Taiwan Programme Titles0613

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Museums and Lducat|on |n the 21

Century: g|oba| and |oca| d|scourses
1a|pe|, 19 - 20 Iune 2014

Day 1: 1hursday 19 Iune 2014

9.00 - 9.20am

C C N I L k L N C L k L G I S 1 k A 1 I C N

9.20 - 9.40am

Cpenlng 8emarks
PuAnC Cuang-nan, rofessor and naLlonal ollcy Advlser Lo Lhe resldenL
CPAnC kuo-Ln, resldenL of naLlonal 1alwan normal unlverslLy
PuAnC !ln-Long uean of ArL Collage, naLlonal 1alwan normal unlverslLy
loL am Meecham, 8epresenLaLlve of loL, unlverslLy of London
/Chalr ?AnC ?ung-?uan, Chalrman of ueparLmenL of llne ArLs, naLlonal 1alwan normal unlverslLy

9.40am - 10.20am

() keynoLe speech l
/Chalr: rofessor am Meecham
/Speaker rofessor nlck SLanley
/Sub[ecL: Museum eLhlcs ln a connecLed world: marlLlme museums and Lhelr narraLlves

10.20 - 11.00am

() keynoLe speech ll
/Chalr !ohn 8eeve
/Speaker /ulrecLor CPAnC ?ul-1an, naLlonal Museum of PlsLory
11.00 - 11.10am
C C I I L L 8 k L A k

11.10- 11.S0am

() keynoLe speech lll
/Chalr /
rofessor Ll[l Mlzushlma / unlverslLy of 1sukuba
/Speaker rofessor ChrlsLopher WhlLehead / newcasLle unlverslLy, uk
/Sub[ecL: Museums, lace and Soclal AnLagonlsms: sLorles of slLuaLed dlvlslons and belonglngs

11.S0 - 12.30

lnvlLed speech
rofessor ?AnC ?ung-?uan
/Speaker /
rofessor Ll !un, Chlna CenLral Academy of llne ArLs
/Sub[ecL: ArL Museum and Lhe lnsLlLuLlon of Lhe Modern ArL PlsLory
12.30 - 13.30 L U N C n 8 k L A k


S1kAND 1: Museums, Soc|a| kespons|b|||ty and Cu|tura| D|vers|ty

Venue 1
202 / 202 lnLernaLlonal Conference Pall
Venue 2
201 / 201 LecLure Pall
13.30 - 14.S0 resenLaLlon l /
ModeraLor/CommenLaLor rofessor CPAnC Wan Chen
resenLaLlon lv /
ModeraLor/ CommenLaLor rofessor Ll[l Mlzushlma
(, Lngllsh sesslon no LranslaLlon avallable)

13.30 - 14.30

LIN u-1|ng
Soclal lssues and Museums: Lhe serlal exhlblLlons of Seedlq 8ale

kU 2|-nan

1he Slgnlflcance of Museums for Lhe PerlLage of lnLanglble CulLural
PerlLage: 1aklng Lhe LxhlblLlon named Lhe Legend of Sllk and Wood: A
Pong kong Cln sLory presenLed by Lhe Pong kong PerlLage Museum as an

IIANG Ch|a-nue|

1he ulsLrlbuLlon of CulLural CaplLal: Cn Lhe pracLlce of Lhe moblle
museum of !"#$%&"' )*+,-*

Iohn kLLVL
Maklng sense of Chlna: uk museum and gallery exhlblLlons and
programmes 1933-2014

WANG u-Iu|n
Museum beLween dlsasLer and cosmopollLanlsm
1he changlng Luropean rlsk dlscourse and Lrans-dlsclpllnary educaLlon ln

rofessor am MLLCnAM
CulLural LranslaLlon: Lowards new maLerlal pracLlces

14.30 - 14.S0 CommenLary CommenLary

14.S0 - 16.10
resenLaLlon ll /
ModeraLor/CommenLaLor rofessor am Meecham
(, Lngllsh sesslon no LranslaLlon avallable)
resenLaLlon v
ModeraLor/ CommenLaLor rofessor Ll !un

