(WWW - Entrance-Exam - Net) - SBI Financial Awareness and Marketing Sample Question Paper

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The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) is better known
(A) orld Bank
(B) Asian Development Bank
(D) It is known by its name
!. hen was the Reserve Bank of India established"
(A) 1#$%
(B) 1920
(C) 1928
(D) 194
$. hich is the lar&est commercial bank in India"
(A) !ese"ve Bank o# In$ia
(B) 'tate Bank of India
(C) ICICI Bank
(D) Bank o# In$ia
(. The Bank of )alcutta* Bank of Bomba+ and Bank of ,adras were mer&ed in 1#!1 to
(A) !ese"ve Bank o# In$ia
(B) Imperial Bank of India
(C) Bank o# In$ia
(D) %nion Bank o# In$ia
%. hich sister or&ani-ation of the orld Bank helps private activit+ in developin&
countries b+ financin& pro.ects with lon&/term capital in the form of e0uit+ and loans"
(A) Asian Development Bank
(C) Inte"national Developmental Asso&iation
(D) International 1inance )orporation
2. hich sister or&ani-ation of the orld Bank provides lon& term loans at -ero
interest to the poorest developin& countries"
(A) Asian Development Bank
()) International Developmental Association
(D) Inte"national Finan&e Co"po"ation
3. ho is known as the 41ather of 5conomics6"
(A) Adam 'mith
(B) C'anakya
(C) Ma&'iavelli
(D) (one o# t'ese
7. hich was the first Indian Bank to introduce credit card"
(A) )tate Bank o# In$ia
(B) )entral Bank of India
(C) %nion Bank o# In$ia
#. hat does devaluation of a currenc+ mean"
(A) $e&"ease in t'e inte"nal val*e o# money
(B) decrease in the e8ternal value of mone+
(C) $e&"ease bot' in t'e e+te"nal an$ inte"nal val*es o# money
(D) none o# t'ese
19.hich of the followin& is known as plastic mone+"
(A) bea"e" &'e,*es
(B) credit cards
(C) $eman$ $"a#ts
(D) -i#t &'e,*es
11. hich of the followin& statements best describes the concept of involvement in
the conte8t of bu+er behaviour"
(A) The len&th of time involved in the bu+in& process
(B) .'e potential impa&t o# a p"o$*&t on an in$ivi$*al/s sel#0i$entity
(C) .'e n*mbe" o# people involve$ in t'e $e&ision0makin- *nit
(D) .'e &omple+ity o# an o"$e"
1!. Bu+in& decisions &enerall+ follow a pattern of overlappin& sta&es. hich of the
followin& best describes the t+pical sta&es of the bu+in& process"
(A) :eed reco&nition ; Information search ; 5valuation ; Decision ; <ost purchase
(B) (ee$ "e&o-nition 1 2val*ation 1 In#o"mation sea"&' 1 De&ision 1 3ost p*"&'ase
(C) In#o"mation sea"&' 1 (ee$ "e&o-nition 1 2val*ation 1 De&ision 1 3ost p*"&'ase
(D) (ee$ "e&o-nition 1 In#o"mation sea"&' 1 De&ision 1 2val*ation 1 3ost p*"&'ase
1$. :eeds differ from wants because=
(A) ants are a sociali-ed manifestation of underl+in& needs
(B) (ee$s a"e a so&iali4e$ mani#est (ee$s a"e 'isto"i&al5 wants a"e abo*t t'e #*t*"etation o#
*n$e"lyin- wants
(C) (ee$s a"e 'isto"i&al5 wants a"e abo*t t'e #*t*"e
(D) (ee$s an$ wants a"e e+a&tly t'e same
1(. hich of the followin& levels of ,aslow>s ?ierarch+ of :eeds is most likel+ to be
associated with consumers> purchase of &oods which appeal to their inner sense of
peace of mind (e.&. art classes)"
(A) 'elf/actuali-ation
(B) 6ove
(C) )e&*"ity
(D) 3'ysiolo-i&al
1%. An individual is considerin& bu+in& a new microwave cooker and is faced with the
possibilit+ of several models. hich of the followin& describes the widest ran&e of
microwave cookers* which the bu+er considers in some form"
(A) The choice set
(B) .'e awa"eness set
(C) .'e total set
(D) .'e p"e0eval*ation set
12. A compan+ uses The )oors to endorse its ran&e of snack foods. This
endorsement is likel+ to be particularl+ effective if the )oors are seen b+ @ar&e
numbers of the compan+>s tar&et market as=
(A) A p"ima"y "e#e"en&e -"o*p7
(B) A tertiar+ reference &roup.
(C) A se&on$a"y "e#e"en&e -"o*p7
(D) A non0"e#e"en&e -"o*p7
13. hich of the followin& consumer responses is @5A'T likel+ to overcome co&nitive
dissonance e8perienced b+ a consumer who is dissatisfied with their purchase"
(A) Rationali-in& to ourselves that a product is actuall+ 0uite &ood
(B) )eein- t'e p"o$*&t in a $i##e"ent li-'t so t'at we emp'asi4e t'e ba$ aspe&ts o# a p"o$*&t
(C) )eein- t'e p"o$*&t in a $i##e"ent li-'t so t'at we emp'asi4e t'e -oo$ aspe&ts o# a
(D) Complainin- an$ "et*"nin- -oo$s to t'e s*pplie"
17.hich of the followin& labels is :AT associated with a role in a bu+in& Decision
,akin& Bnit"
(A) )*pplie"
(B) Catekeeper
(C) De&ision make"
(D) %se"
1#. A secretar+ who answers calls for a compan+ bu+er ma+ be takin& on which role
within the compan+>s decision/makin& unit"
(A) %se"
(B) In#l*en&e"
()) Catekeeper
(D) B*ye"
!9. hich of the followin& is :AT an element of a ,arketin& Information '+stem"
(A) Ma"ketin- "esea"&'
(B) De&ision s*ppo"t system
(C) 3"o$*&tion monito"in- system
(D) :one of these

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