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Probability and Predictions
o 2.7.6.A: Collect data and estimate the likelihood of otcomes of an e!ent.
o 2.7.6.": #r$ani%e data collected in a simlation.
o 2.7.6.C: &'(ress the (robability of a sim(le e!ent as a fraction) decimal
and (ercent.
Data Analysis and Probability
o De!elo( and e!alate inferences and (redictions that are based on data
o *ormlate +estions that can be addressed ,ith data and collect) or$ani%e)
and dis(lay rele!ant data to ans,er them
Common Core
Statistics and Probability
o Smmari%e nmerical datasets in relation to their conte't by re(ortin$ the
nmber of obser!ations
-. .earnin$ #b/ecti!es
Calclate both e'(erimental and theoretical (robabilities as ,ell as dis(lay
(robabilities in fraction) decimal) and (ercenta$e form.
--. -nstrctional 1aterials
2. Article on Po,erball 3htt(:44bostinno.com425224224264(o,erball7/ack(ot7
2. Teacher made name cards on s(ecific colored (a(ers) to make $ro(s for
>. Smart"oard
;. Teacher made SmartNotebook
8. Teacher made data sheet (acket 32<=
6. Dice 36=
7. Small T((er,are container 3;=
Teacher Candidate: ?aitlin Di1arsico Date: 2245;42522
Coo(eratin$ Teacher: @ohn Aackenbach Coo(. -nitials
Aro( Si%e: 2< Arade .e!el Si'th
Sb/ect or To(ic: Probability Section <>6
6. Teacher made $ame board 32<=
<. Clear (a(er co!ers 325=
25. Dry &rase 1arkers 3!ariety=
22. Socks 3;=
22. Coins 36=
2>. Timer
2;. 1ath @ornals 32<=
---. Content
Prior ?no,led$e: Stdents ,ill ha!e back$rond kno,led$e of theoretical
(robability !erss e'(erimental (robability. Stdents ,ill also kno, ho, to
con!ert bet,een fraction) decimal) and (ercent.
Ne, ?no,led$e: &'(eriments are acti!ities ,e can se to create e'(erimental
(robabilities. &'(eriments are the (hysical action of (erformin$ the task.
Collectin$ data can hel( s commnicate or reslts.
-B. -m(lementation
2. -ntrodction 3"efore=
The Po,erball .ottery
2. Story
2. 0hat do yo think is the (robability of ,innin$ the
>. Article 3breakdo,n and other (robabilities=
;. Dse article as a se$,ay into talkin$ abot different kinds of
(robabilities in the real ,orld) $o on to con!ersation abot
other $amblin$ $ames sch as (oker) cards) dice)
Re!ie, Prior ?no,led$e) e'(licitly e'(lainin$ ,hat Theoretical and
&'(erimental (robabilities are. "reak do,n ,ords) ha!e stdents
record in 1ath /ornals.
2. De!elo(ment 3Drin$=
2. &'(ectations
a. "esides or classroom rles
b. 0e ,ill be fillin$ ot or data sheet (acket
c. "e able to calclate both e'(erimental and theoretical
(robabilities as ,ell as dis(lay (robabilities in fraction)
decimal) and (ercenta$e form.
2. 0alk thro$h ho, to do each station
a. S(inners
i. &ach (erson in yor $ro( ,ill s(in the s(inner
25 times and record their reslts on the data
sheet. Eo ,ill then ans,er the +estions that
$o alon$ ,ith the acti!ity.
b. Coins
i. &ach (erson in yor $ro( ,ill fli( the coin and
record the nmber of times it lands on heads and
the nmber of times it lands on tails. Eo ,ill
then ans,er the +estions that $o alon$ ,ith the
c. Dice
i. &ach (layer ,ill roll the set of die. Passin$ it
arond yor $ro(. Eo ,ill add the die
to$ether and dra, an FGH in the bo' ,ith the
sm. The first (layer to co!er all of his4her
markers ,ins. -f time (ermits yo ,ill (lay
a$ain bt s,itch the order of die rollers.
>. &ach station ,ill ha!e > or more $ro(s (artici(atin$. Allo,
6 mintes (er station 3additional time if needed=. Point ot
desi$nated station areas) s(inners at Smart"oard. Iand ot
color coded name cards) and e'(lain that they need to find the
classmates ,ith the same color and that is to be their $ro(.
;. Startin$ stations:
a. S(inners ,ill be Red) #ran$e) Eello,) and 0hite
b. Coins ,ill be Areen) "le) and Pr(le
c. Dice ,ill be Pink) "ro,n) and "lack
8. Start Timer) ,alk arond room listenin$) e!alatin$) and
assistin$ if needed.
6. 0hen time has (assed) ha!e $ro(s rotate stations
7. 0hen last station is com(lete) ha!e $ro(s clean ( their
stations and sit as a $ro( for the closre.
>. Closre 3After=
Ia!e each $ro( share the e'(erimental data they collected from one
e'(eriment. Ask them if the e'(erimental (robability they calclated
is the same as the theoretical (robability.
Reinforce the conce(ts of theoretical !erses e'(erimental (robability
by ha!in$ stdents ,rite an e'it sli( to be sed as a form of
;. Accommodations
ADD7-nattenti!e: Pro!ide stdent ,ith (rinted directions for them to
follo,. Seat the child ,ith ADD close to teachin$ area to (ermit more
s(er!ision and fre+ent accontability for condct and (erformance.
Check stdentJs (ro$ress re$larly.
As(er$ers: Pro!ide a (redictable schedle. Print ot yor schedle and (t
it on their desk so they can see it. Dse or ni+e (rom(t F3StdentJs
Name=H and a thmbs () to redirect his4her attention back to the
assi$nment ,hene!er necessary.
B. Assessment
Collection of data sheets ,ill be sed to e!alate stdentJs le!el of mastery for
calclatin$ both e'(erimental and theoretical (robabilities as ,ell as dis(lay
(robabilities in fraction) decimal) and (ercenta$e form. &'it sli(s ,ill be collected
to e!alate stdentJs le!el of mastery for the definitions of Theoretical and
&'(erimental (robability.
B-. Reflecti!e Res(onse
2. Re(ort of StdentsJ Performance in Terms of Stated #b/ecti!es
StdentJs data sheets ,ere collected and sed to assess le!el of mastery.
<8K of stdents recei!ed a <6K or hi$her. 0hile) 8K recei!ed a 65K or
2. Personal Reflection
Io, effecti!e ,as my hookC
1y hook ,as effecti!e in $rabbin$ their attention) bt - cold ha!e
e'(anded more on ,hy it ,as im(ortant and ,orth readin$. The
article ,as !ery recent and hel(ed lead me into ,hat they ,ere
$oin$ to learn abot in the lesson.
Io, else can - im(ro!e this lessonC
- cold im(ro!e this lesson by ha!in$ the instrctions for each
station at the site of the station) as ,ell as ha!in$ more e'(licit
instrctions. 1ake sre - check in ,ith each station and rotate
thro$h them effecti!ely. Time mana$ement ,as a bi$ (art of this
lesson) and - cold ha!e mana$ed the stations better.
Spinner Station:

