Camp Newsletter 1

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Room 11s BERWICK CAMP (28

July 1
August 2014)
June 2014
Dear Parents and Caregivers
This is the first of several important newsletters pertaining to our class camp. Over the net 4!" wee#s $ou
will receive important notices a%out the &erwic# 'chool Camp. Please ta#e time to read them carefull$ and
respond as soon as possi%le. (opefull$ this advanced information sharing will help with $our planning for
this camp.
There are man$ worthwhile reasons for ta#ing students on school camp. The primar$ o%)ectives for this
camp* along with getting to #now the students %etter* are for the students to+
&uild upon their own personal growth and relationships in a variet$ of settings e.g. sharing %un#rooms*
helping with chores* trust games* pro%lem solving* team challenges etc.
,perience and interact with an environment different from their home in the cit$.
-se the outdoors as an en)o$a%le place for leisure and recreation.
During the wee#s prior to camp* the classroom programmes will %e closel$ lin#ed to camp preparation with
the children learning a%out safet$ in the outdoors* %asic first aid* team wor#..
The cost for each student to attend camp is /10". This covers food 1/402* accommodation 1/002* transport
1/222* activities! a%seiling 3 archer$ 3 rifle shooting . 1/002 and operational cost 1/102. There is no cost for
adult helpers to attend this camp.
'ometimes automatic pa$ments and staggered pa$ments are made %$ numerous families to spread costs
over the whole $ear. 4f $ou are eperiencing financial hardship then please contact m$self or 5ndrew
(unter as there are avenues availa%le to ensure all students get to go to camp.
4f $ou can come out for part of the wee# then Tuesda$ would %e a great da$ to help out* as this is our
activit$ da$. On activit$ da$ the students are split into " groups and rotate around a variet$ of events*
including a%seiling* archer$* rifle shooting 1slug guns2.

Please return the attached sheets.
6ind 7egards
8egan 9reer

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