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By William Shakespeare
nglish !ommunications "#
Nyola Marsh
Griffin 2
Cast of Characters
Hamlet: Prince of Denmark. His father was murdered by his
uncle. His mother, Queen Gertrude married his uncle.
King Claudius: Denmarks Kin, murdered his brother and
married his brothers widow.
Marcellus: Guard.
King Hamlets Ghost: Hamlets fathers s!irit.
Horatio: Hamlets best friend.
Polonius: Kins ad"isor and father to #aertes and $!helia.
Ophelia: Polonius dauhter, #aertes sister, and Hamlets
Queen Gertrude: Queen of Denmark, widow of Kin Hamlet,
%ife of Kin &laudius, and mother of Hamlet.
Laertes: 'on of Polonius, brother of $!helia, and scholar
studyin in (rance.
Rosencrantz: Hamlets school friend.
Guildenstern: Hamlets school friend.
Griffin )
C! "
Griffin *
#cript $ !e%t of ct " Hamlet +,-,, . /-021
#ummar&: $n a dark winter niht outside 2lsinore &astle in Denmark, an officer named
3ernardo comes to relie"e the watchman (rancisco. 4n the hea"y darkness, the men
cannot see each other. 3ernardo hears a footste! near him and cries, 5%hos there67
8fter both men ensure that the other is also a watchman, they rela9. &old, tired, and
a!!rehensi"e from his many hours of uardin the castle, (rancisco thanks 3ernardo and
!re!ares to o home and o to bed.
'hortly thereafter, 3ernardo is :oined by ;arcellus, another watchman, and Horatio, a
friend of Prince Hamlet. 3ernardo and ;arcellus ha"e ured Horatio to stand watch with
them, because they belie"e they ha"e somethin shockin to show him. 4n hushed tones,
they discuss the a!!arition they ha"e seen for the !ast two nihts, and which they now
ho!e to show Horatio- the host of the recently deceased Kin Hamlet, which they claim
has a!!eared before them on the castle ram!arts in the late hours of the niht.
Horatio is ske!tical, but then the host suddenly a!!ears before the men and :ust as
suddenly "anishes. <errified, Horatio acknowledes that the s!ecter does indeed resemble
the dead Kin of Denmark, that it e"en wears the armor Kin Hamlet wore when he
battled aainst the armies of =orway, and the same frown he wore when he fouht
aainst the Poles. Horatio declares that the host must brin warnin of im!endin
misfortune for Denmark, !erha!s in the form of a military attack. He recounts the story of
Kin Hamlets con>uest of certain lands once belonin to =orway, sayin that
(ortinbras, the youn Prince of =orway, now seeks to recon>uer those forfeited lands.
<he host materiali?es for a second time, and Horatio tries to s!eak to it. <he host
remains silent, howe"er, and disa!!ears aain :ust as the cock crows at the first hint of
dawn. Horatio suests that they tell Prince Hamlet, the dead kins son, about the
a!!arition. He belie"es that thouh the host did not s!eak to him, if it is really the host
of Kin Hamlet, it will not refuse to s!eak to his belo"ed son.
C! "
#C'(' ") 'lsinore) platform *efore the castle)
+R(C"#CO at his post) 'nter to him ,'R(R-O
.ho/s there0 1
(a&2 ans3er me: stand2 and unfold &ourself)
Long li4e the 5ing6
Griffin 0
He) 7
8ou come most carefull& upon &our hour)
/!is no3 struc5 t3el4e9 get thee to *ed2 +rancisco)
+or this relief much than5s: /tis *itter cold2
nd " am sic5 at heart)
Ha4e &ou had :uiet guard0 1;
(ot a mouse stirring)
.ell2 good night)
"f &ou do meet Horatio and Marcellus2
!he ri4als of m& 3atch2 *id them ma5e haste)
" thin5 " hear them) #tand2 ho6 .ho/s there0 17
+riends to this ground)
nd liegemen to the -ane)
Gi4e &ou good night)
O2 fare3ell2 honest soldier:
.ho hath relie4ed &ou0 =;
Griffin @
,ernardo has m& place)
Gi4e &ou good night)
Holla6 ,ernardo6
.hat2 is Horatio there0 =7
piece of him)
.elcome2 Horatio: 3elcome2 good Marcellus)
.hat2 has this thing appear/d again to>night0
" ha4e seen nothing)
Horatio sa&s /tis *ut our fantas&2 ?;
nd 3ill not let *elief ta5e hold of him
!ouching this dreaded sight2 t3ice seen of us:
!herefore " ha4e entreated him along
.ith us to 3atch the minutes of this night9
!hat if again this apparition come2 ?7
He ma& appro4e our e&es and spea5 to it)
!ush2 tush2 /t3ill not appear)
#it do3n a3hile9
nd let us once again assail &our ears2
!hat are so fortified against our stor& @;
.hat 3e ha4e t3o nights seen)
.ell2 sit 3e do3n2
nd let us hear ,ernardo spea5 of this)
Last night of all2
Griffin A
.hen &ond same star that/s 3est3ard from the pole @7
Had made his course to illume that part of hea4en
.here no3 it *urns2 Marcellus and m&self2
!he *ell then *eating one2>>
Enter Ghost
Peace2 *rea5 thee off9 loo52 3here it comes again6
"n the same figure2 li5e the 5ing that/s dead) 7;
!hou art a scholar9 spea5 to it2 Horatio)
Loo5s it not li5e the 5ing0 mar5 it2 Horatio)
Most li5e: it harro3s me 3ith fear and 3onder)
"t 3ould *e spo5e to)
Question it2 Horatio) 77
.hat art thou that usurp/st this time of night2
!ogether 3ith that fair and 3arli5e form
"n 3hich the maAest& of *uried -enmar5
-id sometimes march0 *& hea4en " charge thee2 spea56
"t is offended) B;
#ee2 it stal5s a3a&6
#ta&6 spea52 spea56 " charge thee2 spea56
Exit Ghost
Griffin B
/!is gone2 and 3ill not ans3er)
Ho3 no32 Horatio6 &ou trem*le and loo5 pale:
"s not this something more than fantas&0 B7
.hat thin5 &ou on/t0
,efore m& God2 " might not this *elie4e
.ithout the sensi*le and true a4ouch
Of mine o3n e&es)
"s it not li5e the 5ing0 C;
s thou art to th&self:
#uch 3as the 4er& armour he had on
.hen he the am*itious (or3a& com*ated9
#o fro3n/d he once2 3hen2 in an angr& parle2 C7
He smote the sledded Polac5s on the ice)
/!is strange)
!hus t3ice *efore2 and Aump at this dead hour2
.ith martial stal5 hath he gone *& our 3atch)
"n 3hat particular thought to 3or5 " 5no3 not9
,ut in the gross and scope of m& opinion2 D;
!his *odes some strange eruption to our state)
Good no32 sit do3n2 and tell me2 he that 5no3s2
.h& this same strict and most o*ser4ant 3atch
#o nightl& toils the su*Aect of the land2
nd 3h& such dail& cast of *razen cannon2 D7
nd foreign mart for implements of 3ar9
.h& such impress of ship3rights2 3hose sore tas5
-oes not di4ide the #unda& from the 3ee59
.hat might *e to3ard2 that this s3eat& haste
-oth ma5e the night Aoint>la*ourer 3ith the da&: E;
.ho is/t that can inform me0
!hat can "9
t least2 the 3hisper goes so) Our last 5ing2
Griffin /
.hose image e4en *ut no3 appear/d to us2
.as2 as &ou 5no32 *& +ortin*ras of (or3a&2 E7
!hereto pric5/d on *& a most emulate pride2
-ared to the com*at9 in 3hich our 4aliant Hamlet>>
+or so this side of our 5no3n 3orld esteem/d him>>
-id sla& this +ortin*ras9 3ho *& a seal/d compact2
.ell ratified *& la3 and heraldr&2 1;;
-id forfeit2 3ith his life2 all those his lands
.hich he stood seized of2 to the con:ueror:
gainst the 3hich2 a moiet& competent
.as gaged *& our 5ing9 3hich had return/d
!o the inheritance of +ortin*ras2 1;7
Had he *een 4an:uisher9 as2 *& the same co4enant2
nd carriage of the article design/d2
His fell to Hamlet) (o32 sir2 &oung +ortin*ras2
Of unimpro4ed mettle hot and full2
Hath in the s5irts of (or3a& here and there 11;
#har5/d up a list of la3less resolutes2
+or food and diet2 to some enterprise
!hat hath a stomach in/t9 3hich is no other>>
s it doth 3ell appear unto our state>>
,ut to reco4er of us2 *& strong hand 117
nd terms compulsator&2 those foresaid lands
#o *& his father lost: and this2 " ta5e it2
"s the main moti4e of our preparations2
!he source of this our 3atch and the chief head
Of this post>haste and romage in the land) 1=;
" thin5 it *e no other *ut e/en so:
.ell ma& it sort that this portentous figure
Comes armed through our 3atch9 so li5e the 5ing
!hat 3as and is the :uestion of these 3ars)
mote it is to trou*le the mind/s e&e) 1=7
"n the most high and palm& state of Rome2
little ere the mightiest Fulius fell2
!he gra4es stood tenantless and the sheeted dead
-id s:uea5 and gi**er in the Roman streets:
s stars 3ith trains of fire and de3s of *lood2 1?;
-isasters in the sun9 and the moist star
<pon 3hose influence (eptune/s empire stands
.as sic5 almost to doomsda& 3ith eclipse:
nd e4en the li5e precurse of fierce e4ents2
s har*ingers preceding still the fates 1?7
Griffin 1,
nd prologue to the omen coming on2
Ha4e hea4en and earth together demonstrated
<nto our climatures and countr&men)>>
,ut soft2 *ehold6 lo2 3here it comes again6
Re-enter Ghost
"/ll cross it2 though it *last me) #ta&2 illusion6 1@;
"f thou hast an& sound2 or use of 4oice2
#pea5 to me:
"f there *e an& good thing to *e done2
!hat ma& to thee do ease and grace to me2
#pea5 to me: 1@7
Cock crows
"f thou art pri4& to th& countr&/s fate2
.hich2 happil&2 fore5no3ing ma& a4oid2 O2 spea56
Or if thou hast uphoarded in th& life
'%torted treasure in the 3om* of earth2
+or 3hich2 the& sa&2 &ou spirits oft 3al5 in death2 17;
#pea5 of it: sta&2 and spea56 #top it2 Marcellus)
#hall " stri5e at it 3ith m& partisan0
-o2 if it 3ill not stand)
/!is here6
/!is here6 177
/!is gone6
Exit Ghost
.e do it 3rong2 *eing so maAestical2
!o offer it the sho3 of 4iolence9
+or it is2 as the air2 in4ulnera*le2
nd our 4ain *lo3s malicious moc5er&) 1B;
Griffin 11
"t 3as a*out to spea52 3hen the coc5 cre3)
nd then it started li5e a guilt& thing
<pon a fearful summons) " ha4e heard2
!he coc52 that is the trumpet to the morn2
-oth 3ith his loft& and shrill>sounding throat 1B7
3a5e the god of da&9 and2 at his 3arning2
.hether in sea or fire2 in earth or air2
!he e%tra4agant and erring spirit hies
!o his confine: and of the truth herein
!his present o*Aect made pro*ation) 1C;
"t faded on the cro3ing of the coc5)
#ome sa& that e4er /gainst that season comes
.herein our #a4iour/s *irth is cele*rated2
!he *ird of da3ning singeth all night long:
nd then2 the& sa&2 no spirit dares stir a*road9 1C7
!he nights are 3holesome9 then no planets stri5e2
(o fair& ta5es2 nor 3itch hath po3er to charm2
#o hallo3/d and so gracious is the time)
#o ha4e " heard and do in part *elie4e it)
,ut2 loo52 the morn2 in russet mantle clad2 1D;
.al5s o/er the de3 of &on high east3ard hill:
,rea5 3e our 3atch up9 and *& m& ad4ice2
Let us impart 3hat 3e ha4e seen to>night
<nto &oung Hamlet9 for2 upon m& life2
!his spirit2 dum* to us2 3ill spea5 to him) 1D7
-o &ou consent 3e shall ac:uaint him 3ith it2
s needful in our lo4es2 fitting our dut&0
Let/s do/t2 " pra&9 and " this morning 5no3
.here 3e shall find him most con4enientl&)
Griffin 12
#C'(' "") room of state in the castle) GE:7= H =C:1?I
#ummar&: <he mornin after Horatio and the uardsmen see the host, Kin &laudius
i"es a s!eech to his courtiers, e9!lainin his recent marriae to Gertrude, his brothers
widow and the mother of Prince Hamlet. &laudius says that he mourns his brother but has
chosen to balance Denmarks mournin with the deliht of his marriae. He mentions
that youn (ortinbras has written to him, rashly demandin the surrender of the lands
Kin Hamlet won from (ortinbrass father, and dis!atches &ornelius and Coltimand with
a messae for the Kin of =orway, (ortinbrass elderly uncle.
His s!eech concluded, &laudius turns to #aertes, the son of the #ord &hamberlain,
Polonius. #aertes e9!resses his desire to return to (rance, where he was stayin before
his return to Denmark for &laudiuss coronation. Polonius i"es his son !ermission, and
&laudius :o"ially rants #aertes his consent as well.
<urnin to Prince Hamlet, &laudius asks why 5the clouds still han7 u!on him, as Hamlet
is still wearin black mournin clothes +4.ii.@@1. Gertrude ures him to cast off his
5nihtly colour,7 but he re!lies bitterly that his inner sorrow is so reat that his dour
a!!earance is merely a !oor mirror of it +4.ii.@B1. 8ffectin a tone of fatherly ad"ice,
&laudius declares that all fathers die, and all sons must lose their fathers. %hen a son
loses a father, he is dutyDbound to mourn, but to mourn for too lon is unmanly and
ina!!ro!riate. &laudius ures Hamlet to think of him as a father, remindin the !rince
that he stands in line to succeed to the throne u!on &laudiuss death.
%ith this in mind, &laudius says that he does not wish for Hamlet to return to school at
%ittenber +where he had been studyin before his fathers death1, as Hamlet has asked
to do. Gertrude echoes her husband, !rofessin a desire for Hamlet to remain close to her.
Hamlet stiffly arees to obey her. &laudius claims to be so !leased by Hamlets decision
to stay that he will celebrate with festi"ities and cannon fire, an old custom called 5the
kins rouse.7 $rderin Gertrude to follow him, he escorts her from the room, and the
court follows.
8lone, Hamlet e9claims that he wishes he could die, that he could e"a!orate and cease to
e9ist. He wishes bitterly that God had not made suicide a sin. 8nuished, he laments his
fathers death and his mothers hasty marriae to his uncle. He remembers how dee!ly in
lo"e his !arents seemed, and he curses the thouht that now, not yet two month after his
fathers death, his mother has married his fathers far inferior brother.
$ GodE a beast that wants discourse of reason,
%ould ha"e mournd loner,Fmarried with mine uncle,
;y fathers brotherG but no more like my father
<han 4 to Hercules- within a monthG
2re yet the salt of most unrihteous tears
Had left the flushin in her alled eyes,
Griffin 1)
'he married-F $, most wicked s!eed, to !ost
%ith such de9terity to incestuous sheetsE
Hamlet >uiets suddenly as Horatio strides into the room, followed by ;arcellus and
3ernardo. Horatio was a close friend of Hamlet at the uni"ersity in %ittenber, and
Hamlet, ha!!y to see him, asks why he has left the school to tra"el to Denmark. Horatio
says that he came to see Kin Hamlets funeral, to which Hamlet curtly re!lies that
Horatio came to see his mothers weddin. Horatio arees that the one followed closely
on the heels of the other. He then tells Hamlet that he, ;arcellus, and 3ernardo ha"e seen
what a!!ears to be his fathers host. 'tunned, Hamlet arees to kee! watch with them
that niht, in the ho!e that he will be able to s!eak to the a!!arition.
'nter K"(G CL<-"<#2 Q<''( G'R!R<-'2 HML'!2 POLO("<#2
L'R!'#2 JOL!"M(-2 COR('L"<#2 Lords2 and ttendants
K"(G CL<-"<#
!hough &et of Hamlet our dear *rother/s death
!he memor& *e green2 and that it us *efitted
!o *ear our hearts in grief and our 3hole 5ingdom
!o *e contracted in one *ro3 of 3oe2
8et so far hath discretion fought 3ith nature 7
!hat 3e 3ith 3isest sorro3 thin5 on him2
!ogether 3ith remem*rance of oursel4es)
!herefore our sometime sister2 no3 our :ueen2
!he imperial Aointress to this 3arli5e state2
Ha4e 3e2 as /t3ere 3ith a defeated Ao&2>>
.ith an auspicious and a dropping e&e2 1;
.ith mirth in funeral and 3ith dirge in marriage2
"n e:ual scale 3eighing delight and dole2>>
!a5en to 3ife: nor ha4e 3e herein *arr/d
8our *etter 3isdoms2 3hich ha4e freel& gone
.ith this affair along) +or all2 our than5s) 17
(o3 follo3s2 that &ou 5no32 &oung +ortin*ras2
Holding a 3ea5 supposal of our 3orth2
Or thin5ing *& our late dear *rother/s death
Our state to *e disAoint and out of frame2
Colleagued 3ith the dream of his ad4antage2
He hath not fail/d to pester us 3ith message2 =;
"mporting the surrender of those lands
Lost *& his father2 3ith all *onds of la32
!o our most 4aliant *rother) #o much for him)
(o3 for ourself and for this time of meeting:
!hus much the *usiness is: 3e ha4e here 3rit =7
!o (or3a&2 uncle of &oung +ortin*ras2>>
.ho2 impotent and *ed>rid2 scarcel& hears
Of this his nephe3/s purpose2>>to suppress
His further gait herein9 in that the le4ies2
Griffin 1*
!he lists and full proportions2 are all made ?;
Out of his su*Aect: and 3e here dispatch
8ou2 good Cornelius2 and &ou2 Joltimand2
+or *earers of this greeting to old (or3a&9
Gi4ing to &ou no further personal po3er
!o *usiness 3ith the 5ing2 more than the scope ?7
Of these delated articles allo3)
+are3ell2 and let &our haste commend &our dut&)
COR('L"<# JOL!"M(-
"n that and all things 3ill 3e sho3 our dut&)
K"(G CL<-"<#
.e dou*t it nothing: heartil& fare3ell) @;
'%eunt JOL!"M(- and COR('L"<#
nd no32 Laertes2 3hat/s the ne3s 3ith &ou0
8ou told us of some suit9 3hat is/t2 Laertes0
8ou cannot spea5 of reason to the -ane2
nd loose &our 4oice: 3hat 3ouldst thou *eg2 Laertes2
!hat shall not *e m& offer2 not th& as5ing0 @7
!he head is not more nati4e to the heart2
!he hand more instrumental to the mouth2
!han is the throne of -enmar5 to th& father)
.hat 3ouldst thou ha4e2 Laertes0
M& dread lord2 7;
8our lea4e and fa4our to return to +rance9
+rom 3hence though 3illingl& " came to -enmar52
!o sho3 m& dut& in &our coronation2
8et no32 " must confess2 that dut& done2
M& thoughts and 3ishes *end again to3ard +rance 77
nd *o3 them to &our gracious lea4e and pardon)
K"(G CL<-"<#
Ha4e &ou &our father/s lea4e0 .hat sa&s Polonius0
He hath2 m& lord2 3rung from me m& slo3 lea4e
,& la*oursome petition2 and at last
<pon his 3ill " seal/d m& hard consent: B;
" do *eseech &ou2 gi4e him lea4e to go)
K"(G CL<-"<#
Griffin 10
!a5e th& fair hour2 Laertes9 time *e thine2
nd th& *est graces spend it at th& 3ill6
,ut no32 m& cousin Hamlet2 and m& son2>>
KsideL little more than 5in2 and less than 5ind) B7
K"(G CL<-"<#
Ho3 is it that the clouds still hang on &ou0
(ot so2 m& lord9 " am too much i/ the sun)
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
Good Hamlet2 cast th& nighted colour off2
nd let thine e&e loo5 li5e a friend on -enmar5)
-o not for e4er 3ith th& 4ailed lids C;
#ee5 for th& no*le father in the dust:
!hou 5no3/st /tis common9 all that li4es must die2
Passing through nature to eternit&)
&2 madam2 it is common)
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
"f it *e2 C7
.h& seems it so particular 3ith thee0
#eems2 madam6 na& it is9 " 5no3 not /seems)/
/!is not alone m& in5& cloa52 good mother2
(or customar& suits of solemn *lac52
(or 3ind& suspiration of forced *reath2 D;
(o2 nor the fruitful ri4er in the e&e2
(or the deAected /ha4ior of the 4isage2
!ogether 3ith all forms2 moods2 shapes of grief2
!hat can denote me trul&: these indeed seem2
+or the& are actions that a man might pla&: D7
,ut " ha4e that 3ithin 3hich passeth sho39
!hese *ut the trappings and the suits of 3oe)
K"(G CL<-"<#
/!is s3eet and commenda*le in &our nature2 Hamlet2
!o gi4e these mourning duties to &our father:
,ut2 &ou must 5no32 &our father lost a father9 E;
!hat father lost2 lost his2 and the sur4i4or *ound
Griffin 1@
"n filial o*ligation for some term
!o do o*se:uious sorro3: *ut to perse4er
"n o*stinate condolement is a course
Of impious stu**ornness9 /tis unmanl& grief9 E7
"t sho3s a 3ill most incorrect to hea4en2
heart unfortified2 a mind impatient2
n understanding simple and unschool/d:
+or 3hat 3e 5no3 must *e and is as common
s an& the most 4ulgar thing to sense2 1;;
.h& should 3e in our pee4ish opposition
!a5e it to heart0 +ie6 /tis a fault to hea4en2
fault against the dead2 a fault to nature2
!o reason most a*surd: 3hose common theme
"s death of fathers2 and 3ho still hath cried2 1;7
+rom the first corse till he that died to>da&2
/!his must *e so)/ .e pra& &ou2 thro3 to earth
!his unpre4ailing 3oe2 and thin5 of us
s of a father: for let the 3orld ta5e note2
8ou are the most immediate to our throne9 11;
nd 3ith no less no*ilit& of lo4e
!han that 3hich dearest father *ears his son2
-o " impart to3ard &ou) +or &our intent
"n going *ac5 to school in .itten*erg2
"t is most retrograde to our desire: 117
nd 3e *eseech &ou2 *end &ou to remain
Here2 in the cheer and comfort of our e&e2
Our chiefest courtier2 cousin2 and our son)
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
Let not th& mother lose her pra&ers2 Hamlet:
" pra& thee2 sta& 3ith us9 go not to .itten*erg) 1=;
" shall in all m& *est o*e& &ou2 madam)
K"(G CL<-"<#
.h&2 /tis a lo4ing and a fair repl&:
,e as ourself in -enmar5) Madam2 come9
!his gentle and unforced accord of Hamlet
#its smiling to m& heart: in grace 3hereof2 1=7
(o Aocund health that -enmar5 drin5s to>da&2
,ut the great cannon to the clouds shall tell2
nd the 5ing/s rouse the hea4ens all *ruit again2
Re>spea5ing earthl& thunder) Come a3a&)
Exeunt all ut HAMLET
Griffin 1A
O2 that this too too solid flesh 3ould melt 1?;
!ha3 and resol4e itself into a de36
Or that the '4erlasting had not fi%/d
His canon /gainst self>slaughter6 O God6 God6
Ho3 3ear&2 stale2 flat and unprofita*le2
#eem to me all the uses of this 3orld6 1?7
+ie on/t6 ah fie6 /tis an un3eeded garden2
!hat gro3s to seed9 things ran5 and gross in nature
Possess it merel&) !hat it should come to this6
,ut t3o months dead: na&2 not so much2 not t3o:
#o e%cellent a 5ing9 that 3as2 to this2 1@;
H&perion to a sat&r9 so lo4ing to m& mother
!hat he might not *eteem the 3inds of hea4en
Jisit her face too roughl&) Hea4en and earth6
Must " remem*er0 3h&2 she 3ould hang on him2
s if increase of appetite had gro3n 1@7
,& 3hat it fed on: and &et2 3ithin a month>>
Let me not thin5 on/t>>+railt&2 th& name is 3oman6>>
little month2 or ere those shoes 3ere old
.ith 3hich she follo3/d m& poor father/s *od&2
Li5e (io*e2 all tears:>>3h& she2 e4en she>> 17;
O2 God6 a *east2 that 3ants discourse of reason2
.ould ha4e mourn/d longer>>married 3ith m& uncle2
M& father/s *rother2 *ut no more li5e m& father
!han " to Hercules: 3ithin a month:
're &et the salt of most unrighteous tears 177
Had left the flushing in her galled e&es2
#he married) O2 most 3ic5ed speed2 to post
.ith such de%terit& to incestuous sheets6
"t is not nor it cannot come to good:
,ut *rea52 m& heart9 for " must hold m& tongue) 1B;
Hail to &our lordship6
" am glad to see &ou 3ell:
Horatio2>>or " do forget m&self)
!he same2 m& lord2 and &our poor ser4ant e4er)
Griffin 1B
#ir2 m& good friend9 "/ll change that name 3ith &ou: 1B7
nd 3hat ma5e &ou from .itten*erg2 Horatio0 Marcellus0
M& good lord>>
" am 4er& glad to see &ou) Good e4en2 sir)
,ut 3hat2 in faith2 ma5e &ou from .itten*erg0
truant disposition2 good m& lord) 1C;
" 3ould not hear &our enem& sa& so2
(or shall &ou do mine ear that 4iolence2
!o ma5e it truster of &our o3n report
gainst &ourself: " 5no3 &ou are no truant)
,ut 3hat is &our affair in 'lsinore0 1C7
.e/ll teach &ou to drin5 deep ere &ou depart)
M& lord2 " came to see &our father/s funeral)
" pra& thee2 do not moc5 me2 fello3>student9
" thin5 it 3as to see m& mother/s 3edding)
"ndeed2 m& lord2 it follo3/d hard upon) 1D;
!hrift2 thrift2 Horatio6 the funeral *a5ed meats
-id coldl& furnish forth the marriage ta*les)
.ould " had met m& dearest foe in hea4en
Or e4er " had seen that da&2 Horatio6
M& father6>>methin5s " see m& father) 1D7
.here2 m& lord0
"n m& mind/s e&e2 Horatio)
Griffin 1/
" sa3 him once9 he 3as a goodl& 5ing)
He 3as a man2 ta5e him for all in all2
" shall not loo5 upon his li5e again) 1E;
M& lord2 " thin5 " sa3 him &esternight)
#a30 3ho0
M& lord2 the 5ing &our father)
!he 5ing m& father6
#eason &our admiration for a3hile 1E7
.ith an attent ear2 till " ma& deli4er2
<pon the 3itness of these gentlemen2
!his mar4el to &ou)
+or God/s lo4e2 let me hear)
!3o nights together had these gentlemen2 =;;
Marcellus and ,ernardo2 on their 3atch2
"n the dead 4ast and middle of the night2
,een thus encounter/d) figure li5e &our father2
rmed at point e%actl&2 cap>a>pe2
ppears *efore them2 and 3ith solemn march =;7
Goes slo3 and statel& *& them: thrice he 3al5/d
,& their oppress/d and fear>surprised e&es2
.ithin his truncheon/s length9 3hilst the&2 distilled
lmost to Aell& 3ith the act of fear2
#tand dum* and spea5 not to him) !his to me =1;
"n dreadful secrec& impart the& did9
nd " 3ith them the third night 5ept the 3atch9
.here2 as the& had deli4er/d2 *oth in time2
+orm of the thing2 each 3ord made true and good2
!he apparition comes: " 5ne3 &our father9 =17
!hese hands are not more li5e)
Griffin 2,
,ut 3here 3as this0
M& lord2 upon the platform 3here 3e 3atch/d)
-id &ou not spea5 to it0
M& lord2 " did9
,ut ans3er made it none: &et once methought ==;
"t lifted up its head and did address
"tself to motion2 li5e as it 3ould spea59
,ut e4en then the morning coc5 cre3 loud2
nd at the sound it shrun5 in haste a3a&2
nd 4anish/d from our sight) ==7
/!is 4er& strange)
s " do li4e2 m& honour/d lord2 /tis true9
nd 3e did thin5 it 3rit do3n in our dut&
!o let &ou 5no3 of it)
"ndeed2 indeed2 sirs2 *ut this trou*les me) =?;
Hold &ou the 3atch to>night0
MRC'LL<# ,'R(R-O
.e do2 m& lord)
rm/d2 sa& &ou0
MRC'LL<# ,'R(R-O
rm/d2 m& lord)
+rom top to toe0 =?7
MRC'LL<# ,'R(R-O
M& lord2 from head to foot)
Griffin 21
!hen sa3 &ou not his face0
O2 &es2 m& lord9 he 3ore his *ea4er up)
.hat2 loo5/d he fro3ningl&0
countenance more in sorro3 than in anger) =@;
Pale or red0
(a&2 4er& pale)
nd fi%/d his e&es upon &ou0
Most constantl&)
" 3ould " had *een there) =@7
"t 3ould ha4e much amazed &ou)
Jer& li5e2 4er& li5e) #ta&/d it long0
.hile one 3ith moderate haste might tell a hundred)
MRC'LL<# ,'R(R-O
Longer2 longer)
(ot 3hen " sa3/t) =7;
His *eard 3as grizzled>>no0
"t 3as2 as " ha4e seen it in his life2
Griffin 22
sa*le sil4er/d)
" 3ill 3atch to>night9
Perchance /t3ill 3al5 again)
" 3arrant it 3ill)
"f it assume m& no*le father/s person2
"/ll spea5 to it2 though hell itself should gape
nd *id me hold m& peace) " pra& &ou all2
"f &ou ha4e hitherto conceal/d this sight2 =B;
Let it *e tena*le in &our silence still9
nd 3hatsoe4er else shall hap to>night2
Gi4e it an understanding2 *ut no tongue:
" 3ill re:uite &our lo4es) #o2 fare &ou 3ell:
<pon the platform2 /t3i%t ele4en and t3el4e2 =B7
"/ll 4isit &ou)
Our dut& to &our honour)
8our lo4es2 as mine to &ou: fare3ell)
Exeunt all ut HAMLET
M& father/s spirit in arms6 all is not 3ell9
" dou*t some foul pla&: 3ould the night 3ere come6 =C;
!ill then sit still2 m& soul: foul deeds 3ill rise2
!hough all the earth o/er3helm them2 to men/s e&es)
Griffin 2)
#C'(' """) room in Polonius/ house) G=C:1? H ?@:7CI
4n Poloniuss house, #aertes !re!ares to lea"e for (rance. 3iddin his sister, $!helia,
farewell, he cautions her aainst fallin in lo"e with Hamlet, who is, accordin to
#aertes, too far abo"e her by birth to be able to lo"e her honorably. 'ince Hamlet is
res!onsible not only for his own feelins but for his !osition in the state, it may be
im!ossible for him to marry her. $!helia arees to kee! #aertes ad"ice as a 5watchman7
close to her heart but ures him not to i"e her ad"ice that he does not !ractice himself.
#aertes reassures her that he will take care of himself.
Polonius enters to bid his son farewell. He tells #aertes that he must hurry to his shi! but
then delays him by i"in him a reat deal of ad"ice about how to beha"e with interity
and !racticality. Polonius admonishes #aertes to kee! his thouhts to himself, restrain
himself from actin on rash desires, and treat !eo!le with familiarity but not with
"ularity. He ad"ises him to hold on to his old friends but be slow to embrace new
friendsG to be slow to >uarrel but to fiht boldly if the need arisesG to listen more than he
talksG to dress richly but not audilyG to refrain from borrowin or lendin moneyG and,
finally, to be true to himself abo"e all thins.
#aertes lea"es, biddin farewell to $!helia once more. 8lone with his dauhter, Polonius
asks $!helia what #aertes told her before he left. $!helia says that it was 5somethin
touchin the #ord Hamlet7 +4.ii.B/1. Polonius asks her about her relationshi! with
Hamlet. 'he tells him that Hamlet claims to lo"e her. Polonius sternly echoes #aertes
ad"ice, and forbids $!helia to associate with Hamlet anymore. He tells her that Hamlet
has decei"ed her in swearin his lo"e, and that she should see throuh his false "ows and
rebuff his affections. $!helia !ledes to obey.
