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Taste and Odor Removal in liquid

Presented by :
Dandy (030531300
Prima Zuldian (03053130024)
Muhammad Iqbal (03053130098)

The Departement of Chemical Engineering
University of Sriwijaya

Definition .
Taste Removal
Odor Removal
Pulp and paper Industry
Waste Hospital (Limbah Rumah Sakit)
Drinking Water (Air Minum)
The Waste of Fish (Limbah Ikan)
The Waste of Tapioca (Limbah tapioka)
The Waste of fermented soybean cake (Limbah tempe
dan tahu)
The Waste of Textile (Limbah tekstil)
The Waste of Aren powder (Limbah Tepung Aren)
The Waste of Leather treatment (Limbah industri
penyamakan kulit)
The last .

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