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Reflection and

Systematization of my
Teaching Process 2014

El me r J or ge
Guar dado Mat .
S unday , J une 15t h
2014 I X s eme s t e r

Ftima Lourdes Duran
Critical Reflection

This essay is about portfolio contains the teaching responsibilities when practice
because teachers are models to follow and that is why teacher have to be able to
manage every educational situation in this process because it is their own
responsibility to transmit knowledge. A teaching portfolio can be used as part of the
formative assessment of my own performance, that is, to reflect on what you are
trying to achieve and how you might improve upon it. A well balanced teaching
portfolio statement will incorporate both summative and formative analysis of your
learning and teaching activities.

1-Explain and include a Teaching Critical Reflection in what you have been through in
You TP and in the course.

2. Explain step by step how you are going to do a systematization of the Teaching
Practice Process.

3. Explain and describe how you are going to apply the e-portfolio approach including
the new learning environment in the ELT.

4. Explain how you are going to deal if you want to use technology in a school or place
of work but there is not Tech in the classroom. What are you going to do? How are
you going to solve the problem? Provide resources that you will use and the

Aspect: Use a range of teaching strategies and resources and other
technologies to foster interest and support learning.
Aspect: Demonstrate a range of questioning techniques designed to
support student learning
Aspect: Listen to students and engage them in classroom discussion
1-Explain and include a Teaching Critical Reflection in what you have
been through in You TP and in the course.

I have reflected in my teaching practice that I have done in forty hours and I came
up with my own reflection and I can grade myself with my experience, that I
acquired during that time. This teaching portfolio describes the development of my
teaching techniques and style. It aims to present my overall teaching approach and
philosophy as a product of continual reflection on success and feedback from
teaching practice, guided by theoretical knowledge about the learning process. The
sections on my teaching history, together with my reflections on particular aspects
of past assignments, show the range of teaching tool; I have employed them in
practice, and how I have tried to enhance their effectiveness. The composition and
continual revision of this teaching portfolio has proved immensely useful for me. It
supports a reflective approach and has helped me in becoming aware of my
strengths, improving on existing weaknesses and constantly monitoring my own
development as a teacher. Taken part in blended-learning materials and course
development, and conducted teacher workshops. In my portfolio I made a
compilation of all that I went to teach, and with methods and techniques that
promote education, with the syllabus to publicize what were the objectives; that
want to go to teach at a school. In class is occupied the elements necessary to
teach the class, with methods procedures, to motivate each student to learn more
about the content. Through a portfolio is given to collect everything that need with
lesson plan with the plan to distribute the necessary to get to know very I taught
content, dare class, with the required time and know the materials, and how the
class was developed. With the procedure which is made cannot be taken to the
base to get be a good teacher, thus collect the experience and have evidence of
what was done, with techniques that favor teaching the English language.
Calhoun (2002)

As a beginner in this part of education, I have to make my own evaluation about
how .Im going to deal with many stuff, Bringing to my mind the impact that I could
cause in the cognitive development of the student if I reach to commit some error, I
should take into account the different kinds of personalities I will get to dealing with.
Some of the learners will be an active and engaged participant in small group, and
class discussions by analyzing, constructing/creating, and evaluating information
presented within some the textbook, external readings/resources, student
research, and class activities. And, in the other hand this learner will identify
historical landmark events which contributed to the development of today's testing
and assessment environment in schools. I have to find my own style, keep in order
what I want my students learn, which purpose I want my students learn this
assignment. I will confront the idea of making mistakes during my teaching, asking
Critical reflection involves analyzing your own learning and teaching practices that
may contribute to effective teaching, regular evaluation of your approaches to
teaching and learning as well as action research approaches such as drawing on
alternative teaching strategies to help students to learn when familiar methods fail.
It is useful if it is used in a framework, therefore you should look at the theories of
learning and identify your own approach to teaching and learning. Im going to deal
with many stuff, Bringing to my mind the impact that I could cause in the cognitive
development of the student if I reach to commit some error, I should take into
account the different kinds of personalities I will get to dealing with
A teachers program is a teachers creative representation of the curriculum. The
teacher had left me a very basic structured day plan, which said Students are the
write 1-2 pages in their busy books about what they did on the school. I decided to
be a little more creative than the brief day plan I was provided with. I decided to
conduct a think, pair, share activity to support with the student learning adhering
to Aspect.
I gave the students time to think about what they do, I then asked the students to
turn to the person sitting next to them and discuss their holiday. Additionally, this
was a great icebreaker for the new student and reflected of developing a calm,
encouraging and safe learning environment. (Calhoun, 1994)