'nter L'R!'# and OPH'L"
M& necessaries are em*ar5/d: fare3ell:
nd2 sister2 as the 3inds gi4e *enefit
nd con4o& is assistant2 do not sleep2
,ut let me hear from &ou)
-o &ou dou*t that0 7
+or Hamlet and the trifling of his fa4our2
Hold it a fashion and a to& in *lood2
4iolet in the &outh of prim& nature2
+or3ard2 not permanent2 s3eet2 not lasting2
!he perfume and suppliance of a minute9 (o more) 1;
(o more *ut so
Griffin 2*
!hin5 it no more9
+or nature2 crescent2 does not gro3 alone
"n the3s and *ul52 *ut2 as this temple 3a%es2
!he in3ard ser4ice of the mind and soul 17
Gro3s 3ide 3ithal) Perhaps he lo4es &ou no32
nd no3 no soil nor cautel doth *esmirch
!he 4irtue of his 3ill: *ut &ou must fear2
His greatness 3eigh/d2 his 3ill is not his o3n9
+or he himself is su*Aect to his *irth: =;
He ma& not2 as un4alued persons do2
Car4e for himself9 for on his choice depends
!he safet& and health of this 3hole state9
nd therefore must his choice *e circumscri*ed
<nto the 4oice and &ielding of that *od& =7
.hereof he is the head) !hen if he sa&s he lo4es &ou2
"t fits &our 3isdom so far to *elie4e it
s he in his particular act and place
Ma& gi4e his sa&ing deed9 3hich is no further
!han the main 4oice of -enmar5 goes 3ithal) ?;
!hen 3eigh 3hat loss &our honour ma& sustain2
"f 3ith too credent ear &ou list his songs2
Or lose &our heart2 or &our chaste treasure open
!o his unmaster/d importunit&)
+ear it2 Ophelia2 fear it2 m& dear sister2 ?7
nd 5eep &ou in the rear of &our affection2
Out of the shot and danger of desire)
!he chariest maid is prodigal enough2
"f she unmas5 her *eaut& to the moon:
Jirtue itself /scapes not calumnious stro5es: @;
!he can5er galls the infants of the spring2
!oo oft *efore their *uttons *e disclosed2
nd in the morn and li:uid de3 of &outh
Contagious *lastments are most imminent)
,e 3ar& then9 *est safet& lies in fear: @7
8outh to itself re*els2 though none else near)
" shall the effect of this good lesson 5eep2
s 3atchman to m& heart) ,ut2 good m& *rother2
-o not2 as some ungracious pastors do2 7;
#ho3 me the steep and thorn& 3a& to hea4en9
.hiles2 li5e a puff/d and rec5less li*ertine2
Himself the primrose path of dalliance treads2
nd rec5s not his o3n rede)
Griffin 20
O2 fear me not) 77
" sta& too long: *ut here m& father comes)
Enter %OLO#IUS
dou*le *lessing is a dou*le grace2
Occasion smiles upon a second lea4e)
8et here2 Laertes6 a*oard2 a*oard2 for shame6
!he 3ind sits in the shoulder of &our sail2 B;
nd &ou are sta&/d for) !here9 m& *lessing 3ith thee6
nd these fe3 precepts in th& memor&
#ee thou character) Gi4e th& thoughts no tongue2
(or an& unproportioned thought his act)
,e thou familiar2 *ut *& no means 4ulgar) B7
!hose friends thou hast2 and their adoption tried2
Grapple them to th& soul 3ith hoops of steel9
,ut do not dull th& palm 3ith entertainment
Of each ne3>hatch/d2 unfledged comrade) ,e3are
Of entrance to a :uarrel2 *ut *eing in2 C;
,ear/t that the opposed ma& *e3are of thee)
Gi4e e4er& man th& ear2 *ut fe3 th& 4oice9
!a5e each man/s censure2 *ut reser4e th& Audgment)
Costl& th& ha*it as th& purse can *u&2
,ut not e%press/d in fanc&9 rich2 not gaud&9 C7
+or the apparel oft proclaims the man2
nd the& in +rance of the *est ran5 and station
re of a most select and generous chief in that)
(either a *orro3er nor a lender *e9
+or loan oft loses *oth itself and friend2 D;
nd *orro3ing dulls the edge of hus*andr&)
!his a*o4e all: to thine o3nself *e true2
nd it must follo32 as the night the da&2
!hou canst not then *e false to an& man)
+are3ell: m& *lessing season this in thee6 D7
Most hum*l& do " ta5e m& lea4e2 m& lord)
!he time in4ites &ou9 go9 &our ser4ants tend)
Griffin 2@
+are3ell2 Ophelia9 and remem*er 3ell
.hat " ha4e said to &ou)
/!is in m& memor& loc5/d2 E;
nd &ou &ourself shall 5eep the 5e& of it)
.hat is/t2 Ophelia2 *e hath said to &ou0
#o please &ou2 something touching the Lord Hamlet)
Marr&2 3ell *ethought: E7
/!is told me2 he hath 4er& oft of late
Gi4en pri4ate time to &ou9 and &ou &ourself
Ha4e of &our audience *een most free and *ounteous:
"f it *e so2 as so /tis put on me2
nd that in 3a& of caution2 " must tell &ou2
8ou do not understand &ourself so clearl& 1;;
s it *eho4es m& daughter and &our honour)
.hat is *et3een &ou0 gi4e me up the truth)
He hath2 m& lord2 of late made man& tenders
Of his affection to me)
ffection6 pooh6 &ou spea5 li5e a green girl2 1;7
<nsifted in such perilous circumstance)
-o &ou *elie4e his tenders2 as &ou call them0
" do not 5no32 m& lord2 3hat " should thin5)
Marr&2 "/ll teach &ou: thin5 &ourself a *a*&9
!hat &ou ha4e ta/en these tenders for true pa&2 11;
.hich are not sterling) !ender &ourself more dearl&9
Or>>not to crac5 the 3ind of the poor phrase2
Griffin 2A
Running it thus>>&ou/ll tender me a fool)
M& lord2 he hath importuned me 3ith lo4e
"n honoura*le fashion) 117
&2 fashion &ou ma& call it9 go to2 go to)
nd hath gi4en countenance to his speech2 m& lord2
.ith almost all the hol& 4o3s of hea4en)
&2 springes to catch 3oodcoc5s) " do 5no32
.hen the *lood *urns2 ho3 prodigal the soul 1=;
Lends the tongue 4o3s: these *lazes2 daughter2
Gi4ing more light than heat2 e%tinct in *oth2
'4en in their promise2 as it is a>ma5ing2
8ou must not ta5e for fire) +rom this time
,e some3hat scanter of &our maiden presence9
#et &our entreatments at a higher rate 1=7
!han a command to parle&) +or Lord Hamlet2
,elie4e so much in him2 that he is &oung
nd 3ith a larger tether ma& he 3al5
!han ma& *e gi4en &ou: in fe32 Ophelia2
-o not *elie4e his 4o3s9 for the& are *ro5ers2 1?;
(ot of that d&e 3hich their in4estments sho32
,ut mere implorators of unhol& suits2
,reathing li5e sanctified and pious *a3ds2
!he *etter to *eguile) !his is for all:
" 3ould not2 in plain terms2 from this time forth2
Ha4e &ou so slander an& moment leisure2 1?7
s to gi4e 3ords or tal5 3ith the Lord Hamlet)
Loo5 to/t2 " charge &ou: come &our 3a&s)
" shall o*e&2 m& lord)
Griffin 2B
#C'(' "J) !he platform) G?@:7C H ?D:1=I
#ummar&: 4t is now niht. Hamlet kee!s watch outside the castle with Horatio and
;arcellus, waitin in the cold for the host to a!!ear. 'hortly after midniht, trum!ets
and unfire sound from the castle, and Hamlet e9!lains that the new kin is s!endin the
niht carousin, as is the Danish custom. Disusted, Hamlet declares that this sort of
custom is better broken than ke!t, sayin that the kins re"elry makes Denmark a
lauhinstock amon other nations and lessens the Danes otherwise im!ressi"e
achie"ements. <hen the host a!!ears, and Hamlet calls out to it. <he host beckons
Hamlet to follow it out into the niht. His com!anions ure him not to follow, bein
him to consider that the host miht lead him toward harm.
Hamlet himself is unsure whether his fathers a!!arition is truly the kins s!irit or an
e"il demon, but he declares that he cares nothin for his life and that, if his soul is
immortal, the host can do nothin to harm his soul. He follows after the a!!arition and
disa!!ears into the darkness. Horatio and ;arcellus, stunned, declare that the e"ent bodes
ill for the nation. Horatio !roclaims that hea"en will o"ersee the outcome of Hamlets
encounter with the host, but ;arcellus says that they should follow and try to !rotect
him themsel"es. 8fter a moment, Horatio and ;arcellus follow after Hamlet and the
'nter HML'!2 HOR!"O2 and MRC'LL<#
!he air *ites shre3dl&9 it is 4er& cold)
"t is a nipping and an eager air)
.hat hour no30
" thin5 it lac5s of t3el4e)
(o2 it is struc5) 7
"ndeed0 " heard it not: then it dra3s near the season
.herein the spirit held his 3ont to 3al5)
A &lourish o& tru'(ets! and ordnance shot o&&! within
.hat does this mean2 m& lord0
Griffin 2/
!he 5ing doth 3a5e to>night and ta5es his rouse2
Keeps 3assail2 and the s3aggering up>spring reels9
nd2 as he drains his draughts of Rhenish do3n2 1;
!he 5ettle>drum and trumpet thus *ra& out
!he triumph of his pledge)
"s it a custom0
&2 marr&2 is/t:
,ut to m& mind2 though " am nati4e here
nd to the manner *orn2 it is a custom
More honour/d in the *reach than the o*ser4ance)
!his hea4&>headed re4el east and 3est
Ma5es us traduced and ta%/d of other nations:
!he& clepe us drun5ards2 and 3ith s3inish phrase =;
#oil our addition9 and indeed it ta5es
+rom our achie4ements2 though perform/d at height2
!he pith and marro3 of our attri*ute)
#o2 oft it chances in particular men2
!hat for some 4icious mole of nature in them2 =7
s2 in their *irth>>3herein the& are not guilt&2
#ince nature cannot choose his origin>>
,& the o/ergro3th of some comple%ion2
Oft *rea5ing do3n the pales and forts of reason2
Or *& some ha*it that too much o/er>lea4ens ?;
!he form of plausi4e manners2 that these men2
Carr&ing2 " sa&2 the stamp of one defect2
,eing nature/s li4er&2 or fortune/s star2>>
!heir 4irtues else>>*e the& as pure as grace2
s infinite as man ma& undergo>> ?7
#hall in the general censure ta5e corruption
+rom that particular fault: the dram of eale
-oth all the no*le su*stance of a dou*t
!o his o3n scandal)
Loo52 m& lord2 it comes6 @;
Enter Ghost
ngels and ministers of grace defend us6
,e thou a spirit of health or go*lin damn/d2
,ring 3ith thee airs from hea4en or *lasts from hell2
Griffin ),
,e th& intents 3ic5ed or charita*le2
!hou comest in such a :uestiona*le shape @7
!hat " 3ill spea5 to thee: "/ll call thee Hamlet2
King2 father2 ro&al -ane: O2 ans3er me6
Let me not *urst in ignorance9 *ut tell
.h& th& canonized *ones2 hearsed in death2
Ha4e *urst their cerements9 3h& the sepulchre2 7;
.herein 3e sa3 thee :uietl& inurn/d2
Hath oped his ponderous and mar*le Aa3s2
!o cast thee up again) .hat ma& this mean2
!hat thou2 dead corse2 again in complete steel
Re4isit/st thus the glimpses of the moon2 77
Ma5ing night hideous9 and 3e fools of nature
#o horridl& to sha5e our disposition
.ith thoughts *e&ond the reaches of our souls0
#a&2 3h& is this0 3herefore0 3hat should 3e do0
Ghost eckons HAMLET
"t *ec5ons &ou to go a3a& 3ith it2 B;
s if it some impartment did desire
!o &ou alone)
Loo52 3ith 3hat courteous action
"t 3a4es &ou to a more remo4ed ground:
,ut do not go 3ith it) B7
(o2 *& no means)
"t 3ill not spea59 then " 3ill follo3 it)
-o not2 m& lord)
.h&2 3hat should *e the fear0
" do not set m& life in a pin/s fee9 C;
nd for m& soul2 3hat can it do to that2
,eing a thing immortal as itself0
"t 3a4es me forth again: "/ll follo3 it)
Griffin )1
.hat if it tempt &ou to3ard the flood2 m& lord2
Or to the dreadful summit of the cliff C7
!hat *eetles o/er his *ase into the sea2
nd there assume some other horri*le form2
.hich might depri4e &our so4ereignt& of reason
nd dra3 &ou into madness0 thin5 of it:
!he 4er& place puts to&s of desperation2 D;
.ithout more moti4e2 into e4er& *rain
!hat loo5s so man& fathoms to the sea
nd hears it roar *eneath)
"t 3a4es me still)
Go on9 "/ll follo3 thee) D7
8ou shall not go2 m& lord)
Hold off &our hands)
,e ruled9 &ou shall not go)
M& fate cries out2
nd ma5es each pett& arter& in this *od& E;
s hard& as the (emean lion/s ner4e)
#till am " call/d) <nhand me2 gentlemen)
,& hea4en2 "/ll ma5e a ghost of him that lets me6
" sa&2 a3a&6 Go on9 "/ll follo3 thee)
Exeunt Ghost and HAMLET
He 3a%es desperate 3ith imagination) E7
Let/s follo39 /tis not fit thus to o*e& him)
Ha4e after) !o 3hat issue 3ill this come0
#omething is rotten in the state of -enmar5)
Griffin )2
Hea4en 3ill direct it)
(a&2 let/s follo3 him) 1;;
Griffin ))
#C'(' J) nother part of the platform) G?D:1= H 71:1?I
#ummar&: 4n the darkness, the host s!eaks to Hamlet, claimin to be his fathers s!irit,
come to rouse Hamlet to re"ene his death, a 5foul and most unnatural murder7 +4.".201.
Hamlet is a!!alled at the re"elation that his father has been murdered, and the host tells
him that as he sle!t in his arden, a "illain !oured !oison into his earFthe "ery "illain
who now wears his crown, &laudius. Hamlets worst fears about his uncle are confirmed.
5$ my !ro!hetic soulE7 he cries +4.".*,1. <he host e9horts Hamlet to seek re"ene,
tellin him that &laudius has corru!ted Denmark and corru!ted Gertrude, ha"in taken
her from the !ure lo"e of her first marriae and seduced her in the foul lust of their
incestuous union. 3ut the host ures Hamlet not to act aainst his mother in any way,
tellin him to 5lea"e her to hea"en7 and to the !ans of her own conscience +4.".B@1.
8s dawn breaks, the host disa!!ears. 4ntensely mo"ed, Hamlet swears to remember and
obey the host. Horatio and ;arcellus arri"e u!on the scene and frantically ask Hamlet
what has ha!!ened. 'haken and e9tremely aitated, he refuses to tell them, and insists
that they swear u!on his sword not to re"eal what they ha"e seen. He tells them further
that he may !retend to be a madman, and he makes them swear not to i"e the slihtest
hint that they know anythin about his moti"es. <hree times the hosts "oice echoes
from beneath the round, !roclaimin, 5'wear.7 Horatio and ;arcellus take the oath
u!on Hamlets sword, and the three men e9it toward the castle. 8s they lea"e, Hamlet
bemoans the res!onsibility he now carries- 5<he time is out of :oint- $ cursed s!ite H <hat
e"er 4 was born to set it rihtE7 +4.".1B/.1/,1.
.here 3ilt thou lead me0 spea59 "/ll go no further)
Mar5 me)
" 3ill)
M& hour is almost come2
.hen " to sulphurous and tormenting flames 7
Must render up m&self)
las2 poor ghost6
Pit& me not2 *ut lend th& serious hearing
!o 3hat " shall unfold)
Griffin )*
#pea59 " am *ound to hear) 1;
#o art thou to re4enge2 3hen thou shalt hear)
" am th& father/s spirit2
-oom/d for a certain term to 3al5 the night2
nd for the da& confined to fast in fires2 17
!ill the foul crimes done in m& da&s of nature
re *urnt and purged a3a&) ,ut that " am for*id
!o tell the secrets of m& prison>house2
" could a tale unfold 3hose lightest 3ord
.ould harro3 up th& soul2 freeze th& &oung *lood2 =;
Ma5e th& t3o e&es2 li5e stars2 start from their spheres2
!h& 5notted and com*ined loc5s to part
nd each particular hair to stand on end2
Li5e :uills upon the fretful porpentine:
,ut this eternal *lazon must not *e =7
!o ears of flesh and *lood) List2 list2 O2 list6
"f thou didst e4er th& dear father lo4e>>
O God6
Re4enge his foul and most unnatural murder)
Murder6 ?;
Murder most foul2 as in the *est it is9
,ut this most foul2 strange and unnatural)
Haste me to 5no3/t2 that "2 3ith 3ings as s3ift
s meditation or the thoughts of lo4e2
Ma& s3eep to m& re4enge) ?7
" find thee apt9
Griffin )0
nd duller shouldst thou *e than the fat 3eed
!hat roots itself in ease on Lethe 3harf2
.ouldst thou not stir in this) (o32 Hamlet2 hear:
/!is gi4en out that2 sleeping in m& orchard2 @;
serpent stung me9 so the 3hole ear of -enmar5
"s *& a forged process of m& death
Ran5l& a*used: *ut 5no32 thou no*le &outh2
!he serpent that did sting th& father/s life
(o3 3ears his cro3n) @7
O m& prophetic soul6 M& uncle6
&2 that incestuous2 that adulterate *east2
.ith 3itchcraft of his 3it2 3ith traitorous gifts2>>
O 3ic5ed 3it and gifts2 that ha4e the po3er 7;
#o to seduce6>>3on to his shameful lust
!he 3ill of m& most seeming>4irtuous :ueen:
O Hamlet2 3hat a falling>off 3as there6
+rom me2 3hose lo4e 3as of that dignit&
!hat it 3ent hand in hand e4en 3ith the 4o3 77
" made to her in marriage2 and to decline
<pon a 3retch 3hose natural gifts 3ere poor
!o those of mine6
,ut 4irtue2 as it ne4er 3ill *e mo4ed2
!hough le3dness court it in a shape of hea4en2 B;
#o lust2 though to a radiant angel lin5/d2
.ill sate itself in a celestial *ed2
nd pre& on gar*age)
,ut2 soft6 methin5s " scent the morning air9
,rief let me *e) #leeping 3ithin m& orchard2 B7
M& custom al3a&s of the afternoon2
<pon m& secure hour th& uncle stole2
.ith Auice of cursed he*enon in a 4ial2
nd in the porches of m& ears did pour
!he leperous distilment9 3hose effect C;
Holds such an enmit& 3ith *lood of man
!hat s3ift as :uic5sil4er it courses through
!he natural gates and alle&s of the *od&2
nd 3ith a sudden 4igour doth posset
nd curd2 li5e eager droppings into mil52 C7
!he thin and 3holesome *lood: so did it mine9
nd a most instant tetter *ar5/d a*out2
Most lazar>li5e2 3ith 4ile and loathsome crust2
ll m& smooth *od&)
Griffin )@
!hus 3as "2 sleeping2 *& a *rother/s hand D;
Of life2 of cro3n2 of :ueen2 at once dispatch/d:
Cut off e4en in the *lossoms of m& sin2
<nhousel/d2 disappointed2 unanel/d2
(o rec5oning made2 *ut sent to m& account
.ith all m& imperfections on m& head: D7
O2 horri*le6 O2 horri*le6 most horri*le6
"f thou hast nature in thee2 *ear it not9
Let not the ro&al *ed of -enmar5 *e
couch for lu%ur& and damned incest)
,ut2 ho3soe4er thou pursuest this act2 E;
!aint not th& mind2 nor let th& soul contri4e
gainst th& mother aught: lea4e her to hea4en
nd to those thorns that in her *osom lodge2
!o pric5 and sting her) +are thee 3ell at once6
!he glo3>3orm sho3s the matin to *e near2 E7
nd /gins to pale his uneffectual fire:
dieu2 adieu6 Hamlet2 remem*er me)
O all &ou host of hea4en6 O earth6 3hat else0
nd shall " couple hell0 O2 fie6 Hold2 hold2 m& heart9 1;;
nd &ou2 m& sine3s2 gro3 not instant old2
,ut *ear me stiffl& up) Remem*er thee6
&2 thou poor ghost2 3hile memor& holds a seat
"n this distracted glo*e) Remem*er thee6
8ea2 from the ta*le of m& memor& 1;7
"/ll 3ipe a3a& all tri4ial fond records2
ll sa3s of *oo5s2 all forms2 all pressures past2
!hat &outh and o*ser4ation copied there9
nd th& commandment all alone shall li4e
.ithin the *oo5 and 4olume of m& *rain2 11;
<nmi%/d 3ith *aser matter: &es2 *& hea4en6
O most pernicious 3oman6
O 4illain2 4illain2 smiling2 damned 4illain6
M& ta*les2>>meet it is " set it do3n2
!hat one ma& smile2 and smile2 and *e a 4illain9 117
t least "/m sure it ma& *e so in -enmar5:
#o2 uncle2 there &ou are) (o3 to m& 3ord9
"t is /dieu2 adieu6 remem*er me)/
" ha4e s3orn /t) 1=;
Griffin )A
K.ithinL M& lord2 m& lord2>>
K.ithinL Lord Hamlet2>>
K.ithinL Hea4en secure him6
#o *e it6
K.ithinL Hillo2 ho2 ho2 m& lord6 1=7
Hillo2 ho2 ho2 *o&6 come2 *ird2 come)
Ho3 is/t2 m& no*le lord0
.hat ne3s2 m& lord0
O2 3onderful6
Good m& lord2 tell it) 1?;
(o9 &ou/ll re4eal it)
(ot "2 m& lord2 *& hea4en)
(or "2 m& lord)
Ho3 sa& &ou2 then9 3ould heart of man once thin5 it0
,ut &ou/ll *e secret0 1?7
Griffin )B
&2 *& hea4en2 m& lord)
!here/s ne/er a 4illain d3elling in all -enmar5
,ut he/s an arrant 5na4e)
!here needs no ghost2 m& lord2 come from the gra4e
!o tell us this) 1@;
.h&2 right9 &ou are i/ the right9
nd so2 3ithout more circumstance at all2
" hold it fit that 3e sha5e hands and part:
8ou2 as &our *usiness and desire shall point &ou9
+or e4er& man has *usiness and desire2 1@7
#uch as it is9 and for mine o3n poor part2
Loo5 &ou2 "/ll go pra&)
!hese are *ut 3ild and 3hirling 3ords2 m& lord)
"/m sorr& the& offend &ou2 heartil&9
8es2 /faith heartil&) 17;
!here/s no offence2 m& lord)
8es2 *& #aint Patric52 *ut there is2 Horatio2
nd much offence too) !ouching this 4ision here2
"t is an honest ghost2 that let me tell &ou:
+or &our desire to 5no3 3hat is *et3een us2
O/ermaster /t as &ou ma&) nd no32 good friends2 177
s &ou are friends2 scholars and soldiers2
Gi4e me one poor re:uest)
.hat is/t2 m& lord0 3e 3ill)
(e4er ma5e 5no3n 3hat &ou ha4e seen to>night)
Griffin )/
M& lord2 3e 3ill not) 1B;
(a&2 *ut s3ear/t)
"n faith2
M& lord2 not ")
(or "2 m& lord2 in faith)
<pon m& s3ord) 1B7
.e ha4e s3orn2 m& lord2 alread&)
"ndeed2 upon m& s3ord2 indeed)
K,eneathL #3ear)
h2 ha2 *o&6 sa&/st thou so0 art thou there2
truepenn&0 1C;
Come on>>&ou hear this fello3 in the cellarage>>
Consent to s3ear)
Propose the oath2 m& lord)
(e4er to spea5 of this that &ou ha4e seen2
#3ear *& m& s3ord) 1C7
K,eneathL #3ear)
Hic et u*i:ue0 then 3e/ll shift our ground)
Come hither2 gentlemen2
nd la& &our hands again upon m& s3ord:
(e4er to spea5 of this that &ou ha4e heard2 1D;
#3ear *& m& s3ord)
Griffin *,
K,eneathL #3ear)
.ell said2 old mole6 canst 3or5 i/ the earth so fast0
3orth& pioner6 Once more remo4e2 good friends) 1D7
O da& and night2 *ut this is 3ondrous strange6
nd therefore as a stranger gi4e it 3elcome)
!here are more things in hea4en and earth2 Horatio2
!han are dreamt of in &our philosoph&) ,ut come9
Here2 as *efore2 ne4er2 so help &ou merc&2
Ho3 strange or odd soe/er " *ear m&self2 1E;
s " perchance hereafter shall thin5 meet
!o put an antic disposition on2
!hat &ou2 at such times seeing me2 ne4er shall2
.ith arms encum*er/d thus2 or this headsha5e2
Or *& pronouncing of some dou*tful phrase2
s /.ell2 3ell2 3e 5no32/ or /.e could2 an if 3e 3ould2/ 1E7
Or /"f 3e list to spea52/ or /!here *e2 an if the& might2/
Or such am*iguous gi4ing out2 to note
!hat &ou 5no3 aught of me: this not to do2
#o grace and merc& at &our most need help &ou2 #3ear)
K,eneathL #3ear) =;;
Rest2 rest2 pertur*ed spirit6
!he& s3ear
#o2 gentlemen2
.ith all m& lo4e " do commend me to &ou:
nd 3hat so poor a man as Hamlet is
Ma& do2 to e%press his lo4e and friending to &ou2 =;7
God 3illing2 shall not lac5) Let us go in together9
nd still &our fingers on &our lips2 " pra&)
!he time is out of Aoint: O cursed spite2
!hat e4er " 3as *orn to set it right6
(a&2 come2 let/s go together) =1;
Griffin *1
Griffin *2
8&< 44
Griffin *)
C! "" G71:1? >7D:;EI
#C'(' ") room in POLO("<#/ house)
Polonius dis!atches his ser"ant Ieynaldo to (rance with money and written notes for
#aertes, also orderin him to in>uire about and s!y on #aertes !ersonal life. He i"es
him e9!licit directions as to how to !ursue his in"estiations, then sends him on his way.
8s Ieynaldo lea"es, $!helia enters, "isibly u!set. 'he tells Polonius that Hamlet,
unkem!t and wildDeyed, has accosted her. Hamlet rabbed her, held her, and sihed
hea"ily, but did not s!eak to her. Polonius says that Hamlet must be mad with his lo"e for
$!helia, for she has distanced herself from him e"er since Polonius ordered her to do so.
Polonius s!eculates that this lo"esickness miht be the cause of Hamlets moodiness, and
he hurries out to tell &laudius of his idea.
Enter %OLO#IUS and RE+#AL$O
Gi4e him this mone& and these notes2 Re&naldo)
" 3ill2 m& lord)
8ou shall do mar4ellous 3isel&2 good Re&naldo2
,efore &ou 4isit him2 to ma5e in:uire
Of his *eha4ior) 7
M& lord2 " did intend it)
Marr&2 3ell said9 4er& 3ell said) Loo5 &ou2 sir2
"n:uire me first 3hat -ans5ers are in Paris9
nd ho32 and 3ho2 3hat means2 and 3here the& 5eep2
.hat compan&2 at 3hat e%pense9 and finding 1;
,& this encompassment and drift of :uestion
!hat the& do 5no3 m& son2 come &ou more nearer
!han &our particular demands 3ill touch it:
!a5e &ou2 as /t3ere2 some distant 5no3ledge of him9
s thus2 /" 5no3 his father and his friends2 17
nd in part him: / do &ou mar5 this2 Re&naldo0
&2 4er& 3ell2 m& lord)
/nd in part him9 *ut/ &ou ma& sa& /not 3ell:
,ut2 if/t *e he " mean2 he/s 4er& 3ild9
ddicted so and so:/ and there put on him =;
Griffin **
.hat forgeries &ou please9 marr&2 none so ran5
s ma& dishonour him9 ta5e heed of that9
,ut2 sir2 such 3anton2 3ild and usual slips
s are companions noted and most 5no3n
!o &outh and li*ert&) =7
s gaming2 m& lord)
&2 or drin5ing2 fencing2 s3earing2 :uarrelling2
-ra**ing: &ou ma& go so far)
M& lord2 that 3ould dishonour him)
/+aith2 no9 as &ou ma& season it in the charge ?;
8ou must not put another scandal on him2
!hat he is open to incontinenc&9
!hat/s not m& meaning: *ut *reathe his faults so :uaintl&
!hat the& ma& seem the taints of li*ert&2
!he flash and out*rea5 of a fier& mind2 ?7
sa4ageness in unreclaimed *lood2
Of general assault)
,ut2 m& good lord2>>
.herefore should &ou do this0
&2 m& lord2 @;
" 3ould 5no3 that)
Marr&2 sir2 here/s m& drift9
nd " *elie4e2 it is a fetch of 3it:
8ou la&ing these slight sullies on m& son2
s /t3ere a thing a little soil/d i/ the 3or5ing2 Mar5 &ou2 @7
8our part& in con4erse2 him &ou 3ould sound2
Ha4ing e4er seen in the prenominate crimes
!he &outh &ou *reathe of guilt&2 *e assured
He closes 3ith &ou in this conse:uence9
/Good sir2/ or so2 or /friend2/ or /gentleman2/ 7;
Griffin *0
ccording to the phrase or the addition
Of man and countr&)
Jer& good2 m& lord)
nd then2 sir2 does he this>>he does>>3hat 3as "
a*out to sa&0 ,& the mass2 " 3as a*out to sa& 77
something: 3here did " lea4e0
t /closes in the conse:uence2/ at /friend or so2/
and /gentleman)/
t /closes in the conse:uence2/ a&2 marr&9
He closes thus: /" 5no3 the gentleman9 B;
" sa3 him &esterda&2 or t/ other da&2
Or then2 or then9 3ith such2 or such9 and2 as &ou sa&2
!here 3as a/ gaming9 there o/ertoo5 in/s rouse9
!here falling out at tennis:/ or perchance2
/" sa3 him enter such a house of sale2/ B7
Jidelicet2 a *rothel2 or so forth)
#ee &ou no39
8our *ait of falsehood ta5es this carp of truth:
nd thus do 3e of 3isdom and of reach2
.ith 3indlasses and 3ith assa&s of *ias2 C;
,& indirections find directions out:
#o *& m& former lecture and ad4ice2
#hall &ou m& son) 8ou ha4e me2 ha4e &ou not0
M& lord2 " ha4e)
God *e 3i/ &ou9 fare &ou 3ell) C7
Good m& lord6
O*ser4e his inclination in &ourself)
" shall2 m& lord)
Griffin *@
nd let him pl& his music)
.ell2 m& lord) D;
Exit RE+#AL$O
Ho3 no32 Ophelia6 3hat/s the matter0
O2 m& lord2 m& lord2 " ha4e *een so affrighted6
.ith 3hat2 i/ the name of God0
M& lord2 as " 3as se3ing in m& closet2 D7
Lord Hamlet2 3ith his dou*let all un*raced9
(o hat upon his head9 his stoc5ings foul/d2
<ngarter/d2 and do3n>g&4ed to his ancle9
Pale as his shirt9 his 5nees 5noc5ing each other9
nd 3ith a loo5 so piteous in purport E;
s if he had *een loosed out of hell
!o spea5 of horrors2>>he comes *efore me)
Mad for th& lo4e0
M& lord2 " do not 5no39
,ut trul&2 " do fear it) E7
.hat said he0
He too5 me *& the 3rist and held me hard9
!hen goes he to the length of all his arm9
nd2 3ith his other hand thus o/er his *ro32
Griffin *A
He falls to such perusal of m& face 1;;
s he 3ould dra3 it) Long sta&/d he so9
t last2 a little sha5ing of mine arm
nd thrice his head thus 3a4ing up and do3n2
He raised a sigh so piteous and profound
s it did seem to shatter all his *ul5 1;7
nd end his *eing: that done2 he lets me go:
nd2 3ith his head o4er his shoulder turn/d2
He seem/d to find his 3a& 3ithout his e&es9
+or out o/ doors he 3ent 3ithout their helps2
nd2 to the last2 *ended their light on me) 11;
Come2 go 3ith me: " 3ill go see5 the 5ing)
!his is the 4er& ecstas& of lo4e2
.hose 4iolent propert& fordoes itself
nd leads the 3ill to desperate underta5ings
s oft as an& passion under hea4en 117
!hat does afflict our natures) " am sorr&)
.hat2 ha4e &ou gi4en him an& hard 3ords of late0
(o2 m& good lord2 *ut2 as &ou did command2
" did repel his fetters and denied
His access to me) 1=;
!hat hath made him mad)
" am sorr& that 3ith *etter heed and Audgment
" had not :uoted him: " fear/d he did *ut trifle2
nd meant to 3rec5 thee9 *ut2 *eshre3 m& Aealous&6
,& hea4en2 it is as proper to our age 1=7
!o cast *e&ond oursel4es in our opinions
s it is common for the &ounger sort
!o lac5 discretion) Come2 go 3e to the 5ing:
!his must *e 5no3n9 3hich2 *eing 5ept close2 might mo4e
More grief to hide than hate to utter lo4e) 1?;
Griffin *B
#C'(' ii) room in the castle) G7D:11 H 1:?;:1EI
%ithin the castle, &laudius and Gertrude welcome Iosencrant? and Guildenstern, two of
Hamlets friends from %ittenber. 4ncreasinly concerned about Hamlets erratic
beha"ior and his a!!arent inability to reco"er from his fathers death, the kin and >ueen
ha"e summoned his friends to 2lsinore in the ho!e that they miht be able to cheer
Hamlet out of his melancholy, or at least disco"er the cause of it. Iosencrant? and
Guildenstern aree to in"estiate, and the >ueen orders attendants to take them to her
5too much chaned7 son +44.ii.)@1.
