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Rosa Parks

Rosa Parks stood up for equality between coloured and

white peole in America. All though her actions encouraged
others to stand up for their freedom.
Rosa Parks(LouiseMcCauley) was born febuary 4,1913 in
Tuskgee,Alabama(USA).Her dad James McCauley was a
carpenter and her mum Leona Edwards wawsateacher.. In
1915 her parents devoreced then her mum,brother Sylvester
all moved to Pine Level. Pine Level is a ghost town.
Four days later 5thof december people protested against her
arrest by not riding on the bus,riding their bikes or walking
instead 35000 flyers were sent out to let everyone know
about the boycott.
In couirt she was found guiltry a $10 fine plus a court fee $4(a
lot of money that time).This boycott was lead by Dr Martin
Luther King Jr. It lasted 381 days. The boycott stoped because
thew city of Montgomery recive3d a cxourt demans to stop
it, and allow equal rights between white and coloured
people on the busses.
After the Boycott (1957) she was still being harrased, Rosa
and her family.

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