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Keaton Bumgardner:

A Social Work Portfolio

The social work portfolio fulfills a major requirement for the Bachelor of Social Work (B.S.W)
degree at the Wayne State University School of Social Work. I believe this portfolio reveals the extent of
my growth during the B.S.W. program. It also documents my readiness for service as a professional
social worker. The material covered in my portfolio reflects my knowledge and expertise that I will
utilize as a social worker.
I have organized my portfolio into sections indicated by each tab. My portfolio includes a
submission letter, introduction and a resume. Next, is my personal statement which details the reasons I
have chose the social work profession. I have also included the eleven competencies I have learned
throughout the B.S.W program, adding a different paper to illustrate each competency. There is an
appendix tab which includes my awards and evaluations, letters of reference, personal learning goals, a
copy of my most current transcript and five reflection assignments regarding article readings that are
about different social work encounters. Finally the last tab contains a contact form.
This portfolio contains a great deal of information about the competencies and skills I have
learned that prepare me for a career in social work. There was much time and effort in preparation of
the portfolio and the process allowed me to reflect on my B.S.W program experience and reassures me
that becoming a social worker was the best choice for me.

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