Ave Maria: Gounod, J. Stone, Franz Liszt, Biebel, and Schubert, But The Composed Dr. Francisco Santiago

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Ave Maria

By: Dr. Francisco Santiago

In the music of Ave Maria variety in rhythm can be noticed, since there is the
addition of notes, change in meter, evolving motives and phrases and also the
manipulation of accents. e!t, melody is another element that can be heard in the
music "herein the melody of this song begins "ith an ascending ma#or scale then
moves into larger intervals. Some parts of the piece do not follo" the scale. In addition,
there are t"o or more pitches sounded simultaneously in Ave Maria, the dissimilar or
diverse chords in the music ma$es its harmony to sound nice to the ears. Furthermore,
the tempo is %ento and the dynamics used in this music piece are piano &p', forte &f',
crescendo &cresc. >', and diminuendo &dim.'.
In terms of the form, Fugue is the form of Ave Maria. (he te!ture of counterpoint
and the variety of timbres are present. (he theme of the song is e!isting in the tonic of
one voice and then imitated closely at the interval of a fourth or fifth by one or more
voices "herein it go after one at a time. (he e!position is complete for a reason that
each voice has stated the sub#ect. Art song is the genre and the type of composition is
(here are several versions of Ave Maria, a song "ritten by Gounod, J. Stone,
Franz Liszt, Biebel, and Schubert, but the stunning song and pleasant to the ears is the
one composed Dr. Francisco Santiago. In his composition, "e can really feel the song and
"e are also able to capture the theme "herein it pertains to a prayer for the intercession
of Mama Mary. (his is a song being practiced in every )atholic and *rthodo!
)hurches. +e have to ta$e into account that this song "as a hard "or$ of our fello"
Filipino. It ma$es us proud that in line of the famous international composers one of
them is a Filipino.
Far ,astern -niversity
icanor .eyes St., Sampaloc, Manila
Analysis of the song:
Ave Maria
Ave Maria
By: Dr. Francisco Santiago
Submitted by:
BSN102 Group 2
ABADIE, Ma. )ecilia %.
A!BEA" /opet ,.
ANG" Don )arlo 0.
A#$E!A" %eo %ui1 S.
BAIEN%&S" Ma. /usette (.
B&N#&N" 2aren B.
DIS%&" Dian .ochel B.
Submitted to:
3rof. .omeo 4alang, /r.
Sub#ect 3rofessor
Date Submitted:
*ctober 5, 6787

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