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My Wish

I'd like to be the sort of friend that

You have been to me
I'd like to be the help that
You've been always glad to be
I'd like to mean as much to you
Each minute of the day
As you have meant my friend and love,
To me along the way
I'd like to do these things for you,
To brush the gray from out your skies
To hold you when your sad or lonely
And kiss the tears from your eyes
I'd like to say the kindly things that
I so oft have thought and heard
And feel that I could rouse your soul
the way that mine you've stirred
I'd like to give you all the joy
That you have given me
In so short a time, yet a life time
I know we are meant to be
y wish would be that you can feel
y !ove for you each and every day
And in your darkest hours with me to lean upon
You could throw your fears away
y wish today is only this
That I could but repay
A portion of the happiness
You've given me along the way
And could my wish come true for you
This only would it be
I'd like to be the sort of friend and love
That you have been to me

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