Business Vocabulary For IELTS Compete - An Example of Word Formation

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Business vocabulary for IELTS

Compete an example of word formation

Market an exercise in collocations
Company and business
There are a variety words to describe a business in English:
Be careful with the word business. When we use it uncountably, it means the idea to do
business. If, however, we use it countably it describes a company lie entity a family business.
! company is used properly to describe a body that is a legal entity. "any businesses,
particularly smaller businesses, are not legal entities hence the term small businesses.
Corporation is used to describe larger companies and is more !merican than British.
The supply chain products and services
Customers, consumers and clients
There are of course many other more technical words we use here: patients in hospitals
and passengers in transport for e#ample.
There are many, many technical terms here. This is a small selection of the more general use
words you should be comfortable using.
$ay careful attention to collocations in this area. In particular, thin about %common& words such
as reduce, increase, major, minor, high and low
People in businesses
Money and employment
salary and wage have the same essential meaning. Typically, silled worers receive
a salary and unsilled wored a wage.

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