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Assess Sign of
Date of Date of ment
Sf. Name of the Experiment Page Perform submis Max. Teacher
No. No. and
ance sion Marks - Remark
10 1 To understand laboratory


2 To understand network features.

3 To configure TCPflP LAN in laborator .

4 To install windows server


5 To install Active Directory.

6 To create user account and work with user account.

7 To insta II network printer in LAN.


To create and work with share in network .


. To work with windows server 2003 backup and Use of

..... _b?c:;~up§()f~Clr~~: ....

10 • To understand the functions of ; TCPflP utilit .

Total Marks ...... Average Marks out of 10 .... __ *

* Assement norms to be followed as per CIAAN -2007 (Proforma A-1 )

Note: The curriculum of this subject is referred and the above list of experiments is finalized to achieve the desired objectives.


1.0 Title:

To understand laboratory network and it's components.

2.0 Prior Concepts:

Basic Computer Network,LAN,WAN.

3.0 New Concepts:

Peer -to-Peer Network, Client -Server Network. Proposition 1: Peer-to peer Network relationships.

A peer-to-peer network relationship defines in which computers on the network comm unicates with each other as equals. Each computer is responsible for making its own resourses might be files, directories,application program or devices such as printers, modems of fax cards. Each computer is also responsible for setting up and maintaining its own security for these resoures.

Concept Structure:

Peer Peer

2 ~


2 ~.:.



Proposition 2: Client-Server Network relationship.

A Client /Server network relationship is in which a distinction exists between the computers that make available network resourses (the servers) and the computer that use use the resourses (the client). A pure Client/Server network is one in which all available network resourses such as files,directories,applications and shared devices. No client computer share their resourses with other client computers or with the servers.

Concept Structure:






Proposition 3: Network hardware components

The network hardware components are Servers, Hubs, Routers and Switches.

4.0 Learning Objectives:

Intellectual Skills:

1.To identify network directing devices(Hub/Switch). 2.To identify topology used(Star/Bus).

3.To identify types of cable used (catS/cat6/optical fiber). Motor Skills:

1.Ability to observe laboratory network.

2.Ability to connect cable end connector to computer CPU and other end to switch or hub

5.0 Appratus:

e Computer Lab ~LAN

e Switch/ Hub

o Cable

o PC's

6.0 Diagram:

(Students shall draw diagram containing PC's connection with switch or hub.)

7.0 Stepwise Procedure:

1. Give 10/20 minutes to group of students to obeserve lab network.

2. Ask about network components and provide more information about each component.

3. Ask about transmission media (Cable),type of connector (RJ4S), cable connections.

4. Explain how network is useful? Give practical example, i.e Sharing of file of files, Network printing?

S. Explain how data is traveling from one computer to other computer?

8.0 Observations:

Observation of CPU

Processor make (Manufacturer) --
Processor Speed In GHz
RAM capacity In MB
Hard disk Capacity In GB
System Cost In Rs. Observation of transmission media

Media Type UTP
Speed -
Length supported ........ meter
No.of pairs used .. Observation of network directing devices:

,......--..-.~.---~.--r-~.c._---~-~.- --"-~~""-r-""'--'--~~ ,.~ .. __ ... c..~~,
Device No. Of Seed Manufacturer Cost in
used ports Supported Name Rs.
Bridge 10.0 Conclusions:

1.Which type of network cable used in your lab (UTP/STP).

2.Which type of network connector used in your lab (RJ11/RJ45).

3.Which company switch/hub available in your lab .

4: How many Ports Switch/hub used .

Student to write conclusion on the basis of topology used in the Lab.

11.0 Questions:

Write Answers to: Q ... ,Q .. .from A,Q ... ,Q ... From B,Q ... ,Q ... And from C,Q ... ,Q .. (The Question Numbers to be allotted by teacher):

A 1.State any four networking jobs

2. Give the configaration of PC on which you are working. 3.What is rate of data transfer on network in your LAB. 4.Give advantages and disadvantages of network. 5.What is the requirement to make client/server network?