14.S0 - 1S.S0

LIN Ch|ng-Ch|u WU Da| kong
Lmbraclng and Lmpowerlng urban ?ouLh: Soclal 8elaLlons, Soclal
8esponslblllLy and Lhe LducaLlonal 8oles of Museum

nyunsoo kCn
ComforL for Whom? 8epresenLaLlon of 'comforL women' lssue ln Museum
of Women's Puman 8lghLs

Sean CUkkAN
MasLer-MlsLress: queer uncerLalnLles ln hlsLorlc houses

LIN Me|-n|s
CulLural Memory ln Museum LxhlblLlon: Lhe lnLerpreLaLlons and
represenLaLlons of Lhe Lale of Cen[l Museum

ANG Ch|h-a
1he CurrenL and luLure SLaLes for 8allway Museums ln 1alwan - Lhe
posslblllLy of 1alpel 8allway Workshop

ANG ung-uan


noL really odd buL [usL a llLLle blL embarrasslng: Lourlsm and quesLlon of
humanlLarlanlsm and morallLy ln narraLlve sLrucLures of klnmen Lco-
1S.S0 - 16.10 CommenLary CommenLary
16.10 - 16.30 C C I I L L 8 k L A k

16.30 - 17.S0
()resenLaLlon lll /
ModeraLor/CommenLaLor rofessor Al Shlh Mln
resenLaLlon vl !ohn 8eeve
ModeraLor/CommenLaLor !ohn 8eeve
( no LranslaLlon avallable)

16.30 - 17.30

WU 1zu-|n

An lncenLlve approach of lndusLrlal upgradlng on Lhe culLlvaLlon and
Lralnlng of Museum human resources: a case sLudy on Lhe PerlLage
CreaLlon Workshop of Wood SculpLure ArL aL Sanyl Wood SculpLure

LAN Min-Ching WANG u -u|n
Memory and Learnlng ln value and knowledge CommunlLy Museum
faclng Lhe challenges of agelng socleLy


Louvre-Lens, un nouveau concepL du muse, un changemenL ldenLlLe pour
une vllle de mlne: lorm Lhe old abandoned mlnlng slLe of yesLerday Lo
Lhe new Louvre-Lens museum of Loday

kUNG Ch|en-Chen
AppllcaLlon and LlmlL: CrlLlcal pedagogy ln Lhe museum's communlLy
parLlclpaLlon work

LIN Chun-G|u
Museum and ulverslflcaLlon - museum sLraLegles under Lhe
demasslflcaLlon era

nUANG u-Ch|a

Museum of lnnocence: beLween reallLy and flcLlonallLy
17.30 - 17.S0 CommenLary CommenLary

18.30 - 21.00
C C N I L k L N C L D I N N L k


Museums and Lducat|on |n the 21
g|oba| and |oca| d|scourses
1a|pe|, 19 - 20 Iune 2014

Day 2: Ir|day 20 Iune 2014

9.00 - 9.30am

C C N I L k L N C L k L G I S 1 k A 1 I C N

9.30 - 10.10am

() keynoLe speech lv
rofessor ?AnC ?ung-?uan
/Speaker / rofessor !o CPLn Chuln-Pua
" uean and CuesL rofessor of College of ueslgn and ArLs, uayeh unlverslLy
"ueparLmenL of llne ArLs, n1nu
" AsslsLanL rofessor Lln Chlh-leng
"College of ueslgn and ArLs, uayeh unlverslLy
A osslblllLy Lo uevelop SSM-School Sky Museum"