Polonius enters, announcin the return of the ambassadors whom &laudius sent to
=orway. Coltimand and &ornelius enter and describe what took !lace with the aed and
ailin kin of =orway- the kin rebuked (ortinbras for attem!tin to make war on
Denmark, and (ortinbras swore he would ne"er aain attack the Danes. <he =orweian
kin, o"er:oyed, be>ueathed u!on (ortinbras a lare annuity, and ured him to use the
army he had assembled to attack the Poles instead of the Danes. He has therefore sent a
re>uest back to &laudius that Prince (ortinbrass armies be allowed safe !assae throuh
Denmark on their way to attack the Poles. Ielie"ed to ha"e a"erted a war with
(ortinbrass army, &laudius declares that he will see to this business later. Coltimand and
&ornelius lea"e.
<urnin to the sub:ect of Hamlet, Polonius declares, after a wordy !reamble, that the
!rince is mad with lo"e for $!helia. He shows the kin and >ueen letters and lo"e !oems
Hamlet has i"en to $!helia, and !ro!oses a !lan to test his theory. Hamlet often walks
alone throuh the lobby of the castle, and, at such a time, they could hide behind an arras
+a curtain or wall hanin1 while $!helia confronts Hamlet, allowin them to see for
themsel"es whether Hamlets madness really emanates from his lo"e for her. <he kin
declares that they will try the !lan. Gertrude notices that Hamlet is a!!roachin, readin
from a book as he walks, and Polonius says that he will s!eak to the !rince. Gertrude and
&laudius e9it, lea"in Polonius alone with Hamlet.
Polonius attem!ts to con"erse with Hamlet, who a!!ears insaneG he calls the old man a
5fishmoner7 and answers his >uestions irrationally. 3ut many of Hamlets seeminly
lunatic statements hide barbed obser"ations about Poloniuss !om!osity and his old ae.
Polonius comments that while Hamlet is clearly mad, his re!lies are often 5!renant7
with meanin +44.ii.2,@1. He hurries away, determined to arrane the meetin between
Hamlet and $!helia.
8s Polonius lea"es, Iosencrant? and Guildenstern enter, and Hamlet seems !leased to
see them. <hey discuss Hamlets unha!!iness about recent affairs in Denmark. Hamlet
asks why they ha"e come. 'hee!ishly, the two men claim they ha"e come merely to "isit
Hamlet, but he sternly declares that he knows that the kin and >ueen sent for them. <hey
confess this to be true, and Hamlet says that he knows why- because he has lost all of his
:oy and descended into a state of melancholy in which e"erythin +and e"eryone1 a!!ears
sterile and worthless.
Griffin */
Iosencrant? smiles and says he wonders how Hamlet will recei"e a theatrical trou!e that
is currently tra"elin toward the castle. <he trum!ets blow, announcin the arri"al of the
actors +or 5!layers71. Hamlet tells his friends they are welcome to stay at 2lsinore, but
that his 5uncleDfather and auntDmother7 are decei"ed in his madness. He is mad only
some of the time and at other times is sane.
Polonius enters to announce the arri"al of the !layers, who follow him into the room.
Hamlet welcomes them and entreats one of them to i"e him a s!eech about the fall of
<roy and the death of the <ro:an kin and >ueen, Priam and Hecuba. 4m!ressed with the
!layers s!eech, Hamlet orders Polonius to see them escorted to uestrooms. He
announces that the ne9t niht they will hear The Murder of Gonzago !erformed, with an
additional short s!eech that he will write himself. Hamlet lea"es Iosencrant? and
Guildenstern and now stands alone in the room.
He immediately beins cursin himself, bitterly commentin that the !layer who a"e the
s!eech was able to summon a de!th of feelin and e9!ression for lonDdead fiures who
mean nothin to him, while Hamlet is unable to take action e"en with his far more
!owerful moti"es. He resol"es to de"ise a tra! for &laudius, forcin the kin to watch a
!lay whose !lot closely resembles the murder of Hamlets fatherG if the kin is uilty, he
thinks, he will surely show some "isible sin of uilt when he sees his sin reenacted on
stae. <hen, Hamlet reasons, he will obtain definiti"e !roof of &laudiuss uilt. 5<he
!lays the thin,7 he declares, 5wherein 4ll catch the conscience of the kin7 +44.ii.0B1.
GUIL$E#STER#! and Attendants
K"(G CL<-"<#
.elcome2 dear Rosencrantz and Guildenstern6
Moreo4er that 3e much did long to see &ou2
!he need 3e ha4e to use &ou did pro4o5e
Our hast& sending) #omething ha4e &ou heard
Of Hamlet/s transformation9 so call it2 7
#ith nor the e%terior nor the in3ard man
Resem*les that it 3as) .hat it should *e2
More than his father/s death2 that thus hath put him
#o much from the understanding of himself2
" cannot dream of: " entreat &ou *oth2 1;
!hat2 *eing of so &oung da&s *rought up 3ith him2
nd sith so neigh*our/d to his &outh and ha4ior2
!hat &ou 4ouchsafe &our rest here in our court
#ome little time: so *& &our companies
!o dra3 him on to pleasures2 and to gather2 17
#o much as from occasion &ou ma& glean2
.hether aught2 to us un5no3n2 afflicts him thus2
!hat2 open/d2 lies 3ithin our remed&)
Griffin 0,
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
Good gentlemen2 he hath much tal5/d of &ou9
nd sure " am t3o men there are not li4ing =;
!o 3hom he more adheres) "f it 3ill please &ou
!o sho3 us so much gentr& and good 3ill
s to e%pend &our time 3ith us a3hile2
+or the suppl& and profit of our hope2
8our 4isitation shall recei4e such than5s =7
s fits a 5ing/s remem*rance)
,oth &our maAesties
Might2 *& the so4ereign po3er &ou ha4e of us2
Put &our dread pleasures more into command
!han to entreat&) ?;
,ut 3e *oth o*e&2
nd here gi4e up oursel4es2 in the full *ent
!o la& our ser4ice freel& at &our feet2
!o *e commanded)
K"(G CL<-"<#
!han5s2 Rosencrantz and gentle Guildenstern) ?7
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
!han5s2 Guildenstern and gentle Rosencrantz:
nd " *eseech &ou instantl& to 4isit
M& too much changed son) Go2 some of &ou2
nd *ring these gentlemen 3here Hamlet is)
Hea4ens ma5e our presence and our practices @;
Pleasant and helpful to him6
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
&2 amen6
'%eunt RO#'(CR(!M2 G<"L-'(#!'R(2 and some ttendants
Enter %OLO#IUS
!he am*assadors from (or3a&2 m& good lord2
re Ao&full& return/d)
Griffin 01
K"(G CL<-"<#
!hou still hast *een the father of good ne3s) @7
Ha4e "2 m& lord0 " assure m& good liege2
" hold m& dut&2 as " hold m& soul2
,oth to m& God and to m& gracious 5ing:
nd " do thin52 or else this *rain of mine
Hunts not the trail of polic& so sure 7;
s it hath used to do2 that " ha4e found
!he 4er& cause of Hamlet/s lunac&)
K"(G CL<-"<#
O2 spea5 of that9 that do " long to hear)
Gi4e first admittance to the am*assadors9
M& ne3s shall *e the fruit to that great feast) 77
K"(G CL<-"<#
!h&self do grace to them2 and *ring them in)
He tells me2 m& dear Gertrude2 he hath found
!he head and source of all &our son/s distemper)
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
" dou*t it is no other *ut the main9
His father/s death2 and our o/erhast& marriage) B;
K"(G CL<-"<#
.ell2 3e shall sift him)
Re-enter %OLO#IUS! with /OLTIMA#$ and COR#ELIUS
.elcome2 m& good friends6
#a&2 Joltimand2 3hat from our *rother (or3a&0
Most fair return of greetings and desires)
<pon our first2 he sent out to suppress B7
His nephe3/s le4ies9 3hich to him appear/d
!o *e a preparation /gainst the Polac59
,ut2 *etter loo5/d into2 he trul& found
"t 3as against &our highness: 3hereat grie4ed2
Griffin 02
!hat so his sic5ness2 age and impotence C;
.as falsel& *orne in hand2 sends out arrests
On +ortin*ras9 3hich he2 in *rief2 o*e&s9
Recei4es re*u5e from (or3a&2 and in fine
Ma5es 4o3 *efore his uncle ne4er more
!o gi4e the assa& of arms against &our maAest&) C7
.hereon old (or3a&2 o4ercome 3ith Ao&2
Gi4es him three thousand cro3ns in annual fee2
nd his commission to emplo& those soldiers2
#o le4ied as *efore2 against the Polac5:
.ith an entreat&2 herein further sho3n2 D;
Gi0in* a (a(er
!hat it might please &ou to gi4e :uiet pass
!hrough &our dominions for this enterprise2
On such regards of safet& and allo3ance
s therein are set do3n)
K"(G CL<-"<#
"t li5es us 3ell9 D7
nd at our more consider/d time 3ell read2
ns3er2 and thin5 upon this *usiness)
Meantime 3e than5 &ou for &our 3ell>too5 la*our:
Go to &our rest9 at night 3e/ll feast together:
Most 3elcome home6 E;
Exeunt /OLTIMA#$ and COR#ELIUS
!his *usiness is 3ell ended)
M& liege2 and madam2 to e%postulate
.hat maAest& should *e2 3hat dut& is2
.h& da& is da&2 night night2 and time is time2
.ere nothing *ut to 3aste night2 da& and time) E7
!herefore2 since *re4it& is the soul of 3it2
nd tediousness the lim*s and out3ard flourishes2
" 3ill *e *rief: &our no*le son is mad:
Mad call " it9 for2 to define true madness2
.hat is/t *ut to *e nothing else *ut mad0 1;;
,ut let that go)
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
More matter2 3ith less art)
Griffin 0)
Madam2 " s3ear " use no art at all)
!hat he is mad2 /tis true: /tis true /tis pit&9
nd pit& /tis /tis true: a foolish figure9 1;7
,ut fare3ell it2 for " 3ill use no art)
Mad let us grant him2 then: and no3 remains
!hat 3e find out the cause of this effect2
Or rather sa&2 the cause of this defect2
+or this effect defecti4e comes *& cause: 11;
!hus it remains2 and the remainder thus) Perpend)
" ha4e a daughter>>ha4e 3hile she is mine>>
.ho2 in her dut& and o*edience2 mar52
Hath gi4en me this: no3 gather2 and surmise)
/!o the celestial and m& soul/s idol2 the most 117
*eautified Ophelia2/>>
!hat/s an ill phrase2 a 4ile phrase9 /*eautified/ is
a 4ile phrase: *ut &ou shall hear) !hus:
/"n her e%cellent 3hite *osom2 these2 N c)/
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
Came this from Hamlet to her0 1=;
Good madam2 sta& a3hile9 " 3ill *e faithful)
/-ou*t thou the stars are fire9
-ou*t that the sun doth mo4e9
-ou*t truth to *e a liar9
,ut ne4er dou*t " lo4e) 1=7
/O dear Ophelia2 " am ill at these num*ers9
" ha4e not art to rec5on m& groans: *ut that
" lo4e thee *est2 O most *est2 *elie4e it) dieu)
/!hine e4ermore most dear lad&2 3hilst
this machine is to him2 HML'!)/ 1?;
!his2 in o*edience2 hath m& daughter sho3n me2
nd more a*o4e2 hath his solicitings2
s the& fell out *& time2 *& means and place2
ll gi4en to mine ear)
Griffin 0*
K"(G CL<-"<#
,ut ho3 hath she 1?7
Recei4ed his lo4e0
.hat do &ou thin5 of me0
K"(G CL<-"<#
s of a man faithful and honoura*le)
" 3ould fain pro4e so) ,ut 3hat might &ou thin52
.hen " had seen this hot lo4e on the 3ing>> 1@;
s " percei4ed it2 " must tell &ou that2
,efore m& daughter told me>>3hat might &ou2
Or m& dear maAest& &our :ueen here2 thin52
"f " had pla&/d the des5 or ta*le>*oo52
Or gi4en m& heart a 3in5ing2 mute and dum*2
Or loo5/d upon this lo4e 3ith idle sight9 1@7
.hat might &ou thin50 (o2 " 3ent round to 3or52
nd m& &oung mistress thus " did *espea5:
/Lord Hamlet is a prince2 out of th& star9
!his must not *e:/ and then " precepts ga4e her2
!hat she should loc5 herself from his resort2 17;
dmit no messengers2 recei4e no to5ens)
.hich done2 she too5 the fruits of m& ad4ice9
nd he2 repulsed>>a short tale to ma5e>>
+ell into a sadness2 then into a fast2
!hence to a 3atch2 thence into a 3ea5ness2 177
!hence to a lightness2 and2 *& this declension2
"nto the madness 3herein no3 he ra4es2
nd all 3e mourn for)
K"(G CL<-"<#
-o &ou thin5 /tis this0
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
"t ma& *e2 4er& li5el&) 1B;
Hath there *een such a time>>"/d fain 5no3 that>>
!hat " ha4e positi4el& said /!is so2/
.hen it pro4ed other3ise0
K"(G CL<-"<#
(ot that " 5no3)
Griffin 00
KPointing to his head and shoulderL
!a5e this from this2 if this *e other3ise: 1B7
"f circumstances lead me2 " 3ill find
.here truth is hid2 though it 3ere hid indeed
.ithin the centre)
K"(G CL<-"<#
Ho3 ma& 3e tr& it further0
8ou 5no32 sometimes he 3al5s four hours together 1C;
Here in the lo**&)
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
#o he does indeed)
t such a time "/ll loose m& daughter to him:
,e &ou and " *ehind an arras then9
Mar5 the encounter: if he lo4e her not 1C7
nd *e not from his reason fall/n thereon2
Let me *e no assistant for a state2
,ut 5eep a farm and carters)
K"(G CL<-"<#
.e 3ill tr& it)
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
,ut2 loo52 3here sadl& the poor 3retch comes reading) 1D;
3a&2 " do *eseech &ou2 *oth a3a&:
"/ll *oard him presentl&)
Exeunt ,I#G CLAU$IUS! -UEE# GERTRU$E! and Attendants
Enter HAMLET! readin*
O2 gi4e me lea4e:
Ho3 does m& good Lord Hamlet0
.ell2 God>a>merc&) 1D7
Griffin 0@
-o &ou 5no3 me2 m& lord0
'%cellent 3ell9 &ou are a fishmonger)
(ot "2 m& lord)
!hen " 3ould &ou 3ere so honest a man)
Honest2 m& lord6 1E;
&2 sir9 to *e honest2 as this 3orld goes2 is to *e
one man pic5ed out of ten thousand)
!hat/s 4er& true2 m& lord)
+or if the sun *reed maggots in a dead dog2 *eing a
god 5issing carrion2>>Ha4e &ou a daughter0 1E7
" ha4e2 m& lord)
Let her not 3al5 i/ the sun: conception is a
*lessing: *ut not as &our daughter ma& concei4e)
+riend2 loo5 to /t)
KsideL Ho3 sa& &ou *& that0 #till harping on m& =;;
daughter: &et he 5ne3 me not at first9 he said "
3as a fishmonger: he is far gone2 far gone: and
trul& in m& &outh " suffered much e%tremit& for
lo4e9 4er& near this) "/ll spea5 to him again)
.hat do &ou read2 m& lord0 =;7
.ords2 3ords2 3ords)
Griffin 0A
.hat is the matter2 m& lord0
,et3een 3ho0
" mean2 the matter that &ou read2 m& lord)
#landers2 sir: for the satirical rogue sa&s here =1;
that old men ha4e gre& *eards2 that their faces are
3rin5led2 their e&es purging thic5 am*er and
plum>tree gum and that the& ha4e a plentiful lac5 of
3it2 together 3ith most 3ea5 hams: all 3hich2 sir2
though " most po3erfull& and potentl& *elie4e2 &et =17
" hold it not honest& to ha4e it thus set do3n2 for
&ourself2 sir2 should *e old as " am2 if li5e a cra*
&ou could go *ac53ard)
KsideL !hough this *e madness2 &et there is method
in /t) .ill &ou 3al5 out of the air2 m& lord0 ==;
"nto m& gra4e)
"ndeed2 that is out o/ the air)
Ho3 pregnant sometimes his replies are6 a happiness
that often madness hits on2 3hich reason and sanit&
could not so prosperousl& *e deli4ered of) " 3ill ==7
lea4e him2 and suddenl& contri4e the means of
meeting *et3een him and m& daughter)>>M& honoura*le
lord2 " 3ill most hum*l& ta5e m& lea4e of &ou)
8ou cannot2 sir2 ta5e from me an& thing that " 3ill
more 3illingl& part 3ithal: e%cept m& life2 e%cept
m& life2 e%cept m& life) =?;
+are &ou 3ell2 m& lord)
Griffin 0B
!hese tedious old fools6
'nter RO#'(CR(!M and G<"L-'(#!'R(
8ou go to see5 the Lord Hamlet9 there he is)
K!o POLO("<#L God sa4e &ou2 sir6
M& honoured lord6 =?7
M& most dear lord6
M& e%cellent good friends6 Ho3 dost thou2
Guildenstern0 h2 Rosencrantz6 Good lads2 ho3 do &e *oth0
s the indifferent children of the earth)
Happ&2 in that 3e are not o4er>happ&9 =@;
On fortune/s cap 3e are not the 4er& *utton)
(or the soles of her shoe0
(either2 m& lord)
!hen &ou li4e a*out her 3aist2 or in the middle of
her fa4ours0 =@7
/+aith2 her pri4ates 3e)
"n the secret parts of fortune0 O2 most true9 she
Griffin 0/
is a strumpet) .hat/s the ne3s0
(one2 m& lord2 *ut that the 3orld/s gro3n honest)
!hen is doomsda& near: *ut &our ne3s is not true) =7;
Let me :uestion more in particular: 3hat ha4e &ou2
m& good friends2 deser4ed at the hands of fortune2
that she sends &ou to prison hither0
Prison2 m& lord6
-enmar5/s a prison) =77
!hen is the 3orld one)
goodl& one9 in 3hich there are man& confines2
3ards and dungeons2 -enmar5 *eing one o/ the 3orst)
.e thin5 not so2 m& lord)
.h&2 then2 /tis none to &ou9 for there is nothing =B;
either good or *ad2 *ut thin5ing ma5es it so: to me
it is a prison)
.h& then2 &our am*ition ma5es it one9 /tis too
narro3 for &our mind)
O God2 " could *e *ounded in a nut shell and count =B7
m&self a 5ing of infinite space2 3ere it not that "
ha4e *ad dreams)
.hich dreams indeed are am*ition2 for the 4er&
su*stance of the am*itious is merel& the shado3 of a dream)
Griffin @,
dream itself is *ut a shado3) =C;
!rul&2 and " hold am*ition of so air& and light a
:ualit& that it is *ut a shado3/s shado3)
!hen are our *eggars *odies2 and our monarchs and
outstretched heroes the *eggars/ shado3s) #hall 3e
to the court0 for2 *& m& fa&2 " cannot reason) =C7
RO#'(CR(!M G<"L-'(#!'R(
.e/ll 3ait upon &ou)
(o such matter: " 3ill not sort &ou 3ith the rest
of m& ser4ants2 for2 to spea5 to &ou li5e an honest
man2 " am most dreadfull& attended) ,ut2 in the
*eaten 3a& of friendship2 3hat ma5e &ou at 'lsinore0 =D;
!o 4isit &ou2 m& lord9 no other occasion)
,eggar that " am2 " am e4en poor in than5s9 *ut "
than5 &ou: and sure2 dear friends2 m& than5s are
too dear a halfpenn&) .ere &ou not sent for0 "s it
&our o3n inclining0 "s it a free 4isitation0 Come2 =D7
deal Austl& 3ith me: come2 come9 na&2 spea5)
.hat should 3e sa&2 m& lord0
.h&2 an& thing2 *ut to the purpose) 8ou 3ere sent
for9 and there is a 5ind of confession in &our loo5s
3hich &our modesties ha4e not craft enough to colour: =E;
" 5no3 the good 5ing and :ueen ha4e sent for &ou)
!o 3hat end2 m& lord0
!hat &ou must teach me) ,ut let me conAure &ou2 *&
the rights of our fello3ship2 *& the consonanc& of
our &outh2 *& the o*ligation of our e4er>preser4ed =E7
Griffin @1
lo4e2 and *& 3hat more dear a *etter proposer could
charge &ou 3ithal2 *e e4en and direct 3ith me2
3hether &ou 3ere sent for2 or no0
Kside to G<"L-'(#!'R(L .hat sa& &ou0
KsideL (a&2 then2 " ha4e an e&e of &ou)>>"f &ou ?;;
lo4e me2 hold not off)
M& lord2 3e 3ere sent for)
" 3ill tell &ou 3h&9 so shall m& anticipation
pre4ent &our disco4er&2 and &our secrec& to the 5ing
and :ueen moult no feather) " ha4e of lateO*ut
3herefore " 5no3 not>>lost all m& mirth2 forgone all ?;7
custom of e%ercises9 and indeed it goes so hea4il&
3ith m& disposition that this goodl& frame2 the
earth2 seems to me a sterile promontor&2 this most
e%cellent canop&2 the air2 loo5 &ou2 this *ra4e
o/erhanging firmament2 this maAestical roof fretted ?1;
3ith golden fire2 3h&2 it appears no other thing to
me than a foul and pestilent congregation of 4apours)
.hat a piece of 3or5 is a man6 ho3 no*le in reason6
ho3 infinite in facult&6 in form and mo4ing ho3
e%press and admira*le6 in action ho3 li5e an angel6 ?17
in apprehension ho3 li5e a god6 the *eaut& of the
3orld6 the paragon of animals6 nd &et2 to me2
3hat is this :uintessence of dust0 man delights not
me: no2 nor 3oman neither2 though *& &our smiling
&ou seem to sa& so) ?=;
M& lord2 there 3as no such stuff in m& thoughts)
.h& did &ou laugh then2 3hen " said /man delights not me/0
!o thin52 m& lord2 if &ou delight not in man2 3hat
lenten entertainment the pla&ers shall recei4e from
&ou: 3e coted them on the 3a&9 and hither are the& ?=7
coming2 to offer &ou ser4ice)
Griffin @2
He that pla&s the 5ing shall *e 3elcome9 his maAest&
shall ha4e tri*ute of me9 the ad4enturous 5night
shall use his foil and target9 the lo4er shall not
sigh gratis9 the humourous man shall end his part ??;
in peace9 the clo3n shall ma5e those laugh 3hose
lungs are tic5led o/ the sere9 and the lad& shall
sa& her mind freel&2 or the *lan5 4erse shall halt
for/t) .hat pla&ers are the&0
'4en those &ou 3ere 3ont to ta5e delight in2 the ??7
tragedians of the cit&)
Ho3 chances it the& tra4el0 their residence2 *oth
in reputation and profit2 3as *etter *oth 3a&s)
" thin5 their inhi*ition comes *& the means of the
late inno4ation) ?@;
-o the& hold the same estimation the& did 3hen " 3as
in the cit&0 are the& so follo3ed0
(o2 indeed2 are the& not)
Ho3 comes it0 do the& gro3 rust&0
(a&2 their endea4our 5eeps in the 3onted pace: *ut ?@7
there is2 sir2 an aer& of children2 little e&ases2
that cr& out on the top of :uestion2 and are most
t&rannicall& clapped for/t: these are no3 the
fashion2 and so *erattle the common stages>>so the&
call them>>that man& 3earing rapiers are afraid of
goose>:uills and dare scarce come thither) ?7;
.hat2 are the& children0 3ho maintains /em0 ho3 are
the& escoted0 .ill the& pursue the :ualit& no
longer than the& can sing0 3ill the& not sa&
Griffin @)
after3ards2 if the& should gro3 themsel4es to common
pla&ers>>as it is most li5e2 if their means are no ?77
*etter>>their 3riters do them 3rong2 to ma5e them
e%claim against their o3n succession0
/+aith2 there has *een much to do on *oth sides9 and
the nation holds it no sin to tarre them to
contro4ers&: there 3as2 for a 3hile2 no mone& *id ?B;
for argument2 unless the poet and the pla&er 3ent to
cuffs in the :uestion)
"s/t possi*le0
O2 there has *een much thro3ing a*out of *rains)
-o the *o&s carr& it a3a&0 ?B7
&2 that the& do2 m& lord9 Hercules and his load too)
"t is not 4er& strange9 for mine uncle is 5ing of
-enmar52 and those that 3ould ma5e mo3s at him 3hile
m& father li4ed2 gi4e t3ent&2 fort&2 fift&2 an
hundred ducats a>piece for his picture in little) ?C;
/#*lood2 there is something in this more than
natural2 if philosoph& could find it out)
1lourish o& tru'(ets within
!here are the pla&ers)
Gentlemen2 &ou are 3elcome to 'lsinore) 8our hands2 ?C7
come then: the appurtenance of 3elcome is fashion
and ceremon&: let me compl& 3ith &ou in this gar*2
lest m& e%tent to the pla&ers2 3hich2 " tell &ou2
must sho3 fairl& out3ard2 should more appear li5e
entertainment than &ours) 8ou are 3elcome: *ut m& ?D;
uncle>father and aunt>mother are decei4ed)
Griffin @*
"n 3hat2 m& dear lord0
" am *ut mad north>north>3est: 3hen the 3ind is
southerl& " 5no3 a ha35 from a handsa3)
Enter %OLO#IUS
.ell *e 3ith &ou2 gentlemen6 ?D7
Har5 &ou2 Guildenstern9 and &ou too: at each ear a
hearer: that great *a*& &ou see there is not &et
out of his s3addling>clouts)
Happil& he/s the second time come to them9 for the&
sa& an old man is t3ice a child) ?E;
" 3ill prophes& he comes to tell me of the pla&ers9
mar5 it) 8ou sa& right2 sir: o/ Monda& morning9
/t3as so indeed)
M& lord2 " ha4e ne3s to tell &ou)
M& lord2 " ha4e ne3s to tell &ou) ?E7
.hen Roscius 3as an actor in Rome2>>
!he actors are come hither2 m& lord)
,uz2 *uz6
<pon mine honour2>>
!hen came each actor on his ass2>> @;;
Griffin @0
!he *est actors in the 3orld2 either for traged&2
comed&2 histor&2 pastoral2 pastoral>comical2
historical>pastoral2 tragical>historical2 tragical>
comical>historical>pastoral2 scene indi4ida*le2 or
poem unlimited: #eneca cannot *e too hea4&2 nor @;7
Plautus too light) +or the la3 of 3rit and the
li*ert&2 these are the onl& men)
O Fephthah2 Audge of "srael2 3hat a treasure hadst thou6
.hat a treasure had he2 m& lord0
.h&2 @1;
/One fair daughter and no more2
!he 3hich he lo4ed passing 3ell)/
KsideL #till on m& daughter)
m " not i/ the right2 old Fephthah0
"f &ou call me Fephthah2 m& lord2 " ha4e a daughter @17
that " lo4e passing 3ell)
(a&2 that follo3s not)