B. 1.Mention the sitution in which peer-to-peer network is used?

2. Differentiate between managed & unmanaged switch

3. Which type of cabling is best for networking?

4.Mention the situation in which wired and wireless network is used. 5.What are the requirement to make peer-to-peer network.

C. 1.ln each node is connected to every other node by direct links.

(a) Ring Topology (b) Tree Topology (c) Mesh Topology (d) Bus Topolog

2. A concept similar to a telephone network is used in ..

(a) Ring Topology (b) Tree Topology (c) Mesh Topology (d) star Topology

3. In star topology, the central hub is called ..

(a) Active hub (b) Passive hub (c) inactive hub (d) live hub.

4 uses multiple philosophy.

(a) Ring Topology (b) Bus Topology (c) Mesh Topology (d) Hybrid Topology.

Note: Teacher shall contribute the questions under.

5 .

6 ..

7 .

(Space for Answers)

(Space for Answers)

(Signature of teacher)


1.0 Title:

To understand the network features.

2.0 Prior Concepts:

Peer-to-Peer network and client/server network.

3.0 New Concepts:

Proposition 1: File sharing

File sharing is the primary feacture of network. The networks in a place, sharing of files becomes easier. File sharing requires a shared directory or disk drive to which many user can acces over the network. When many users accessing same file on network,more than one person making changes to a file at the same time is that they might both making conficting changes simultaneously. Most of software program do not have ability to allow multiple changes to a Single file at the same time and resolve problems that might arise.

Proposition 2: Printer sharing.

Printer sharing is beneficial to many users as they can share costly higher quality printer. Printer sharing can be done in several different ways on network the most common way is to use printer queues on server the printer queue holds print jobs until any currently running print jobs are finished and then automatically send the waiting jobs to the printer.

Proposition 3: Application services:

As share files on the network we can also share application on the network Keeping application centralized reduce the amount of disk space needed on each workstation. Another application service you can have on the network is shared installation.

Proposition 4: Remote Access:

Another important feature of the network sharing is remote access to the network resource. Using this feature user can access their files and e-mail when they are traveling or working on remote location.

4.0 Learning Objective:

Intellectual Skills:

1. To understand file the concept of sharing and printer sharing.

2. To understand concept of application services. 3, To understand use of Remote access.

Motor Skills:

1. Ability to share folder and drive.

2. Ability to access remote services.

5.0 Appratus:

· Computer Lab

· Lan

· Switch/Hub

· PC's

6.0 Stepwise Procedure:

1. For sharing drive.

(a) Open my computer. (b) Right click on drive 'C'

(c) Select sharing menu from Pop-up menu. (d) Then select full Radio button to share drive.

2. Procedure to sharing folder/directory

(a) select folder/directory you want to share. (b).Right click and select sharing from pop-up menu. (c) selected folder/directory shared.

7.0 Conclusion:

1. Write name of drive you shared in the experiment.. .

2. Write capacity of drive shared in the experiment.. ..

3. Write name of the folder shared in the experiment.. .

8.0 Questions:

Write Answers to :Q ... ,Q ... ,Q ... ,Q ... (The teacher shall allot the questions):

1. Describe file sharing of network.

2. State any two advantages of file sharing of network.

3. Describe printer sharing of network.

4. State any two advantages of printer sharing of network

5. Describe e-mail features of network with advantages and disadvantages

6. Describe remote access of network with advantages.

7. Describe the network plan.

8. Write different types of remote access.

9. Write advantages of application services. 10.What are drawbacks of file sharing?

11.State any two disadvantages of file sharing of network. 12.State any two disadvantages of printer sharing of network.

Note: Teacher shall contribute the questions.

13 ..

14 , ..

15 .

(space for answers)

(space for answers)

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(Space for Answers)

••• ~ • ~ ~ •• ~ •• ~ ••••••••••••••• ~ • ~ ~ •••••••••• " •••• ~ •••• " ••••• '1' , •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• '" ••••••••••••• " •••• ~ ••••• , .

