Klik and Pay Emgoldex Zaida

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Thursday, March 06th 2014 22:05

Online secure payment with Klik & Pay

Transaction accepted

Thank you Zaida j Soto d,
Your bank has accepted your transaction for 159.48 EUR.
We have sent an e-mail to zaida1957@gmail .com to confirm this payment.
This transaction will appear on your bank statement, in a few days, as www.kl ikandpay.com
Your transaction has been added to the history of your Klik & Pay account
To complete your order, click here
Here is a summary of your transacti on :
Date : Thursday, March 06th 2014 Reference : 1394139409
Transaction amount : 159.48 EUR Transaction number : 909700
Description : www.kl ikandpay.com Credit/debit card : AMEX
Transaction type : Account payment Card number : 3770 ##########03
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Cli ent Servi ces contact:
emgoldex.com EUR :
- http://www.emgoldex.com
- info@emgoldex.com
- +441233280653 :
Klik & Pay :
http://www.kl ikandpay.com/cli ents/i ndex.cgi (Accessing your Kli k & Pay account)
Your transaction
Reference : 909700
Amount : 159.48 EUR
Payment : Comptant

Recipient of payment
emgoldex.com EUR
Unit 2H-05-396, Floor 5,
Building 2, Jewellery &
Gemplex, DMCC
DMCC Dubai

Transaction completed
NB, the fraudulent misuse of another persons credit/debit card number without their consent legally constitutes a fraud and
carries a penalty of several years imprisonment and a fine of several thousand euros
Your IP address is; to combat fraud, our services have memorized your connection information
Cyberservices SA 2000-2014 all rights reserved

Klik and Pay https://www.klikandpay.com/paiement/process.pl
1 de 1 06-03-2014 04:36 p.m.

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