.hat follo3s2 then2 m& lord0
/s *& lot2 God 3ot2/ @=;
and then2 &ou 5no32
/"t came to pass2 as most li5e it 3as2/>>
the first ro3 of the pious chanson 3ill sho3 &ou
more9 for loo52 3here m& a*ridgement comes)
'nter four or fi4e Pla&ers
8ou are 3elcome2 masters9 3elcome2 all) " am glad @=7
Griffin @@
to see thee 3ell) .elcome2 good friends) O2 m& old
friend6 th& face is 4alenced since " sa3 thee last:
comest thou to *eard me in -enmar50 .hat2 m& &oung
lad& and mistress6 ,&/r lad&2 &our lad&ship is
nearer to hea4en than 3hen " sa3 &ou last2 *& the
altitude of a chopine) Pra& God2 &our 4oice2 li5e @?;
apiece of uncurrent gold2 *e not crac5ed 3ithin the
ring) Masters2 &ou are all 3elcome) .e/ll e/en
to/t li5e +rench falconers2 fl& at an& thing 3e see:
3e/ll ha4e a speech straight: come2 gi4e us a taste
of &our :ualit&9 come2 a passionate speech) @?7
+irst Pla&er
.hat speech2 m& lord0
" heard thee spea5 me a speech once2 *ut it 3as
ne4er acted9 or2 if it 3as2 not a*o4e once9 for the
pla&2 " remem*er2 pleased not the million9 /t3as
ca4iare to the general: *ut it 3as>>as " recei4ed @@;
it2 and others2 3hose Audgments in such matters
cried in the top of mine>>an e%cellent pla&2 3ell
digested in the scenes2 set do3n 3ith as much
modest& as cunning) " remem*er2 one said there
3ere no sallets in the lines to ma5e the matter @@7
sa4our&2 nor no matter in the phrase that might
indict the author of affectation9 *ut called it an
honest method2 as 3holesome as s3eet2 and *& 4er&
much more handsome than fine) One speech in it "
chiefl& lo4ed: /t3as eneas/ tale to -ido9 and @7;
therea*out of it especiall&2 3here he spea5s of
Priam/s slaughter: if it li4e in &our memor&2 *egin
at this line: let me see2 let me see>>
/!he rugged P&rrhus2 li5e the H&rcanian *east2/>>
it is not so:>>it *egins 3ith P&rrhus:>> @77
/!he rugged P&rrhus2 he 3hose sa*le arms2
,lac5 as his purpose2 did the night resem*le
.hen he la& couched in the ominous horse2
Hath no3 this dread and *lac5 comple%ion smear/d
.ith heraldr& more dismal9 head to foot @B;
(o3 is he total gules9 horridl& tric5/d
.ith *lood of fathers2 mothers2 daughters2 sons2
,a5ed and impasted 3ith the parching streets2
!hat lend a t&rannous and damned light
!o their lord/s murder: roasted in 3rath and fire2
nd thus o/er>sized 3ith coagulate gore2 @B7
Griffin @A
.ith e&es li5e car*uncles2 the hellish P&rrhus
Old grandsire Priam see5s)/
#o2 proceed &ou)
/+ore God2 m& lord2 3ell spo5en2 3ith good accent and
good discretion) @C;
+irst Pla&er
/non he finds him
#tri5ing too short at Gree5s9 his anti:ue s3ord2
Re*ellious to his arm2 lies 3here it falls2
Repugnant to command: une:ual match/d2
P&rrhus at Priam dri4es9 in rage stri5es 3ide9 @C7
,ut 3ith the 3hiff and 3ind of his fell s3ord
!he unner4ed father falls) !hen senseless "lium2
#eeming to feel this *lo32 3ith flaming top
#toops to his *ase2 and 3ith a hideous crash
!a5es prisoner P&rrhus/ ear: for2 lo6 his s3ord2 @D;
.hich 3as declining on the mil5& head
Of re4erend Priam2 seem/d i/ the air to stic5:
#o2 as a painted t&rant2 P&rrhus stood2
nd li5e a neutral to his 3ill and matter2
-id nothing) @D7
,ut2 as 3e often see2 against some storm2
silence in the hea4ens2 the rac5 stand still2
!he *old 3inds speechless and the or* *elo3
s hush as death2 anon the dreadful thunder
-oth rend the region2 so2 after P&rrhus/ pause2 @E;
roused 4engeance sets him ne3 a>3or59
nd ne4er did the C&clops/ hammers fall
On Mars/s armour forged for proof eterne
.ith less remorse than P&rrhus/ *leeding s3ord
(o3 falls on Priam) @E7
Out2 out2 thou strumpet2 +ortune6 ll &ou gods2
"n general s&nod /ta5e a3a& her po3er9
,rea5 all the spo5es and fellies from her 3heel2
nd *o3l the round na4e do3n the hill of hea4en2
s lo3 as to the fiends6/ 7;;
!his is too long)
"t shall to the *ar*er/s2 3ith &our *eard) Prithee2
sa& on: he/s for a Aig or a tale of *a3dr&2 or he
Griffin @B
sleeps: sa& on: come to Hecu*a)
+irst Pla&er
/,ut 3ho2 O2 3ho had seen the mo*led :ueen>>/ 7;7
/!he mo*led :ueen0/
!hat/s good9 /mo*led :ueen/ is good)
+irst Pla&er
/Run *arefoot up and do3n2 threatening the flames
.ith *isson rheum9 a clout upon that head
.here late the diadem stood2 and for a ro*e2 71;
*out her lan5 and all o/er>teemed loins2
*lan5et2 in the alarm of fear caught up9
.ho this had seen2 3ith tongue in 4enom steep/d2
/Gainst +ortune/s state 3ould treason ha4e
pronounced: 717
,ut if the gods themsel4es did see her then
.hen she sa3 P&rrhus ma5e malicious sport
"n mincing 3ith his s3ord her hus*and/s lim*s2
!he instant *urst of clamour that she made2
<nless things mortal mo4e them not at all2
.ould ha4e made milch the *urning e&es of hea4en2
nd passion in the gods)/
Loo52 3hether he has not turned his colour and has
tears in/s e&es) Pra& &ou2 no more)
/!is 3ell: "/ll ha4e thee spea5 out the rest soon) 7=7
Good m& lord2 3ill &ou see the pla&ers 3ell
*esto3ed0 -o &ou hear2 let them *e 3ell used9 for
the& are the a*stract and *rief chronicles of the
time: after &our death &ou 3ere *etter ha4e a *ad
epitaph than their ill report 3hile &ou li4e) 7?;
M& lord2 " 3ill use them according to their desert)
God/s *od&5ins2 man2 much *etter: use e4er& man
Griffin @/
after his desert2 and 3ho should /scape 3hipping0
<se them after &our o3n honour and dignit&: the less
the& deser4e2 the more merit is in &our *ount&) 7?7
!a5e them in)
Come2 sirs)
+ollo3 him2 friends: 3e/ll hear a pla& to>morro3)
Exit %OLO#IUS with all the %la2ers ut the 1irst
-ost thou hear me2 old friend9 can &ou pla& the
Murder of Gonzago0
+irst Pla&er
&2 m& lord)
.e/ll ha/t to>morro3 night) 8ou could2 for a need2
stud& a speech of some dozen or si%teen lines2 3hich
" 3ould set do3n and insert in/t2 could &ou not0
+irst Pla&er
&2 m& lord) 7@7
Jer& 3ell) +ollo3 that lord9 and loo5 &ou moc5 him
Exit 1irst %la2er
M& good friends2 "/ll lea4e &ou till night: &ou are
3elcome to 'lsinore)
Good m& lord6 77;
&2 so2 God *e 3i/ &e9
(o3 " am alone)
Griffin A,
O2 3hat a rogue and peasant sla4e am "6
"s it not monstrous that this pla&er here2
,ut in a fiction2 in a dream of passion2 777
Could force his soul so to his o3n conceit
!hat from her 3or5ing all his 4isage 3ann/d2
!ears in his e&es2 distraction in/s aspect2
*ro5en 4oice2 and his 3hole function suiting
.ith forms to his conceit0 and all for nothing6 7B;
+or Hecu*a6
.hat/s Hecu*a to him2 or he to Hecu*a2
!hat he should 3eep for her0 .hat 3ould he do2
Had he the moti4e and the cue for passion
!hat " ha4e0 He 3ould dro3n the stage 3ith tears 7B7
nd clea4e the general ear 3ith horrid speech2
Ma5e mad the guilt& and appal the free2
Confound the ignorant2 and amaze indeed
!he 4er& faculties of e&es and ears) 8et "2
dull and mudd&>mettled rascal2 pea52 7C;
Li5e Fohn>a>dreams2 unpregnant of m& cause2
nd can sa& nothing9 no2 not for a 5ing2
<pon 3hose propert& and most dear life
damn/d defeat 3as made) m " a co3ard0
.ho calls me 4illain0 *rea5s m& pate across0 7C7
Pluc5s off m& *eard2 and *lo3s it in m& face0
!3ea5s me *& the nose0 gi4es me the lie i/ the throat2
s deep as to the lungs0 3ho does me this0
/#3ounds2 " should ta5e it: for it cannot *e 7D;
,ut " am pigeon>li4er/d and lac5 gall
!o ma5e oppression *itter2 or ere this
" should ha4e fatted all the region 5ites
.ith this sla4e/s offal: *lood&2 *a3d& 4illain6
Remorseless2 treacherous2 lecherous2 5indless 4illain6 7D7
O2 4engeance6
.h&2 3hat an ass am "6 !his is most *ra4e2
!hat "2 the son of a dear father murder/d2
Prompted to m& re4enge *& hea4en and hell2
Must2 li5e a 3hore2 unpac5 m& heart 3ith 3ords2 7E;
nd fall a>cursing2 li5e a 4er& dra*2
+ie upon/t6 foh6 *out2 m& *rain6 " ha4e heard
!hat guilt& creatures sitting at a pla&
Ha4e *& the 4er& cunning of the scene 7E7
,een struc5 so to the soul that presentl&
!he& ha4e proclaim/d their malefactions9
+or murder2 though it ha4e no tongue2 3ill spea5
Griffin A1
.ith most miraculous organ) "/ll ha4e these pla&ers
Pla& something li5e the murder of m& father B;;
,efore mine uncle: "/ll o*ser4e his loo5s9
"/ll tent him to the :uic5: if he *ut *lench2
" 5no3 m& course) !he spirit that " ha4e seen
Ma& *e the de4il: and the de4il hath po3er
!o assume a pleasing shape9 &ea2 and perhaps B;7
Out of m& 3ea5ness and m& melanchol&2
s he is 4er& potent 3ith such spirits2
*uses me to damn me: "/ll ha4e grounds
More relati4e than this: the pla& /s the thing
.herein "/ll catch the conscience of the 5ing) B1;

Griffin A2
8&< 444
Griffin A)
C! """ G1:?;:1E H 1:@@:1@I
#C'(' ") room in the castle)
#ummar&: &laudius and Gertrude discuss Hamlets beha"ior with Iosencrant? and
Guildenstern, who say they ha"e been unable to learn the cause of his melancholy. <hey
tell the kin and >ueen about Hamlets enthusiasm for the !layers. 2ncouraed, Gertrude
and &laudius aree that they will see the !lay that e"enin. Iosencrant? and Guildenstern
lea"e, and &laudius orders Gertrude to lea"e as well, sayin that he and Polonius intend
to s!y on Hamlets confrontation with $!helia. Gertrude e9its, and Polonius directs
$!helia to walk around the lobby. Polonius hears Hamlet comin, and he and the kin
Hamlet enters, s!eakin thouhtfully and aoni?inly to himself about the >uestion of
whether to commit suicide to end the !ain of e9!erience- 5<o be, or not to be- that is the
>uestion7 +444.i.0B1. He says that the miseries of life are such that no one would willinly
bear them, e9ce!t that they are afraid of 5somethin after death7 +444.i.B,1. 3ecause we do
not know what to e9!ect in the afterlife, we would rather 5bear those ills we ha"e,7
Hamlet says, 5than fly to others that we know not of7 +444.i.B).B*1. 4n midDthouht,
Hamlet sees $!helia a!!roachin. Ha"in recei"ed her orders from Polonius, she tells
him that she wishes to return the tokens of lo"e he has i"en her. 8nrily, Hamlet denies
ha"in i"en her anythinG he laments the dishonesty of beauty, and claims both to ha"e
lo"ed $!helia once and ne"er to ha"e lo"ed her at all. 3itterly commentin on the
wretchedness of humankind, he ures $!helia to enter a nunnery rather than become a
5breeder of sinners7 +444.i.122.12)1. He critici?es women for makin men beha"e like
monsters and for contributin to the worlds dishonesty by !aintin their faces to a!!ear
more beautiful than they are. %orkin himself into a rae, Hamlet denounces $!helia,
women, and humankind in eneral, sayin that he wishes to end all marriaes. 8s he
storms out, $!helia mourns the 5noble mind7 that has now la!sed into a!!arent madness
<he kin and Polonius emere from behind the ta!estry. &laudius says that Hamlets
strane beha"ior has clearly not been caused by lo"e for $!helia and that his s!eech does
not seem like the s!eech of insanity. He says that he fears that melancholy sits on
somethin danerous in Hamlets soul like a bird sits on her e, and that he fears what
will ha!!en when it hatches. He declares that he will send Hamlet to 2nland, in the ho!e
that a chane of scenery miht hel! him et o"er his troubles. Polonius arees that this is
a ood idea, but he still belie"es that Hamlets aitation comes from lo"in $!helia. He
asks &laudius to send Hamlet to Gertrudes chamber after the !lay, where Polonius can
hide aain and watch unseenG he ho!es to learn whether Hamlet is really mad with lo"e.
&laudius arees, sayin that 5JmKadness in reat ones7 must be carefully watched
nd can &ou2 *& no drift of circumstance2
Griffin A*
Get from him 3h& he puts on this confusion2
Grating so harshl& all his da&s of :uiet
.ith tur*ulent and dangerous lunac&0
He does confess he feels himself distracted9 7
,ut from 3hat cause he 3ill *& no means spea5)
(or do 3e find him for3ard to *e sounded2
,ut2 3ith a craft& madness2 5eeps aloof2
.hen 3e 3ould *ring him on to some confession
Of his true state) 1;
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
-id he recei4e &ou 3ell0
Most li5e a gentleman)
,ut 3ith much forcing of his disposition)
(iggard of :uestion9 *ut2 of our demands2
Most free in his repl&) 17
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
-id &ou assa& him0
!o an& pastime0
Madam2 it so fell out2 that certain pla&ers
.e oer>raught on the 3a&: of these 3e told him9
nd there did seem in him a 5ind of Ao& =;
!o hear of it: the& are a*out the court2
nd2 as " thin52 the& ha4e alread& order
!his night to pla& *efore him)
P!is most true:
nd he *eseechd me to entreat &our maAesties =7
!o hear and see the matter)
K"(G CL<-"<#
.ith all m& heart9 and it doth much content me
Griffin A0
!o hear him so inclined)
Good gentlemen2 gi4e him a further edge2
nd dri4e his purpose on to these delights) ?;
.e shall2 m& lord)
K"(G CL<-"<#
#3eet Gertrude2 lea4e us too9
+or 3e ha4e closel& sent for Hamlet hither2
!hat he2 as Pt3ere *& accident2 ma& here
ffront Ophelia: ?7
Her father and m&self2 la3ful espials2
.ill so *esto3 oursel4es that2 seeing2 unseen2
.e ma& of their encounter fran5l& Audge2
nd gather *& him2 as he is *eha4ed2
"f Pt *e the affliction of his lo4e or no @;
!hat thus he suffers for)
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
" shall o*e& &ou)
nd for &our part2 Ophelia2 " do 3ish
!hat &our good *eauties *e the happ& cause
Of Hamlets 3ildness: so shall " hope &our 4irtues @7
.ill *ring him to his 3onted 3a& again2
!o *oth &our honours)
Madam2 " 3ish it ma&)
Ophelia2 3al5 &ou here) Gracious2 so please &ou2
.e 3ill *esto3 oursel4es) 7;
Read on this *oo59
!hat sho3 of such an e%ercise ma& colour
8our loneliness) .e are oft to *lame in this2>>
P!is too much pro4edOthat 3ith de4otions 4isage
nd pious action 3e do sugar oer 77
!he de4il himself)
Griffin A@
K"(G CL<-"<#
KsideL O2 Ptis too true6
Ho3 smart a lash that speech doth gi4e m& conscience6
!he harlots chee52 *eautied 3ith plastering art2
"s not more ugl& to the thing that helps it B;
!han is m& deed to m& most painted 3ord:
O hea4& *urthen6
" hear him coming: lets 3ithdra32 m& lord)
Exeunt ,I#G CLAU$IUS and %OLO#IUS
!o *e2 or not to *e: that is the :uestion:
.hether Ptis no*ler in the mind to suffer B7
!he slings and arro3s of outrageous fortune2
Or to ta5e arms against a sea of trou*les2
nd *& opposing end them0 !o die: to sleep9
(o more9 and *& a sleep to sa& 3e end
!he heart>ache and the thousand natural shoc5s C;
!hat flesh is heir to2 Ptis a consummation
-e4outl& to *e 3ishd) !o die2 to sleep9
!o sleep: perchance to dream: a&2 theres the ru*9
+or in that sleep of death 3hat dreams ma& come
.hen 3e ha4e shuffled off this mortal coil2 C7
Must gi4e us pause: theres the respect
!hat ma5es calamit& of so long life9
+or 3ho 3ould *ear the 3hips and scorns of time2
!he oppressors 3rong2 the proud mans contumel&2
!he pangs of despised lo4e2 the la3s dela&2 D;
!he insolence of office and the spurns
!hat patient merit of the un3orth& ta5es2
.hen he himself might his :uietus ma5e
.ith a *are *od5in0 .ho 3ould fardels *ear2
!o grunt and s3eat under a 3ear& life2 D7
,ut that the dread of something after death2
!he undisco4erd countr& from 3hose *ourn
(o CBra4eler returns2 puzzles the 3ill
nd ma5es us rather *ear those ills 3e ha4e
!han fl& to others that 3e 5no3 not of0 E;
!hus conscience does ma5e co3ards of us all9
nd thus the nati4e hue of resolution
Griffin AA
"s sic5lied oer 3ith the pale cast of thought2
nd enterprises of great pith and moment
.ith this regard their currents turn a3r&2 E7
nd lose the name of action)O#oft &ou no36
!he fair Ophelia6 (&mph2 in th& orisons
,e all m& sins remem*erd)
Good m& lord2 1;;
Ho3 does &our honour for this man& a da&0
" hum*l& than5 &ou9 3ell2 3ell2 3ell)
M& lord2 " ha4e remem*rances of &ours2
!hat " ha4e longed long to re>deli4er9
" pra& &ou2 no3 recei4e them) 1;7
(o2 not "9
" ne4er ga4e &ou aught)
M& honourd lord2 &ou 5no3 right 3ell &ou did9
nd2 3ith them2 3ords of so s3eet *reath composed
s made the things more rich: their perfume lost2 11;
!a5e these again9 for to the no*le mind
Rich gifts 3a% poor 3hen gi4ers pro4e un5ind)
!here2 m& lord)
Ha2 ha6 re &ou honest0
M& lord0 117
re &ou fair0
.hat means &our lordship0
!hat if &ou *e honest and fair2 &our honest& should
admit no discourse to &our *eaut&)
Griffin AB
Could *eaut&2 m& lord2 ha4e *etter commerce than 1=;
3ith honest&0
&2 trul&9 for the po3er of *eaut& 3ill sooner
transform honest& from 3hat it is to a *a3d than the
force of honest& can translate *eaut& into his
li5eness: this 3as sometime a parado%2 *ut no3 the 1=7
time gi4es it proof) " did lo4e &ou once)
"ndeed2 m& lord2 &ou made me *elie4e so)
8ou should not ha4e *elie4ed me9 for 4irtue cannot
so inoculate our old stoc5 *ut 3e shall relish of
it: " lo4ed &ou not) 1?;
" 3as the more decei4ed)
Get thee to a nunner&: 3h& 3ouldst thou *e a
*reeder of sinners0 " am m&self indifferent honest9
*ut &et " could accuse me of such things that it
3ere *etter m& mother had not *orne me: " am 4er& 1?7
proud2 re4engeful2 am*itious2 3ith more offences at
m& *ec5 than " ha4e thoughts to put them in2
imagination to gi4e them shape2 or time to act them
in) .hat should such fello3s as " do cra3ling
*et3een earth and hea4en0 .e are arrant 5na4es2 1@;
all9 *elie4e none of us) Go th& 3a&s to a nunner&)
.heres &our father0
t home2 m& lord)
Let the doors *e shut upon him2 that he ma& pla& the
fool no 3here *ut ins o3n house) +are3ell) 1@7
O2 help him2 &ou s3eet hea4ens6
Griffin A/
"f thou dost marr&2 "ll gi4e thee this plague for
th& do3r&: *e thou as chaste as ice2 as pure as
sno32 thou shalt not escape calumn&) Get thee to a
nunner&2 go: fare3ell) Or2 if thou 3ilt needs 17;
marr&2 marr& a fool9 for 3ise men 5no3 3ell enough
3hat monsters &ou ma5e of them) !o a nunner&2 go2
and :uic5l& too) +are3ell)
O hea4enl& po3ers2 restore him6
" ha4e heard of &our paintings too2 3ell enough9 God 177
has gi4en &ou one face2 and &ou ma5e &oursel4es
another: &ou Aig2 &ou am*le2 and &ou lisp2 and
nic5>name Gods creatures2 and ma5e &our 3antonness
&our ignorance) Go to2 "ll no more ont9 it hath
made me mad) " sa&2 3e 3ill ha4e no more marriages: 1B;
those that are married alread&2 all *ut one2 shall
li4e9 the rest shall 5eep as the& are) !o a
nunner&2 go)
O2 3hat a no*le mind is here oerthro3n6
!he courtiers2 soldiers2 scholars2 e&e2 tongue2 s3ord9 1B7
!he e%pectanc& and rose of the fair state2
!he glass of fashion and the mould of form2
!he o*ser4ed of all o*ser4ers2 :uite2 :uite do3n6
nd "2 of ladies most deAect and 3retched2
!hat suc5d the hone& of his music 4o3s2 1C;
(o3 see that no*le and most so4ereign reason2
Li5e s3eet *ells Aangled2 out of tune and harsh9
!hat unmatchd form and feature of *lo3n &outh
,lasted 3ith ecstas&: O2 3oe is me2
!o ha4e seen 3hat " ha4e seen2 see 3hat " see6 1C7
Re-enter ,I#G CLAU$IUS and %OLO#IUS
K"(G CL<-"<#
Lo4e6 His affections do not that 3a& tend9
(or 3hat he spa5e2 though it lac5d form a little2
.as not li5e madness) !heres something in his soul2
Oer 3hich his melanchol& sits on *rood9
Griffin B,
nd " do dou*t the hatch and the disclose 1D;
.ill *e some danger: 3hich for to pre4ent2
" ha4e in :uic5 determination
!hus set it do3n: he shall 3ith speed to 'ngland2
+or the demand of our neglected tri*ute
Hapl& the seas and countries different 1D7
.ith 4aria*le o*Aects shall e%pel
!his something>settled matter in his heart2
.hereon his *rains still *eating puts him thus
+rom fashion of himself) .hat thin5 &ou ont0
"t shall do 3ell: *ut &et do " *elie4e 1E;
!he origin and commencement of his grief
#prung from neglected lo4e) Ho3 no32 Ophelia6
8ou need not tell us 3hat Lord Hamlet said9
.e heard it all) M& lord2 do as &ou please9
,ut2 if &ou hold it fit2 after the pla& 1E7
Let his :ueen mother all alone entreat him
!o sho3 his grief: let her *e round 3ith him9
nd "ll *e placed2 so please &ou2 in the ear
Of all their conference) "f she find him not2
!o 'ngland send him2 or confine him 3here =;;
8our 3isdom *est shall thin5)
K"(G CL<-"<#
"t shall *e so:
Madness in great ones must not un3atchd go)
Griffin B1
C! """ G1:@@ H =:;@I
#C'(' "") hall in the castle)
#ummar&: <hat e"enin, in the castle hall now doublin as a theater, Hamlet an9iously
lectures the !layers on how to act the !arts he has written for them. Polonius shuffles by
with Iosencrant? and Guildenstern, and Hamlet dis!atches them to hurry the !layers in
their !re!arations. Horatio enters, and Hamlet, !leased to see him, !raises him heartily,
e9!ressin his affection for and hih o!inion of Horatios mind and manner, es!ecially
Horatios >ualities of selfDcontrol and reser"e. Ha"in told Horatio what he learned from
the hostFthat &laudius murdered his fatherFhe now asks him to watch &laudius
carefully durin the !lay so that they miht com!are their im!ressions of his beha"ior
afterward. Horatio arees, sayin that if &laudius shows any sins of uilt, he will detect
<he trum!ets !lay a Danish march as the audience of lords and ladies beins streamin
into the room. Hamlet warns Horatio that he will bein to act stranely. 'ure enouh,
when &laudius asks how he is, his res!onse seems >uite insane- 529cellent, i faithG of the
chameleons dish- 4 eat the air, !romiseDcrammed7 +444.ii.B*.B@1. Hamlet asks Polonius
about his history as an actor and torments $!helia with a strin of erotic !uns.
<he !layers enter and act out a brief, silent "ersion of the !lay to come called a
5dumbshow.7 4n the dumbshow, a kin and >ueen dis!lay their lo"e. <he >ueen lea"es
the kin to slee!, and while he is slee!in, a man murders him by !ourin !oison into his
ear. <he murderer tries to seduce the >ueen, who radually acce!ts his ad"ances.
<he !layers bein to enact the !lay in full, and we learn that the man who kills the kin is
the kins ne!hew. <hrouhout, Hamlet kee!s u! a runnin commentary on the
characters and their actions, and continues to tease $!helia with obli>ue se9ual
references. %hen the murderer !ours the !oison into the slee!in kins ear, &laudius
rises and cries out for liht. &haos ensues as the !lay comes to a sudden halt, the torches
are lit, and the kin flees the room, followed by the audience. %hen the scene >uiets,
Hamlet is left alone with Horatio.
Hamlet and Horatio aree that the kins beha"ior was tellin. =ow e9tremely e9cited,
Hamlet continues to act frantic and scatterbrained, s!eakin libly and in"entin little
!oems. Iosencrant? and Guildenstern arri"e to tell Hamlet that he is wanted in his
mothers chambers. Iosencrant? asks aain about the cause of Hamlets 5distem!er,7 and
Hamlet anrily accuses the !air of tryin to !lay him as if he were a musical !i!e.
Polonius enters to escort Hamlet to the >ueen. Hamlet says he will o to her in a moment
and asks for a moment alone. He steels himself to s!eak to his mother, resol"in to be
brutally honest with her but not to lose control of himself- 54 will s!eak daers to her,
but use none7 +444.ii.)@@1.