(Signature of Teacher)


1.0 Title:

To configure TCPIIP LAN in laboratory.

2.0 Prior Concepts:

IP address, IP address class, Subnet Masking.

3.0 New Concepts:

Proposition 1 : TCP/IP: Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol.

TCP/IP is the communication protocol for the Internet.The TCPIIP standard there is a number of protocols for handling data communication.

. TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) communication between applications . UDP (User Datagram Protocol) simple communication between applications

IP (Internet Protocol) communication between computers.

ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) for errors and statistics. DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) for dynamic addressing.

Proposition 2 : TCP Uses a Fixed Connection:

TCP is for communication between applications. When an application wants communicate with another application via TCP, it send communication request.This request must be sent to an exact address. After a "handshake" between the two applications, TCP will setup a "full-duplex" communication between the two applications. The "full-duplex" communication will occupy the communication line between the two computers until it is closed by one of the two applications.

Proposition 3 : IP is Connectlon-Lesa:

IP is for communication between computers. IP is a "connection-less" communication protocol. It does not occupy the communication line between two communicating computers. This way IP reduces the need for network lines. Each line can be used for communication between many different computers at the same time. With IP, messages (or other data) are broken up into small independent "packets" and sent between computers via the Internet. IP is responsible for "routing" each packet to its destination.

Proposition 4 : Default gateway:

A default gateway is a node (a router)on a computer network that serves as an access point to another network. In homes, the gateway is usually the ISP-provided device that connects the user to the Internet.

In enterprises, however, the gateway is the computer that routes the traffic from a workstation to the outside network. In such a situation, the gateway node often acts as a proxy server and a firewall. The gateway is also associated with both a router, which uses headers and forwarding tables to. determine where packets are sent, and a switch, which provides the actual path for the packet in and out of the gateway. In other words, it is an entry point and an exit polnt in a network.

4.0 Learning Objectives:

Intellectual Skills:

1. To understand working of TCPfl P.

2. To identify type of IP address used.

3. To compare static and dynamic addressing.

Motor Skills:

1.Ability to configure TCPflP network and it's parameters.

2. Ability to check the connectivity and Copy data from one machine to other machine.

5.0 Stepwise Procedure:

1. Double click on My Network places on desktop.

2. New dialog box open. select Setup a home or small office network from Network Tasks dialog box.

3.lf computer not showing any network task, It means network card drivers is not installed or NIC card is not inserted properly. So, configure first NIC card driver, then restart PC.

4. After step 2. Network setup wizard window appears.

Welcome to the Network Setup Wizard

Thifi wI;::tltcl will help yoW .liel ~jp !Ii!:; M!nDWlel' to run (Wi ~ldUI nell/10th. \.ilith a net!,-\Iork you can:

~. ~j htlfl] en klt.Grnet GOMi18CtiQI1 * :;; ($1 up \,I!indt1W$ Flil!Jv,ii;:lU

" Share nl(:i~ and rolder~

., S hare a printer

5.Cl1ck on the Next button to display following window.

6. Click on the Next button to display following windows.

7. In above window you have to select a proper connection method, then click on Next. After click on Next button following window appears.

., Q Thi"eomputer~9I"Mct~ direollytolhe Internet •.. 1 do not have ... network yet

..... View an €l:-:ample. .. • .. .. ..

i@Thiscomputerb~longstoan~twolk that does not have an Internet connection

. View ~n e~",mpb; •..... . ... ..

8. In above window you have to select a proper connection method, and then click on the Next button to get following window.

9.ln above windows you have to enter computer description and computer name and then click on Next button to display following window.

10. In above window you have to enter workgroup name and that is same for all computers in network and then click on Next button to display following window.

11. In above window select turn on file and printer sharing radio button and then click on Next button to display following window.

12. Just click on Next button, another window will open and wait for following window appear.

13. In above window select proper option and click on Next button to display following window.

Completing the Network Setup Wizard

You have successfully set up this compute! for home or small office networking.

