#(0+
;*i# #igna( "!-a'1# *ig*e' e))icienc0 an1 (!-e' a14ini#"'a"ive c!#" !) "*e ."c(+
Ne" P'!)i" B 100
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University of Sargodha

;!"a( E9i"0
;*i# 'a"i! #*!-# "*a" 'e#i1a( .'!)i" a# a .'!.!'"i!n !) "*e 2an? va(e !) c!44!n
#*a'e*!(1e' e9i"0+
Ra"i! )!' 2005 6 6 25+45:
Ra"i! )!' 2006 6 6 20+22 :
Ra"i! )!' 2007 6 6 14+45:
Ra"i! )!' 2008 6 6(2+71):
Ra"i! )!' 2009 6 69+28:
;*e R/E !) P;C3 *a# #*!-n a 4i< "'en1+ In "*e 2006 i" 1ec'ea#e1 a# c!4.a'e
"! 0ea' 2005+ ;*e inc'ea#e in R/E i# 1e "! i4.'!ve4en" in Ne" P'!)i" %a'gin+ "*e
2005 i# 2e""e' .'!)i" "*en ne<" )!' 0ea'
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University of Sargodha

Profitability Position
Liquidity Position
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University of Sargodha

Leverae Position
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University of Sargodha

A!tivity Positions
SC.T Anaysis
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University of Sargodha

Lar#est operational net7ork and inrastructure 7it$in ICT (Inormation 5 Communication
Tec$nolo#ies) se#ment,
'n inte#rated monopoly,
&arket leaders$ip in Local loop% 3ireless local loop (3LL) and 2i8ed telep$ony,
PTCL (!one) is market c$allen#er in @S& se#ment,
!one is perormin# 7ell t$ou#$ 3arid% Telennor% &o9ilink and Xon# are tou#$
competitor, PTCL % !ons proita9ility increased 9y BF,- percent to Rs FDD million in
*HA2>.D as compared to rsRsHCC million in t$e correspondin# period last,
Competitors still dpend on PTCL net7ork eit$er directly or indirectly,
E8perienced Telecom Recourses,
Not 9een a9le to nurture its #ro7t$ around customer ser"ices oriented strate#y,
Internal or#ani<ational and 9usiness issues,
&onopolistic culture $as urt$er added to comple8ities,
Paknet% t$e internet ser"ice pro"ider arm o PTCL customers to incur losses due to poor
mana#ement and lack o net7ork optimi<ation,
Ptcl+"% t$e i8ed 7ireless p$one ser"ice is poor,
O"er employment 5 lo7 producti"ity,
Slo7 decision makin# includin# e8ternal intererences,
Corporate culture akin to @o"ernment department,
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University of Sargodha

Lo7 teledensity o Pakistan,
Ha"e "ast inrastructure and real estate 7$ic$ can 9e le"era#ed urt$er,
@lo9al connecti"ity relia9ility $as 9een impro"ed,
PTCL e8pandin# t$e lon# distance and inrastructure side t$rou#$ spreadin# out t7o sea+
me+7e su9marine ca9les,
Partners$ip 7it$ ne7 entrants in dere#ulated en"ironment,
Scope or eicient cost eecti"e operations,
increased competition in lon# distance counties to e8ert pressure,
6OIP use is increasin# despite am9i#uous and discriminatory policies,
E8posure to market competition,
&i#ration to cellular net7ork,
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'9ility to attract 5retain ?uality proessional,
Reduction in international settlement rates,
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1+ S!"*e'n ;e(ec!4 Regi!n>IA ,01e'a2a1
2+ S!"*e'n ;e(ec!4 Regi!n>II Ca'ac*i (S;R>II)
3+ S!"*e'n ;e(ec!4 Regi!n>III Ca'ac*i (S;R>III)
4+ 3a*!'e ;e(ec!4 Regi!n (S!"*) A 3a*!'e
5+ 3a*!'e ;e(ec!4 Regi!n (N!'"*) 3a*!'e
6+ Cen"'a( ;e(ec!4 Regi!n (C+;+R) 3a*!'e
7+ Fai#a(a2a1 ;e(ec!4 Regi!n (F;R) Fai#a(a2a1
8+ Ra-a(.in1i ;e(ec!4 Regi!n (R;R) Ra-a(.in1i
9+ ,aDa'a ;e(ec!4 Regi!nA A22!""a2a1
10+N!'"* ;e(ec!4 Regi!n (N;R>II) Pe#*a-a'
11+Ee#"e'n ;e(ec!4 Regi!n (E;R) FGE;;A
12+%("an ;e(ec!4 Regi!n (%;R) %G3;AN
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University of Sargodha