'nter HML'! and Pla&ers
Griffin B2
#pea5 the speech2 " pra& &ou2 as " pronounced it to
&ou2 trippingl& on the tongue: *ut if &ou mouth it2
as man& of &our pla&ers do2 " had as lief the
to3n>crier spo5e m& lines) (or do not sa3 the air
too much 3ith &our hand2 thus2 *ut use all gentl&9 7
for in the 4er& torrent2 tempest2 and2 as " ma& sa&2
the 3hirl3ind of passion2 &ou must ac:uire and *eget
a temperance that ma& gi4e it smoothness) O2 it
offends me to the soul to hear a ro*ustious
peri3ig>pated fello3 tear a passion to tatters2 to 1;
4er& rags2 to split the ears of the groundlings2 3ho
for the most part are capa*le of nothing *ut
ine%plica*le dum*sho3s and noise: " 3ould ha4e such
a fello3 3hipped for o/erdoing !ermagant9 it
out>herods Herod: pra& &ou2 a4oid it) 17
+irst Pla&er
" 3arrant &our honour)
,e not too tame neither2 *ut let &our o3n discretion
*e &our tutor: suit the action to the 3ord2 the
3ord to the action9 3ith this special o/erstep not
the modest& of nature: for an& thing so o4erdone is =;
from the purpose of pla&ing2 3hose end2 *oth at the
first and no32 3as and is2 to hold2 as /t3ere2 the
mirror up to nature9 to sho3 4irtue her o3n feature2
scorn her o3n image2 and the 4er& age and *od& of
the time his form and pressure) (o3 this o4erdone2 =7
or come tard& off2 though it ma5e the uns5ilful
laugh2 cannot *ut ma5e the Audicious grie4e9 the
censure of the 3hich one must in &our allo3ance
o/er3eigh a 3hole theatre of others) O2 there *e
pla&ers that " ha4e seen pla&2 and heard others ?;
praise2 and that highl&2 not to spea5 it profanel&2
that2 neither ha4ing the accent of Christians nor
the gait of Christian2 pagan2 nor man2 ha4e so
strutted and *ello3ed that " ha4e thought some of
nature/s Aourne&men had made men and not made them ?7
3ell2 the& imitated humanit& so a*omina*l&)
+irst Pla&er
" hope 3e ha4e reformed that indifferentl& 3ith us2
Griffin B)
O2 reform it altogether) nd let those that pla&
&our clo3ns spea5 no more than is set do3n for them9 @;
for there *e of them that 3ill themsel4es laugh2 to
set on some :uantit& of *arren spectators to laugh
too9 though2 in the mean time2 some necessar&
:uestion of the pla& *e then to *e considered:
that/s 4illanous2 and sho3s a most pitiful am*ition @7
in the fool that uses it) Go2 ma5e &ou read&)
Exeunt %la2ers
Ho3 no32 m& lord6 " 3ill the 5ing hear this piece of 3or50
nd the :ueen too2 and that presentl&)
,id the pla&ers ma5e haste) 7;
.ill &ou t3o help to hasten them0
RO#'(CR(!M G<"L-'(#!'R(
.e 3ill2 m& lord)
'%eunt RO#'(CR(!M and G<"L-'(#!'R(
.hat ho6 Horatio6
Here2 s3eet lord2 at &our ser4ice)
Horatio2 thou art e/en as Aust a man 77
s e/er m& con4ersation coped 3ithal)
O2 m& dear lord2>>
Griffin B*
(a&2 do not thin5 " flatter9
+or 3hat ad4ancement ma& " hope from thee
!hat no re4enue hast *ut th& good spirits2 B;
!o feed and clothe thee0 .h& should the poor *e flatter/d0
(o2 let the candied tongue lic5 a*surd pomp2
nd croo5 the pregnant hinges of the 5nee
.here thrift ma& follo3 fa3ning) -ost thou hear0
#ince m& dear soul 3as mistress of her choice B7
nd could of men distinguish2 her election
Hath seal/d thee for herself9 for thou hast *een
s one2 in suffering all2 that suffers nothing2
man that fortune/s *uffets and re3ards
Hast ta/en 3ith e:ual than5s: and *lest are those C;
.hose *lood and Audgment are so 3ell commingled2
!hat the& are not a pipe for fortune/s finger
!o sound 3hat stop she please) Gi4e me that man
!hat is not passion/s sla4e2 and " 3ill 3ear him
"n m& heart/s core2 a&2 in m& heart of heart2 C7
s " do thee)>>#omething too much of this)>>
!here is a pla& to>night *efore the 5ing9
One scene of it comes near the circumstance
.hich " ha4e told thee of m& father/s death:
" prithee2 3hen thou seest that act afoot2 D;
'4en 3ith the 4er& comment of th& soul
O*ser4e mine uncle: if his occulted guilt
-o not itself un5ennel in one speech2
"t is a damned ghost that 3e ha4e seen2
nd m& imaginations are as foul D7
s Julcan/s stith&) Gi4e him heedful note9
+or " mine e&es 3ill ri4et to his face2
nd after 3e 3ill *oth our Audgments Aoin
"n censure of his seeming)
.ell2 m& lord: E;
"f he steal aught the 3hilst this pla& is pla&ing2
nd /scape detecting2 " 3ill pa& the theft)
!he& are coming to the pla&9 " must *e idle:
Get &ou a place)
-anish march) flourish) 'nter K"(G CL<-"<#2 Q<''( G'R!R<-'2
POLO("<#2 OPH'L"2 RO#'(CR(!M2 G<"L-'(#!'R(2 and others
K"(G CL<-"<#
Griffin B0
Ho3 fares our cousin Hamlet0 E7
'%cellent2 i/ faith9 of the chameleon/s dish: " eat
the air2 promise>crammed: &ou cannot feed capons so)
K"(G CL<-"<#
" ha4e nothing 3ith this ans3er2 Hamlet9 these 3ords
are not mine)
(o2 nor mine no3) 1;;
!o POLO("<#
M& lord2 &ou pla&ed once i/ the uni4ersit&2 &ou sa&0
!hat did "2 m& lord9 and 3as accounted a good actor)
.hat did &ou enact0
" did enact Fulius Caesar: " 3as 5illed i/ the
Capitol9 ,rutus 5illed me) 1;7
"t 3as a *rute part of him to 5ill so capital a calf
there) ,e the pla&ers read&0
&2 m& lord9 the& sta& upon &our patience)
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
Come hither2 m& dear Hamlet2 sit *& me)
(o2 good mother2 here/s metal more attracti4e) 11;
K!o K"(G CL<-"<#L O2 ho6 do &ou mar5 that0
Lad&2 shall " lie in &our lap0
Griffin B@
L2in* down at O%HELIA3s &eet
(o2 m& lord)
" mean2 m& head upon &our lap0
&2 m& lord) 117
-o &ou thin5 " meant countr& matters0
" thin5 nothing2 m& lord)
!hat/s a fair thought to lie *et3een maids/ legs)
.hat is2 m& lord0
(othing) 1=;
8ou are merr&2 m& lord)
.ho2 "0
&2 m& lord)
O God2 &our onl& Aig>ma5er) .hat should a man do
*ut *e merr&0 for2 loo5 &ou2 ho3 cheerfull& m& 1=7
mother loo5s2 and m& father died 3ithin these t3o hours)
(a&2 /tis t3ice t3o months2 m& lord)
#o long0 (a& then2 let the de4il 3ear *lac52 for
"/ll ha4e a suit of sa*les) O hea4ens6 die t3o
Griffin BA
months ago2 and not forgotten &et0 !hen there/s 1?;
hope a great man/s memor& ma& outli4e his life half
a &ear: *ut2 *&/r lad&2 he must *uild churches2
then9 or else shall he suffer not thin5ing on2 3ith
the ho**&>horse2 3hose epitaph is /+or2 O2 for2 O2
the ho**&>horse is forgot)/ 1?7
Haut*o&s pla&) !he dum*>sho3 enters
'nter a King and a Queen 4er& lo4ingl&9 the Queen em*racing him2 and he her) #he
5neels2 and ma5es sho3 of protestation unto him) He ta5es her up2 and declines his
head upon her nec5: la&s him do3n upon a *an5 of flo3ers: she2 seeing him asleep2
lea4es him) non comes in a fello32 ta5es off his cro3n2 5isses it2 and pours poison
in the King/s ears2 and e%it) !he Queen returns9 finds the King dead2 and ma5es
passionate action) !he Poisoner2 3ith some t3o or three Mutes2 comes in again2
seeming to lament 3ith her) !he dead *od& is carried a3a&) !he Poisoner 3ooes the
Queen 3ith gifts: she seems loath and un3illing a3hile2 *ut in the end accepts his
.hat means this2 m& lord0
Marr&2 this is miching mallecho9 it means mischief)
,eli5e this sho3 imports the argument of the pla&)
Enter %rolo*ue
.e shall 5no3 *& this fello3: the pla&ers cannot
5eep counsel9 the&/ll tell all) 1@;
.ill he tell us 3hat this sho3 meant0
&2 or an& sho3 that &ou/ll sho3 him: *e not &ou
ashamed to sho32 he/ll not shame to tell &ou 3hat it means)
8ou are naught2 &ou are naught: "/ll mar5 the pla&)
Griffin BB
+or us2 and for our traged&2 1@7
Here stooping to &our clemenc&2
.e *eg &our hearing patientl&)
"s this a prologue2 or the pos& of a ring0
/!is *rief2 m& lord)
s 3oman/s lo4e) 17;
Enter two %la2ers! ,in* and -ueen
Pla&er King
+ull thirt& times hath Phoe*us/ cart gone round
(eptune/s salt 3ash and !ellus/ or*ed ground2
nd thirt& dozen moons 3ith *orro3/d sheen
*out the 3orld ha4e times t3el4e thirties *een2
#ince lo4e our hearts and H&men did our hands 177
<nite commutual in most sacred *ands)
Pla&er Queen
#o man& Aourne&s ma& the sun and moon
Ma5e us again count o/er ere lo4e *e done6
,ut2 3oe is me2 &ou are so sic5 of late2
#o far from cheer and from &our former state2 1B;
!hat " distrust &ou) 8et2 though " distrust2
-iscomfort &ou2 m& lord2 it nothing must:
+or 3omen/s fear and lo4e holds :uantit&9
"n neither aught2 or in e%tremit&)
(o32 3hat m& lo4e is2 proof hath made &ou 5no39 1B7
nd as m& lo4e is sized2 m& fear is so:
.here lo4e is great2 the littlest dou*ts are fear9
.here little fears gro3 great2 great lo4e gro3s there)
Pla&er King
/+aith2 " must lea4e thee2 lo4e2 and shortl& too9
M& operant po3ers their functions lea4e to do: 1C;
nd thou shalt li4e in this fair 3orld *ehind2
Honour/d2 *elo4ed9 and hapl& one as 5ind
+or hus*and shalt thou>>
Griffin B/
Pla&er Queen
O2 confound the rest6
#uch lo4e must needs *e treason in m& *reast: 1C7
"n second hus*and let me *e accurst6
(one 3ed the second *ut 3ho 5ill/d the first)
KsideL .orm3ood2 3orm3ood)
Pla&er Queen
!he instances that second marriage mo4e
re *ase respects of thrift2 *ut none of lo4e: 1D;
second time " 5ill m& hus*and dead2
.hen second hus*and 5isses me in *ed)
Pla&er King
" do *elie4e &ou thin5 3hat no3 &ou spea59
,ut 3hat 3e do determine oft 3e *rea5)
Purpose is *ut the sla4e to memor&2 1D7
Of 4iolent *irth2 *ut poor 4alidit&9
.hich no32 li5e fruit unripe2 stic5s on the tree9
,ut fall2 unsha5en2 3hen the& mello3 *e)
Most necessar& /tis that 3e forget
!o pa& oursel4es 3hat to oursel4es is de*t: 1E;
.hat to oursel4es in passion 3e propose2
!he passion ending2 doth the purpose lose)
!he 4iolence of either grief or Ao&
!heir o3n enactures 3ith themsel4es destro&:
.here Ao& most re4els2 grief doth most lament9 1E7
Grief Ao&s2 Ao& grie4es2 on slender accident)
!his 3orld is not for a&e2 nor /tis not strange
!hat e4en our lo4es should 3ith our fortunes change9
+or /tis a :uestion left us &et to pro4e2
.hether lo4e lead fortune2 or else fortune lo4e) =;;
!he great man do3n2 &ou mar5 his fa4ourite flies9
!he poor ad4anced ma5es friends of enemies)
nd hitherto doth lo4e on fortune tend9
+or 3ho not needs shall ne4er lac5 a friend2
nd 3ho in 3ant a hollo3 friend doth tr&2 =;7
-irectl& seasons him his enem&)
,ut2 orderl& to end 3here " *egun2
Our 3ills and fates do so contrar& run
!hat our de4ices still are o4erthro3n9
Our thoughts are ours2 their ends none of our o3n: =1;
#o thin5 thou 3ilt no second hus*and 3ed9
Griffin /,
,ut die th& thoughts 3hen th& first lord is dead)
Pla&er Queen
(or earth to me gi4e food2 nor hea4en light6
#port and repose loc5 from me da& and night6
!o desperation turn m& trust and hope6 =17
n anchor/s cheer in prison *e m& scope6
'ach opposite that *lan5s the face of Ao&
Meet 3hat " 3ould ha4e 3ell and it destro&6
,oth here and hence pursue me lasting strife2
"f2 once a 3ido32 e4er " *e 3ife6 ==;
"f she should *rea5 it no36
Pla&er King
/!is deepl& s3orn) #3eet2 lea4e me here a3hile9
M& spirits gro3 dull2 and fain " 3ould *eguile
!he tedious da& 3ith sleep)
Pla&er Queen
#leep roc5 th& *rain2 ==7
nd ne4er come mischance *et3een us t3ain6
Madam2 ho3 li5e &ou this pla&0
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
!he lad& protests too much2 methin5s)
O2 *ut she/ll 5eep her 3ord)
K"(G CL<-"<#
Ha4e &ou heard the argument0 "s there no offence in /t0 =?;
(o2 no2 the& do *ut Aest2 poison in Aest9 no offence
i/ the 3orld)
K"(G CL<-"<#
.hat do &ou call the pla&0
Griffin /1
!he Mouse>trap) Marr&2 ho30 !ropicall&) !his pla&
is the image of a murder done in Jienna: Gonzago is =?7
the du5e/s name9 his 3ife2 ,aptista: &ou shall see
anon9 /tis a 5na4ish piece of 3or5: *ut 3hat o/
that0 &our maAest& and 3e that ha4e free souls2 it
touches us not: let the galled Aade 3ince2 our
3ithers are un3rung) =@;
!his is one Lucianus2 nephe3 to the 5ing)
8ou are as good as a chorus2 m& lord)
" could interpret *et3een &ou and &our lo4e2 if "
could see the puppets dall&ing)
8ou are 5een2 m& lord2 &ou are 5een) =@7
"t 3ould cost &ou a groaning to ta5e off m& edge)
#till *etter2 and 3orse)
#o &ou must ta5e &our hus*ands) ,egin2 murderer9
po%2 lea4e th& damna*le faces2 and *egin) Come:
/the croa5ing ra4en doth *ello3 for re4enge)/ =7;
!houghts *lac52 hands apt2 drugs fit2 and time agreeing9
Confederate season2 else no creature seeing9
!hou mi%ture ran52 of midnight 3eeds collected2
.ith Hecate/s *an thrice *lasted2 thrice infected2
!h& natural magic and dire propert&2 =77
On 3holesome life usurp immediatel&)
Pours the poison into the sleeper/s ears
Griffin /2
He poisons him i/ the garden for/s estate) His
name/s Gonzago: the stor& is e%tant2 and 3rit in
choice "talian: &ou shall see anon ho3 the murderer =B;
gets the lo4e of Gonzago/s 3ife)
!he 5ing rises)
.hat2 frighted 3ith false fire6
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
Ho3 fares m& lord0
Gi4e o/er the pla&) =B7
K"(G CL<-"<#
Gi4e me some light: a3a&6
Lights2 lights2 lights6
Exeunt all ut HAMLET and HORATIO
.h&2 let the stric5en deer go 3eep2
!he hart ungalled pla&9
+or some must 3atch2 3hile some must sleep: =C;
#o runs the 3orld a3a&)
.ould not this2 sir2 and a forest of feathers>> if
the rest of m& fortunes turn !ur5 3ith me>>3ith t3o
Pro4incial roses on m& razed shoes2 get me a
fello3ship in a cr& of pla&ers2 sir0 =C7
Half a share)
3hole one2 ")
+or thou dost 5no32 O -amon dear2
!his realm dismantled 3as
Of Fo4e himself9 and no3 reigns here
4er&2 4er&>>paAoc5)
Griffin /)
8ou might ha4e rh&med) =D;
O good Horatio2 "/ll ta5e the ghost/s 3ord for a
thousand pound) -idst percei4e0
Jer& 3ell2 m& lord)
<pon the tal5 of the poisoning0
" did 4er& 3ell note him) =D7
h2 ha6 Come2 some music6 come2 the recorders6
+or if the 5ing li5e not the comed&2
.h& then2 *eli5e2 he li5es it not2 perd&)
Come2 some music6
Re-enter ROSE#CRA#T. and GUIL$E#STER#
Good m& lord2 4ouchsafe me a 3ord 3ith &ou) =E;
#ir2 a 3hole histor&)
!he 5ing2 sir2>>
&2 sir2 3hat of him0
"s in his retirement mar4elous distempered)
.ith drin52 sir0 =E7
(o2 m& lord2 rather 3ith choler)
8our 3isdom should sho3 itself more richer to
Griffin /*
signif& this to his doctor9 for2 for me to put him
to his purgation 3ould perhaps plunge him into far
more choler) ?;;
Good m& lord2 put &our discourse into some frame and
start not so 3ildl& from m& affair)
" am tame2 sir: pronounce)
!he :ueen2 &our mother2 in most great affliction of
spirit2 hath sent me to &ou) ?;7
8ou are 3elcome)
(a&2 good m& lord2 this courtes& is not of the right
*reed) "f it shall please &ou to ma5e me a
3holesome ans3er2 " 3ill do &our mother/s
commandment: if not2 &our pardon and m& return ?1;
shall *e the end of m& *usiness)
#ir2 " cannot)
.hat2 m& lord0
Ma5e &ou a 3holesome ans3er9 m& 3it/s diseased: *ut2
sir2 such ans3er as " can ma5e2 &ou shall command9
or2 rather2 as &ou sa&2 m& mother: therefore no ?17
more2 *ut to the matter: m& mother2 &ou sa&2>>
!hen thus she sa&s9 &our *eha4ior hath struc5 her
into amazement and admiration)
O 3onderful son2 that can so astonish a mother6 ,ut
is there no se:uel at the heels of this mother/s ?=;
admiration0 "mpart)
Griffin /0
#he desires to spea5 3ith &ou in her closet2 ere &ou
go to *ed)
.e shall o*e&2 3ere she ten times our mother) Ha4e
&ou an& further trade 3ith us0 ?=7
M& lord2 &ou once did lo4e me)
#o " do still2 *& these pic5ers and stealers)
Good m& lord2 3hat is &our cause of distemper0 &ou
do2 surel&2 *ar the door upon &our o3n li*ert&2 if
&ou den& &our griefs to &our friend) ??;
#ir2 " lac5 ad4ancement)
Ho3 can that *e2 3hen &ou ha4e the 4oice of the 5ing
himself for &our succession in -enmar50
&2 *ut sir2 /.hile the grass gro3s2/>>the pro4er*
is something must&) ??7
Re-enter %la2ers with recorders
O2 the recorders6 let me see one) !o 3ithdra3 3ith
&ou:>>3h& do &ou go a*out to reco4er the 3ind of me2
as if &ou 3ould dri4e me into a toil0
O2 m& lord2 if m& dut& *e too *old2 m& lo4e is too
unmannerl&) ?@;
" do not 3ell understand that) .ill &ou pla& upon
this pipe0
M& lord2 " cannot)
Griffin /@
" pra& &ou)
,elie4e me2 " cannot) ?@7
" do *eseech &ou)
" 5no3 no touch of it2 m& lord)
/!is as eas& as l&ing: go4ern these 4entages 3ith
&our lingers and thum*2 gi4e it *reath 3ith &our
mouth2 and it 3ill discourse most elo:uent music) ?7;
Loo5 &ou2 these are the stops)
,ut these cannot " command to an& utterance of
harmon&9 " ha4e not the s5ill)
.h&2 loo5 &ou no32 ho3 un3orth& a thing &ou ma5e of
me6 8ou 3ould pla& upon me9 &ou 3ould seem to 5no3 ?77
m& stops9 &ou 3ould pluc5 out the heart of m&
m&ster&9 &ou 3ould sound me from m& lo3est note to
the top of m& compass: and there is much music2
e%cellent 4oice2 in this little organ9 &et cannot
&ou ma5e it spea5) /#*lood2 do &ou thin5 " am ?B;
easier to *e pla&ed on than a pipe0 Call me 3hat
instrument &ou 3ill2 though &ou can fret me2 &et &ou
cannot pla& upon me)
Enter %OLO#IUS
God *less &ou2 sir6
M& lord2 the :ueen 3ould spea5 3ith &ou2 and ?B7
-o &ou see &onder cloud that/s almost in shape of a camel0
Griffin /A
,& the mass2 and /tis li5e a camel2 indeed)
Methin5s it is li5e a 3easel)
"t is *ac5ed li5e a 3easel) ?C;
Or li5e a 3hale0
Jer& li5e a 3hale)
!hen " 3ill come to m& mother *& and *&) !he& fool
me to the top of m& *ent) " 3ill come *& and *&)
" 3ill sa& so) ?C7
,& and *& is easil& said)
Lea4e me2 friends)
Exeunt all ut HAMLET
!is no3 the 4er& 3itching time of night2
.hen church&ards &a3n and hell itself *reathes out
Contagion to this 3orld: no3 could " drin5 hot *lood2 ?D;
nd do such *itter *usiness as the da&
.ould :ua5e to loo5 on) #oft6 no3 to m& mother)
O heart2 lose not th& nature9 let not e4er
!he soul of (ero enter this firm *osom:
Let me *e cruel2 not unnatural: ?D7
" 3ill spea5 daggers to her2 *ut use none9
M& tongue and soul in this *e h&pocrites9
Ho3 in m& 3ords soe4er she *e shent2
!o gi4e them seals ne4er2 m& soul2 consent6
Griffin /B
C! """ G=:;@ H =:11I
#C'(' """) room in the castle)
#ummar&: 2lsewhere in the castle, Kin &laudius s!eaks to Iosencrant? and
Guildenstern. 3adly shaken by the !lay and now considerin Hamlets madness to be
danerous, &laudius asks the !air to escort Hamlet on a "oyae to 2nland and to de!art
immediately. <hey aree and lea"e to make !re!arations. Polonius enters and reminds the
kin of his !lan to hide in Gertrudes room and obser"e Hamlets confrontation with her.
He !romises to tell &laudius all that he learns. %hen Polonius lea"es, the kin is alone,
and he immediately e9!resses his uilt and rief o"er his sin. 8 brothers murder, he
says, is the oldest sin and 5hath the !rimal eldest curse u!ont7 +444.iii.)A1. He lons to
ask for fori"eness, but says that he is un!re!ared to i"e u! that which he ained by
committin the murder, namely, the crown and the >ueen. He falls to his knees and
beins to !ray.
Hamlet sli!s >uietly into the room and steels himself to kill the unseein &laudius. 3ut
suddenly it occurs to him that if he kills &laudius while he is !rayin, he will end the
kins life at the moment when he was seekin fori"eness for his sins, sendin
&laudiuss soul to hea"en. <his is hardly an ade>uate re"ene, Hamlet thinks, es!ecially
since &laudius, by killin Hamlets father before he had time to make his last confession,
ensured that his brother would not o to hea"en. Hamlet decides to wait, resol"in to kill
&laudius when the kin is sinninFwhen he is either drunk, anry, or lustful. He lea"es.
&laudius rises and declares that he has been unable to !ray sincerely- 5;y words fly u!,
my thouhts remain below7 +444.iii./@1.
" li5e him not2 nor stands it safe 3ith us
!o let his madness range) !herefore prepare &ou9
" &our commission 3ill forth3ith dispatch2
nd he to 'ngland shall along 3ith &ou:
!he terms of our estate ma& not endure 7
Hazard so dangerous as doth hourl& gro3
Out of his lunacies)
.e 3ill oursel4es pro4ide:
Most hol& and religious fear it is
!o 5eep those man& man& *odies safe 1;
!hat li4e and feed upon &our maAest&)
!he single and peculiar life is *ound2
.ith all the strength and armour of the mind2
!o 5eep itself from no&ance9 *ut much more
Griffin //
!hat spirit upon 3hose 3eal depend and rest 17
!he li4es of man&) !he cease of maAest&
-ies not alone9 *ut2 li5e a gulf2 doth dra3
.hat/s near it 3ith it: it is a mass& 3heel2
+i%/d on the summit of the highest mount2
!o 3hose huge spo5es ten thousand lesser things =;
re mortised and adAoin/d9 3hich2 3hen it falls2
'ach small anne%ment2 pett& conse:uence2
ttends the *oisterous ruin) (e4er alone
-id the 5ing sigh2 *ut 3ith a general groan)
K"(G CL<-"<#
rm &ou2 " pra& &ou2 to this speed& 4o&age9 =7
+or 3e 3ill fetters put upon this fear2
.hich no3 goes too free>footed)
RO#'(CR(!M G<"L-'(#!'R(
.e 3ill haste us)
Enter %OLO#IUS
M& lord2 he/s going to his mother/s closet:
,ehind the arras "/ll con4e& m&self2 ?;
!o hear the process9 and 3arrant she/ll ta% him home:
nd2 as &ou said2 and 3isel& 3as it said2
/!is meet that some more audience than a mother2
#ince nature ma5es them partial2 should o/erhear
!he speech2 of 4antage) +are &ou 3ell2 m& liege: ?7
"/ll call upon &ou ere &ou go to *ed2
nd tell &ou 3hat " 5no3)
K"(G CL<-"<#
!han5s2 dear m& lord)
O2 m& offence is ran5 it smells to hea4en9
"t hath the primal eldest curse upon/t2 @;
*rother/s murder) Pra& can " not2
!hough inclination *e as sharp as 3ill:
M& stronger guilt defeats m& strong intent9
nd2 li5e a man to dou*le *usiness *ound2
" stand in pause 3here " shall first *egin2 @7
Griffin 1,,
nd *oth neglect) .hat if this cursed hand
.ere thic5er than itself 3ith *rother/s *lood2
"s there not rain enough in the s3eet hea4ens
!o 3ash it 3hite as sno30 .hereto ser4es merc&
,ut to confront the 4isage of offence0 7;
nd 3hat/s in pra&er *ut this t3o>fold force2
!o *e forestalled ere 3e come to fall2
Or pardon/d *eing do3n0 !hen "/ll loo5 up9
M& fault is past) ,ut2 O2 3hat form of pra&er
Can ser4e m& turn0 /+orgi4e me m& foul murder/0 77
!hat cannot *e9 since " am still possess/d
Of those effects for 3hich " did the murder2
M& cro3n2 mine o3n am*ition and m& :ueen)
Ma& one *e pardon/d and retain the offence0
"n the corrupted currents of this 3orld B;
Offence/s gilded hand ma& sho4e *& Austice2
nd oft /tis seen the 3ic5ed prize itself
,u&s out the la3: *ut /tis not so a*o4e9
!here is no shuffling2 there the action lies
"n his true nature9 and 3e oursel4es compell/d2 B7
'4en to the teeth and forehead of our faults2
!o gi4e in e4idence) .hat then0 3hat rests0
!r& 3hat repentance can: 3hat can it not0
8et 3hat can it 3hen one can not repent0
O 3retched state6 O *osom *lac5 as death6 C;
O limed soul2 that2 struggling to *e free2
rt more engaged6 Help2 angels6 Ma5e assa&6
,o32 stu**orn 5nees9 and2 heart 3ith strings of steel2
,e soft as sine3s of the ne3*orn *a*e6
ll ma& *e 3ell) C7
Retires and kneels
(o3 might " do it pat2 no3 he is pra&ing9
nd no3 "/ll do/t) nd so he goes to hea4en9
nd so am " re4enged) !hat 3ould *e scann/d:
4illain 5ills m& father9 and for that2
"2 his sole son2 do this same 4illain send D;
!o hea4en)
O2 this is hire and salar&2 not re4enge)
He too5 m& father grossl&2 full of *read9
.ith all his crimes *road *lo3n2 as flush as Ma&9
nd ho3 his audit stands 3ho 5no3s sa4e hea4en0 D7
Griffin 1,1
,ut in our circumstance and course of thought2
/!is hea4& 3ith him: and am " then re4enged2
!o ta5e him in the purging of his soul2
.hen he is fit and season/d for his passage0
(o6 E;
<p2 s3ord9 and 5no3 thou a more horrid hent:
.hen he is drun5 asleep2 or in his rage2
Or in the incestuous pleasure of his *ed9
t gaming2 s3earing2 or a*out some act
!hat has no relish of sal4ation in/t9 E7
!hen trip him2 that his heels ma& 5ic5 at hea4en2
nd that his soul ma& *e as damn/d and *lac5
s hell2 3hereto it goes) M& mother sta&s:
!his ph&sic *ut prolongs th& sic5l& da&s)
K"(G CL<-"<#
KRisingL M& 3ords fl& up2 m& thoughts remain *elo3: 1;;
.ords 3ithout thoughts ne4er to hea4en go)
Griffin 1,2
C! """ G=:11 H =:=@I
#C'(' "J) !he Queen/s closet)
4n Gertrudes chamber, the >ueen and Polonius wait for Hamlets arri"al. Polonius !lans
to hide in order to ea"esdro! on Gertrudes confrontation with her son, in the ho!e that
doin so will enable him to determine the cause of Hamlets bi?arre and threatenin
beha"ior. Polonius ures the >ueen to be harsh with Hamlet when he arri"es, sayin that
she should chastise him for his recent beha"ior. Gertrude arees, and Polonius hides
behind an arras, or ta!estry.
Hamlet storms into the room and asks his mother why she has sent for him. 'he says that
he has offended his father, meanin his ste!father, &laudius. He interru!ts her and says
that she has offended his father, meanin the dead Kin Hamlet, by marryin &laudius.
Hamlet accosts her with an almost "iolent intensity and declares his intention to make her
fully aware of the !rofundity of her sin. (earin for her life, Gertrude cries out. (rom
behind the arras, Polonius calls out for hel!. Hamlet, reali?in that someone is behind the
arras and sus!ectin that it miht be &laudius, cries, 5How nowE a rat67 +444.i".221. He
draws his sword and stabs it throuh the ta!estry, killin the unseen Polonius. Gertrude
asks what Hamlet has done, and he re!lies, 5=ay, 4 know not- H 4s it the kin67 +444.i".2*1.
<he >ueen says his action was a 5rash and bloody7 deed, and Hamlet re!lies that it was
almost as rash and bloody as murderin a kin and marryin his brother +444.i".2@.2B1.
Disbelie"in, the >ueen e9claims, 58s kill a kinE7 and Hamlet re!lies that she heard him
correctly +444.i".2/1.
Hamlet lifts the arras and disco"ers Poloniuss body- he has not killed the kin and
achie"ed his re"ene but has murdered the relati"ely innocent Polonius. He bids the old
man farewell, callin him an 5intrudin fool7 +444.i".),1. He turns to his mother, declarin
that he will wrin her heart. He shows her a !icture of the dead kin and a !icture of the
current kin, bitterly comments on the su!eriority of his father to his uncle, and asks her
furiously what has dri"en her to marry a rotten man such as &laudius. 'he !leads with
him to sto!, sayin that he has turned her eyes onto her soul and that she does not like
what she sees there. Hamlet continues to denounce her and rail aainst &laudius, until,
suddenly, the host of his father aain a!!ears before him.
Hamlet s!eaks to the a!!arition, but Gertrude is unable to see it and belie"es him to be
mad. <he host intones that it has come to remind Hamlet of his !ur!ose, that Hamlet has
not yet killed &laudius and must achie"e his re"ene. =otin that Gertrude is ama?ed and
unable to see him, the host asks Hamlet to intercede with her. Hamlet describes the
host, but Gertrude sees nothin, and in a moment the host disa!!ears. Hamlet tries
des!erately to con"ince Gertrude that he is not mad but has merely feined madness all
alon, and he ures her to forsake &laudius and reain her ood conscience. He ures her
as well not to re"eal to &laudius that his madness has been an act. Gertrude, still shaken
from Hamlets furious condemnation of her, arees to kee! his secret. He bids her
oodniht, but, before he lea"es, he !oints to Poloniuss cor!se and declares that hea"en
has 5!unished me with this, and this with me7 +444.i".10B1. Hamlet reminds his mother
that he must sail to 2nland with Iosencrant? and Guildenstern, whom he says he will
Griffin 1,)
reard with sus!icion, as thouh they were !oisonous snakes, since he assumes that their
loyalties are with &laudius, not with him. Drain Poloniuss body behind him, Hamlet
lea"es his mothers room.
'nter Q<''(2 MRGR'!2 and POLO("<#
He 3ill come straight) Loo5 &ou la& home to him:
!ell him his pran5s ha4e *een too *road to *ear 3ith2
nd that &our grace hath screen/d and stood *et3een
Much heat and him) "/ll sconce me e4en here)
Pra& &ou2 *e round 3ith him) 7
K.ithinL Mother2 mother2 mother6
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
"/ll 3arrant &ou2
+ear me not: 3ithdra32 " hear him coming)
%OLO#IUS hides ehind the arras
(o32 mother2 3hat/s the matter0
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
Hamlet2 thou hast th& father much offended) 1;
Mother2 &ou ha4e m& father much offended)
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
Come2 come2 &ou ans3er 3ith an idle tongue)
Go2 go2 &ou :uestion 3ith a 3ic5ed tongue)
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
.h&2 ho3 no32 Hamlet6
.hat/s the matter no30 17
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
Griffin 1,*
Ha4e &ou forgot me0
(o2 *& the rood2 not so:
8ou are the :ueen2 &our hus*and/s *rother/s 3ife9
nd>>3ould it 3ere not so6>>&ou are m& mother)
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
(a&2 then2 "/ll set those to &ou that can spea5) =;
Come2 come2 and sit &ou do3n9 &ou shall not *udge9
8ou go not till " set &ou up a glass
.here &ou ma& see the inmost part of &ou)
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
.hat 3ilt thou do0 thou 3ilt not murder me0
Help2 help2 ho6 =7
K,ehindL .hat2 ho6 help2 help2 help6
K-ra3ingL Ho3 no36 a rat0 -ead2 for a ducat2 dead6
Makes a (ass throu*h the arras
K,ehindL O2 " am slain6
1alls and dies
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
O me2 3hat hast thou done0
(a&2 " 5no3 not: ?;
"s it the 5ing0
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
O2 3hat a rash and *lood& deed is this6
*lood& deed6 almost as *ad2 good mother2
s 5ill a 5ing2 and marr& 3ith his *rother)
Griffin 1,0
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
s 5ill a 5ing6 ?7
&2 lad&2 /t3as m& 3ord)
Li&ts u( the arra2 and disco0ers %OLO#IUS
!hou 3retched2 rash2 intruding fool2 fare3ell6
" too5 thee for th& *etter: ta5e th& fortune9
!hou find/st to *e too *us& is some danger)
Lea4e 3ringing of &our hands: peace6 sit &ou do3n2 @;
nd let me 3ring &our heart9 for so " shall2
"f it *e made of penetra*le stuff2
"f damned custom ha4e not *rass/d it so
!hat it is proof and *ul3ar5 against sense)
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
.hat ha4e " done2 that thou darest 3ag th& tongue @7
"n noise so rude against me0
#uch an act
!hat *lurs the grace and *lush of modest&2
Calls 4irtue h&pocrite2 ta5es off the rose
+rom the fair forehead of an innocent lo4e 7;
nd sets a *lister there2 ma5es marriage>4o3s
s false as dicers/ oaths: O2 such a deed
s from the *od& of contraction pluc5s
!he 4er& soul2 and s3eet religion ma5es
rhapsod& of 3ords: hea4en/s face doth glo3: 77
8ea2 this solidit& and compound mass2
.ith tristful 4isage2 as against the doom2
"s thought>sic5 at the act)
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
& me2 3hat act2 B;
!hat roars so loud2 and thunders in the inde%0
Loo5 here2 upon this picture2 and on this2
!he counterfeit presentment of t3o *rothers)
#ee2 3hat a grace 3as seated on this *ro39
H&perion/s curls9 the front of Fo4e himself9 B7
n e&e li5e Mars2 to threaten and command9
station li5e the herald Mercur&
Griffin 1,@
(e3>lighted on a hea4en>5issing hill9
com*ination and a form indeed2
.here e4er& god did seem to set his seal2 C;
!o gi4e the 3orld assurance of a man:
!his 3as &our hus*and) Loo5 &ou no32 3hat follo3s:
Here is &our hus*and9 li5e a milde3/d ear2
,lasting his 3holesome *rother) Ha4e &ou e&es0
Could &ou on this fair mountain lea4e to feed2 C7
nd *atten on this moor0 Ha6 ha4e &ou e&es0
8ou cannot call it lo4e9 for at &our age
!he he&>da& in the *lood is tame2 it/s hum*le2
nd 3aits upon the Audgment: and 3hat Audgment
.ould step from this to this0 #ense2 sure2 &ou ha4e2 D;
'lse could &ou not ha4e motion9 *ut sure2 that sense
"s apople%/d9 for madness 3ould not err2
(or sense to ecstas& 3as ne/er so thrall/d
,ut it reser4ed some :uantit& of choice2
!o ser4e in such a difference) .hat de4il 3as/t D7
!hat thus hath cozen/d &ou at hoodman>*lind0
'&es 3ithout feeling2 feeling 3ithout sight2
'ars 3ithout hands or e&es2 smelling sans all2
Or *ut a sic5l& part of one true sense
Could not so mope) E;
O shame6 3here is th& *lush0 Re*ellious hell2
"f thou canst mutine in a matron/s *ones2
!o flaming &outh let 4irtue *e as 3a%2
nd melt in her o3n fire: proclaim no shame
.hen the compulsi4e ardour gi4es the charge2 E7
#ince frost itself as acti4el& doth *urn
nd reason panders 3ill)
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
O Hamlet2 spea5 no more:
!hou turn/st mine e&es into m& 4er& soul9
nd there " see such *lac5 and grained spots 1;;
s 3ill not lea4e their tinct)
(a&2 *ut to li4e
"n the ran5 s3eat of an enseamed *ed2
#te3/d in corruption2 hone&ing and ma5ing lo4e
O4er the nast& st&2>> 1;7
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
O2 spea5 to me no more9
!hese 3ords2 li5e daggers2 enter in mine ears9
Griffin 1,A
(o more2 s3eet Hamlet6
murderer and a 4illain9
sla4e that is not t3entieth part the tithe 11;
Of &our precedent lord9 a 4ice of 5ings9
cutpurse of the empire and the rule2
!hat from a shelf the precious diadem stole2
nd put it in his poc5et6
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
(o more6 117
5ing of shreds and patches2>>
Enter Ghost
#a4e me2 and ho4er o/er me 3ith &our 3ings2
8ou hea4enl& guards6 .hat 3ould &our gracious figure0
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
las2 he/s mad6
-o &ou not come &our tard& son to chide2 1=;
!hat2 lapsed in time and passion2 lets go *&
!he important acting of &our dread command0 O2 sa&6
-o not forget: this 4isitation
"s *ut to 3het th& almost *lunted purpose)
,ut2 loo52 amazement on th& mother sits: 1=7
O2 step *et3een her and her fighting soul:
Conceit in 3ea5est *odies strongest 3or5s:
#pea5 to her2 Hamlet)
Ho3 is it 3ith &ou2 lad&0
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
las2 ho3 is/t 3ith &ou2 1?;
!hat &ou do *end &our e&e on 4acanc&
nd 3ith the incorporal air do hold discourse0
+orth at &our e&es &our spirits 3ildl& peep9
nd2 as the sleeping soldiers in the alarm2
Griffin 1,B
8our *edded hair2 li5e life in e%crements2 1?7
#tarts up2 and stands on end) O gentle son2
<pon the heat and flame of th& distemper
#prin5le cool patience) .hereon do &ou loo50
On him2 on him6 Loo5 &ou2 ho3 pale he glares6 1@;
His form and cause conAoin/d2 preaching to stones2
.ould ma5e them capa*le) -o not loo5 upon me9
Lest 3ith this piteous action &ou con4ert
M& stern effects: then 3hat " ha4e to do
.ill 3ant true colour9 tears perchance for *lood) 1@7
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
!o 3hom do &ou spea5 this0
-o &ou see nothing there0
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
(othing at all9 &et all that is " see)
(or did &ou nothing hear0
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
(o2 nothing *ut oursel4es) 17;
.h&2 loo5 &ou there6 loo52 ho3 it steals a3a&6
M& father2 in his ha*it as he li4ed6
Loo52 3here he goes2 e4en no32 out at the portal6
'%it Ghost
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
!his the 4er& coinage of &our *rain:
!his *odiless creation ecstas& 177
"s 4er& cunning in)
M& pulse2 as &ours2 doth temperatel& 5eep time2
nd ma5es as healthful music: it is not madness
!hat " ha4e utter/d: *ring me to the test2 1B;
nd " the matter 3ill re>3ord9 3hich madness
Griffin 1,/
.ould gam*ol from) Mother2 for lo4e of grace2
La& not that mattering unction to &our soul2
!hat not &our trespass2 *ut m& madness spea5s:
"t 3ill *ut s5in and film the ulcerous place2 1B7
.hilst ran5 corruption2 mining all 3ithin2
"nfects unseen) Confess &ourself to hea4en9
Repent 3hat/s past9 a4oid 3hat is to come9
nd do not spread the compost on the 3eeds2
!o ma5e them ran5er) +orgi4e me this m& 4irtue9 1C;
+or in the fatness of these purs& times
Jirtue itself of 4ice must pardon *eg2
8ea2 cur* and 3oo for lea4e to do him good)
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
O Hamlet2 thou hast cleft m& heart in t3ain) 1C7
O2 thro3 a3a& the 3orser part of it2
nd li4e the purer 3ith the other half)
Good night: *ut go not to mine uncle/s *ed9
ssume a 4irtue2 if &ou ha4e it not)
!hat monster2 custom2 3ho all sense doth eat2 1D;
Of ha*its de4il2 is angel &et in this2
!hat to the use of actions fair and good
He li5e3ise gi4es a froc5 or li4er&2
!hat aptl& is put on) Refrain to>night2
nd that shall lend a 5ind of easiness 1D7
!o the ne%t a*stinence: the ne%t more eas&9
+or use almost can change the stamp of nature2
nd either K L the de4il2 or thro3 him out
.ith 3ondrous potenc&) Once more2 good night:
nd 3hen &ou are desirous to *e *less/d2 1E;
"/ll *lessing *eg of &ou) +or this same lord2
%ointin* to %OLO#IUS
" do repent: *ut hea4en hath pleased it so2
!o punish me 3ith this and this 3ith me2
!hat " must *e their scourge and minister)
" 3ill *esto3 him2 and 3ill ans3er 3ell 1E7
!he death " ga4e him) #o2 again2 good night)
" must *e cruel2 onl& to *e 5ind:
!hus *ad *egins and 3orse remains *ehind)
One 3ord more2 good lad&)
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
Griffin 11,
.hat shall " do0 =;;
(ot this2 *& no means2 that " *id &ou do:
Let the *loat 5ing tempt &ou again to *ed9
Pinch 3anton on &our chee59 call &ou his mouse9
nd let him2 for a pair of reech& 5isses2
Or paddling in &our nec5 3ith his damn/d fingers2 =;7
Ma5e &ou to ra4el all this matter out2
!hat " essentiall& am not in madness2
,ut mad in craft) /!3ere good &ou let him 5no39
+or 3ho2 that/s *ut a :ueen2 fair2 so*er2 3ise2
.ould from a paddoc52 from a *at2 a gi*2 =1;
#uch dear concernings hide0 3ho 3ould do so0
(o2 in despite of sense and secrec&2
<npeg the *as5et on the house/s top)
Let the *irds fl&2 and2 li5e the famous ape2
!o tr& conclusions2 in the *as5et creep2 =17
nd *rea5 &our o3n nec5 do3n)
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
,e thou assured2 if 3ords *e made of *reath2
nd *reath of life2 " ha4e no life to *reathe
.hat thou hast said to me)
" must to 'ngland9 &ou 5no3 that0 ==;
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
" had forgot: /tis so concluded on)
!here/s letters seal/d: and m& t3o schoolfello3s2
.hom " 3ill trust as " 3ill adders fang/d2
!he& *ear the mandate9 the& must s3eep m& 3a&2 ==7
nd marshal me to 5na4er&) Let it 3or59
+or /tis the sport to ha4e the engineer
Hoist 3ith his o3n petard: and /t shall go hard
,ut " 3ill del4e one &ard *elo3 their mines2
nd *lo3 them at the moon: O2 /tis most s3eet2 =?;
.hen in one line t3o crafts directl& meet)
!his man shall set me pac5ing:
"/ll lug the guts into the neigh*our room)
Mother2 good night) "ndeed this counsellor
"s no3 most still2 most secret and most gra4e2 =?7
Griffin 111
.ho 3as in life a foolish prating 5na4e)
Come2 sir2 to dra3 to3ard an end 3ith &ou)
Good night2 mother)
Exeunt se0erall24 HAMLET dra**in* in %OLO#IUS x
Griffin 112
C! "J
Griffin 11)
C! "J G=:=@ >
#C'(' ") room in the castle)
Summary: Frantic after her confrontation with Hamlet, Gertrude hurries to Claudius,
who is conferring with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. She asks to seak to the king
alone. !hen Rosencrantz and Guildenstern e"it, she tells Claudius a#out her encounter
with Hamlet. She says that he is as mad as the sea during a $iolent storm% she also tells
Claudius that Hamlet has killed &olonius. 'ghast, the king notes that had he #een
concealed #ehind the arras, Hamlet would ha$e killed him. Claudius wonders aloud how
he will #e a#le to handle this u#lic crisis without damaging his hold on (enmark. He
tells Gertrude that they must shi Hamlet to )ngland at once and find a way to e"lain
Hamlet*s misdeed to the court and to the eole. He calls Rosencrantz and
Guildenstern, tells them a#out the murder, and sends them to find Hamlet.
