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The Mysterious House

Cmon bro, wake up., said Jose to a sleepy Rudolf.

What time is it?, asked Rudolf.
11:47 to be precise., replied Jose.
Rudolf raced towards the kitchen of his nice home.
Dont ask, your parents went for a holiday with my parents, so they
asked me to take care of you., said Jose, expecting reactance.
More like you were told to stay with me so I could take care of you.,
chuckled Rudolf.
Nah, I was just told to be with you so we wouldnt feel lonely.
Anyway, I brought my PS3 so we wouldnt even be bored!, replied
Jose, adding a laugh.
Bad luck, our TV isn t HD., said Rudolf jokingly.
WHAT! I thought you had a HD TV., shouted Jose in disbelief.
You fell for it! Its still here, its just been unplugged., said Rudolf.
The duo laughed loudly.
Well, lets have breakfast. I brought ham sandwiches., said Jose.
After breakfast, they plugged in the HD TV so that they could play the
What games did you bring?, asked Rudolf questioningly.
FIFA 13, Burnout Dominator and Sonic Unleashed., said Jose.
I want Burnout., said Rudolf.
Okay., replied Jose.
Suddenly, the house alarm went off. Rudolf paused the game and ran
down. He opened the front door to fi nd their mailman.
Heres your mail. Whats up with the fire alarm?, asked the
Its a thief alarm to be precise., replied Rudolf. And with that, the
mailman left.
Your father told me to tell you to open every mail and discuss about
it if its mysterious to us., said Jose.
Rudolf opened the letter. It was from their college principal, Mr.
Montague. They had saved him in their previous mystery, The Mystery
of the Ancient Treasure.
The note stated, Dear Rudolf, the police have told me to tell you to
investigate on a mysterious house somewhere in the abandoned village.
Call your other three friends and tell them to follow you on this case.
The police will inform you more about it when you arrive at HQ after
lunch or before 3:00 p.m. Yours, Mr. Montague.
Well, wed better get the others and go straight to headquarters.,
said Rudolf.
They picked up Percy and Oliver in Rudolfs new seven-seated car and
went straight to headquarters to get more information about the
mysterious house.
The house is very mysterious. Its only entrance is the front door.
You cant even break in. Our only problem is that when you enter, you
go through the floor and land in a pool of water. We have thrown a
camera for proof of the water. There is no way out, people go in, they
drown to death because they become too tired to stay afloat., said
Chief Larry McHarrison.
Lets buy some floaties then, not to embarrass us but to keep us
afloat., said Oliver.
Buy an extra pair for me, in case one pair cant keep me afloat.,
suggested Percy.
We d all better get an extra pair., agreed Rudolf, not liking the
sound of possible drowning.
So, the four boys went to buy two pairs of floaties each. They even
bought a third pair for Percy because the man at the counter said that
his weight will be able to be carried by at least three pairs.
Chief McHarrison gave them a map of the place so that they could
find the mysterious house with ease.
Rudolf parked the car in a safe place so that no one could steal their
car. The map that the chief gave was simple to follow. When they
arrived at the house they took turns going back to the van to change
into trunks and floaties.
Rudolf opened the door slowly. The door was as quiet as if it was
oiled at least one week ago.
The four prayed, and jumped in using a square descent. They went
through the floor and fell into a big well of water.
This water is fresh, we can drink if were thirsty. , said Rudolf as he
jotted it down into his waterproof notebook.
They attached a strong chain to each other to make sure they
wouldnt get lost. The chain itself had waterproof covering. Rudolf,
who was the captain of their group, led them through the drinkable
At last, he found a panel on the wall, but it was too high for Rudol f to
reach. Then, Olivers foot struck a lever, and out rolled a rope ladder
from a hidden panel.
What high technology!, said Percy in amazement.
They climbed up the ladder with Rudolf leading them all the way.
When they reached the top, they were surprised to see a man looking
at them with an evil grin.
You are the only ones who have survived here, so tell me, what are
you doing here., said the man.
Studying about ruins. We have floaties on because we heard on the
forecast that there would be a heavy rainfall in this bowl-shaped
valley., replied Jose bravely.
Smart of you to bring floaties to keep you afloat in this weather.
Would you want to join me in my evil plan?, asked the man.
Sure., they said, in hope to get as much information as possible.
Good then. Ill show you around., said the man. Im Martin Taylor.
Call me boss., he added.
Okay boss., they replied.
Just then Rudolf received a call. It was from Chief McHarrison.
Excuse me boss, my friend is calling from Canada, may I answer.,
said Rudolf to Taylor.
