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April 1, 2014


Blk 4 Lot 3A Thunderbird Subd.
Camarin, Caloocan City
ear !r". Carlos,
# am plea"ed to in$orm you that # am a%reeable to handlin% your ca"e docketed a" Crim. Ca"e &o.
'()02)#&()13*2+,-),. pendin% be$ore the /$$ice o$ the Caloocan City 0ro"ecutor and Admin. Ca"e
&o. 2013)042 pendin% be$ore epartment o$ 1ducation i2i"ion o$ City School", Caloocan City "ub3ect
to the $ollo4in% condition"5
a. 0ayment o$ packa%e $ee in the amount o$ Fifty Thousand Pesos (P5!." upon your
con$ormity to thi" en%a%ement contract.
b. The co"t" o$ pleadin% preparation, photocopyin% o$ document", corre"pondence, po"t o$$ice
billin%", tran"cription $ee" and other out o$ pocket e6pen"e" "hall be $or your e6clu"i2e
c. #n ca"e o$ e6tra)ordinary e6pen"e" 4hich could not ha2e been rea"onably $ore"een, the "ame
"hall be $or your account and $or 4hich you 4ill recei2e the corre"pondin% billin%.
d. A##earan$e fee of P%!.. The amount "hall be payable e2ery time # or any o$ my
a""ociate" appear be$ore the court. #n ca"e # am re7ue"ted $or meetin%" and8or con$erence" in
any place 4ithin !etro !anila relatin% to your ca"e or $or any other matter 4hich 4ill a$$ect
your intere"t, you 4ill be char%ed $or the la4yer9" pro$e""ional $ee in the amount o$ Three
Thousand Fi&e 'undred Pesos (%!.".
Thi" en%a%ement contract co2er" only the trial court le2el. Should the matter reach the appellate
court", the handlin% o$ the ca"e "hall be "ub3ect to a ne4 en%a%ement contract.
#$ you $ind the $ore%oin% acceptable plea"e "i%n your con$ormity to the "pace pro2ided belo4.
Should you ha2e $urther clari$ication or counter propo"al plea"e $eel $ree to contact me "o 4e could come
4ith a mutually acceptable en%a%ement.
(ery truly your",

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