K"(G CL<-"<#
!here/s matter in these sighs2 these profound hea4es:
8ou must translate: /tis fit 3e understand them)
.here is &our son0
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
,esto3 this place on us a little 3hile)
h2 m& good lord2 3hat ha4e " seen to>night6 7
K"(G CL<-"<#
.hat2 Gertrude0 Ho3 does Hamlet0
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
Mad as the sea and 3ind2 3hen *oth contend
.hich is the mightier: in his la3less fit2
,ehind the arras hearing something stir2
.hips out his rapier2 cries2 / rat2 a rat6/ 1;
nd2 in this *rainish apprehension2 5ills
!he unseen good old man)
K"(G CL<-"<#
O hea4& deed6
"t had *een so 3ith us2 had 3e *een there: 17
His li*ert& is full of threats to all9
!o &ou &ourself2 to us2 to e4er& one)
las2 ho3 shall this *lood& deed *e ans3er/d0
"t 3ill *e laid to us2 3hose pro4idence
#hould ha4e 5ept short2 restrain/d and out of haunt2 =;
!his mad &oung man: *ut so much 3as our lo4e2
.e 3ould not understand 3hat 3as most fit9
,ut2 li5e the o3ner of a foul disease2
!o 5eep it from di4ulging2 let it feed
'4en on the pith of Life) .here is he gone0 =7
Griffin 11*
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
!o dra3 apart the *od& he hath 5ill/d:
O/er 3hom his 4er& madness2 li5e some ore
mong a mineral of metals *ase2
#ho3s itself pure9 he 3eeps for 3hat is done)
K"(G CL<-"<#
O Gertrude2 come a3a&6 ?;
!he sun no sooner shall the mountains touch2
,ut 3e 3ill ship him hence: and this 4ile deed
.e must2 3ith all our maAest& and s5ill2
,oth countenance and e%cuse) Ho2 Guildenstern6
Re-enter ROSE#CRA#T. and GUIL$E#STER#
+riends *oth2 go Aoin &ou 3ith some further aid: ?7
Hamlet in madness hath Polonius slain2
nd from his mother/s closet hath he dragg/d him:
Go see5 him out9 spea5 fair2 and *ring the *od&
"nto the chapel) " pra& &ou2 haste in this)
Come2 Gertrude2 3e/ll call up our 3isest friends9 @;
nd let them 5no32 *oth 3hat 3e mean to do2
nd 3hat/s untimel& done) O2 come a3a&6
M& soul is full of discord and disma&)
Griffin 110
#C'(' "") nother room in the castle)
Summary: )lsewhere in )lsinore, Hamlet has +ust finished disosing of &olonius*s #ody,
commenting that the corse has #een ,safely stowed- ./0.ii.12. Rosencrantz and
Guildenstern aear and ask what he has done with the #ody. Hamlet refuses to gi$e
them a straight answer, instead saying, ,3he #ody is with the king, #ut the king is not
with the #ody- ./0.ii.456472. Feigning offense at #eing 8uestioned, he accuses them of
#eing sies in the ser$ice of Claudius. He calls Rosencrantz a ,songe . . . that soaks u
the king*s countenance, his rewards, his authorities,-and warns him that ,when he needs
what you ha$e gleaned, it is #ut s8ueezing you, and, songe, you shall #e dry again-
./0.ii.116192. 't last he agrees to allow Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to escort him to
#afel& sto3ed)
RO#'(CR(!M: G<"L-'(#!'R(:
K.ithinL Hamlet6 Lord Hamlet6
.hat noise0 3ho calls on Hamlet0
O2 here the& come)
.hat ha4e &ou done2 m& lord2 3ith the dead *od&0 7
Compounded it 3ith dust2 3hereto /tis 5in)
!ell us 3here /tis2 that 3e ma& ta5e it thence
nd *ear it to the chapel)
-o not *elie4e it)
,elie4e 3hat0 1;
!hat " can 5eep &our counsel and not mine o3n)
,esides2 to *e demanded of a sponge6 3hat
replication should *e made *& the son of a 5ing0
!a5e &ou me for a sponge2 m& lord0
Griffin 11@
&2 sir2 that soa5s up the 5ing/s countenance2 his 17
re3ards2 his authorities) ,ut such officers do the
5ing *est ser4ice in the end: he 5eeps them2 li5e
an ape2 in the corner of his Aa39 first mouthed2 to
*e last s3allo3ed: 3hen he needs 3hat &ou ha4e
gleaned2 it is *ut s:ueezing &ou2 and2 sponge2 &ou =;
shall *e dr& again)
" understand &ou not2 m& lord)
" am glad of it: a 5na4ish speech sleeps in a
foolish ear)
M& lord2 &ou must tell us 3here the *od& is2 and go =7
3ith us to the 5ing)
!he *od& is 3ith the 5ing2 *ut the 5ing is not 3ith
the *od&) !he 5ing is a thing>>
thing2 m& lord6
Of nothing: *ring me to him) Hide fo%2 and all after) ?;
Griffin 11A
#C'(' """) nother room in the castle)
Summary: 3he king seaks to a grou of attendants, telling them of &olonius*s death
and his intention to send Hamlet to )ngland. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern aear with
Hamlet, who is under guard. &ressed #y Claudius to re$eal the location of &olonius*s
#ody, Hamlet is #y turns inane, coy, and cle$er, saying that &olonius is #eing eaten #y
worms, and that the king could send a messenger to find &olonius in hea$en or seek him
in hell himself. Finally, Hamlet re$eals that &olonius*s #ody is under the stairs near the
castle lo##y, and the king disatches his attendants to look there. 3he king tells Hamlet
that he must lea$e at once for )ngland, and Hamlet enthusiastically agrees. He e"its,
and Claudius sends Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to ensure that he #oards the shi at
once. 'lone with his thoughts, Claudius states his hoe that )ngland will o#ey the
sealed orders he has sent with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. 3he orders call for &rince
Hamlet to #e ut to death.
Enter ,I#G CLAU$IUS! attended
K"(G CL<-"<#
" ha4e sent to see5 him2 and to find the *od&)
Ho3 dangerous is it that this man goes loose6
8et must not 3e put the strong la3 on him:
He/s lo4ed of the distracted multitude2
.ho li5e not in their Audgment2 *ut their e&es9 7
nd 3here tis so2 the offender/s scourge is 3eigh/d2
,ut ne4er the offence) !o *ear all smooth and e4en2
!his sudden sending him a3a& must seem
-eli*erate pause: diseases desperate gro3n
,& desperate appliance are relie4ed2 1;
Or not at all)
Ho3 no36 3hat hath *efall/n0
.here the dead *od& is *esto3/d2 m& lord2
.e cannot get from him)
K"(G CL<-"<#
,ut 3here is he0 17
.ithout2 m& lord9 guarded2 to 5no3 &our pleasure)
K"(G CL<-"<#
,ring him *efore us)
Ho2 Guildenstern6 *ring in m& lord)
Griffin 11B
K"(G CL<-"<#
(o32 Hamlet2 3here/s Polonius0
t supper) =;
K"(G CL<-"<#
t supper6 3here0
(ot 3here he eats2 *ut 3here he is eaten: a certain
con4ocation of politic 3orms are e/en at him) 8our
3orm is &our onl& emperor for diet: 3e fat all
creatures else to fat us2 and 3e fat oursel4es for =7
maggots: &our fat 5ing and &our lean *eggar is *ut
4aria*le ser4ice2 t3o dishes2 *ut to one ta*le:
that/s the end)
K"(G CL<-"<#
las2 alas6
man ma& fish 3ith the 3orm that hath eat of a ?;
5ing2 and cat of the fish that hath fed of that 3orm)
K"(G CL<-"<#
.hat dost &ou mean *& this0
(othing *ut to sho3 &ou ho3 a 5ing ma& go a
progress through the guts of a *eggar)
K"(G CL<-"<#
.here is Polonius0 ?7
"n hea4en9 send hither to see: if &our messenger
find him not there2 see5 him i/ the other place
&ourself) ,ut indeed2 if &ou find him not 3ithin
this month2 &ou shall nose him as &ou go up the
stairs into the lo**&) @;
K"(G CL<-"<#
Go see5 him there)
To so'e Attendants
He 3ill sta& till &e come)
Exeunt Attendants
Griffin 11/
K"(G CL<-"<#
Hamlet2 this deed2 for thine especial safet&2>>
.hich 3e do tender2 as 3e dearl& grie4e
+or that 3hich thou hast done2>>must send thee hence @7
.ith fier& :uic5ness: therefore prepare th&self9
!he *ar5 is read&2 and the 3ind at help2
!he associates tend2 and e4er& thing is *ent
+or 'ngland)
+or 'ngland6 7;
K"(G CL<-"<#
&2 Hamlet)
K"(G CL<-"<#
#o is it2 if thou 5ne3/st our purposes)
" see a cheru* that sees them) ,ut2 come9 for
'ngland6 +are3ell2 dear mother) 77
K"(G CL<-"<#
!h& lo4ing father2 Hamlet)
M& mother: father and mother is man and 3ife9 man
and 3ife is one flesh9 and so2 m& mother) Come2 for 'ngland6
K"(G CL<-"<#
+ollo3 him at foot9 tempt him 3ith speed a*oard9
-ela& it not9 "/ll ha4e him hence to>night: B;
3a&6 for e4er& thing is seal/d and done
!hat else leans on the affair: pra& &ou2 ma5e haste)
nd2 'ngland2 if m& lo4e thou hold/st at aught>>
s m& great po3er thereof ma& gi4e thee sense2
#ince &et th& cicatrice loo5s ra3 and red B7
fter the -anish s3ord2 and th& free a3e
Pa&s homage to us>>thou ma&st not coldl& set
Our so4ereign process9 3hich imports at full2
,& letters congruing to that effect2
!he present death of Hamlet) -o it2 'ngland9 C;
Griffin 12,
+or li5e the hectic in m& *lood he rages2
nd thou must cure me: till " 5no3 /tis done2
Ho3e/er m& haps2 m& Ao&s 3ere ne/er *egun)
Griffin 121
#C'(' "J) plain in -enmar5)
Summary: :n a near#y lain in (enmark, young &rince Fortin#ras marches at the head
of his army, tra$eling through (enmark on the way to attack &oland. Fortin#ras orders
his catain to go and ask the ;ing of (enmark for ermission to tra$el through his lands.
:n his way, the catain encounters Hamlet, Rosencrantz, and Guildenstern on their way
to the shi #ound for )ngland. 3he catain informs them that the Norwegian army rides
to fight the &oles. Hamlet asks a#out the #asis of the conflict, and the man tells him that
the armies will fight o$er ,a little atch of land < 3hat hath in it no rofit #ut the name-
./0.i$.9=6992. 'stonished #y the thought that a #loody war could #e fought o$er
something so insignificant, Hamlet mar$els that human #eings are a#le to act so
$iolently and urosefully for so little gain. >y comarison, Hamlet has a great deal to
gain from seeking his own #loody re$enge on Claudius, and yet he still delays and fails
to act toward his urose. (isgusted with himself for ha$ing failed to gain his re$enge on
Claudius, Hamlet declares that from this moment on, his thoughts will #e #loody.
Enter 1ORTI#"RAS! a Ca(tain! and Soldiers! 'archin*
PR"(C' +OR!"(,R#
Go2 captain2 from me greet the -anish 5ing9
!ell him that2 *& his licence2 +ortin*ras
Cra4es the con4e&ance of a promised march
O4er his 5ingdom) 8ou 5no3 the rendez4ous)
"f that his maAest& 3ould aught 3ith us2 7
.e shall e%press our dut& in his e&e9
nd let him 5no3 so)
" 3ill do/t2 m& lord)
PR"(C' +OR!"(,R#
Go softl& on)
Exeunt 1ORTI#"RAS and Soldiers
Enter HAMLET! ROSE#CRA#T.! GUIL$E#STER#! and others
Good sir2 3hose po3ers are these0 1;
!he& are of (or3a&2 sir)
Ho3 purposed2 sir2 " pra& &ou0
gainst some part of Poland)
.ho commands them2 sir0
Griffin 122
!he nephe3s to old (or3a&2 +ortin*ras) 17
Goes it against the main of Poland2 sir2
Or for some frontier0
!rul& to spea52 and 3ith no addition2
.e go to gain a little patch of ground
!hat hath in it no profit *ut the name) =;
!o pa& fi4e ducats2 fi4e2 " 3ould not farm it9
(or 3ill it &ield to (or3a& or the Pole
ran5er rate2 should it *e sold in fee)
.h&2 then the Polac5 ne4er 3ill defend it)
8es2 it is alread& garrison/d) =7
!3o thousand souls and t3ent& thousand ducats
.ill not de*ate the :uestion of this stra3:
!his is the imposthume of much 3ealth and peace2
!hat in3ard *rea5s2 and sho3s no cause 3ithout
.h& the man dies) " hum*l& than5 &ou2 sir) ?;
God *e 3i/ &ou2 sir)
.ilt please &ou go2 m& lord0
"/ll *e 3ith &ou straight go a little *efore)
Exeunt all exce(t HAMLET
Ho3 all occasions do inform against me2
nd spur m& dull re4enge6 .hat is a man2 ?7
"f his chief good and mar5et of his time
,e *ut to sleep and feed0 a *east2 no more)
#ure2 he that made us 3ith such large discourse2
Loo5ing *efore and after2 ga4e us not
!hat capa*ilit& and god>li5e reason @;
!o fust in us unused) (o32 3hether it *e
,estial o*li4ion2 or some cra4en scruple
Of thin5ing too precisel& on the e4ent2
Griffin 12)
thought 3hich2 :uarter/d2 hath *ut one part 3isdom
nd e4er three parts co3ard2 " do not 5no3 @7
.h& &et " li4e to sa& /!his thing/s to do9/
#ith " ha4e cause and 3ill and strength and means
!o do/t) '%amples gross as earth e%hort me:
.itness this arm& of such mass and charge
Led *& a delicate and tender prince2 7;
.hose spirit 3ith di4ine am*ition puff/d
Ma5es mouths at the in4isi*le e4ent2
'%posing 3hat is mortal and unsure
!o all that fortune2 death and danger dare2
'4en for an egg>shell) Rightl& to *e great 77
"s not to stir 3ithout great argument2
,ut greatl& to find :uarrel in a stra3
.hen honour/s at the sta5e) Ho3 stand " then2
!hat ha4e a father 5ill/d2 a mother stain/d2
'%citements of m& reason and m& *lood2 B;
nd let all sleep0 3hile2 to m& shame2 " see
!he imminent death of t3ent& thousand men2
!hat2 for a fantas& and tric5 of fame2
Go to their gra4es li5e *eds2 fight for a plot
.hereon the num*ers cannot tr& the cause2 B7
.hich is not tom* enough and continent
!o hide the slain0 O2 from this time forth2
M& thoughts *e *lood&2 or *e nothing 3orth6
Griffin 12*
#C'(' J) 'lsinore) room in the castle) G-is5 =: ;:;; H 17:;@I
#ummar&: Gertrude and Horatio discuss $!helia. Gertrude does not wish to see the
berea"ed irl, but Horatio says that $!helia should be !itied, e9!lainin that her rief has
made her disordered and incoherent. $!helia enters. 8dorned with flowers and sinin
strane sons, she seems to ha"e one mad. &laudius enters and hears $!helias ra"ins,
such as, 5<hey say the owl was a bakers dauhter7 +4C.".*21. He says that $!helias
rief stems from her fathers death, and that the !eo!le ha"e been sus!icious and
disturbed by the death as well- 5muddied, H <hick and unwholesome in their thouhts and
whis!ers H (or ood Polonius death7 +4C.".AA.A/1. He also mentions that #aertes has
secretly sailed back from (rance.
8 loud noise echoes from somewhere in the castle. &laudius calls for his uards, and a
entleman enters to warn the kin that #aertes has come with a mob of commoners. <he
mob calls #aertes 5lord,7 accordin to the entlemen, and the !eo!le whis!er that
5#aertes shall be kin7 +4C.".1,2.1,@1. 8 furious #aertes storms into the hall, fumin in
his desire to a"ene his fathers death. &laudius attem!ts to soothe him by frankly
acknowledin that Polonius is dead. Gertrude ner"ously adds that &laudius is innocent
in it. %hen $!helia reenters, ob"iously insane, #aertes !lunes aain into rae. &laudius
claims that he is not res!onsible for Poloniuss death and says that #aertes desire for
re"ene is a credit to him, so lon as he seeks re"ene u!on the !ro!er !erson. &laudius
con"inces #aertes to hear his "ersion of e"ents, which he says will answer all his
>uestions. #aertes arees, and &laudius seconds his desire to achie"e :ustice in the
aftermath of Poloniuss death- 5%here th offence is, let the reat a9e fall7 +4C.".21)1.
Enter -UEE# GERTRU$E! HORATIO! and a Gentle'an
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
" 3ill not spea5 3ith her)
#he is importunate2 indeed distract:
Her mood 3ill needs *e pitied)
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
.hat 3ould she ha4e0
#he spea5s much of her father9 sa&s she hears 7
!here/s tric5s i/ the 3orld9 and hems2 and *eats her heart9
#purns en4iousl& at stra3s9 spea5s things in dou*t2
!hat carr& *ut half sense: her speech is nothing2
8et the unshaped use of it doth mo4e
!he hearers to collection9 the& aim at it2 1;
nd *otch the 3ords up fit to their o3n thoughts9
.hich2 as her 3in5s2 and nods2 and gestures
&ield them2
"ndeed 3ould ma5e one thin5 there might *e thought2
Griffin 120
!hough nothing sure2 &et much unhappil&) 17
/!3ere good she 3ere spo5en 3ith9 for she ma& stre3
-angerous conAectures in ill>*reeding minds)
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
Let her come in)
!o m& sic5 soul2 as sin/s true nature is2
'ach to& seems prologue to some great amiss: =;
#o full of artless Aealous& is guilt2
"t spills itself in fearing to *e spilt)
Re-enter HORATIO! with O%HELIA
.here is the *eauteous maAest& of -enmar50
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
Ho3 no32 Ophelia6
Ho3 should " &our true lo4e 5no3 =7
+rom another one0
,& his coc5le hat and staff2
nd his sandal shoon)
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
las2 s3eet lad&2 3hat imports this song0
#a& &ou0 na&2 pra& &ou2 mar5) ?;
He is dead and gone2 lad&2
He is dead and gone9
t his head a grass>green turf2
t his heels a stone)
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
(a&2 *ut2 Ophelia2>> ?7
Pra& &ou2 mar5)
Griffin 12@
.hite his shroud as the mountain sno32>>
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
las2 loo5 here2 m& lord)
Larded 3ith s3eet flo3ers
.hich *e3ept to the gra4e did go @;
.ith true>lo4e sho3ers)
K"(G CL<-"<#
Ho3 do &ou2 prett& lad&0
.ell2 God /ild &ou6 !he& sa& the o3l 3as a *a5er/s
daughter) Lord2 3e 5no3 3hat 3e are2 *ut 5no3 not
3hat 3e ma& *e) God *e at &our ta*le6 @7
K"(G CL<-"<#
Conceit upon her father)
Pra& &ou2 let/s ha4e no 3ords of this9 *ut 3hen the&
as5 &ou 3hat it means2 sa& &ou this:
!o>morro3 is #aint Jalentine/s da&2
ll in the morning *etime2 7;
nd " a maid at &our 3indo32
!o *e &our Jalentine)
!hen up he rose2 and donn/d his clothes2
nd dupp/d the cham*er>door9
Let in the maid2 that out a maid 77
(e4er departed more)
K"(G CL<-"<#
Prett& Ophelia6
"ndeed2 la2 3ithout an oath2 "/ll ma5e an end on/t:
,& Gis and *& #aint Charit&2
lac52 and fie for shame6 B;
8oung men 3ill do/t2 if the& come to/t9
Griffin 12A
,& coc52 the& are to *lame)
Quoth she2 *efore &ou tum*led me2
8ou promised me to 3ed)
#o 3ould " ha/ done2 *& &onder sun2 B7
n thou hadst not come to m& *ed)
K"(G CL<-"<#
Ho3 long hath she *een thus0
" hope all 3ill *e 3ell) .e must *e patient: *ut "
cannot choose *ut 3eep2 to thin5 the& should la& him
i/ the cold ground) M& *rother shall 5no3 of it: C;
and so " than5 &ou for &our good counsel) Come2 m&
coach6 Good night2 ladies9 good night2 s3eet ladies9
good night2 good night)
K"(G CL<-"<#
+ollo3 her close9 gi4e her good 3atch2
" pra& &ou) C7
O2 this is the poison of deep grief9 it springs
ll from her father/s death) O Gertrude2 Gertrude2
.hen sorro3s come2 the& come not single spies
,ut in *attalions) +irst2 her father slain:
(e%t2 &our son gone9 and he most 4iolent author D;
Of his o3n Aust remo4e: the people muddied2
!hic5 and un3holesome in their thoughts and 3hispers2
+or good Polonius/ death9 and 3e ha4e done *ut greenl&2
"n hugger>mugger to inter him: poor Ophelia
-i4ided from herself and her fair Audgment2 D7
.ithout the 3hich 3e are pictures2 or mere *easts:
Last2 and as much containing as all these2
Her *rother is in secret come from +rance9
+eeds on his 3onder2 5eeps himself in clouds2
nd 3ants not *uzzers to infect his ear E;
.ith pestilent speeches of his father/s death9
.herein necessit&2 of matter *eggar/d2
.ill nothing stic5 our person to arraign
"n ear and ear) O m& dear Gertrude2 this2
Li5e to a murdering>piece2 in man& places E7
Gi4es me superfluous death)
A noise within
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
lac52 3hat noise is this0
Griffin 12B
K"(G CL<-"<#
.here are m& #3itzers0 Let them guard the door)
Enter another Gentle'an
.hat is the matter0
#a4e &ourself2 m& lord: 1;;
!he ocean2 o4erpeering of his list2
'ats not the flats 3ith more impetuous haste
!han &oung Laertes2 in a riotous head2
O/er*ears &our officers) !he ra**le call him lord9
nd2 as the 3orld 3ere no3 *ut to *egin2 1;7
nti:uit& forgot2 custom not 5no3n2
!he ratifiers and props of e4er& 3ord2
!he& cr& /Choose 3e: Laertes shall *e 5ing:/
Caps2 hands2 and tongues2 applaud it to the clouds:
/Laertes shall *e 5ing2 Laertes 5ing6/ 11;
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
Ho3 cheerfull& on the false trail the& cr&6
O2 this is counter2 &ou false -anish dogs6
K"(G CL<-"<#
!he doors are *ro5e)
#oise within
Enter LAERTES! ar'ed4 $anes &ollowin*
.here is this 5ing0 #irs2 stand &ou all 3ithout)
(o2 let/s come in) 117
" pra& &ou2 gi4e me lea4e)
.e 3ill2 3e 3ill)
The2 retire without the door
" than5 &ou: 5eep the door) O thou 4ile 5ing2
Gi4e me m& father6
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
Griffin 12/
Calml&2 good Laertes) 1=;
!hat drop of *lood that/s calm proclaims me *astard2
Cries cuc5old to m& father2 *rands the harlot
'4en here2 *et3een the chaste unsmirched *ro3
Of m& true mother)
K"(G CL<-"<#
.hat is the cause2 Laertes2 1=7
!hat th& re*ellion loo5s so giant>li5e0
Let him go2 Gertrude9 do not fear our person:
!here/s such di4init& doth hedge a 5ing2
!hat treason can *ut peep to 3hat it 3ould2
cts little of his 3ill) !ell me2 Laertes2 1?;
.h& thou art thus incensed) Let him go2 Gertrude)
#pea52 man)
.here is m& father0
K"(G CL<-"<#
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
,ut not *& him) 1?7
K"(G CL<-"<#
Let him demand his fill)
Ho3 came he dead0 "/ll not *e Auggled 3ith:
!o hell2 allegiance6 4o3s2 to the *lac5est de4il6
Conscience and grace2 to the profoundest pit6
" dare damnation) !o this point " stand2 1@;
!hat *oth the 3orlds " gi4e to negligence2
Let come 3hat comes9 onl& "/ll *e re4enged
Most thoroughl& for m& father)
K"(G CL<-"<#
.ho shall sta& &ou0
M& 3ill2 not all the 3orld: 1@7
nd for m& means2 "/ll hus*and them so 3ell2
!he& shall go far 3ith little)
K"(G CL<-"<#
Good Laertes2
"f &ou desire to 5no3 the certaint&
Of &our dear father/s death2 is/t 3rit in &our re4enge2 17;
Griffin 1),
!hat2 s3oopsta5e2 &ou 3ill dra3 *oth friend and foe2
.inner and loser0
(one *ut his enemies)
K"(G CL<-"<#
.ill &ou 5no3 them then0
!o his good friends thus 3ide "/ll ope m& arms9 177
nd li5e the 5ind life>rendering pelican2
Repast them 3ith m& *lood)
K"(G CL<-"<#
.h&2 no3 &ou spea5
Li5e a good child and a true gentleman)
!hat " am guiltless of &our father/s death2 1B;
nd am most sensi*le in grief for it2
"t shall as le4el to &our Audgment pierce
s da& does to &our e&e)
K.ithinL Let her come in)
Ho3 no36 3hat noise is that0 1B7
Re-enter O%HELIA
O heat2 dr& up m& *rains6 tears se4en times salt2
,urn out the sense and 4irtue of mine e&e6
,& hea4en2 th& madness shall *e paid *& 3eight2
!ill our scale turn the *eam) O rose of Ma&6
-ear maid2 5ind sister2 s3eet Ophelia6 1C;
O hea4ens6 is/t possi*le2 a &oung maid/s 3its
#hould *e as moral as an old man/s life0
(ature is fine in lo4e2 and 3here /tis fine2
"t sends some precious instance of itself
fter the thing it lo4es) 1C7
!he& *ore him *arefaced on the *ier9
He& non nonn&2 nonn&2 he& nonn&9
nd in his gra4e rain/d man& a tear:>>
+are &ou 3ell2 m& do4e6
Hadst thou th& 3its2 and didst persuade re4enge2 1D;
"t could not mo4e thus)
Griffin 1)1
8ou must sing a>do3n a>do3n2
n &ou call him a>do3n>a)
O2 ho3 the 3heel *ecomes it6 "t is the false
ste3ard2 that stole his master/s daughter) 1D7
!his nothing/s more than matter)
!here/s rosemar&2 that/s for remem*rance9 pra&2
lo4e2 remem*er: and there is pansies) that/s for thoughts)
document in madness2 thoughts and remem*rance fitted)
!here/s fennel for &ou2 and colum*ines: there/s rue 1E;
for &ou9 and here/s some for me: 3e ma& call it
her*>grace o/ #unda&s: O &ou must 3ear &our rue 3ith
a difference) !here/s a dais&: " 3ould gi4e &ou
some 4iolets2 *ut the& 3ithered all 3hen m& father
died: the& sa& he made a good end2>> 1E7
+or *onn& s3eet Ro*in is all m& Ao&)
!hought and affliction2 passion2 hell itself2
#he turns to fa4our and to prettiness)
nd 3ill he not come again0
nd 3ill he not come again0 =;;
(o2 no2 he is dead:
Go to th& death>*ed:
He ne4er 3ill come again)
His *eard 3as as 3hite as sno32
ll fla%en 3as his poll: =;7
He is gone2 he is gone2
nd 3e cast a3a& moan:
God ha/ merc& on his soul6
nd of all Christian souls2 " pra& God) God *e 3i/ &e)
Griffin 1)2
-o &ou see this2 O God0 =1;
K"(G CL<-"<#
Laertes2 " must commune 3ith &our grief2
Or &ou den& me right) Go *ut apart2
Ma5e choice of 3hom &our 3isest friends &ou 3ill)
nd the& shall hear and Audge /t3i%t &ou and me:
"f *& direct or *& collateral hand =17
!he& find us touch/d2 3e 3ill our 5ingdom gi4e2
Our cro3n2 our life2 and all that 3e can ours2
!o &ou in satisfaction9 *ut if not2
,e &ou content to lend &our patience to us2
nd 3e shall Aointl& la*our 3ith &our soul ==;
!o gi4e it due content)
Let this *e so9
His means of death2 his o*scure funeral>>
(o troph&2 s3ord2 nor hatchment o/er his *ones2
(o no*le rite nor formal ostentation>> ==7
Cr& to *e heard2 as /t3ere from hea4en to earth2
!hat " must call/t in :uestion)
K"(G CL<-"<#
#o &ou shall9
nd 3here the offence is let the great a%e fall)
" pra& &ou2 go 3ith me) =?;
Griffin 1))
#C'(' J") nother room in the castle) GG-is5 =: 17:;@ H 1D:;;I
#ummar&: /n another art of the castle, Horatio is introduced to a air of sailors #earing
a letter for him from Hamlet. /n the letter, Hamlet says that his shi was catured #y
irates, who ha$e returned him to (enmark. He asks Horatio to escort the sailors to the
king and 8ueen, for they ha$e messages for them as well. He also says that he has
much to tell of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Horatio takes the sailors to the king and
then follows them to find Hamlet, who is in the countryside near the castle.
