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Phyoe Thaung

Central Arizona College

CPD 101
12 June 2013


Short term goals
1. I will finish both of my courses, CPD 101 and Intro to Psychology, at Central Arizona
College with 90% or higher by the end of my term on July 5
, 2014
To achieve this goal, I will need to dedicate my time to my coursework every day for
about an hour for each class.
I will need to turn in my assignments on time.
To be successful in college courses, I will turn in quality work when I am assigned a
Not only will I need to study, but I will exceed the tests as well to ensure that I will be
successful in the courses.
- This goal will help me in the future because not only will I have some of my
general education credits out of the way, but it will also show future college
administrations that I am a hard working student who will put in the time and
effort to be successful.
2. I will receive my stole from National Honor Society by graduation on May 29
of 2016
Being a part of National Honor Society takes dedication, as well as service. I plan on
being a member in good standing by participating in 2/3
of the events each year.
I plan on giving more than I need to, which means I will exceed the 15 hour service
requirement every semester.
I will be a leader on campus, because one of the aspects of being a member of
National Honor Society is that you are a leader to your fellow peers.
I will be the leader of at least 1 committee each year and lead my team and the event
to success.
- A goal such as being an outstanding member in National Honor Society will look
amazing on not only college resumes but as well as employment applications. It
shows that I am a dedicated team member and that I know how to be a leader.
Aside from resumes, it will build my character and I will be giving back to the
Long term goal
1. I will be accepted into UC Berkeley College of Engineering for the Fall term of 2016
with a full ride tuition, major in computer science, and become a computer programmer.
Being accepted into a university such as University of California will take dedication
that goes beyond expectations, which I plan on doing.
I will take more math and science courses than required in high school, such as taking
AP Calculus and a 4
science credit.
I will be a part of SkillsUSA with engineering club, and rank in the top 3 at
I am fortunate enough to have an engineering course at my school that partner with
internships at companies for engineering, so after I finish my courses in high school, I
will begin to build on my resume with an internship as I finish high school.
When I get accepted into UC Berkeley, I will dedicate myself to the coursework,
finish the classes with high marks, and begin to talk to companies such as Boeing,
Intel, or Microsoft for internships that I can take on while I attend university.
By the end of my college terms, I will be a marketable employee, and I would
accomplish my biggest goal as working as a computer programmer.
- This goal would be helpful because not only of the financial benefit of working as
an engineer, but I would be in a job field that I enjoy. It would also advance my
critical thinking skills, because engineering requires a higher thinking. Not to
mention that computer science is a diverse field, and will open many paths for me
even if I only have a bachelors degree.

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