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Steven Deavers

3196 N. Jog Rd Apt. 6207, West Palm Beach, Fl 33411

!ma"l# ste$e%dea$e&s''(gma" Pho%e# )*61+ 932!30*0
-%"ted .tates /a&"%e 0o&ps
Graphics Section Leader
August 2006 - April 2011
Lead Team to create education material for over 2000 recruits in less than the 6
day deadline
!reated a efficient "ay to trac# materials and organi$e the standard for ordering
%n charge of a team of &et"een ' to 12 marines The Liaison from my section to
the rest of the &ase
Team (em&er
)e&ruary 2006 - August 2006
Left to pursue military career
*as the team mem&er assigned to other sections to help "ith overflo"
*or#ed to help maintain a positive and efficient team through +lac# )riday in
order to provide a pleasant e,perience for customers
*as stand in for front end manager "hile -e "as in disposed
*or#ed in every position in store
3e"se& -%"$e&s"t4
)e&ruary 201. - /resent
Still "or#ing on degree
(em&er of Student Government
5os A%geles F"lm
!omputer Science - Animation
0anuary 2011 - Decem&er 2012
*or# "as part of Demo 1eel for the school
A&le to "or# in a demanding fast pace environment and ma#e fast decisions
(anaging assets Teams of marines and assets of our shop to maintain a highly
efficient "or# area
' 2ears e,perience "ith (icrosoft 3ffice /ac#age
4sed to "or#ing under pressure during (arine !orps career

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