Enter HORATIO and a Ser0ant
.hat are the& that 3ould spea5 3ith me0
#ailors2 sir: the& sa& the& ha4e letters for &ou)
Let them come in)
Exit Ser0ant
" do not 5no3 from 3hat part of the 3orld
" should *e greeted2 if not from Lord Hamlet) 7
Enter Sailors
+irst #ailor
God *less &ou2 sir)
Let him *less thee too)
+irst #ailor
He shall2 sir2 an/t please him) !here/s a letter for
&ou2 sir9 it comes from the am*assador that 3as
*ound for 'ngland9 if &our name *e Horatio2 as " am 1;
let to 5no3 it is)
KReadsL /Horatio2 3hen thou shalt ha4e o4erloo5ed
this2 gi4e these fello3s some means to the 5ing:
the& ha4e letters for him) 're 3e 3ere t3o da&s old
at sea2 a pirate of 4er& 3arli5e appointment ga4e us 17
chase) +inding oursel4es too slo3 of sail2 3e put on
a compelled 4alour2 and in the grapple " *oarded
them: on the instant the& got clear of our ship9 so
" alone *ecame their prisoner) !he& ha4e dealt 3ith
me li5e thie4es of merc&: *ut the& 5ne3 3hat the& =;
did9 " am to do a good turn for them) Let the 5ing
ha4e the letters " ha4e sent9 and repair thou to me
3ith as much speed as thou 3ouldst fl& death) "
Griffin 1)*
ha4e 3ords to spea5 in thine ear 3ill ma5e thee
dum*9 &et are the& much too light for the *ore of =7
the matter) !hese good fello3s 3ill *ring thee
3here " am) Rosencrantz and Guildenstern hold their
course for 'ngland: of them " ha4e much to tell
thee) +are3ell)
/He that thou 5no3est thine2 HML'!)/ ?;
Come2 " 3ill ma5e &ou 3a& for these &our letters9
nd do/t the speedier2 that &ou ma& direct me
!o him from 3hom &ou *rought them)
Griffin 1)0
#C'(' J"") nother room in the castle) G-is5 =: 1D:;; H =E:?;I
#ummar&: 8s Horatio s!eaks to the sailors, &laudius and a calmer #aertes discuss
Poloniuss death. &laudius e9!lains that he acted as he did, buryin Polonius secretly and
not !unishin Hamlet for the murder, because both the common !eo!le and the >ueen
lo"e Hamlet "ery much. 8s a kin and as a husband, he did not wish to u!set either of
them. 8 messener enters with the letter from Hamlet to &laudius, which informs the
kin that Hamlet will return tomorrow. #aertes is !leased that Hamlet has come back to
Denmark, since it means that his re"ene will not be delayed.
&laudius arees that #aertes deser"es to be re"ened u!on Hamlet, and he is dis!osed to
encourae #aertes to kill Hamlet, since Hamlets erratic beha"ior has made him a threat
to &laudiuss rein. <he de"ious kin beins to think of a way for #aertes to ensure his
re"ene without creatin any a!!earance of foul !lay. He recalls that Hamlet has been
:ealous in the !ast of #aertes !rowess with a sword, which was recently !raised before
all the court by a (renchman who had seen him in combat. <he kin s!eculates that if
Hamlet could be tem!ted into a duel with #aertes, it miht !ro"ide #aertes with the
chance to kill him. #aertes arees, and they settle on a !lan. #aertes will use a shar!ened
sword rather than the customary dull fencin blade. #aertes also !ro!oses to !oison his
sword, so that e"en a scratch from it will kill Hamlet. <he kin concocts a backu! !lan as
well, !ro!osin that if Hamlet succeeds in the duel, &laudius will offer him a !oisoned
cu! of wine to drink from in celebration.
Gertrude enters with traic news. $!helia, mad with rief, has drowned in the ri"er.
8nuished to ha"e lost his sister so soon after his fathers death, #aertes flees the room.
&laudius summons Gertrude to follow. He tells her it was nearly im!ossible to >uiet
#aertes rae, and worries that the news of $!helias death will reawaken it.
K"(G CL<-"<#
(o3 must &our conscience m& ac:uaintance seal2
nd &ou must put me in &our heart for friend2
#ith &ou ha4e heard2 and 3ith a 5no3ing ear2
!hat he 3hich hath &our no*le father slain
Pursued m& life) 7
"t 3ell appears: *ut tell me
.h& &ou proceeded not against these feats2
#o crimeful and so capital in nature2
s *& &our safet&2 3isdom2 all things else2
8ou mainl& 3ere stirr/d up) 1;
K"(G CL<-"<#
O2 for t3o special reasons9
.hich ma& to &ou2 perhaps2 seem much unsine3/d2
,ut &et to me the& are strong) !he :ueen his mother
Griffin 1)@
Li4es almost *& his loo5s9 and for m&self>>
M& 4irtue or m& plague2 *e it either 3hich>> 17
#he/s so conAuncti4e to m& life and soul2
!hat2 as the star mo4es not *ut in his sphere2
" could not *ut *& her) !he other moti4e2
.h& to a pu*lic count " might not go2
"s the great lo4e the general gender *ear him9 =;
.ho2 dipping all his faults in their affection2
.ould2 li5e the spring that turneth 3ood to stone2
Con4ert his g&4es to graces9 so that m& arro3s2
!oo slightl& tim*er/d for so loud a 3ind2
.ould ha4e re4erted to m& *o3 again2 =7
nd not 3here " had aim/d them)
nd so ha4e " a no*le father lost9
sister dri4en into desperate terms2
.hose 3orth2 if praises ma& go *ac5 again2 ?;
#tood challenger on mount of all the age
+or her perfections: *ut m& re4enge 3ill come)
K"(G CL<-"<#
,rea5 not &our sleeps for that: &ou must not thin5
!hat 3e are made of stuff so flat and dull ?7
!hat 3e can let our *eard *e shoo5 3ith danger
nd thin5 it pastime) 8ou shortl& shall hear more:
" lo4ed &our father2 and 3e lo4e ourself9
nd that2 " hope2 3ill teach &ou to imagine>>
Enter a Messen*er
Ho3 no36 3hat ne3s0 @;
Letters2 m& lord2 from Hamlet:
!his to &our maAest&9 this to the :ueen)
K"(G CL<-"<#
+rom Hamlet6 3ho *rought them0
#ailors2 m& lord2 the& sa&9 " sa3 them not:
!he& 3ere gi4en me *& Claudio9 he recei4ed them @7
Of him that *rought them)
K"(G CL<-"<#
Laertes2 &ou shall hear them) Lea4e us)
Exit Messen*er
Griffin 1)A
/High and might&2 8ou shall 5no3 " am set na5ed on
&our 5ingdom) !o>morro3 shall " *eg lea4e to see
&our 5ingl& e&es: 3hen " shall2 first as5ing &our 7;
pardon thereunto2 recount the occasion of m& sudden
and more strange return) /HML'!)/
.hat should this mean0 re all the rest come *ac50
Or is it some a*use2 and no such thing0
Kno3 &ou the hand0 77
K"(G CL<-"<#
/!is Hamlets character) /(a5ed6
nd in a postscript here2 he sa&s /alone)/
Can &ou ad4ise me0
"/m lost in it2 m& lord) ,ut let him come9
"t 3arms the 4er& sic5ness in m& heart2 B;
!hat " shall li4e and tell him to his teeth2
/!hus didest thou)/
K"(G CL<-"<#
"f it *e so2 Laertes>>
s ho3 should it *e so0 ho3 other3ise0>>
.ill &ou *e ruled *& me0 B7
&2 m& lord9
#o &ou 3ill not o/errule me to a peace)
K"(G CL<-"<#
!o thine o3n peace) "f he *e no3 return/d2
s chec5ing at his 4o&age2 and that he means
(o more to underta5e it2 " 3ill 3or5 him C;
!o an e%ploit2 no3 ripe in m& de4ice2
<nder the 3hich he shall not choose *ut fall:
nd for his death no 3ind of *lame shall *reathe2
,ut e4en his mother shall uncharge the practise
nd call it accident) C7
M& lord2 " 3ill *e ruled9
!he rather2 if &ou could de4ise it so
!hat " might *e the organ)
K"(G CL<-"<#
"t falls right)
8ou ha4e *een tal5/d of since &our tra4el much2 D;
nd that in Hamlet/s hearing2 for a :ualit&
Griffin 1)B
.herein2 the& sa&2 &ou shine: &our sum of parts
-id not together pluc5 such en4& from him
s did that one2 and that2 in m& regard2
Of the un3orthiest siege) D7
.hat part is that2 m& lord0
K"(G CL<-"<#
4er& ri*and in the cap of &outh2
8et needful too9 for &outh no less *ecomes
!he light and careless li4er& that it 3ears
!han settled age his sa*les and his 3eeds2 E;
"mporting health and gra4eness) !3o months since2
Here 3as a gentleman of (ormand&:>>
"/4e seen m&self2 and ser4ed against2 the +rench2
nd the& can 3ell on horse*ac5: *ut this gallant
Had 3itchcraft in/t9 he gre3 unto his seat9 E7
nd to such 3ondrous doing *rought his horse2
s he had *een incorpsed and demi>natured
.ith the *ra4e *east: so far he topp/d m& thought2
!hat "2 in forger& of shapes and tric5s2
Come short of 3hat he did) 1;;
(orman 3as/t0
K"(G CL<-"<#
<pon m& life2 Lamond)
K"(G CL<-"<#
!he 4er& same)
" 5no3 him 3ell: he is the *rooch indeed 1;7
nd gem of all the nation)
K"(G CL<-"<#
He made confession of &ou2
nd ga4e &ou such a masterl& report
+or art and e%ercise in &our defence
nd for &our rapier most especiall&2 11;
!hat he cried out2 /t3ould *e a sight indeed2
"f one could match &ou: the scrimers of their nation2
He s3ore2 had had neither motion2 guard2 nor e&e2
"f &ou opposed them) #ir2 this report of his
-id Hamlet so en4enom 3ith his en4& 117
!hat he could nothing do *ut 3ish and *eg
Griffin 1)/
8our sudden coming o/er2 to pla& 3ith him)
(o32 out of this2>>
.hat out of this2 m& lord0
K"(G CL<-"<#
Laertes2 3as &our father dear to &ou0 1=;
Or are &ou li5e the painting of a sorro32
face 3ithout a heart0
.h& as5 &ou this0
K"(G CL<-"<#
(ot that " thin5 &ou did not lo4e &our father9
,ut that " 5no3 lo4e is *egun *& time9 1=7
nd that " see2 in passages of proof2
!ime :ualifies the spar5 and fire of it)
!here li4es 3ithin the 4er& flame of lo4e
5ind of 3ic5 or snuff that 3ill a*ate it9
nd nothing is at a li5e goodness still9 1?;
+or goodness2 gro3ing to a pluris&2
-ies in his o3n too much: that 3e 3ould do
.e should do 3hen 3e 3ould9 for this /3ould/ changes
nd hath a*atements and dela&s as man&
s there are tongues2 are hands2 are accidents9 1?7
nd then this /should/ is li5e a spendthrift sigh2
!hat hurts *& easing) ,ut2 to the :uic5 o/ the ulcer:>>
Hamlet comes *ac5: 3hat 3ould &ou underta5e2
!o sho3 &ourself &our father/s son in deed
More than in 3ords0 1@;
!o cut his throat i/ the church)
K"(G CL<-"<#
(o place2 indeed2 should murder sanctuarize9
Re4enge should ha4e no *ounds) ,ut2 good Laertes2
.ill &ou do this2 5eep close 3ithin &our cham*er)
Hamlet return/d shall 5no3 &ou are come home: 1@7
.e/ll put on those shall praise &our e%cellence
nd set a dou*le 4arnish on the fame
!he +renchman ga4e &ou2 *ring &ou in fine together
nd 3ager on &our heads: he2 *eing remiss2
Most generous and free from all contri4ing2 17;
.ill not peruse the foils9 so that2 3ith ease2
Or 3ith a little shuffling2 &ou ma& choose
s3ord un*ated2 and in a pass of practise
Re:uite him for &our father)
Griffin 1*,
" 3ill do/t: 177
nd2 for that purpose2 "/ll anoint m& s3ord)
" *ought an unction of a mounte*an52
#o mortal that2 *ut dip a 5nife in it2
.here it dra3s *lood no cataplasm so rare2
Collected from all simples that ha4e 4irtue 1B;
<nder the moon2 can sa4e the thing from death
!hat is *ut scratch/d 3ithal: "/ll touch m& point
.ith this contagion2 that2 if " gall him slightl&2
"t ma& *e death)
K"(G CL<-"<#
Let/s further thin5 of this9 1B7
.eigh 3hat con4enience *oth of time and means
Ma& fit us to our shape: if this should fail2
nd that our drift loo5 through our *ad performance2
/!3ere *etter not assa&/d: therefore this proAect
#hould ha4e a *ac5 or second2 that might hold2 1C;
"f this should *last in proof) #oft6 let me see:
.e/ll ma5e a solemn 3ager on &our cunnings: " ha/t)
.hen in &our motion &ou are hot and dr&>>
s ma5e &our *outs more 4iolent to that end>>
nd that he calls for drin52 "/ll ha4e prepared him 1C7
chalice for the nonce2 3hereon *ut sipping2
"f he *& chance escape &our 4enom/d stuc52
Our purpose ma& hold there)
Ho3 no32 s3eet :ueen6
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
One 3oe doth tread upon another/s heel2 1D;
#o fast the& follo39 &our sister/s dro3n/d2 Laertes)
-ro3n/d6 O2 3here0
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
!here is a 3illo3 gro3s aslant a *roo52
!hat sho3s his hoar lea4es in the glass& stream9
!here 3ith fantastic garlands did she come 1D7
Of cro3>flo3ers2 nettles2 daisies2 and long purples
!hat li*eral shepherds gi4e a grosser name2
,ut our cold maids do dead men/s fingers call them:
!here2 on the pendent *oughs her coronet 3eeds
Clam*ering to hang2 an en4ious sli4er *ro5e9 1E;
.hen do3n her 3eed& trophies and herself
+ell in the 3eeping *roo5) Her clothes spread 3ide9
Griffin 1*1
nd2 mermaid>li5e2 a3hile the& *ore her up:
.hich time she chanted snatches of old tunes9
s one incapa*le of her o3n distress2 1E7
Or li5e a creature nati4e and indued
<nto that element: *ut long it could not *e
!ill that her garments2 hea4& 3ith their drin52
Pull/d the poor 3retch from her melodious la&
!o mudd& death) =;;
las2 then2 she is dro3n/d0
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
-ro3n/d2 dro3n/d)
!oo much of 3ater hast thou2 poor Ophelia2
nd therefore " for*id m& tears: *ut &et
"t is our tric59 nature her custom holds2 =;7
Let shame sa& 3hat it 3ill: 3hen these are gone2
!he 3oman 3ill *e out) dieu2 m& lord:
" ha4e a speech of fire2 that fain 3ould *laze2
,ut that this foll& douts it)
K"(G CL<-"<#
Let/s follo32 Gertrude: =1;
Ho3 much " had to do to calm his rage6
(o3 fear " this 3ill gi4e it start again9
!herefore let/s follo3)
Griffin 1*2
C! J
Griffin 1*)
C! J G-is5 =: =E:?; H @B:=DI
#ummar&: 4n the churchyard, two ra"ediers sho"el out a ra"e for $!helia. <hey
arue whether $!helia should be buried in the churchyard, since her death looks like a
suicide. 8ccordin to reliious doctrine, suicides may not recei"e &hristian burial. <he
first ra"edier, who s!eaks cle"erly and mischie"ously, asks the second ra"edier a
riddle- 5%hat is he that builds stroner than either the mason, the shi!wriht, or the
car!enter67 +C.i.*@.*A1. <he second ra"edier answers that it must be the allowsD
maker, for his frame outlasts a thousand tenants. <he first ra"edier corrects him,
sayin that it is the ra"edier, for his 5houses7 will last until Doomsday.
Hamlet and Horatio enter at a distance and watch the ra"ediers work. Hamlet looks
with wonder at the skulls they e9ca"ate to make room for the fresh ra"e and s!eculates
darkly about what occu!ations the owners of these skulls ser"ed in life- 5%hy may not
that be the skull of a lawyer6 %here be his >uiddities now . . . 67 +C.i./,./11. Hamlet
asks the ra"edier whose ra"e he dis, and the ra"edier s!ars with him "erbally,
first claimin that the ra"e is his own, since he is diin it, then that the ra"e belons
to no man and no woman, because men and women are li"in thins and the occu!ant of
the ra"e will be dead. 8t last he admits that it belons to one 5that was a woman sirG but,
rest her soul, shes dead7 +C.i.1*@1. <he ra"edier, who does not reconi?e Hamlet as
the !rince, tells him that he has been a ra"edier since Kin Hamlet defeated the elder
(ortinbras in battle, the "ery day on which youn Prince Hamlet was born. Hamlet !icks
u! a skull, and the ra"edier tells him that the skull beloned to Lorick, Kin Hamlets
:ester. Hamlet tells Horatio that as a child he knew Lorick and is a!!alled at the siht of
the skull. He reali?es forcefully that all men will e"entually become dust, e"en reat men
like 8le9ander the Great and Mulius &aesar. Hamlet imaines that Mulius &aesar has
disinterated and is now !art of the dust used to !atch u! a wall.
'uddenly, the funeral !rocession for $!helia enters the churchyard, includin &laudius,
Gertrude, #aertes, and many mournin courtiers. Hamlet, wonderin who has died,
notices that the funeral rites seem 5maimed,7 indicatin that the dead man or woman took
his or her own life +C.i.2*21. He and Horatio hide as the !rocession a!!roaches the ra"e.
8s $!helia is laid in the earth, Hamlet reali?es it is she who has died. 8t the same
moment, #aertes becomes infuriated with the !riest, who says that to i"e $!helia a
!ro!er &hristian burial would !rofane the dead. #aertes lea!s into $!helias ra"e to hold
her once aain in his arms. GriefDstricken and outraed, Hamlet bursts u!on the com!any,
declarin in aoni?ed fury his own lo"e for $!helia. He lea!s into the ra"e and fihts
with #aertes, sayin that 5forty thousand brothers H &ould not, with all their >uantity of
lo"e, H make u! my sum7 +C.i.20*.20@1. Hamlet cries that he would do thins for
$!helia that #aertes could not dream ofFhe would eat a crocodile for her, he would be
buried ali"e with her. <he combatants are !ulled a!art by the funeral com!any. Gertrude
and &laudius declare that Hamlet is mad. Hamlet storms off, and Horatio follows. <he
kin ures #aertes to be !atient, and to remember their !lan for re"ene.
#C'(' ") church&ard)
Griffin 1**
Enter two Clowns! with s(ades! 5 c
+irst Clo3n
"s she to *e *uried in Christian *urial that
3ilfull& see5s her o3n sal4ation0
#econd Clo3n
" tell thee she is: and therefore ma5e her gra4e
straight: the cro3ner hath sat on her2 and finds it
Christian *urial) 7
+irst Clo3n
Ho3 can that *e2 unless she dro3ned herself in her
o3n defence0
#econd Clo3n
.h&2 /tis found so)
+irst Clo3n
"t must *e /se offendendo9/ it cannot *e else) +or
here lies the point: if " dro3n m&self 3ittingl&2 1;
it argues an act: and an act hath three *ranches: it
is2 to act2 to do2 to perform: argal2 she dro3ned
herself 3ittingl&)
#econd Clo3n
(a&2 *ut hear &ou2 goodman del4er2>>
+irst Clo3n
Gi4e me lea4e) Here lies the 3ater9 good: here 17
stands the man9 good9 if the man go to this 3ater2
and dro3n himself2 it is2 3ill he2 nill he2 he
goes2>>mar5 &ou that9 *ut if the 3ater come to him
and dro3n him2 he dro3ns not himself: argal2 he
that is not guilt& of his o3n death shortens not his o3n life) =;
#econd Clo3n
,ut is this la30
+irst Clo3n
&2 marr&2 is/t9 cro3ner/s :uest la3)
#econd Clo3n
.ill &ou ha/ the truth on/t0 "f this had not *een
a gentle3oman2 she should ha4e *een *uried out o/
Christian *urial) =7
+irst Clo3n
Griffin 1*0
.h&2 there thou sa&/st: and the more pit& that
great fol5 should ha4e countenance in this 3orld to
dro3n or hang themsel4es2 more than their e4en
Christian) Come2 m& spade) !here is no ancient
gentleman *ut gardeners2 ditchers2 and gra4e>ma5ers: ?;
the& hold up dam/s profession)
#econd Clo3n
.as he a gentleman0
+irst Clo3n
He 3as the first that e4er *ore arms)
#econd Clo3n
.h&2 he had none)
+irst Clo3n
.hat2 art a heathen0 Ho3 dost thou understand the ?7
#cripture0 !he #cripture sa&s /dam digged:/
could he dig 3ithout arms0 "/ll put another
:uestion to thee: if thou ans3erest me not to the
purpose2 confess th&self>>
#econd Clo3n
Go to) @;
+irst Clo3n
.hat is he that *uilds stronger than either the
mason2 the ship3right2 or the carpenter0
#econd Clo3n
!he gallo3s>ma5er9 for that frame outli4es a
thousand tenants)
+irst Clo3n
" li5e th& 3it 3ell2 in good faith: the gallo3s @7
does 3ell9 *ut ho3 does it 3ell0 it does 3ell to
those that do in: no3 thou dost ill to sa& the
gallo3s is *uilt stronger than the church: argal2
the gallo3s ma& do 3ell to thee) !o/t again2 come)
#econd Clo3n
/.ho *uilds stronger than a mason2 a ship3right2 or 7;
a carpenter0/
+irst Clo3n
Griffin 1*@
&2 tell me that2 and un&o5e)
#econd Clo3n
Marr&2 no3 " can tell)
+irst Clo3n
#econd Clo3n
Mass2 " cannot tell) 77
Enter HAMLET and HORATIO! at a distance
+irst Clo3n
Cudgel th& *rains no more a*out it2 for &our dull
ass 3ill not mend his pace 3ith *eating9 and2 3hen
&ou are as5ed this :uestion ne%t2 sa& /a
gra4e>ma5er: /the houses that he ma5es last till
doomsda&) Go2 get thee to 8aughan: fetch me a B;
stoup of li:uor)
Exit Second Clown
He di*s and sin*s
"n &outh2 3hen " did lo4e2 did lo4e2
Methought it 3as 4er& s3eet2
!o contract2 O2 the time2 for2 ah2 m& *eho4e2 B7
O2 methought2 there 3as nothing meet)
Has this fello3 no feeling of his *usiness2 that he
sings at gra4e>ma5ing0
Custom hath made it in him a propert& of easiness)
/!is e/en so: the hand of little emplo&ment hath C;
the daintier sense)
+irst Clo3n
,ut age2 3ith his stealing steps2
Hath cla3/d me in his clutch2
nd hath shipped me intil the land2
Griffin 1*A
s if " had ne4er *een such) C7
Throws u( a skull
!hat s5ull had a tongue in it2 and could sing once:
ho3 the 5na4e Ao3ls it to the ground2 as if it 3ere
Cain/s Aa3>*one2 that did the first murder6 "t
might *e the pate of a politician2 3hich this ass
no3 o/er>reaches9 one that 3ould circum4ent God2 D;
might it not0
"t might2 m& lord)
Or of a courtier9 3hich could sa& /Good morro32
s3eet lord6 Ho3 dost thou2 good lord0/ !his might
*e m& lord such>a>one2 that praised m& lord D7
such>a>one/s horse2 3hen he meant to *eg it9 might it not0
&2 m& lord)
.h&2 e/en so: and no3 m& Lad& .orm/s9 chapless2 and
5noc5ed a*out the mazzard 3ith a se%ton/s spade:
here/s fine re4olution2 an 3e had the tric5 to E;
see/t) -id these *ones cost no more the *reeding2
*ut to pla& at loggats 3ith /em0 mine ache to thin5 on/t)
+irst Clo3n
pic5>a%e2 and a spade2 a spade2
+or and a shrouding sheet:
O2 a pit of cla& for to *e made E7
+or such a guest is meet)
Throws u( another skull
!here/s another: 3h& ma& not that *e the s5ull of a
la3&er0 .here *e his :uiddities no32 his :uillets2
his cases2 his tenures2 and his tric5s0 3h& does he
suffer this rude 5na4e no3 to 5noc5 him a*out the 1;;
sconce 3ith a dirt& sho4el2 and 3ill not tell him of
Griffin 1*B
his action of *atter&0 Hum6 !his fello3 might *e
in/s time a great *u&er of land2 3ith his statutes2
his recognizances2 his fines2 his dou*le 4ouchers2
his reco4eries: is this the fine of his fines2 and 1;7
the reco4er& of his reco4eries2 to ha4e his fine
pate full of fine dirt0 3ill his 4ouchers 4ouch him
no more of his purchases2 and dou*le ones too2 than
the length and *readth of a pair of indentures0 !he
4er& con4e&ances of his lands 3ill hardl& lie in 11;
this *o%9 and must the inheritor himself ha4e no more2 ha0
(ot a Aot more2 m& lord)
"s not parchment made of sheeps5ins0
&2 m& lord2 and of calf>s5ins too)
!he& are sheep and cal4es 3hich see5 out assurance 117
in that) " 3ill spea5 to this fello3) .hose
gra4e/s this2 sirrah0
+irst Clo3n
Mine2 sir)
O2 a pit of cla& for to *e made
+or such a guest is meet) 1=;
" thin5 it *e thine2 indeed9 for thou liest in/t)
+irst Clo3n
8ou lie out on/t2 sir2 and therefore it is not
&ours: for m& part2 " do not lie in/t2 and &et it is mine)
/!hou dost lie in/t2 to *e in/t and sa& it is thine:
/tis for the dead2 not for the :uic59 therefore thou liest) 1=7
+irst Clo3n
/!is a :uic5 lie2 sir9 /t3ill a3a& gain2 from me to
Griffin 1*/
.hat man dost thou dig it for0
+irst Clo3n
+or no man2 sir)
.hat 3oman2 then0 1?;
+irst Clo3n
+or none2 neither)
.ho is to *e *uried in/t0
+irst Clo3n
One that 3as a 3oman2 sir9 *ut2 rest her soul2 she/s dead)
Ho3 a*solute the 5na4e is6 3e must spea5 *& the
card2 or e:ui4ocation 3ill undo us) ,& the Lord2 1?7
Horatio2 these three &ears " ha4e ta5en a note of
it9 the age is gro3n so pic5ed that the toe of the
peasant comes so near the heel of the courtier2 he
gaffs his 5i*e) Ho3 long hast thou *een a
+irst Clo3n
Of all the da&s i/ the &ear2 " came to/t that da&
that our last 5ing Hamlet o4ercame +ortin*ras)
Ho3 long is that since0
+irst Clo3n
Cannot &ou tell that0 e4er& fool can tell that: it
3as the 4er& da& that &oung Hamlet 3as *orn9 he that 1@7
is mad2 and sent into 'ngland)
&2 marr&2 3h& 3as he sent into 'ngland0
+irst Clo3n
Griffin 10,
.h&2 *ecause he 3as mad: he shall reco4er his 3its
there9 or2 if he do not2 it/s no great matter there)
.h&0 17;
+irst Clo3n
/!3ill2 a not *e seen in him there9 there the men
are as mad as he)
Ho3 came he mad0
+irst Clo3n
Jer& strangel&2 the& sa&)
Ho3 strangel&0 177
+irst Clo3n
+aith2 e/en 3ith losing his 3its)
<pon 3hat ground0
+irst Clo3n
.h&2 here in -enmar5: " ha4e *een se%ton here2 man
and *o&2 thirt& &ears)
Ho3 long 3ill a man lie i/ the earth ere he rot0 1B;
+irst Clo3n
"/ faith2 if he *e not rotten *efore he die>>as 3e
ha4e man& poc5& corses no3>a>da&s2 that 3ill scarce
hold the la&ing in>>he 3ill last &ou some eight &ear
or nine &ear: a tanner 3ill last &ou nine &ear)
.h& he more than another0 1B7
+irst Clo3n
.h&2 sir2 his hide is so tanned 3ith his trade2 that
he 3ill 5eep out 3ater a great 3hile9 and &our 3ater
is a sore deca&er of &our 3horeson dead *od&)
Here/s a s5ull no39 this s5ull has lain in the earth
Griffin 101
three and t3ent& &ears) 1C;
.hose 3as it0
+irst Clo3n
3horeson mad fello3/s it 3as: 3hose do &ou thin5 it 3as0
(a&2 " 5no3 not)
+irst Clo3n
pestilence on him for a mad rogue6 a/ poured a
flagon of Rhenish on m& head once) !his same s5ull2 1C7
sir2 3as 8oric5/s s5ull2 the 5ing/s Aester)
+irst Clo3n
'/en that)
Let me see)
Takes the skull
las2 poor 8oric56 " 5ne3 him2 Horatio: a fello3 1D;
of infinite Aest2 of most e%cellent fanc&: he hath
*orne me on his *ac5 a thousand times9 and no32 ho3
a*horred in m& imagination it is6 m& gorge rims at
it) Here hung those lips that " ha4e 5issed " 5no3
not ho3 oft) .here *e &our gi*es no30 8our 1D7
gam*ols0 &our songs0 &our flashes of merriment2
that 3ere 3ont to set the ta*le on a roar0 (ot one
no32 to moc5 &our o3n grinning0 :uite chap>fallen0
(o3 get &ou to m& lad&/s cham*er2 and tell her2 let
her paint an inch thic52 to this fa4our she must 1E;
come9 ma5e her laugh at that) Prithee2 Horatio2 tell
me one thing)
.hat/s that2 m& lord0
-ost thou thin5 le%ander loo5ed o/ this fashion i/
Griffin 102
the earth0 1E7
'/en so)
nd smelt so0 pah6
%uts down the skull
'/en so2 m& lord)
!o 3hat *ase uses 3e ma& return2 Horatio6 .h& ma&
not imagination trace the no*le dust of le%ander2 =;;
till he find it stopping a *ung>hole0
/!3ere to consider too curiousl&2 to consider so)
(o2 faith2 not a Aot9 *ut to follo3 him thither 3ith
modest& enough2 and li5elihood to lead it: as
thus: le%ander died2 le%ander 3as *uried2 =;7
le%ander returneth into dust9 the dust is earth9 of
earth 3e ma5e loam9 and 3h& of that loam2 3hereto he
3as con4erted2 might the& not stop a *eer>*arrel0
"mperious Caesar2 dead and turn/d to cla&2
Might stop a hole to 5eep the 3ind a3a&: =1;
O2 that that earth2 3hich 5ept the 3orld in a3e2
#hould patch a 3all to e%pel the 3inter fla36
,ut soft6 *ut soft6 aside: here comes the 5ing)
Enter %riest! 5 c6 in (rocession4 the Cor(se o& O%HELIA! LAERTES and Mourners
&ollowin*4 ,I#G CLAU$IUS! -UEE# GERTRU$E! their trains! 5 c
!he :ueen2 the courtiers: 3ho is this the& follo30
nd 3ith such maimed rites0 !his doth *eto5en =17
!he corse the& follo3 did 3ith desperate hand
+ordo its o3n life: /t3as of some estate)
Couch 3e a3hile2 and mar5)
Retirin* with HORATIO
Griffin 10)
.hat ceremon& else0
!hat is Laertes2 ==;
4er& no*le &outh: mar5)
.hat ceremon& else0
+irst Priest
Her o*se:uies ha4e *een as far enlarged
s 3e ha4e 3arrantise: her death 3as dou*tful9
nd2 *ut that great command o/ers3a&s the order2 ==7
#he should in ground unsanctified ha4e lodged
!ill the last trumpet: for charita*le pra&ers2
#hards2 flints and pe**les should *e thro3n on her9
8et here she is allo3/d her 4irgin crants2
Her maiden stre3ments and the *ringing home =?;
Of *ell and *urial)
Must there no more *e done0
+irst Priest
(o more *e done:
.e should profane the ser4ice of the dead
!o sing a re:uiem and such rest to her =?7
s to peace>parted souls)
La& her i/ the earth:
nd from her fair and unpolluted flesh
Ma& 4iolets spring6 " tell thee2 churlish priest2
ministering angel shall m& sister *e2 =@;
.hen thou liest ho3ling)
.hat2 the fair Ophelia6
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
#3eets to the s3eet: fare3ell6
Scatterin* &lowers
" hoped thou shouldst ha4e *een m& Hamlet/s 3ife9
" thought th& *ride>*ed to ha4e dec5/d2 s3eet maid2 =@7
Griffin 10*
nd not ha4e stre3/d th& gra4e)
O2 tre*le 3oe
+all ten times tre*le on that cursed head2
.hose 3ic5ed deed th& most ingenious sense
-epri4ed thee of6 Hold off the earth a3hile2 =7;
!ill " ha4e caught her once more in mine arms:
Lea(s into the *ra0e
(o3 pile &our dust upon the :uic5 and dead2
!ill of this flat a mountain &ou ha4e made2
!o o/ertop old Pelion2 or the s5&ish head
Of *lue Ol&mpus) =77
Kd4ancingL .hat is he 3hose grief
,ears such an emphasis0 3hose phrase of sorro3
ConAures the 3andering stars2 and ma5es them stand
Li5e 3onder>3ounded hearers0 !his is "2
Hamlet the -ane) =B;
Lea(s into the *ra0e
!he de4il ta5e th& soul6
Gra((lin* with hi'
!hou pra&/st not 3ell)
" prithee2 ta5e th& fingers from m& throat9
+or2 though " am not spleniti4e and rash2
8et ha4e " something in me dangerous2 =B7
.hich let th& 3iseness fear: hold off th& hand)
K"(G CL<-"<#
Pluc5 them asunder)
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
Hamlet2 Hamlet6
Griffin 100
Good m& lord2 *e :uiet) =C;
!he ttendants part them2 and the& come out of the gra4e
.h& " 3ill fight 3ith him upon this theme
<ntil m& e&elids 3ill no longer 3ag)
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
O m& son2 3hat theme0
" lo4ed Ophelia: fort& thousand *rothers
Could not2 3ith all their :uantit& of lo4e2 =C7
Ma5e up m& sum) .hat 3ilt thou do for her0
K"(G CL<-"<#
O2 he is mad2 Laertes)
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
+or lo4e of God2 for*ear him)
/#3ounds2 sho3 me 3hat thou/lt do:
.oo/t 3eep0 3oo/t fight0 3oo/t fast0 3oo/t tear th&self0 =D;
.oo/t drin5 up eisel0 eat a crocodile0
"/ll do/t) -ost thou come here to 3hine0
!o outface me 3ith leaping in her gra4e0
,e *uried :uic5 3ith her2 and so 3ill ":
nd2 if thou prate of mountains2 let them thro3 =D7
Millions of acres on us2 till our ground2
#ingeing his pate against the *urning zone2
Ma5e Ossa li5e a 3art6 (a&2 an thou/lt mouth2
"/ll rant as 3ell as thou)
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
!his is mere madness: =E;
nd thus a3hile the fit 3ill 3or5 on him9
non2 as patient as the female do4e2
.hen that her golden couplets are disclosed2
His silence 3ill sit drooping)
Hear &ou2 sir9 =E7
.hat is the reason that &ou use me thus0
Griffin 10@
" lo4ed &ou e4er: *ut it is no matter9
Let Hercules himself do 3hat he ma&2
!he cat 3ill me3 and dog 3ill ha4e his da&)
K"(G CL<-"<#
" pra& &ou2 good Horatio2 3ait upon him) ?;;
#trengthen &our patience in our last night/s speech9
.e/ll put the matter to the present push)
Good Gertrude2 set some 3atch o4er &our son)
!his gra4e shall ha4e a li4ing monument:
n hour of :uiet shortl& shall 3e see9 ?;7
!ill then2 in patience our proceeding *e)
Griffin 10A
#C'(' "") hall in the castle) G-is5 =: @B:=D H 1:1E:;;I
#ummar&: <he ne9t day at 2lsinore &astle, Hamlet tells Horatio how he !lotted to
o"ercome &laudiuss scheme to ha"e him murdered in 2nland. He re!laced the sealed
letter carried by the unsus!ectin Iosencrant? and Guildenstern, which called for
Hamlets e9ecution, with one callin for the e9ecution of the bearers of the letterF
Iosencrant? and Guildenstern themsel"es. He tells Horatio that he has no sym!athy for
Iosencrant? and Guildenstern, who betrayed him and catered to &laudius, but that he
feels sorry for ha"in beha"ed with such hostility toward #aertes. 4n #aertes desire to
a"ene his fathers death, he says, he sees the mirror imae of his own desire, and he
!romises to seek #aertes ood fa"or.
