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Brandon Aguilar

Facing History reflection

1. Describe the Facing History activity.
The Facing History activity was centered around self esteem and how they think about themselves can
influence the actions that they take.

2. What did you notice during this activity?
How self esteem issues is becoming more of a popular topic but is rarely spoken about. This is the first
time self esteem presentation I've seen be addressed.

3. How did the activity feel?
I personally felt oblivious. I am confident with myself so I am ignorant to the things that people who
suffer from low self esteem go through.

4. What did you learn?
How the way to think about your self reflects who you are a person. Also it influences the decisions they

5. What did you contribute?
I participated in the activity and gave people compliments.

6. What are you left wondering about?
How can we tell if someone has low self esteem?
Can ones self esteem effect others?

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