3it$ employee stren#t$ o ).%... and C,D million customers% PTCL is t$e lar#est
telecommunications pro"ider in Pakistan, PTCL also continues to 9e t$e lar#est CD&' operator
in t$e country 7it$ .,/ million 6+one customers,
T$e company maintains a leadin# position in Pakistan as an inrastructure pro"ider to
ot$er telecom operators and corporate customers o t$e country, It $as t$e potential to 9e an
instrumental a#ent in Pakistan:s economic #ro7t$,
PTCL $as laid an Optical 2i9re 'ccess Net7ork in t$e maEor metropolitan centres o
Pakistan and local loop ser"ices $a"e started to 9e moderni<ed and up#raded rom copper to an
optical net7ork
On t$e Lon# Distance and International inrastructure side% t$e capacity o t7o SE'+&E+
3E su9marine ca9le is 9ein# e8panded to meet t$e increasin# demand o International traic,
Pakistan Telecommunication Corporation (PTC) $as esta9lis$ed in Decem9er *FF.%
takin# o"er operations and unctions rom Pakistan Telep$one and Tele#rap$ Department under
Pakistan Telecommunication Corporation 'ct *FF*,
T$is coincided 7it$ t$e @o"ernmentGs competiti"e policy% encoura#in# pri"ate sector
participation and resultin# in a7ard o licenses or cellular% card+operated payp$ones% pa#in# and%
lately% data communication ser"ices,
In *FFB% t$e PTC 9ecomes t$e company limited (Pakistan Telecommunication Company
Limited) 9y issued si8 million "ouc$ers e8c$an#ea9le into H.. million s$ares o t$e PTCL in t7o
separate placements, Eac$ $ad a par "alue o Rs, *. per s$are, T$ese "ouc$ers 7ere con"erted
into PTCL s$ares in mid+*FFH,
In *FFC% Pakistan Telecommunication (Reor#ani<ation) Ordinance ormed t$e 9asis or
PTCL monopoly o"er 9asic telecommunication sector in t$e country, It also pa"ed t$e 7ay or
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University of Sargodha