F or help with home or small office networking. see the following topics in Help and Support Center:

the Shared Docl; ents folder rI:N .. .. g.mJ..fgl.g.~I~

To see other computers on your network, click Start. and then click My Network Places.

14. Click on Finish button and restart the PC.

After restarting the PC:

15. Write click on My Network Places and select properties. The following window appears.




16. In above window, write click Local Area Connection and select properties, the following window appears.

17, In General Tab, click on Internet Protocol then click on properties, The following window appears,

18. In above window, clock on use the following IP address radio button. Then enter IP address, subnet mask. Default gateway is optional. Then click on OK button, Then again click OK button,

8.0 R esu lts /c onclus ion s: (Write what you observed in Lab).

1. The IP address given and it belongs to class

(class'A'/class'8', /class'C').

2. The subnet masking of class 'A' is , class'B' is ..

and class'C' is , .

3.The name of workgroup is .

9.0 Questions:

Write Answers to: Q ... ,Q ... ,Q ... ,Q . , . And ... ,Q ... (The Question Numbers to be allotted by teacher):

i.What do you meant by IP address? 2,What do you meant by subnet mask?

3. What is full form of DNS?

4. IP address are bits long

(a) 8 (b) 16 (c) 32 (d) 64

5. Differentiate between IPv6And IPv5.

6. Enlist four names of protocol.

7.Enlist the different classes of IP address.

8. Write down any two IP address and subnet masks used in your laboratory.

9. Mention any two version of IP protocol.

10. What isARP?

11, IP address corns under the class , .

(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) 0

12. IP address corns under the class , ..

(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) 0

Note :Teacher shall contribute the questions.

13, , , , .

14 , , .

15 , , ..

(space for Answers)

............ ~ .. ~~.~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ .,. ~ .

(space for Answers)

(Signature of Teacher)

5.0 Minimum Hardware Requirements:

For the Web Edition of Windows Server 2003:

1. Pentium-class processor(only) at a minimum of 133 MHz.

2. At least 128 MB of RAM.

3. At least 1.5 GB of available hard disk space.

For the Standard Edition:

1. Pentium-class processor(only) at a minimum of 133 MHz.

2. At least 128 MB of RAM.

3. At least 1.5 GB to 2.5 GB of available hard disk space.

For the Enterprise Edition:

1. Pentium-class processor(only) at a minimum of 133 MHz.

2. At least 128 MB of RAM.

3. At least 1.5 GB of available hard disk space.

For the Datacenter Edition: .

1. Pentium-class processor(only) at a minimum of 400 MHz.

2. Atleast 512 MB of RAM.

3. At least 1.5 GB of available hard disk space.

6.0 Stepwise Proedure:

1. Insert CD of Windows Server 2003 into CD-ROM.

2. Open the CD folder from Cd drive.

3. Double-click on Setup file.

4. Select the option Install Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition from Welcome Window.

7.Select anyone option from the following window and click on the Next Button.

8.Click on Next button following Window occurs.

9. After this installation of Windows Server 2000/2003 starts.

(Space for answers)


1.0 Title:

To Install Active Directory

2.0 Prior Concepts:

Basic knowledge of 2000/2003 server.

3.0 New Concepts:

Proposition 1 : Active Directory

Active directory is a directory service that contains information about all network resources such as server, printer, user accounts, group of user accounts security policies.Active directory is responsible for providing a central listing of resources and ways to quickly find and access specific resources and for providing a way to man age network resource.

Proposition 2 : Domain or Container

Domain is a fundamental component that holds information about all network re source that are grouped it.

Proposition 3 : Object

Every resource is called an object and it associated with domain.

4.0 Learning Objectives:

Intellectual Skills:

1.To understand concept of Active directory services. 2.To understand installation procedure of Active Directory. Motor Skills:

i.Ability to install Active Directory on Server 2000/2003.

5.0 Apparatus:

Server 2000/2003 installation CD, 2000/2003 installed machine.

