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Ang Poon Hee

PISMP Sem 1 Math

Reflective log 3
This week, we have learnt about the nature of mathematics. Mathematics by
nature is both a pure, theoretical adventure of the mind and a practically applied science.
This dichotomy allows the theoretical mathematician to "do mathematics for
mathematics sake" and the applied mathematician to "use mathematics as a tool" to
solve real problems.
One of the topics we learnt is different numeration base. Normally, we use Hindu-
Arabic numeration system which use the base ten. Now we learnt the numeration
systems which give us insight into numeration systems used with computers.
The decimal system, with its ten ciphers, makes a lot of sense, being that we
have ten fingers on which to count between our two hands. But the primary reason that
the binary numeration system is used in modern electronic computers is because of the
ease of representing two cipher states (0 and 1) electronically. With relatively simple
circuitry, we can perform mathematical operations on binary numbers by representing
each bit of the numbers by a circuit which is either on (current) or off (no current).
Changing the base is also the topic we learnt. It is quite troublesome if we do not
know the grouping way. It is more logical and faster for us.
We get the knowledge through internet and the notes gave by lecturer. It had
giving the new perspective of the nature of mathematics.
Last but not least, from the topic, we learnt more about the patterns of number
and grouping the number in various base.

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