t$e esta9lis$ment o an independent re#ulatory re#ime, T$e pro"isions o t$e Ordinance 7ere lent
permanence in Octo9er *FFH t$rou#$ Pakistan Telecommunication (Reor#ani<ation) 'ct,
T$e year -..H+.D in t$e telecom sector 7as marked 9y t$e p$enomenal #ro7t$ in t$e
mo9ile sector in Pakistan% 7$ic$ dou9led its su9scri9er 9ase to H. million, T$e teledensity
increased rom -HI to B.I% $elpin# to spread t$e 9eneits o communication tec$nolo#y across
t$e country, PTCL :s mo9ile mo9ile p$one su9sidiary !one:s su9scri9er 9ase #re7 9y more t$an
/DI% rom D,BF million to *B million, T$e year also 7itnessed t$e entry o maEor telecom
companies% most nota9ly C$ina Telecom and Sin#tel% into market,
T$e pri"ati<ation o t$e company 7as completed in t$e 2>.H% ollo7in# t$e purc$aser o
-HI J4: class ordinary s$ares 9y Etisalat International Pakistan L,L,C,
EIP took o"er mana#ement control on *-
on 'pril -..H,
No dou9t P,T,C,L $a"in# t$e monopoly in pro"idin# t$e Land+Line Telep$one
Connection in Pakistan and its playin# its role ma#niicently, In current scenario P,T,C,L $as
increases its Re"enue ?uite dramatically and pro9a9ly t$at as soon as t$is or#ani<ation $as
9ecome pri"ati<ed it 7ill louris$ its re"enue in 9etter manner,
PTCL s$ould immediately c$an#e its 2inance upper le"el o $ierarc$y and s$ould stream
line in t$e #ood manner,
PTCL s$ould also encoura#e t$e 4illin# On line system t$at eac$ and e"ery customer
s$ould $a"e to pay $isA$er 9ill on line 9asis,
T$e system o E+P'>&ENT 7$ic$ alt$ou#$ e8ist in PTCL inance system 9ut t$ere is
need o impro"ement t$is acility,
T$e ima#e o PTCL 9ein# leadin# Telecom Pro"idin# is not #ood in t$e eyes o common
customer especially t$ere are lot o complaints a9out t$e includin# t$e 9o#us local calls in t$e
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mont$ly 9ills o "arious customers, PTCL s$ould also pro"ide t$e detail o local calls made rom
any Land Line Num9er 7$ic$ 7ould 9e pro"ided in &icro le"el to t$e customer,
2aulty Telep$one connection s$ould 9e 2ault 2ree 7it$in -B $ours in order to ma8imi<e
t$e Re"enue% as Re"enue o PTCL s$ould sacriice at t$e cost o 2aulty Telep$one,
PTCL s$ould make Customer Care Centers in remote areas
I I $a"e to e8press my e8perience o interns$ip in PTCL I 7ould 9riely say0
PTCL is a #ood Or#ani<ation in t$e 7ay t$at any9ody can Eoin it or $isA $er lon#+term
career, O"erall 7orkin# en"ironment is comorta9le, &ana#ement o 9ranc$ cares a lot o its
employees and considers t$em as t$e 'sset o PTCL, 4e$a"ior o senior e8ecuti"e o 9ank is
"ery polite and t$ey are carin# a9out t$e indi"idual:s career and t$eir #ro7t$,
PTCL needs inno"ati"e ser"ice oerin#s [ currently it doesn:t e"en oer 9undles or a
sin#le 9ill,
Has 9een unclear a9out its IPT6 and 3i&'U plan and strate#y (trials are in pro#ress)
O"erall PTCL still 9e$a"es as a monopoly \ it $as to c$an#e its attitude, 't a minimum%
a"oidin# 9illin# errors and pro"idin# competent and courteous ser"ice to its customers is essential
i PTCL 7ants to s$o7 t$at it is transormin# itsel to a competiti"e company 7$ic$ cares or its
It is said t$at t$e 9est assets o a company #o $ome to t$eir amily in t$e e"enin#, Can t$e
culture o PTCL 9e c$an#ed to a performance and service-based organization] 'ccordin# to t$e
latest director:s report rom PTCL t$e Sor#ani<ation is 9ein# re"ampedT, Only time can tell t$e
Ho7e"er mana#ement is "ery demandin# a9out t$e tar#ets 9ut #ood re7ard at t$e
ac$ie"ement o assi#ned tar#ets is a7arded,
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University of Sargodha

Employees at PTCL are ?uite eicient, Its employees $a"e to 9rin# t$eir or# amon# t$e
list o #ood, T$ereore% t$ey 7ork more t$an t$eir 7orkin# $ours and it is all accordin# to t$eir
7ill, It also s$o7s t$eir loyalty% commitment to or#ani<ation,
Employees are #i"en t$e 9eneits like 9onus% #ratuity unds% loans% increments% and
'll t$e customers are entertained indi"idually, Same kind o 9e$a"ior and attention is
#i"en to all t$e customers, @ettin# ideas or impro"ement rom customer side is a ne7 idea and
t$at is 7orkin# "ery 7ell in PTCL, 'll t$e customers are asked to ill a su##estion orm and t$e
standards o t$e or# are impro"ed t$rou#$ t$em,
Prioriti<in# its product portolio in line 7it$ its corporate and consumer needs and 7ants
t$e or# are committed to de"elop products t$at #i"e more "alue to its customers in 9ot$ t$e
In PTCL% all t$e 7ork is done on computers, 'll t$e entries are made in computer,
4alance is ed into t$e computer, T$is increases eiciency o t$e or#,
Durin# my interns$ip trainin# I #at$ered inormation re#ardin# $o7 a successul or#
operational aspect decorticated 7it$ t$e practical,
I ound my interns$ip trainin# at PTCL to 9e a "ery re7ardin# e8perience, T$e trainin#
7as 9eneicial 9ecause it $elpul me to a7are a real lie 7orkin# en"ironment,
So ar my learnin# is concerned; all t$e employees at 9ranc$ 7ere ?uite cooperati"e, T$ey
$elped me to understand t$e acti"ities o a or# to possi9le e8tent, T$eir #ood attitude #a"e me
more conidence to learn more and to ask i I $a"e any ?uery in my mind, 4esides t$ere e"er
#oin# acti"ities t$ey ne"er #et irritant 9y my ?uestionin#, I $ad made an $onest eerent to present
t$e 7orkin# 5 operation o PTCL in simplest 7ay,
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University of Sargodha

