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Soft Drink Ban
Discussion Questions
. !hat are the stu"ents measurin#$
2. %ow much "oes one teaspoon of su#ar e&ua' in #rams$
3. %ow many teaspoons were there in the can of co'a$
4. (part from fi))y "rinks* what other "rinks can be hi#h in su#ar$
5. !hich "rink ha" the most su#ar:
a+ ,he f'a-oure" mi'k$
b+ ,he sports "rink$
c+ ,he oran#e .uice$
/. !hat new ru'e "oes the (0, #o-ernment want to brin# in for schoo's$
1. !ou'" it be the on'y state to ban su#ary "rinks in schoo's$
8. !hat percenta#e of ki"s ha-e su#ary "rinks a'most e-ery "ay$
9. Do you think the #o-ernment shou'" "o somethin# to "iscoura#e peop'e from buyin# su#ary "rinks$
2. !hat "o you think the best so'ution wou'" be$
,he #o-ernment a""s ta3 to the price of a'coho' an" ci#arettes to try an" "iscoura#e peop'e from buyin#
them. 4-erseas there ha-e been some ca''s for #o-ernments to put a ta3 on su#ary "rinks too.
5Shou'" su#ary "rinks be ta3e"$6 ,hink about the fo''owin#:
!ou'" you stop buyin# su#ary "rinks if they cost a bit more$
Shou'" #o-ernments be interferin# in what peop'e eat an" "rink$
ABC 2013
Discuss the use of wor"s/co'ours/pictures an" how they can con-ey messa#es about the pro"uct.
(re "rinks tryin# to seem hea'thy* tasty* coo'* etc$
(re there any "rinks which seem to be hea'thier than they actua''y are$
!hat foo"s an" "rinks "o you consume that contain su#ar$
%ow "oes su#ar affect you$ ,hink about your ener#y 'e-e's* hea'th* beha-iour an" s'eep.
!hat chan#es "o you notice when you eat su#ar$
!hat types of foo" contain su#ar$
!hat types of foo"s "on7t contain su#ar$
!hat are some #oo" thin#s about su#ar$
!hat are some prob'ems that are cause" by eatin# too much su#ar$

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