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Chapter 9

Urinary System
By; Carmelita Chavez
The urinary system or genitourinary system is a
combination of two kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra,
and nephrons that work together to produce, store, and
eliminate urine.
Sometimes if one or more of the organs are not
working people can develop illnesses and diseases.
To detect if someone has an illness there are
diagnostic procedures which can include laboratory
Some abbreviations that represent illnesses and
diagnostic procedures are: BNO, Cath, CC, EU, and
(Im going to explain in detail BNO, Cath, CC, EU, and
Blockage of the bladder outlet. Often caused by
an enlarged prostate gland in males.
Is a condition where the neck of the bladder does
not open completely during voiding.
BNO occurs mostly in 50 year old males frequently
after being diagnose with prostate or had previous
history of bladder stones.
Also, BNO occurs due to previous history of
bladder tumors, pelvic tumors, or urethral scar
BNO symptoms in male are abdominal pain, slow
urine flow, frequency, urgency, incontinence, and
incomplete emptying when voiding.
If BNO if is not detected in the early stage it can
develop into bladder cancer.
The urology or physician might recommend some
laboratory tests to determine the cause of BNO.
Those laboratory tests include cystoscopy (x-ray
to look inside urethral,) urinalysis (to look for urine
infection,) and uroflowmetry (to know how fast
urine flows.)
Treatment for BNO is a Foley Catherer which is a
tube inserted into the bladder or surgery.

Catheterization is the insertion of a tube through the
urethra and into the urinary bladder purpose of
withdrawing urine or insertion dye.
There are different types of catheters such as; Foley,
Robinson, Coude, irrigation, and external Texas.
Catheterization is use for people that are going to have
surgery, or people that cant use a bedpan.
Intermittent catheterization is performed four times a
day for patients with urinary incontinence.
Nonintermittent catheterization it remains inserted till
patients can control his/her bladder.
Complications of catheterization can include
incontinence, trauma to bladder, and infections that
can cause fever and inflammation.
Is a urine sample obtained after cleaning off
the urinary opening and catching or collecting
a urine sample in midstream (halfway through
the urination process to minimize
contamination from the genitalia.
Is a typical urine test where a nurse ore
physician gives the patient a cup where
patient has to put his or her urine.
Is called clean catch for the reason that
before patient can urinate in the cup there are
steps to follow.

First step for a patient prior to this test is to wash
or wipe genital area with a kit that the doctor might
give that would include cleansing solution and
sterile wipes.
Women should wash between vagina lips.
Patient should let genital area dry.
Patient should urinate a little in the toilet then
urinate in the cup or container.
All of this is to prevent bacteria into getting into the
urine test.
Results of this test can indicate excessive amount
of red blood cells, white blood cells, protein, and
kidney or bladder infection.

Injection dye into the bloodstream and then taking an
x-ray to trace the action of the kidney as it excretes the
The dye that is used for this test is called iodine-base
This test evaluate the kidneys, urinary tract and
bladder. Medicine is given through IV.
This test detects tumors in the upper urinary tract,
bladder cancer, blood in the urine, and pain.
At the end of the exam patient has to urinate to
eliminate the dye and follow a diet with a lot of fluids.
As the dye is injected patient might feel a burning
sensation, headaches, nausea, and vomiting.
The dye might cause an allergic reaction to the patient.

Infection, usually from bacteria, of any organ of the
urinary system. Most often begins with cystitis and may
ascend into the ureters and kidneys. Most common in
women because of their shorter urethra.
Escherichia coli is the most common agent for
Urine contains salts and waste products that kill
bacteria but once bacteria multiplies in the bladder or
kidney it might cause UTI.
Symptoms of UTI are; pain and burning when urinate,
feeling to urinate frequently and not a lot of urine
comes out, bloated stomach, urine has bad odor, pain
in one side under the ribs, fevers, chills, nausea, and

Drink a lot of water 6-8 cups of 8oz every
Drink cranberry juice
Urinate often
Women should urinate after intercourse to
prevent UTI.
If diagnose with UTI Take full dose of
antibiotics to kill bacteria to prevent future

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