Husky Sales Club Leadership Application: Submit by 2/19/2013

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Submit by 2/19/2013

*Feel free to type answers separately or to just write them by hand on this paper

Husky Sales Club Leadership Application
Name: Date:
Intended Major: Year: Freshman/ Sophomore/ Junior
Give 3 examples of when you demonstrated leadership.



Which 2 positions would you like to be considered for?
Why are you interested in Sales?

Where do you see sales outside of the business place?

What would you improve about the club?

List your 5 dream companies to work for

Submit by 2/19/2013
*Feel free to type answers separately or to just write them by hand on this paper

Husky Sales Club 2013-2014 Officer Roles
Plans, facilitates, and executes Husky Sales Club meetings
o This includes Tuesday meetings as well as executive team meetings
Ensures clear communication with Sales Club Director, Jack Rhodes, about clubs direction
Ensures that club is meeting RSO expectations and complying with guidelines
Effectively communicates with employers to ensure that they are prepared for presentations
Assumes responsibility for anything that Vice Presidents do not complete
Advertises for the club!
Vice President of Operations
Executes logistics of Tuesday night meetings
o Ensures food, drinks, plates, napkins, and silverware are prepared at each meeting
o Greets members as they arrive to the meetings
o Manages flow of members into the meetings by keeping track of who comes on Excel
Organize and coordinate service week project
Plays a large role in handling the Sales Career Fair
o Creates flyers to be distributed to local businesses
o Rents tables
o Reserves space in Paccar commons
Advertises for the club!
Vice President of Marketing
Primary member who drives weekly attendance
Makes the Facebook events
Sends out weekly emails
Strategizes how to sell the club
Must be fearless, loud, and personable
Advertises for the club!
Vice President of Finances
Determines pricing strategy for club members
Tracks revenues and expenses of the club
Budgets for events and weekly meetings to ensure money is not wasted
In charge of collecting dues from members
o Keeps records of who has paid and who has not at each meeting
Advertises for the club!
Vice President of Events
Major player in setting up the Sales Career Fair
o Determines logistics of event
Location/booth pricing
Determines acceptable number of companies to attend
Primary contact between employers who attend the event
Coordinates special promotional events to drive club attendance
Advertises for the club!

Sales are all about relationships. As a Husky Sales Club officer, it is important to understand that the
concept of sales is a part of every aspect of life. At any point in time, you may be required to do more
than your job description for the benefit of the club as a whole.

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