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Level 2 Music Practitioners Certificate

End of Unit Evaluation

Name: Megan Trippett Unit No: 230
S!T "nal#sis
T$e $armonies %e created fitted %it$ t$e music&
T$e performance %e produced %as $ig$ 'ualit#&
e $ad confidence and interacted %it$ t$e audience&
!ur voices %ere ver# clear %$ilst performing and tal(ing in )et%een songs&
e %or(ed toget$er ver# %ell&
e re$earsed fre'uentl#&
e $ad a lot of trou)le in deciding our final song&
e $ad to rearrange our set so t$e songs fitted into t$e *+,minute slot&
e $ad trou)le in finding a $ig$ 'ualit# )ac(ing trac( for one of our songs&
!pportunities learnt $o% to $armonise %it$ ot$er voices& learnt t$e ris(s a)out $ealt$ and safet# precautions )efore performing&
- $ave gained more confidence in performing&
- am no% a)le to sing a %ider variet# of songs and fit t$em to m# vocal a)ilit#&
e need to )e cautious of t$e ot$er performers %$o are using t$e stage as t$eir needs ma#
affect ours&
T$e e'uipment ma# $ave faults or fail/ so %e need to $ave copies of t$e )ac(ing trac(s&
T$e microp$ones ma# create feed)ac( if t$ positioned incorrectl#/ so %e need to $ave a
run t$roug$ of t$e songs to ma(e sure t$at t$e microp$ones are placed some%$ere t$at
prevents feed)ac( from damaging t$em and potentiall# ruining our performance&
0or t$is unit/ - )elieve t$at - $ave ac$ieved a distinction& - $ave defined and ta(en o%ners$ip of a set
of realistic and ac$ieva)le personal goals in relation to m# aspirations and e1pectations of t$e
performance& - $ave s$o%n clear understanding of %$at t$e performance %ill loo( and feel li(e/ its
duration and $o% t$e# %ill engage %it$ it. - $ave s$o%n clear understanding of potential issues and
relevant $ealt$ and safet# implications associated %it$ performing %it$ clear understanding of %$ere
t$e issues ma# occur and $o% t$e# ma# )e avoided& - also $ave evidence of musical/ self,
management/ communication and safe practice s(ills in ta(ing part in t$e performance&

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