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Computer Aided Drafting Operating systems Wire Frame Surface and Solid
Modeling Simulation and Machining using CNC / DNC Machine Tools Use of FEM Packages
Relational Data Base Networking Practice on Computer Aided Measuring Instruments
Image Processing Software Development for Manufacturing CNC Controllers Use of
advanced CNC Machining Packages Business Data Processing.

Exercises in Modeling and Analysis of Mechanical Components and assembly using
Parametric and Feature based packages like PRO-E / SOLIDE WORKS / CATIA / NX / ANSYS /


Analysis of Mechanical Components Use of FEA packages, like ANSYS, NASTRON
etc., Excesses shell include FEA analysis of

i) Machine elements under static loads
ii) Heat transfer in mechanical systems
iii) Determination of natural frequency
iv) Axi-Symmetric
v) Non-linear systems

Use of kinematics and dynamics simulation software like ADAMS software Analysis of
velocity, acceleration for mechanical linkages of different mechanisms

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