10.10am - 10.S0am

() keynoLe speech vl
/Chalr ur Clalre 8oblns
rofessor Ll[l Mlzuhlma
/Sub[ecL: 1he ALLlLudes of SLudenLs as Seen Lhrough Lhe ConcepL of MuseuallzaLlon
-A ComparaLlve Survey of !apanese and 1alwanese SLudenLs Ma[orlng ln Museology
10.S0 - 11.10am
C C I I L L 8 k L A k

11.10 - 11.S0am

() keynoLe speech vll
rofessor !o, CPLn Chlung-Pua
/Speaker ur !ennlfer 8arreLL
/Sub[ecL: Museums as publlc lnLellecLuals: a case sLudy of Lhe 2014 8lennale of Sydney
11.S0 - 13.30 L U N C n 8 k L A k


S1kAND 2: Museums, Art Lducat|on and Aesthet|c Lducat|on

Venue 1
202 / 202 lnLernaLlonal Conference Pall
Venue 2
201 / 201 LecLure Pall
13.30 - 14.S0 resenLaLlon vll /
ModeraLor / CommenLaLor rofessor ?AnC ?ung-?uan
( no LranslaLlon avallable)
resenLaLlon lx /
ModeraLor/CommenLaLor rofessor am Meecham
(, Lngllsh sesslon no LranslaLlon avallable)

13.30 - 14.30

C|a|re kC8INS
8eachlng ouL, Louchlng me, Louchlng you: arL educaLlon and Lhe blennale

CnLN |-Iang

LxhlblLlon and LducaLlon ln museums ln Puallen: a sLudy on Lhe lne
Carden and Lhe Puallen CulLural and CreaLlve lndusLrles ark

CnANG a-1|ng

A 8esearch on Lhe lleld of ConLemporary ArL ln 1alwan - A Case SLudy of
1alpel 8lennlal

CnUNG Lo-un
ueveloplng lnLeresL and learnlng ldenLlLy Lhrough arL museums: Lhe case
sLudy of 1alwan

Iud|th 8kCCkLLnUkS1
1he day [ob: Lhe arLlsL and Lhe collecLlon

kAC u-1|ngnUANG Su-uan
1he dlfference and posslblllLy of arL educaLlon ln Lhe museum and
elemenLary school: a case sLudy of 'everyday llfe' exhlblLlon n1MlA
14.30 - 14.S0 CommenLary CommenLary
14.S0 - 16.10 resenLaLlon vlll / ur Clalre 8oblns
ModeraLor/CommenLaLor ur Clalre 8oblns
( no LranslaLlon avallable)
resenLaLlon x /
ModeraLor/CommenLaLor rofessor CPLn Chal-Ll

14.S0 - 1S.S0

LIU Sh|ao-nwa

CbservaLlon ln London, pracLlcal ln 1alwan - educaLlon pack plannlng and
deslgn ln !umlng Museum

kUAN Chen-hun

lrom Lransmlsslon of knowledge Lo parLlclpaLlon: a case sLudy of MCCA
1alpel 'ArLlsL ln School 8esldence rogram'

LIN Ch|n-en CnANG Me|-Ch|h
1SAI ns|n-Ieng

LIN Ch|a-|

Lngaglng Speclal needs SLudenLs Lhrough Lhe Museum 1our

LLL 1an|nn

SLudy on vlsual CulLure of Lhe Currlculum of Museum ln ArL 1exLbook ln
!unlor/Senlor Plgh School

LU |-Wan

Analysls of Lhe learnlng Lalks of adulL vlslLors aL an arL museum exhlblLlon

CrlLlcal lncldenL Lechnlque Lo explore Lhe Sclence of Lhe Soclal LducaLlonal
CenLer of Lhe poLenLlal learnlng of crlLlcal envlronmenL value, for
example, of naLlonal 1alwan Sclence LducaLlon CenLer

1S.S0 - 16.10 CommenLary CommenLary
16.10 - 16.30 C C I I L L 8 k L A k
16.30 - 17.20 C and A sesslon 202
Closlng Ceremony

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