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While enrolled in the course EDU 3300, The

Exceptional Learner in the Classroom, I was

required to participate in a fifteen hour site
based experience in a kindergarten/first grade
ECDD classroom at MacGowan Elementary
school in Redford. This experience was
provided in order to enhance my understanding
of what teaching exceptional learners really
entails. I was fortunate enough to be placed with
a seasoned special education teacher. During my
time at MacGowan, I observed my cooperating
teacher and her assistant differentiate almost
every activity to the individual needs of the
students. This could be very difficult at times as
the students in this classroom were at various
levels of development in all their domains, came
from varying backgrounds and were all dealing
with some degree of a disability.

In many cases during my site based experience,
I was able to aid with the differentiation of
various assignments. I spent much of my time
working one on one with students in the area of
math, more specifically grouping, counting and
color identification. Allowing students to work
at their own pace and level of difficulty made it
possible for each student to attain success.

The lead teacher as well as the assistant in the
classroom held high expectations for each and
every one of their students and took the time to
make them known. Both teachers possessed an
understanding of the varying rates of child
development and continued to hold the belief
that each and every student could learn and
make progress, regardless of their label.

This site based experience taught me many
things, most importantly that I must embrace the
needs and learning styles of each of my
students. I also need to keep in mind that ALL
children are able to grow and learn if the proper
modifications and accommodations are made. I
will work very hard as a future educator to
educate and assess my students in ways that are
developmentally and age appropriate to ensure
that they are able to grow and learn as

Standard 2: Learning Differences
The teacher uses understanding of individual differences and
diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning
environments that enable each learner to meet high standards.

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