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Circumference and Diameter

Materials: circular objects to measure, tape measure, graphing calculator

1) Measure the diameter and circumference of at least six different circular objects and
record the data in the table below.
Diameter(d) Circumference(C)

2) Enter the data from your table in your calculator.
Put the diameters in L1
Put the circumference in L2

3) On your calculator, make a scatter plot with the diameter on the x-axis
and circumference on the y-axis

4) Go back to the STAT window - where you entered your data in the table.
Use the directional arrows to move the cursor to column L3
Press the UP arrow one more time the cursor should be sitting right on top of L3
Enter a formula for this column.
Enter L2/L1 where it used to say L3

This will divide each value that you entered for the circumference with its corresponding
value of the diameter.

5) Compute the average of the values in L3

Circumference (L
Diameter (L
Use the STAT
menu to enter
the data
Use the STAT PLOT on your
calculator. Dont forget to
adjust the window so you
can see the data points
Use the STAT menu. Go to
Enter 1-VAR STATS L3
6) Use the average of the values in L3 for the slope of the line, y=mx
Graph this line.

7) Do your data points lie close to your graph?________

Use TRACE or ZOOM or 2
CALC or any other function on your calculator to find the
value of the circumference when the diameter is 2.75 ________________

8) What is the value of the circumference when the radius is 2.75? ______

9) What is the value of the circumference when the diameter is zero? ______

10) What is the value of the diameter when the circumference is 10? ______

11) If you double the value of the circumference from 10 to 20 is the diameter doubled? _____
Explain your answer.

Adapted from Ron Carlson materials.
Circumference (L
Diameter (L
Go to Y= and enter
your equation for

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