You may., he replied. Rudolf went into privacy to answer the call.
Hi Chief, if you catch us as robbers, don t treat us too badly because
were disguising as robbers with the boss, his name is Martin Taylor.,
said Rudolf straight away.
Okay then, thanks, I was just calling to check on you, bye, and with
that, the chief hung up.
Im back, boss., said Rudolf.
How s your friend?
Okay then, lets break out two of our men from jail. Come on., said
They broke him out using a key that matched the actual key. Next,
they went to a dockside to collect some smuggled gunpowder.
Why gunpowder?, asked Oliver bravely.
It isn t really gunpowder, its just sand that was dipped in gray
paint. Well sell it to the jewelry shop guard., replied Martin.
So that we can make money?, asked Percy, pretending to dream of
Not we, me!, he said.
Then he grabbed them and threw them out of the house and said,
Never try again because I always knew youd come, so I left the
entrance unlocked! And that was my last sand delivery!, and with
that, he shut the front door.
Then, all of a sudden, a heavy snowfall fell.
Looks like it was more of snow forecast rather than rain., chuckled
Jose, trying to cheer the rest up.
At Rudolfs request, they started hiking through the snow back to the
When they tried to move the van, it kept slipping through the snow.
Oliver and Jose got out to clear the snow, and at last they could go.
The first thing they did, was grab a luggage bag, and go to Rudolfs
house to stay. They didn t talk till they had hot chocolate and pizza,
which Jose ordered.
Man we had a chance, and we blew it, we should have just arrested
him instead of giving him a chance to escape., said Rudolf madly.
Percy was on the bright side, Well, we know his hideout and I took
some of this grey sand with me!
Wait! This cant be sand! He must have tricked us! Hes going to
destroy the country!, figured Oliver.
They reported this to Chief McHarrison straight away, and went to
bed because they were back to college the next day. After college, they
met with their football coach, Coach Donald Harper.
Yup, we have training tomorrow, then match day on the following
Okay Coach!.
The next day, they went to training the earliest again.
Earliest, you might catch another crook., said Coach Harper.
Hope not, itll just ruin the training., replied Rudolf whil e tying his
While training, Mr. Montague came over.
Heavy rainfall on the way, please go to the futsal court to train, Ive
booked a part., he said.
Okay., replied the coach.
While Coach Harper was telling that their principal had booked an
area for them to play, the man at the counter reached out and
grabbed a pistol and aimed it at the coach.
Give me your money., he said.
Oliver secretly creeped into the room and gave him a hard whack on
the back of the mans head with a rod that he found.
Nice one, replied the coach.
He found the real man supposed to be in charge in a box next to the
registration desk. He rushed him to the hospital while Rudolf, who
was the captain of the team, started the usual drills. After training,
the four of them took the thief away.
At headquarters, the police took the man to the room for questioning.
The four of them took seats in front of the chief.
How did it all happen?, asked the chief.
Then Rudolf told him the whole story.
I see. This man you have sent just broke out of jail very recently.
Hold on guys. I just saw a man walk behind that window., said
The four of them and two police went outside to investigate. By then
it was already dark so they had to use torches.
There, up next to another robbers prison., whispered one of the
policemen, Duncan.
Duncan got his gun and fired at him a sleep dart.
Nice one., said Oliver as he followed the other policeman to get the
They took him inside for questioni ng. Chief McHarrison got a new
high security fence but had no one to help build it. So the four boys
got to work on the fence. It sure was a high security fence. After that,
they camped with the police for it was 1:00 a.m..
The next day, after matchday, they set off for the mysterious house.
The police had given them guns to halt Martin Taylor. Rudolf opened
the door quietly and held out his gun. No one, so he crawled over to
the floor.
Hmm, the floor is completely made of no structure., he said.
He backed up until only his chest would be half on. He turned around
to lie on his back so that he could see the roof. There, he saw a lever!
Jose, boost me up, Oliver, hold him steady, Percy, just keep Oliver
up here.
They lifted him up so that Rudolf coul d reach the lever he flipped the
lever, and there on the opposite side, a long bridge shot out. Percy,
who wasn t really holding Oliver, caught the rope bridge.
Whoah, Ive never seen anything like that before!, said Rudolf.
Its as if it were shot out of a cannon with at least the length of a
four-story building lied down!, said Jose in amazement.
Lets cross it, for it may take us to the enemys hideout., said
Rudolf deeply.
We know the enemy is Martin Taylor, so we dont need to call him
the enemy., said Percy adding stress to his enemy .