<heir con"ersation is interru!ted by $sric, a foolish courtier. $sric tries to flatter Hamlet
by areein with e"erythin Hamlet says, e"en when he contradicts himselfG in the s!ace
of seconds, he arees first that it is cold, then that it is hot. He has come to tell them that
&laudius wants Hamlet to fence with #aertes and that the kin has made a waer with
#aertes that Hamlet will win. <hen $sric beins to !raise #aertes effusi"ely, thouh
Hamlet and Horatio are unable to determine what !oint he is tryin to make with his
o"erly elaborate !roclamations. (inally, a lord enters and asks Hamlet if he is ready to
come to the match, as the kin and >ueen are e9!ectin him. 8ainst Horatios ad"ice,
Hamlet arees to fiht, sayin that 5alls ill here about my heart7 but that one must be
ready for death, since it will come no matter what one does +C.ii.2221. <he court marches
into the hall, and Hamlet asks #aertes for fori"eness, claimin that it was his madness,
and not his own will, that murdered Polonius. #aertes says that he will not fori"e
Hamlet until an elder, an e9!ert in the fine !oints of honor, has ad"ised him in the matter.
3ut, in the meantime, he says, he will acce!t Hamlets offer of lo"e.
<hey select their foils +blunted swords used in fencin1, and the kin says that if Hamlet
wins the first or second hit, he will drink to Hamlets health, then throw into the cu! a
"aluable em +actually the !oison1 and i"e the wine to Hamlet. <he duel beins. Hamlet
strikes #aertes but declines to drink from the cu!, sayin that he will !lay another hit
first. He hits #aertes aain, and Gertrude rises to drink from the cu!. <he kin tells her
not to drink, but she does so anyway. 4n an aside, &laudius murmurs,54t is the !oisond
cu!- it is too late7 +C.ii.2)01. #aertes remarks under his breath that to wound Hamlet with
the !oisoned sword is almost aainst his conscience. 3ut they fiht aain, and #aertes
scores a hit aainst Hamlet, drawin blood. 'cufflin, they manae to e9chane swords,
and Hamlet wounds #aertes with #aertesown blade.
<he >ueen falls. #aertes, !oisoned by his own sword, declares,54 am :ustly killd with my
own treachery7 +C.ii.)1B1. <he >ueen moans that the cu! must ha"e been !oisoned, calls
out to Hamlet, and dies. #aertes tells Hamlet that he, too, has been slain, by his own
!oisoned sword, and that the kin is to blame both for the !oison on the sword and for the
!oison in the cu!. Hamlet, in a fury, runs &laudius throuh with the !oisoned sword and
forces him to drink down the rest of the !oisoned wine. &laudius dies cryin out for hel!.
Hamlet tells Horatio that he is dyin and e9chanes a last fori"eness with #aertes, who
dies after absol"in Hamlet.
Griffin 10B
<he sound of marchin echoes throuh the hall, and a shot rins out nearby. $sric
declares that (ortinbras has come in con>uest from Poland and now fires a "olley to the
2nlish ambassadors. Hamlet tells Horatio aain that he is dyin, and ures his friend not
to commit suicide in liht of all the traedies, but instead to stay ali"e and tell his story.
He says that he wishes (ortinbras to be made Kin of DenmarkG then he dies.
(ortinbras marches into the room accom!anied by the 2nlish ambassadors, who
announce that Iosencrant? and Guildenstern are dead. Horatio says that he will tell
e"eryone assembled the story that led to the ruesome scene now on dis!lay. (ortinbras
orders for Hamlet to be carried away like a soldier
#o much for this2 sir: no3 shall &ou see the other9
8ou do remem*er all the circumstance0
Remem*er it2 m& lord0
#ir2 in m& heart there 3as a 5ind of fighting2
!hat 3ould not let me sleep: methought " la& 7
.orse than the mutines in the *il*oes) Rashl&2
nd praised *e rashness for it2 let us 5no32
Our indiscretion sometimes ser4es us 3ell2
.hen our deep plots do pall: and that should teach us
!here/s a di4init& that shapes our ends2 1;
Rough>he3 them ho3 3e 3ill2>>
!hat is most certain)
<p from m& ca*in2
M& sea>go3n scarf/d a*out me2 in the dar5
Groped " to find out them9 had m& desire) 17
+inger/d their pac5et2 and in fine 3ithdre3
!o mine o3n room again9 ma5ing so *old2
M& fears forgetting manners2 to unseal
!heir grand commission9 3here " found2 Horatio2>>
O ro&al 5na4er&6>>an e%act command2 =;
Larded 3ith man& se4eral sorts of reasons
"mporting -enmar5/s health and 'ngland/s too2
.ith2 ho6 such *ugs and go*lins in m& life2
!hat2 on the super4ise2 no leisure *ated2
(o2 not to sta& the grinding of the a%e2 =7
Griffin 10/
M& head should *e struc5 off)
"s/t possi*le0
Here/s the commission: read it at more leisure)
,ut 3ilt thou hear me ho3 " did proceed0
" *eseech &ou) ?;
,eing thus *e>netted round 3ith 4illanies2>>
're " could ma5e a prologue to m& *rains2
!he& had *egun the pla&>>" sat me do3n2
-e4ised a ne3 commission2 3rote it fair:
" once did hold it2 as our statists do2 ?7
*aseness to 3rite fair and la*our/d much
Ho3 to forget that learning2 *ut2 sir2 no3
"t did me &eoman/s ser4ice: 3ilt thou 5no3
!he effect of 3hat " 3rote0
&2 good m& lord) @;
n earnest conAuration from the 5ing2
s 'ngland 3as his faithful tri*utar&2
s lo4e *et3een them li5e the palm might flourish2
s peace should stiff her 3heaten garland 3ear
nd stand a comma /t3een their amities2 @7
nd man& such>li5e /s/es of great charge2
!hat2 on the 4ie3 and 5no3ing of these contents2
.ithout de*atement further2 more or less2
He should the *earers put to sudden death2
(ot shri4ing>time allo3/d) 7;
Ho3 3as this seal/d0
.h&2 e4en in that 3as hea4en ordinant)
" had m& father/s signet in m& purse2
.hich 3as the model of that -anish seal9
+olded the 3rit up in form of the other2
Griffin 1@,
#u*scri*ed it2 ga4e/t the impression2 placed it safel&2 77
!he changeling ne4er 5no3n) (o32 the ne%t da&
.as our sea>fight9 and 3hat to this 3as se:uent
!hou 5no3/st alread&)
#o Guildenstern and Rosencrantz go to/t)
.h&2 man2 the& did ma5e lo4e to this emplo&ment9 B;
!he& are not near m& conscience9 their defeat
-oes *& their o3n insinuation gro3:
/!is dangerous 3hen the *aser nature comes
,et3een the pass and fell incensed points
Of might& opposites) B7
.h&2 3hat a 5ing is this6
-oes it not2 thin5/st thee2 stand me no3 upon>>
He that hath 5ill/d m& 5ing and 3hored m& mother2
Popp/d in *et3een the election and m& hopes2
!hro3n out his angle for m& proper life2 C;
nd 3ith such cozenage>>is/t not perfect conscience2
!o :uit him 3ith this arm0 and is/t not to *e damn/d2
!o let this can5er of our nature come
"n further e4il0
"t must *e shortl& 5no3n to him from 'ngland C7
.hat is the issue of the *usiness there)
"t 3ill *e short: the interim is mine9
nd a man/s life/s no more than to sa& /One)/
,ut " am 4er& sorr&2 good Horatio2
!hat to Laertes " forgot m&self9 D;
+or2 *& the image of m& cause2 " see
!he portraiture of his: "/ll court his fa4ours)
,ut2 sure2 the *ra4er& of his grief did put me
"nto a to3ering passion)
Peace6 3ho comes here0 D7
Griffin 1@1
8our lordship is right 3elcome *ac5 to -enmar5)
" hum*l& than5 &ou2 sir) -ost 5no3 this 3ater>fl&0
(o2 m& good lord)
!h& state is the more gracious9 for /tis a 4ice to
5no3 him) He hath much land2 and fertile: let a E;
*east *e lord of *easts2 and his cri* shall stand at
the 5ing/s mess: /tis a chough9 *ut2 as " sa&2
spacious in the possession of dirt)
#3eet lord2 if &our lordship 3ere at leisure2 "
should impart a thing to &ou from his maAest&) E7
" 3ill recei4e it2 sir2 3ith all diligence of
spirit) Put &our *onnet to his right use9 /tis for the head)
" than5 &our lordship2 it is 4er& hot)
(o2 *elie4e me2 /tis 4er& cold9 the 3ind is
northerl&) 1;;
"t is indifferent cold2 m& lord2 indeed)
,ut &et methin5s it is 4er& sultr& and hot for m&
'%ceedingl&2 m& lord9 it is 4er& sultr&2>>as
/t3ere2>>" cannot tell ho3) ,ut2 m& lord2 his 1;7
maAest& *ade me signif& to &ou that he has laid a
great 3ager on &our head: sir2 this is the matter2>>
Griffin 1@2
" *eseech &ou2 remem*er>>
HML'! mo4es him to put on his hat
(a&2 good m& lord9 for mine ease2 in good faith)
#ir2 here is ne3l& come to court Laertes9 *elie4e 11;
me2 an a*solute gentleman2 full of most e%cellent
differences2 of 4er& soft societ& and great sho3ing:
indeed2 to spea5 feelingl& of him2 he is the card or
calendar of gentr&2 for &ou shall find in him the
continent of 3hat part a gentleman 3ould see) 117
#ir2 his definement suffers no perdition in &ou9
though2 " 5no32 to di4ide him in4entoriall& 3ould
dizz& the arithmetic of memor&2 and &et *ut &a3
neither2 in respect of his :uic5 sail) ,ut2 in the
4erit& of e%tolment2 " ta5e him to *e a soul of 1=;
great article9 and his infusion of such dearth and
rareness2 as2 to ma5e true diction of him2 his
sem*la*le is his mirror9 and 3ho else 3ould trace
him2 his um*rage2 nothing more)
8our lordship spea5s most infalli*l& of him) 1=7
!he concernanc&2 sir0 3h& do 3e 3rap the gentleman
in our more ra3er *reath0
"s/t not possi*le to understand in another tongue0
8ou 3ill do/t2 sir2 reall&) 1?;
.hat imports the nomination of this gentleman0
Of Laertes0
Griffin 1@)
His purse is empt& alread&9 all/s golden 3ords are spent)
Of him2 sir)
" 5no3 &ou are not ignorant>> 1?7
" 3ould &ou did2 sir9 &et2 in faith2 if &ou did2
it 3ould not much appro4e me) .ell2 sir0
8ou are not ignorant of 3hat e%cellence Laertes is>>
" dare not confess that2 lest " should compare 3ith
him in e%cellence9 *ut2 to 5no3 a man 3ell2 3ere to 1@;
5no3 himself)
" mean2 sir2 for his 3eapon9 *ut in the imputation
laid on him *& them2 in his meed he/s unfello3ed)
.hat/s his 3eapon0
Rapier and dagger) 1@7
!hat/s t3o of his 3eapons: *ut2 3ell)
!he 5ing2 sir2 hath 3agered 3ith him si% ,ar*ar&
horses: against the 3hich he has imponed2 as " ta5e
it2 si% +rench rapiers and poniards2 3ith their
assigns2 as girdle2 hangers2 and so: three of the 17;
carriages2 in faith2 are 4er& dear to fanc&2 4er&
responsi4e to the hilts2 most delicate carriages2
and of 4er& li*eral conceit)
.hat call &ou the carriages0
Griffin 1@*
" 5ne3 &ou must *e edified *& the margent ere &ou had done) 177
!he carriages2 sir2 are the hangers)
!he phrase 3ould *e more german to the matter2 if 3e
could carr& cannon *& our sides: " 3ould it might
*e hangers till then) ,ut2 on: si% ,ar*ar& horses
against si% +rench s3ords2 their assigns2 and three
li*eral>conceited carriages9 that/s the +rench *et 1B;
against the -anish) .h& is this /imponed2/ as &ou call it0
!he 5ing2 sir2 hath laid2 that in a dozen passes
*et3een &ourself and him2 he shall not e%ceed &ou
three hits: he hath laid on t3el4e for nine9 and it
3ould come to immediate trial2 if &our lordship 1B7
3ould 4ouchsafe the ans3er)
Ho3 if " ans3er /no/0
" mean2 m& lord2 the opposition of &our person in trial)
#ir2 " 3ill 3al5 here in the hall: if it please his
maAest&2 /tis the *reathing time of da& 3ith me9 let 1C;
the foils *e *rought2 the gentleman 3illing2 and the
5ing hold his purpose2 " 3ill 3in for him an " can9
if not2 " 3ill gain nothing *ut m& shame and the odd hits)
#hall " re>deli4er &ou e/en so0
!o this effect2 sir9 after 3hat flourish &our nature 3ill) 1C7
" commend m& dut& to &our lordship)
8ours2 &ours)
Griffin 1@0
He does 3ell to commend it himself9 there are no
tongues else for/s turn)
!his lap3ing runs a3a& 3ith the shell on his head) 1D;
He did compl& 3ith his dug2 *efore he suc5ed it)
!hus has he>>and man& more of the same *e4& that "
5no3 the dress& age dotes on>>onl& got the tune of
the time and out3ard ha*it of encounter9 a 5ind of
&est& collection2 3hich carries them through and 1D7
through the most fond and 3inno3ed opinions9 and do
*ut *lo3 them to their trial2 the *u**les are out)
Enter a Lord
M& lord2 his maAest& commended him to &ou *& &oung
Osric2 3ho *rings *ac5 to him that &ou attend him in
the hall: he sends to 5no3 if &our pleasure hold to 1E;
pla& 3ith Laertes2 or that &ou 3ill ta5e longer time)
" am constant to m& purpose9 the& follo3 the 5ing/s
pleasure: if his fitness spea5s2 mine is read&9 no3
or 3hensoe4er2 pro4ided " *e so a*le as no3)
!he 5ing and :ueen and all are coming do3n) 1E7
"n happ& time)
!he :ueen desires &ou to use some gentle
entertainment to Laertes *efore &ou fall to pla&)
#he 3ell instructs me)
Exit Lord
8ou 3ill lose this 3ager2 m& lord) =;;
Griffin 1@@
" do not thin5 so: since he 3ent into +rance2 "
ha4e *een in continual practise: " shall 3in at the
odds) ,ut thou 3ouldst not thin5 ho3 ill all/s here
a*out m& heart: *ut it is no matter)
(a&2 good m& lord2>> =;7
"t is *ut fooler&9 *ut it is such a 5ind of
gain>gi4ing2 as 3ould perhaps trou*le a 3oman)
"f &our mind disli5e an& thing2 o*e& it: " 3ill
forestall their repair hither2 and sa& &ou are not
fit) =1;
(ot a 3hit2 3e def& augur&: there/s a special
pro4idence in the fall of a sparro3) "f it *e no32
/tis not to come9 if it *e not to come2 it 3ill *e
no39 if it *e not no32 &et it 3ill come: the
readiness is all: since no man has aught of 3hat he =17
lea4es2 3hat is/t to lea4e *etimes0
Attendants with &oils! 5 c
K"(G CL<-"<#
Come2 Hamlet2 come2 and ta5e this hand from me)
,I#G CLAU$IUS (uts LAERTES3 hand into HAMLET3s
Gi4e me &our pardon2 sir: "/4e done &ou 3rong9
,ut pardon/t2 as &ou are a gentleman)
!his presence 5no3s2 ==;
nd &ou must needs ha4e heard2 ho3 " am punish/d
.ith sore distraction) .hat " ha4e done2
!hat might &our nature2 honour and e%ception
Roughl& a3a5e2 " here proclaim 3as madness)
.as/t Hamlet 3rong/d Laertes0 (e4er Hamlet: ==7
"f Hamlet from himself *e ta/en a3a&2
nd 3hen he/s not himself does 3rong Laertes2
Griffin 1@A
!hen Hamlet does it not2 Hamlet denies it)
.ho does it2 then0 His madness: if/t *e so2
Hamlet is of the faction that is 3rong/d9 =?;
His madness is poor Hamlet/s enem&)
#ir2 in this audience2
Let m& disclaiming from a purposed e4il
+ree me so far in &our most generous thoughts2
!hat " ha4e shot mine arro3 o/er the house2 =?7
nd hurt m& *rother)
" am satisfied in nature2
.hose moti4e2 in this case2 should stir me most
!o m& re4enge: *ut in m& terms of honour
" stand aloof9 and 3ill no reconcilement2 =@;
!ill *& some elder masters2 of 5no3n honour2
" ha4e a 4oice and precedent of peace2
!o 5eep m& name ungored) ,ut till that time2
" do recei4e &our offer/d lo4e li5e lo4e2
nd 3ill not 3rong it) =@7
" em*race it freel&9
nd 3ill this *rother/s 3ager fran5l& pla&)
Gi4e us the foils) Come on)
Come2 one for me)
"/ll *e &our foil2 Laertes: in mine ignorance =7;
8our s5ill shall2 li5e a star i/ the dar5est night2
#tic5 fier& off indeed)
8ou moc5 me2 sir)
(o2 *& this hand)
K"(G CL<-"<#
Gi4e them the foils2 &oung Osric) Cousin Hamlet2 =77
8ou 5no3 the 3ager0
Jer& 3ell2 m& lord
Griffin 1@B
8our grace hath laid the odds o/ the 3ea5er side)
K"(G CL<-"<#
" do not fear it9 " ha4e seen &ou *oth:
,ut since he is *etter/d2 3e ha4e therefore odds) =B;
!his is too hea4&2 let me see another)
!his li5es me 3ell) !hese foils ha4e all a length0
!he& prepare to pla&
&2 m& good lord)
K"(G CL<-"<#
#et me the stoops of 3ine upon that ta*le)
"f Hamlet gi4e the first or second hit2 =B7
Or :uit in ans3er of the third e%change2
Let all the *attlements their ordnance fire:
!he 5ing shall drin5 to Hamlet/s *etter *reath9
nd in the cup an union shall he thro32
Richer than that 3hich four successi4e 5ings =C;
"n -enmar5/s cro3n ha4e 3orn) Gi4e me the cups9
nd let the 5ettle to the trumpet spea52
!he trumpet to the cannoneer 3ithout2
!he cannons to the hea4ens2 the hea4ens to earth2
/(o3 the 5ing dun5s to Hamlet)/ Come2 *egin: =C7
nd &ou2 the Audges2 *ear a 3ar& e&e)
Come on2 sir)
Come2 m& lord)
The2 (la2
(o) =D;
Griffin 1@/
hit2 a 4er& palpa*le hit)
.ell9 again)
K"(G CL<-"<#
#ta&9 gi4e me drin5) Hamlet2 this pearl is thine9
Here/s to th& health) =D7
!rumpets sound2 and cannon shot off 3ithin
Gi4e him the cup)
"/ll pla& this *out first9 set it *& a3hile) Come)
The2 (la2
nother hit9 3hat sa& &ou0
touch2 a touch2 " do confess)
K"(G CL<-"<#
Our son shall 3in)
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
He/s fat2 and scant of *reath) =E;
Here2 Hamlet2 ta5e m& nap5in2 ru* th& *ro3s9
!he :ueen carouses to th& fortune2 Hamlet)
Good madam6
K"(G CL<-"<#
Gertrude2 do not drin5)
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
" 3ill2 m& lord9 " pra& &ou2 pardon me) =E7
K"(G CL<-"<#
KsideL "t is the poison/d cup: it is too late)
Griffin 1A,
" dare not drin5 &et2 madam9 *& and *&)
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
Come2 let me 3ipe th& face)
M& lord2 "/ll hit him no3)
K"(G CL<-"<#
" do not thin5/t) ?;;
KsideL nd &et /tis almost /gainst m& conscience)
Come2 for the third2 Laertes: &ou *ut dall&9
" pra& &ou2 pass 3ith &our *est 4iolence9
" am afeard &ou ma5e a 3anton of me)
#a& &ou so0 come on) ?;7
The2 (la2
(othing2 neither 3a&)
Ha4e at &ou no36
L'R!'# 3ounds HML'!9 then in scuffling2 the& change rapiers2 and
HML'! 3ounds L'R!'#
K"(G CL<-"<#
Part them9 the& are incensed)
(a&2 come2 again)
-UEE# GERTRU$E &alls
Loo5 to the :ueen there2 ho6 ?1;
Griffin 1A1
!he& *leed on *oth sides) Ho3 is it2 m& lord0
Ho3 is/t2 Laertes0
.h&2 as a 3oodcoc5 to mine o3n springe2 Osric9
" am Austl& 5ill/d 3ith mine o3n treacher&)
Ho3 does the :ueen0 ?17
K"(G CL<-"<#
#he s3ounds to see them *leed)
Q<''( G'R!R<-'
(o2 no2 the drin52 the drin52>>O m& dear Hamlet2>>
!he drin52 the drin56 " am poison/d)
O 4illan&6 Ho6 let the door *e loc5/d:
!reacher&6 #ee5 it out) ?=;
"t is here2 Hamlet: Hamlet2 thou art slain9
(o medicine in the 3orld can do thee good9
"n thee there is not half an hour of life9
!he treacherous instrument is in th& hand2
<n*ated and en4enom/d: the foul practice ?=7
Hath turn/d itself on me lo2 here " lie2
(e4er to rise again: th& mother/s poison/d:
" can no more: the 5ing2 the 5ing/s to *lame)
!he point6>>en4enom/d too6
!hen2 4enom2 to th& 3or5) ??;
!reason6 treason6
K"(G CL<-"<#
Griffin 1A2
O2 &et defend me2 friends9 " am *ut hurt)
Here2 thou incestuous2 murderous2 damned -ane2
-rin5 off this potion) "s th& union here0
+ollo3 m& mother) ??7
,I#G CLAU$IUS dies
He is Austl& ser4ed9
"t is a poison temper/d *& himself)
'%change forgi4eness 3ith me2 no*le Hamlet:
Mine and m& father/s death come not upon thee2
(or thine on me) ?@;
Hea4en ma5e thee free of it6 " follo3 thee)
" am dead2 Horatio) .retched :ueen2 adieu6
8ou that loo5 pale and trem*le at this chance2
!hat are *ut mutes or audience to this act2
Had " *ut time>>as this fell sergeant2 death2 ?@7
"s strict in his arrest>>O2 " could tell &ou>>
,ut let it *e) Horatio2 " am dead9
!hou li4est9 report me and m& cause aright
!o the unsatisfied)
(e4er *elie4e it: ?7;
" am more an anti:ue Roman than a -ane:
Here/s &et some li:uor left)
s thou/rt a man2
Gi4e me the cup: let go9 *& hea4en2 "/ll ha4e/t)
O good Horatio2 3hat a 3ounded name2 ?77
!hings standing thus un5no3n2 shall li4e *ehind me6
"f thou didst e4er hold me in th& heart
*sent thee from felicit& a3hile2
nd in this harsh 3orld dra3 th& *reath in pain2
!o tell m& stor&) ?B;
March a&ar o&&! and shot within
Griffin 1A)
.hat 3arli5e noise is this0
8oung +ortin*ras2 3ith con:uest come from Poland2
!o the am*assadors of 'ngland gi4es
!his 3arli5e 4olle&)
O2 " die2 Horatio9 ?B7
!he potent poison :uite o/er>cro3s m& spirit:
" cannot li4e to hear the ne3s from 'ngland9
,ut " do prophes& the election lights
On +ortin*ras: he has m& d&ing 4oice9
#o tell him2 3ith the occurrents2 more and less2 ?C;
.hich ha4e solicited) !he rest is silence)
(o3 crac5s a no*le heart) Good night s3eet prince:
nd flights of angels sing thee to th& rest6
.h& does the drum come hither0
March within
Enter 1ORTI#"RAS! the En*lish A'assadors! and others
PR"(C' +OR!"(,R#
.here is this sight0 ?C7
.hat is it &e 3ould see0
"f aught of 3oe or 3onder2 cease &our search)
PR"(C' +OR!"(,R#
!his :uarr& cries on ha4oc) O proud death2
.hat feast is to3ard in thine eternal cell2
!hat thou so man& princes at a shot ?D;
#o *loodil& hast struc50
+irst m*assador
!he sight is dismal9
nd our affairs from 'ngland come too late:
!he ears are senseless that should gi4e us hearing2
!o tell him his commandment is fulfill/d2 ?D7
!hat Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead:
Griffin 1A*
.here should 3e ha4e our than5s0
(ot from his mouth2
Had it the a*ilit& of life to than5 &ou:
He ne4er ga4e commandment for their death) ?E;
,ut since2 so Aump upon this *lood& :uestion2
8ou from the Polac5 3ars2 and &ou from 'ngland2
re here arri4ed gi4e order that these *odies
High on a stage *e placed to the 4ie39
nd let me spea5 to the &et un5no3ing 3orld ?E7
Ho3 these things came a*out: so shall &ou hear
Of carnal2 *lood&2 and unnatural acts2
Of accidental Audgments2 casual slaughters2
Of deaths put on *& cunning and forced cause2
nd2 in this upshot2 purposes mistoo5 @;;
+all/n on the in4entors/ reads: all this can "
!rul& deli4er)
PR"(C' +OR!"(,R#
Let us haste to hear it2
nd call the no*lest to the audience)
+or me2 3ith sorro3 " em*race m& fortune: @;7
" ha4e some rights of memor& in this 5ingdom2
.hich no3 to claim m& 4antage doth in4ite me)
Of that " shall ha4e also cause to spea52
nd from his mouth 3hose 4oice 3ill dra3 on more9
,ut let this same *e presentl& perform/d2 @1;
'4en 3hile men/s minds are 3ild9 lest more mischance
On plots and errors2 happen)
PR"(C' +OR!"(,R#
Let four captains
,ear Hamlet2 li5e a soldier2 to the stage9
+or he 3as li5el&2 had he *een put on2 @17
!o ha4e pro4ed most ro&all&: and2 for his passage2
!he soldiers/ music and the rites of 3ar
#pea5 loudl& for him)
!a5e up the *odies: such a sight as this
,ecomes the field2 *ut here sho3s much amiss) @=;
Go2 *id the soldiers shoot)
A dead 'arch6 Exeunt! earin* o&& the dead odies4 a&ter which a (eal o& ordnance is
shot o&&
Griffin 1A0

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