2. Explain step by step how you are going to do a systematization of
the Teaching practice process.
Once we have the specific method or even a mixed of method is easy to identify
the importance of the strategies and techniques to use within the lesson because
the method gave us the step, tools, and principle about the coming activities, the
methods lead us how to do the activities and what kind of strategies and
techniques would most likely with our students and also the program too. I realized
about the importance of the good strategies when teaching because according to
my methodology, a blended of method describe the proper way to teach. I cannot
teach without methods, without strategies and techniques because I will lost in the
procedure, otherwise I will be teaching in a wrong way because I will be doing
anything else but not teaching, thats way I will lead my TP by following the
appropriate methodology, my own principles, my on teaching style and finally I will
be always in search about what to do next, if there is the needed of reinforcement
and finally try to engage student to work in collaboration with the right kind of
strategies which energized the learning environment through the collaboration in
the classroom. In short, the right method, the right strategies and techniques I will
use in the lesson. (Lick, 2000)
I found that the mayor objective is to achieve the communicative competence but
also take into account the linguistic as extra linguistic dimension of language, when
I talk about communicative competences, I am referring to the ability to use
vocabulary, grammar as well as the ability to form appropriate utterances and
using it appropriately in real life. Now, that I have found the approach in my
teaching practice I will based my practice in the principle of this approach because
the whole program is based in communicative competence , so that I have to follow
the same approach in order to achieve the main goal of this one which is to
improve and increase students ability to communicate through the language, and
also following the program but on my own I will make change in it, I mean I have to
create my own teaching style ,otherwise I will not succeed in teaching practice.
Whereas the student does not have the competence requirement I have to adapt
myself into their position in that way engaging them to learn the language, maybe
the basis thing in order to make them to communicate themselves, in this way I will
be arrived to the goals of communicative competences.
Like a teaching portfolio itself, your statement of teaching philosophy can serve a
number of purposes, including:
A way to clearly articulate your understanding of your role and responsibilities as
a teacher.
A way of demonstrating to your colleagues and university management that your
approach to teaching has a sound philosophical
A way of demonstrating that you appreciate the importance of teaching as part of
your duties and responsibilities and your commitment to it, and showing that you
- Interact with different situation where the students improve their knowledge and
linguistics skills during the course.
- Recognized the abilities my students possess to develop some classwork and

Practice Process
Teaching design in my practice.
Approach will be giving classes in high school and it would be around 40 hours,
hours taking in
Consideration the National English Curriculum, this is design and sent it to the
teachers in charge to be develop. This program contains some questions:
what do teachers teach for?
what must student learn?

These are question that the MINED establish fin order to apply the consecution of
their program. Carefull planning at the course design stage not only makes
teaching easier and more enjoyable, it does also facilitate students learning.

I will guide me in this approach: English as a foreign language, as we live in El
Salvador where English is not spoken we need to use this language a foreign no
one will speak well if its not well learned it. Beside my colleagues, of course.
Through this approach the course is going to be given to some students, students
from high school.
Depending on the topic is the way we are going to design our methodology. When
we find the right one this will define the techniques that Im going to use.
Lets take some topics form the MINED:
-expression to make appointments
-Personal Goals
-personal biographical information
These topics could be really easy, I choose them without any order, so, here I think
I would use as first instance the diagnostic evaluation; some of the students would
have Teaching Practice; I some knowledge about certain topic. Knowing a little
more about my students a can start my classes.
This will help me to achieve the goals my students will need to learn and not only
pass the Subject.
Lecture: books that helped me my students to improve their reading skills and
Their accent, find reading problems.
ed me the comprehension, music, etc.
line, I will obtain a feedback
and will have the product I need to evaluate my own progress.
think will be the correct one for the topic assigned.
social relationships
Respect yourself and your colleagues.
Respect students and parents.
Accept advice and work on it.
Accept your responsibilities and carry them through.
Accept diversity in your students and learn from them.
Be prepared to give constructive feedback.
Be sincere with yourself and others.
Be imaginative with your students.
Be innovative in your classroom.
Know that you are accountable for all that you say and do.

How you are going to apply the e-portfolio approach including the new
learning environment in the ELT?

The institution where I was teaching in might make a difference to the way I
compile my teaching portfolio. Firstly, institutional policies and procedures in
relation to probation, promotion and performance management might prescribe the
form in which my portfolio statement is structured. Secondly, the mission or values
of the institution might also influence my teaching philosophy and practice. I have
to take in consideration those possible situations, according the institution. Before
starting to prepare a teaching portfolio statement, you should first check with the
particular institution to determine their policies and procedures in relation to
teaching portfolios. (Feldman, 2003)
My teaching portfolio should emphasize my own particular philosophy and practice
toward teaching, as well as demonstrate that I am aware of the institutions goals
and objectives in relation to teaching and learning. Teaching philosophy, teaching
practice and the way my teaching is evaluated may well vary considerably between

In addition to attending to structure, a portfolio should also be comprehensive. The
documentation should represent the scope of your work. It should be
representative across courses and time. Some questions for you to think about
might be: Teaching philosophy statement is a brief and focused narrative
expressing your beliefs, attitudes and values regarding teaching and learning.
There is no right or wrong way to write a philosophy statement and it may vary
according to your preferred style. In short, whatever they have achieved, it will not
be the ability to express themselves simply but correctly in the present, past and
future, Nor will the course book have had much to do with it.
That is how we acquired our teaching style, so our principles and methods that we
use with the techniques and strategies are going to define it. That is why is
important to define what kind of teacher we want to be.
Another way for reinforcing the suggestion above is to raise the students
awareness about common errors. In the present case, letting them know that
present tense singular is a very common error and even professors at the
university level commit this mistake occasionally might boost the morale of the
students. If students can relate to what they are learning, their retention will
probably very high. It is as simple as that, the main point is to have the
commitment to do it and the passions for make things clearer for those who do not
have them clear enough. Zeichner (1996).
myself-directed teacher development, involving cycles of experimentation and
reflection, essential components for any developmental program we did . I did this
principally because for question some of the received wisdom about language
teaching, such as

