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IronStrength Workout Dr.

Jordan Metzl
Dynamic Warm-up: 2min
1. 30 sec intervals
a. Jumping Jacks
b. Squats
c. Lunges
1. Plyometric Jump Squats
a. 6 sets, 15 reps. 20sec rest between sets
i. Hands straight out
ii. Build up to 8 sets
SuperSet 1: Rows from Plank, Push-ups, Sit-ups
1. 5-6 Minutes
a. Row from plank w/ weights
i. L+R=1 rep. 15 reps
b. Push-ups
i. 15 reps
c. Sit-ups
i. 15 reps
SuperSet 2: Plyometric Lunges & Single Leg Plyometric Squats
1. 5-6 minutes
a. Plyometric Lunges (jump lunge, alternate legs)
i. 10 reps
b. Single Leg Plyometric Squats (single leg toe-touch w/ jump)
i. 10 reps, alternate legs in sets
SuperSet 3: Mountain Climbers & Legs Down
1. 5-6 Minutes
a. Mountain Climbers
i. R+L=1 rep, 15 reps
b. Legs Down
i. 15 reps
SuperSet 4: Deadlift High Pulls, Overhead Press, & Curls
1. 5-6 Minutes
a. Deadlift High Pulls w/ Weights
i. 15 reps
b. Overhead Press
i. 15 reps, balancing on 1 foot
c. Curls
i. 15 reps, balancing on alt. foot
Burpee Pyramid (Squat Thrust)
1. 4-5 sets of 10 pyramid of 10 down to 1: 20 sec rest between sets
a. Squat, jump legs back, push-up, jump legs up, jump up
Planks & Stretching
1. 1 min set each
a. Right forearm Plank
b. Center Plank
c. Left forearm Plank
2. Stretching: 20-30 sec each
a. Seated Hamstring Stretch
b. Legs spread, R&L Hamstring (10-15sec each)
c. Back stretch (knees together, side-to-side)
d. Hip-Flexor Stretch
e. Tea-pot Stretch

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