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Remote Sensing

Civil Engineering Gunadarma University, Indonesia

Nama: NurinaYasin
I will use remote sensing to my research regarding rail transportation electric circuit
in Jakarta - Depok - Bogor. Special problems which I will carefully that the maximum load
capacity of ability that can be covered by a set of railroad car electrical circuits. he train
will not be able to walk when passenger loads exceed the maximum load capacity that can
be covered by a set of train. he use of remote sensing to help in the search and placement
of data to know the location of residential land use! the location of government "services#!
commercial and industrial society influencing the revival of passenger rail. his data helps
to determine how much should be prepared by $. %&I "%ereta &pi Indonesia# to provide
trains per day! so that does not happen and the excess burden of passenger comfort can be
he use of remote sensing has been widely used by researchers to meet almost the
same data with the data I need. 'ith remote sensing technology! the research will be
streamlined and optimi(ed. Satellites are used )uickbird satellite with higher spatial
resolution! which is *.+ meters "multispectral# and ,- centimeters "panchromatic#.
)uickbird image of the high spatial resolution commercial satellite imagery than others.
Based on experience .itriany one of the researchers who have used these satellites!
with extensive coverage of /,.0 x /,.0 km1! )uickbird Data for + channels plus one
panchromatic channel has spent /.2 gigabytes place. he data for this is stored in one file
without any compression at a resolution of /, bits per pixel radiometric. But very accurate
in displaying the data to look populated areas that are in the region.

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