6.0 Diagram: (Student to draw Conceptual structure of Active Directory)

7.0 Stepwise Procedure:

1. There are two way to start the Active Directory I nstallation Wizard. One is to click Start,click Run, type dcpromo on the Open box and click OK. (If small Dialog box appear then click on Continues. If you see a Configuration Option dialog box,select Custom configuration.) In the Server Role box, click Domain Controller (Active Directory), and click Next. Click Next again.

Then use the following command on command prompt. For Example see figure blelow.

Then again start from step 1.

2. Click Next when the Active Directory Installation Wizard starts.

3. The Operating System Compatibility dialog box display a warning that some older versions of Windows will not be able to log on to a domain controller running Windows Server 2003, click Next.

4.Click Domain controller for anew domain, if this option is not already selected.(Notice that if this were an additional domain controller in an existing domain, you could also set it up through the Active Directory Installation Wizard by using option Additional domain controller for an existing domain. Click Next (see Figure below).

Domain Controllel T YiW

Specify the fOle you want t.r:j:t; seflier to have.

5.lf you see a screen on which to create a new domain tree, click Create a new domain tree, Click Next.

6.Click Domain in a new forest. Click Next.

7.Enterthe domain name that you selected in consultation with your instructor or enter your initials plus MSBTE.COM. Click Next.(At this point the wizard takes a few mo ments to check that a domain does not already exist and to set up the dornain.) 8.Set the default in the Domain NetBIOS name box (for users of earlier versions of

Windows), and click Next.

9.Set C:\WINDOWS\NTDS as the database location and C:\WINDOWS\NTDS as the

log location. (Your system may use a different drive location by default depending on the location of the WINDOWS folder. Click Next.

10.Set the shared system volume location as a default, such a C:\WINDOWS\ SYSVOL (Again, the exact drive depends on the location of the \WINDOWS folder). Notice that the wizard warns that the Sysvol folder must be on a volume formatted with NTFS. Click Next. At this point, if a DNS server is not already installed or available on the network, the wizard provides an option to install it as part of the setup process. If a DNS server is already installed, you will see a DNS Registration Diagnostics dialog box; Verify or supply the requested IP address information about the DNS server and proceed with the installation.

11. The Permissions dialog box gives you the option to use permissions compatible 'with pre~Windows 2000 servers, such as Windows NT Server 4.0-or

to use Permissions compatible only with Windows 2000 or Windows Server 2003 operating systems, if this option is not already selected, Click Next.

12.Enter an Administrator password and confirm it for use in the Directory Services Re store Mode. Click Next.

13.Review in the summary scroll box the selections you have made and record them. Is there an option to retrace your steps in case you want to change a parameter? Click Next to proceed. (If you do not have permission from your instructor to install Active


Directory, click Cancel at this point to exit setup.)

14.Wait a few minutes as the wizard configures Active Directory. Notice the line

near the bottom of dialog box that shows each configuration activity. 15.Click Finish.

16.Make sure you have saved any open work, and then click Restart Now. 17.1f you used the Configure Your Server Wizard in Step 1, clickFinish after the

server reboots and you log onto the Administrator account.

8.0 Conclusions:

. While installing Active Directory which is Domain name is given ..

Student collects the information about Active directory in server 2000/2003 and list features and benefits of AD .

. Which protocols are used by Active directory , ,

9.0 Question:

Write Answers to :Q ... ;Q ... ,Q ... ,Q ... (The Question Numbers to be allotted by teacher):

1. Write features of ADS.

2. Write benefits of ADS.

3. What is transitivity trust relationship?

4. What is OU in ADS?

5. What is forest in ADS?

6. What is tree in ADS?

7. What do you meant by Domain in ADS.

8. Compare ADS and NDS.

Note:Teacher shall contribute the questions.

9 .

10 .

11 ..

(space for Answers)

"~"""'.~'~""""""""""""""~""""'" ••••••••••••••• T •• ~ , •• ~ ••

(space for Answers)

(Signature of Teacher)

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