That language learning is an incremental and linear process
That language learning is a purely cognitive process
That a grammar syllabus represents the best route for language learning
That imported materials are better than learner-generated ones
That lesson have to be meticulously planned
That accuracy is a pre-condition for fluency
That teaching is better with technology

How you are going to deal if you want to use technology in a school or place
of work Provide resources that you will use and the procedures?
Blended Learning is an approach to learning and teaching which combines and
aligns learning undertaken in face-to-face sessions with learning opportunities
created online. Nowadays, there are many ways to teach, it is up to us to choose
the way in which we want to teach. Due to new types of learning activities
challenge our thinking as to how learning might be facilitated, creating new
etiquettes of learning and teaching, and shifting the locus of control from the
teacher to the learner. Blended learning is a formal education program in which a
student learns at least in part through online delivery of content and instruction with
some element of student control over time, place, path or pace. While still
attending a brick and mortar school structure, face to face classroom methods are
combined with computer-mediated activities. Proponents of blending learning cite
the opportunity for data collection and customization of instruction and assessment
as two major benefits of this approach. Schools with blended learning models may
also choose to reallocate resources to boost student achievement outcomes.
When we connect ways to learn or we link knowledge between students and
teacher, we can achieve a better learning, we have to know how will be the best
way to teach in the learning process in order to achieve a meaningful learning for
us students. Dinkelman (2003)

What are e-Learning and blending learning?
E-Learning typically involves some form of interactivity, including online interaction
between the learner and their teacher or peers. E-Learning opportunities are
usually accessed via the Internet and its associated tools and software. However
e-Learning is evolving to include an increasing use of a wide and diverse range of
other technologies and tools. These include video and audio conferencing, mobile
phones, data projectors, digital cameras, global positioning systems and interactive
whiteboards. E-Learning offers students opportunities to: Become confident and
skilled at using the correct tools now and in the future, at home, at work, and in the
community .Develop literacy and competencies that are needed in order to
contribute to and effectively participate, enter into specialized study and careers in
digital technologies.

E-learning and Blended Learning
We are living in a technological era where almost every single movement is
related to technological procedures, adding this tool to the development of classes.
We can share more information online, having classes online.
The blended learning combines online with face to face learning. The goal of this is
to provide the most efficient and effective instruction experience by combining
delivery modalities. Internet has change many stuff in our life, it is really hard to
imagine how our life without any kind of technological tool. The evolution of
technology is leading in most of the biggest countries. Individual learning can be
defined as an increasing ones capacity to take effective action learning is moreover
often a result mediated experiences predetermined by an accrual situation.
Examples: in a classroom, face to face interaction is not necessary. It could be in
the same place but not physically. But, nowadays the base of some universities are
this technological tool, the blende is a mix of traditional e-learning and classroom
training and the concept of the standalone course is arguably redundant. blended
e-learning offers learners sophisticated and varied options to support their learning;
the development of the read-write technology for the web has seen the addition of
wikis, blogs and socials networking sites to the blende, building communities of
learners and making their experiences truly interactive. This along with the new
ways of using videos, gamming and podcast has taken blended learning to new
and exciting levels, not only forming an integral part of formal training innervations
but also in supporting continuous informal learning. We can use different types of
devices to share and study.
I can concluded that a good and responsible teacher must continuo this steps to a
good practice, we need to know that we are working with other human being, we
have that commitment in order to help and share our information for a better
knowledge. (Catelli, Padovano, &Costello, 2000)

"Teaching Creatively: Ideas in Action", Morrison-Shetlar & Marwitz, 2001.)
Ferrand, L., & Grainger, J. (1996). List context effects on masked phonological
priming in the lexical decision task. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review.
Gibbs, P., & Van Orden, G. C. (1998). Pathway selection's utility for control of word
recognition. Journal of Experimental Psychology.
(Brumfit and Johnson1979; Savignon 1983)
Neither Brumfit nor Johnson (1979)

Breen, M. (1985) The social context for language learning a neglected situation?
Studies in Second Language Acquisition.

Breen, M.P. (1999) Teaching language in the postmodern classroom, in Rib, R.
(ed.) Developing Learner Autonomy in Foreign Language Learning, Barcelona:
University of Barcelona Press.

Mann, S. J. (1999) A postmodern perspective on autonomy, in Rib, R. (ed.)
Developing Learner Autonomy in Foreign Language Learning, Barcelona:
University of Barcelona Press.

Illustrations from Hemming, J., and GA Tenby, E.V. (1958) Absorbing English Book
1, London: Longman.

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