9 of times that the s(inner sto((ed on red: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::

9 of times that the s(inner sto((ed on $reen: ::::::::::::::::::::::::

9 of times that the s(inner sto((ed on ble: :::::::::::::::::::::::::

2. 0hat is the theoretical (robability that the s(inner ,ill sto( on redC
Decimal::::::: *raction::::::: Percent::::::::
2. 0hat is the theoretical (robability that the s(inner ,ill sto( on bleC
Decimal::::::: *raction::::::: Percent::::::::
>. 0hat is the theoretical (robability that the s(inner ,ill sto( on $reenC
Decimal::::::: *raction::::::: Percent::::::::
;. 0hat is the e'(erimental (robability that the s(inner ,ill sto( on redC
Decimal::::::: *raction::::::: Percent::::::::
8. 0hat is the e'(erimental (robability that the s(inner ,ill sto( on bleC
Decimal::::::: *raction::::::: Percent::::::::
6. 0hat is the e'(erimental (robability that the s(inner ,ill sto( on $reenC
Decimal::::::: *raction::::::: Percent::::::::
7. 0ere yor theoretical and e'(erimental reslts the sameC
6. 0hy do yo think yor reslts differed from the theoretical (robabilitiesC
Coin Flip Station
9 of coins ,ith heads facin$ (: :::::::::::::::::::
9 of coins ,ith tails facin$ (: ::::::::::::::::::::
2. 0hat is the theoretical (robability that the coin ,ill land ,ith the
head side upwardC
Decimal::::::: *raction::::::: Percent::::::::
2. 0hat is the theoretical (robability that the coin ,ill land ,ith the
tails side facing upwardC
Decimal::::::: *raction::::::: Percent::::::::
>. 0hat ,as yor e'(erimental (robability for the coin to land heads
side upC
Decimal::::::: *raction::::::: Percent::::::::
;. 0hat ,as yor e'(erimental (robability for the coin to land tails
side upC
Decimal::::::: *raction::::::: Percent::::::::
Dice Station:
&ach (layer ,ill roll the set of die. Passin$ it arond yor $ro(. Eo ,ill add the die
to$ether and dra, an FGH in the bo' ,ith the sm. The first (layer to co!er all of his4her
markers ,ins. -f time (ermits yo ,ill (lay a$ain bt s,itch the order of die rollers.
2 > ; 8
6 7 6 <
25 *ree 22 22
2> 2; 28 26
27 26 2< 25
22 22 2> 2;

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