Inquiry Weekly

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Learning areas: Literacy/Social Science Class/group/level: New entrant/ year 1 Date: June 16-20
June 201 Duration: !arie"/
#chieve$ent o%&ectives:
Social Science: Lvl 1: Understand how belonging to groups is important to people. Understand how places in NZ are significant for individuals and groups.
Literacy: Lvl 1 /2:'urposes an" #u"iences: Recognises that texts are shaped for different purposes and audiences.
15 postcard templates, back, front and stamp
)ey Co$petencies/S*ills:
Using lang Symbols and Text: Communicates knowledge and ideas. Relating to others: Listens to and shares ideas.
Manages self: Demonstrates a good attitude and has high standards for writing. Thinking: Thinking creatively
Learning +ntentions:
!o follow routines to write our stor".
#e are learning that we are a part of a

#e are learning to identif" parts of our
communit" that are special places.
Learning outco$es:
$tudents can write for audience
showing correct structure.
% am learning to write m" ideas.
2 minutes: Have the teddies sent us another email?
Recap with the students where they have been.
Where are they? Look and plot on google maps.
Discuss has anyone been to that location? What did they see?
40 minutes
Recap on postcard sent by !llie. Re read it and highlight the structure and that
she is writing to an audience us"
#ell the students that we should make her a post card in reply and we can
display it $or her to see when she gets back. %lso that the parents can see their
ama&ing work.
#ell students we are going to go back in time to a holiday that we really en'oyed
and pretend we are there when writing the email.
( will model writing a letter $rom )ueenstown. *lanning a picture $irst and
showing correct structure. +tudents help me with capitalisation and try words.
!,plain that we will also be designing the cover and stamps later on so we really
need to work hard because they well look so cool when $inished"
+how the space the stamp will go and the space the address will go
+tudents are given their books to plan $irst -draw. and then the template to start
Afternoon: do we have any new emails $rom the teddies?
Assessment procedures:
Students have individual learning ladybugs
and they will be assessed against their
Success Criteria
Correct size, shae, sace and lace.
WED: Guided writing
30 minutes
Discuss the word community. Does anyone know what it is?
#oday we are going to learn what it is and write about it.
Discuss the di$$erent communities: church/ sport/ kids/ matipo/ #e atatu/ whanau/
List them on the board.
0odel to the students me talking about a art community that ( belong to what we
do/ who they are and why ( like being apart o$ it.
!,plain that ( would like to get to know everyone better and will share them at the
2 minutes: Have the teddies sent us another email?
Recap with the students where they have been.
Where are they? Look and plot on google maps.
Discuss has anyone been to that location? What did they see?
R!: Guided writing
Recap on the writing o$ the postcards and share good e,amples e,plaining why (
was impressed.
1ommunicate that we are ready to draw our pictures $or our postcard.
2se !llie3s postacard as an e,ample o$ a 4wow3 image.
0odel drawing my image/ thinking aloud that ( will draw a boarder and write the
name o$ the city on the $ront so it3s really clear.
%sk $or two e,amples o$ what they might draw
!ncourage students to take their time and not rush.
#alk about the stamp and that they can draw their $ree choice but show where the
stamp would be placed on the page.
#ssess$ent o, chil"ren-s learning:
!"here to ne#t$ "hat should be considered for future teaching and learning based on the assessment evidence$%
.valuation o, own /eaching an" 'lanning:
!&ncluding effectiveness of assessment rocedures%

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