They crossed the bridge with Rudolf leading them all the way to the
end. There, they had to climb down a ladder going deeper than they
could see because it was very dim for only a single light bulb was
above the ladder. Rudolf led them down.
When they reached the bottom, they were most surprised. They had
landed into a pool of Martins grey sand . They ventured through the
pool till they came to a wooden door.
This should be easy., said Oliver.
He hit the door hard with his fist. The door fell in front of them. At
the other side, was a long tunnel.
When they were halfway through the tunnel, they heard a
conversation behind the wall. They strained their ears to hear what
the conversation was about.
No, turn here and proceed forward all the way to the police station,
then I will enter in and turn off the security system so that you can
get in and break Roger out., said a familiar voice.
Its Martins voice! Quick, go warn headquarters!, commanded
Rudolf to Percy and Oliver.
Oliver took the wheel of the car and raced off to headquarters. What
is it boys?, asked Chief McHarrison.
Remember the Martin Taylor guy? Hes on his way to turn off the
security system and help Roger Anthony escape from jail!, said
Duncan heard the conversation and said, Lets get a few men to
guard the security on-off button, and a few men to guard Rogers jail.
After waiting for about 20 minutes, Martins crew arrived.
Meanwhile, in the tunnel of the mysterious house, Rudolf and Jose
were going through a hard time because they had to crawl through
narrow tunnels, climb ladders and lower themselves down. At the end,
Rudolf and Jose found themselves having to jump down a hole a
door s height.
They found themselves inside Martins hideout. They quickly grabbed
all the papers and money and ran off. They went straight to
headquarters to give the police the papers to be analyzed.
When they arrived, they saw Martins men sneaking around looking
for a way to enter.
Lets go get them., said Jose in a low tone.
Wait, we can t just go and lalalalala, ooh, I got them. We must be
prepared for anything. Ring up Oliver to come outside slowly and
quietly to collect the papers to be analyzed and to get us a machete
each. Then well creep slowly behind them as quietly as possible.
Then, we knock them on the head and take them into headquarters.
Understand?, said Rudolf.
Understood., confirmed Jose.
Then, Jose called Oliver and told him what to do. No longer than 5
minutes, Oliver came out silently to collect the papers and deliver the
machetes. Rudolf and Jose got out of the car and followed closely
behind their enemies.
Suddenly, Martin s men turned around and pointed guns at them.
We got you now., said one of the men.
The other two men with him grabbed them and took them away. The
trip took them 30 minutes to get to the destination. It was an old,
ruined castle. A sign stood by saying, BEWARE! THIS CASTLE IS
The men took them inside. They walked through passages which were
dark and slippery. They even had to go through bat caves. This scared
Rudolf and Jose a lot. At the end, was a most surprising sight! It was
a cave full of diamonds and gold!
One of them moved a secret panel on the walls to reveal another
entrance into the mysterious house. They were thrown into the grey
sand room.
Prepare to die of an explosion made of gunpowder!, said one of the
The three men laughed evilly and loudly. One of them took out a
matchstick and lighted up the door.
When the fire reaches the gunpowder, you are doomed!, he said.
When the men left, Rudolf and Jose scrambled through the
gunpowder till they finally reached the door. They blew as hard as
they could to put out the fire. Jose took out his hankerchief which he
kept in case the air was bad, and tried his best to put out the fire.
Finally, they managed to put out the fire. They raced out of the place
through the normal exit and hitched a ride to police headquarters.
There, they told the whole story to Duncan.
Then, the alarm rang. Duncan, surprisingly, had only now turned on
the fencing electricity trapping them inside!.
Neat, you actually left it off so that when the robbers went in, they
cannot get out., said Rudolf in amazement.
Cmon, let s go collect our fish!, said Percy.
What fish?, asked Jose.
The thieves of course!, said Oliver.
They brought the men in for the whole story. After the questioning,
Duncan explained the story.
Danny was told to finish you guys off when we heard you were going
to the futsal court for training.
What about the diamonds, gold and gunpowder?, asked Rudolf.
The diamonds and gold were smuggled hidden in the gunpowder.
But what about the floor?, asked Percy.
That was just too high tech. they made an illusion through cameras
and mirrors.
So that ends another epic tie?, asked Chief McHarrison.
It looks that way., said Rudolf.
Well, that calls for a sewing clothes party!, said Percy.
Why sewing clothes?, asked Duncan.
Because Taylor was the leaders name!, he replied.
Oh Percy!, they all chuckled together.

The End!

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