I eel pleasure t$at I $a"e really #ained a lot durin# H 7eeks 5 enEoyed 7orkin# 7it$
e8perienced cooperati"e 5 intelli#ent sta+
S$!!estions and Reco""endations
No dou9t P,T,C,L $a"in# t$e monopoly in pro"idin# t$e Land+Line Telep$one
Connection in Pakistan and its playin# its role ma#niicently, In current scenario P,T,C,L
$as increases its Re"enue ?uite dramatically% and pro9a9ly t$at as soon as t$is
or#ani<ation $as 9ecome pri"ati<ed it 7ill louris$ its re"enue in 9etter manner,
PTCL s$ould immediately c$an#e its 2inance upper le"el o $ierarc$y and s$ould stream
line in t$e #ood manner,
PTCL s$ould also encoura#e t$e 4illin# On line system t$at eac$ and e"ery customer
s$ould $a"e to pay $isA$er 9ill on line 9asis,
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University of Sargodha

T$e system o E+P'>&ENT 7$ic$ alt$ou#$ e8ist in PTCL inance system 9ut t$ere is
need o impro"ement t$is acility,
T$e ima#e o PTCL 9ein# leadin# Telecom Pro"idin# is not #ood in t$e eyes o common
customer especially t$ere are lot o complaints a9out t$e includin# t$e 9o#us local calls in
t$e mont$ly 9ills o "arious customers, PTCL s$ould also pro"ide t$e detail o local calls
made rom any Land Line Num9er 7$ic$ 7ould 9e pro"ided in &icro le"el to t$e
2aulty Telep$one connection s$ould 9e 2ault 2ree 7it$in -B $ours in order to ma8imi<e
t$e Re"enue% as Re"enue o PTCL s$ould sacriice at t$e cost o 2aulty Telep$one,
PTCL s$ould make Customer Care Centers in remote areas,
T$e punc$in# system o 4illin# t$rou#$ automation at CITI 4ank =arac$i takes so muc$
time to adEust so it s$ould 9e re"i"ed,
T$e 2inancial D,D,O po7ers s$ould 9e entrusted to t$e Director 2inance rat$er @&,
PTCL is not utili<in# its surplus proit in lon#+term in"estment proEects 7$ic$ 9e done,
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University of Sargodha

PTCL mana#ement s$ould #i"e concentration to7ards t$e Securities o deposit and it
s$ould 9e on ma8imum le"el,
T$e return on deposit s$ould 9e c$ecked accordin#ly,
T$e cas$ #enerated rom t$e operation must 9e utili<ed accordin#ly,
Eac$ Re#ion s$ould allocate t$e unds at its o7n le"el,
PTCL s$ould take t$e ser"ices o $i#$ly ?ualiied inancial analysts,
T$e promotion system in t$e 2inance 5 Re"enue 7in# s$ould 9e re"i"ed in true manner
all promotion must 9e made strictly on merit,
Eac$ Re#ion s$ould maintain Proit 5 Loss and 4alance s$eet and t$e statement o Cas$
inlo7 and outlo7+
Or#ani<ations don:t pro"ide t$eir data, T$ey keep secracy ron internee, 'll t$e data to prepare
t$is report I $a"e collected my sel rom dierent sources,
1+ 777,ptcl,com,pk
-, 'nnual reports o PTCL,
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University of Sargodha

), Sta o t$e department,
B, Recent 9usiness record,
5+ Interns$ip reports Company:s 7e9site+ptcl,com,pk
H, &a#a<ine 4usiness Economy
D, @oo#le,com
/, Economic Sur"ey o Pakistan
F, 4usinessrecorder,com
*., Security and E8c$an#e Commission o Pakistan
**, =se,com
*-, >a$ooinance,com
Anna( Re.!'" P;C3 2007A 08
P;A Re.!'"#
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