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Susie Queue

101 Main St.

Springfield, CA 90001
phone: (213) !123"
#ell: (310) !23"
'()*C+,-* Admission to Organizational Psychology program
*./CA+,'0 State /ni1ersit2, 3os Angeles, CA
MBA in Marketing
June 2007
Thesis: This Little Piggy Went To Market
State College, San .iego, CA
BA in History
June 2004
Focus on liza!ethan ngland and its impact on the "orld
*M43'5M*0+ 6irst Co&pan2, ,n#., 3os Angeles, CA
January 1, 2007 - present
Custo&er Ser1i#e Manager
O#ersee $ustomer %er#ice &epartment
%uper#ise $ustomer %er#ice 'epresentati#es
Winner( First $ompany )cellence A"ard
Se#ond Corporation, San .iego, CA
January 1, 2003 - December 31, 2006
Custo&er Ser1i#e 7epresentati1e
Pro#ide ser#ice to customers #ia telephone and email
'espond to all in*uiries "ithin +, hours
%uccess-ully reorganized call escalation protocol
+hird Co&pan2, 33C, 6resno, CA
January 1, 2000 - December 31, 2002
Ad&inistrati1e Assistant
'oute incoming telephone calls
Type o--icial correspondence
&istri!ute mail and intero--ice memoranda
'esponsi!le -or administration and reconciliation o- petty cash
Helped implement ne" telephone system
S8,33S 3anguage 0 Fluent in %panish( intermediate French
Co&puter S9ills 0 Microso-t O--ice( se#eral popular accounting packages
4ersonal ,nterests 0 Mem!er( Toastmasters 1nternational
/olunteer( Memorial Hospital $haplaincy Program
4u:li#ations 0 Pu!lished article and re#ie" o- literature in 2ournal o-
Business Practices 32anuary +4456

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