Integrated Writing Format 1

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Integrated Writing

Question 1
Read: 3 min
Take notes
Reading will reappear
during the writing
Listen (2/3 min)
Professor opposes/ disagrees
with the points of the reading
Take notes as ou listen
Take notes

2# minutes
(ou $an see the

Que stion: How does the professor refute-oppose the ideas of the reading?
%ummari&e points of the reading and relate them to the points in the Le$ture
'() time the listening opposes/disagrees with the Reading* 1() agrees+
Read in 3 minutes and take notes 1
on the reading* $op this ta,le* lea-e spa$e to listen in for how
the professor disagrees with ea$h Reason/argument+
Reading Listening (Refutes!disagrees)
Tip: /on0t write the whole senten$e! few words to get idea
1) %tart writing* fill in the gaps with our notes:
The article states that___________________ and provides 3 reasons of support.
However the professor e!plains that_____________ and refutes each of the
author"s reasons.
#st the reading clai$s that ___________
The professor refutes his point %& sa&ing that ______________.
He states that ___________
'nd the article sa&s that_______________
However the professor sa&s that ________________
(ccording to the professor _____________________
3rd. t)e reado$g saus that______________
The professor opposes this point e!plaining that__________________
No need for conclusion.
Paraphrasing! not ne$essar+ 2ust listen to what the professor sas
Repetition! dont repeat
dont add info from the reading+++ 3ust the listening
Pra$ti$e makes perfe$t+
Integrated Writing *or$at
.r if ou prefer* this format is easier to remem,er:
Integrated writing for$at
In this set of $aterials the Reading tal+s a%out________________ and the Listening tal+s
(ccording to the article _____________________
main idea and details from the article (summarize) ' or three sentences ,shorter-
(ccording to the Listening _______________-
$ain points fro$ the listening. This paragraph should %e longer
,No .onclusion-

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