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SCHOOL YEAR 2008 – 2009

A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of Nursing Program

Of Father Saturnino Urios University,

Butuan City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree of Bachelor of

Science in Nursing

Presented by:

Acapulco, Johanna Rae Aika D.

Atilano, Alyssa Maria C.

Balan, Adrienne Fol G.

Buot, Whoopi R.

Cabatingan, Kara Kyle D.

Cembrano, Aurora Luanne R.

Langanlangan, Marc Ariel D.

Rodriguez, Jose Maria G.

February 2009

The thesis entitled “Level of effectiveness of

Power Point Presentation in Nursing Care Management
101 as Perceived by Level III Nursing Students, School
Year 2008 – 2009”, was prepared and submitted by the
BSN – III Group IV Section 30, in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the course, Bachelor of
Science in Nursing, and has been examined and is
recommended for approval for oral examination.

Mary Lois Charity Elicano, RN



Panel of Examinees
Approved by the committee on oral examination with a
grade of___________

Oliva Lumasag, RN

Nathalie Fat, RN Daisy Joy Cruzada, RN

Panelist Panelist

Chester Bryan Gardose, RN



Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of

the requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Science
in Nursing this ___ day of _____ 2009

Susan A Mones, RN MN
Dean, College of Nursing

The main purpose of this research study is to

find out if using the power point presentation as a

teaching strategy holds effective for the level III

nursing students of Father Saturnino Urios University,

S.Y. 2008-2009; and if so, how effective it is as

perceived by the respondents.

Several factors have also been taken into account

such as the advantages and disadvantages of this

system in relation to NCM 101 topic discussions. Other

aspects have also been taken into consideration such

as the respondent’s profile and their individual

characteristics (cognitive differences). All these

evaluated according to participation of the students,

the environment, the appropriateness of the tool, and

the application of acquired knowledge

The findings of this research study states that

the mean average of the respondent’s level of

understanding on NCM 101 lectures using the power

point presentation has been satisfactory. The

effectivity of this methodological tool is


We, the researchers are greatly indebted to the

following people who had contributed much in

accomplishing this research.

To the level III nursing students of Nursing Care

Management 101 (lecture) of Father Saturnino Urios

University, school year 2008-2009, for taking time in

answering and filling in data which made up the very

core of our study.

Mr. Wilmar Arthur T. Bernas, RN, level III and

level IV Academic Coordinator, for granting us every

piece of information that would in every way possible,

help us compose a well-substantiated methodical

investigation, our deepest and most sincere gratitude.

Mrs. Mary Lois Charity Elicano, RN, the group’s

thesis adviser, for providing us information most

significant for the completion of this study; for

allowing us to develop a sense of guided maturity

through the advises and commentaries she has given for

the fulfillment of this research study. Thank you very


Mr. Juanito Macasocol, the group’s statistician

who took the time and effort to help us analyze every

piece of information we have gathered and who guided

us in presenting the data congregated accurately.

To our respected parents, we are truly thankful

for the moral, spiritual and financial support; for

the understanding you constantly provide us with, we

are indeed very grateful for every single


And most of all to our Almighty God who

relentlessly showers His love and guidance upon us; we

offer all our achievements for the glory of His name.



Title Page ------------------------------- i

Approval Sheet ---------------------------- ii

Abstract ---------------------------------- iii

Acknowledgement --------------------------- iv

Table of Contents ------------------------- vi

List of Tables ---------------------------- viii

CHAPTER I The Problem and Its Scope

Background of the Study --------------- 1

Review of Related Literature ---------- 3

Conceptual/Theoretical Framework------- 30

Research Paradigm --------------------- 32

Statement of the Problem -------------- 33

Hypothesis ---------------------------- 34

Significance of the Study ------------- 35

Scope and Limitation of the Study------ 37

Definition of Terms ------------------- 39

CHAPTER II Research Methodology

Design --------------------------------- 42

Environment, Population and Sample ----- 43

Instrument ----------------------------- 44

Data Gathering ------------------------- 45

Data Analysis -------------------------- 46

CHAPTER III Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation

of Data

CHAPTER IV Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations

Summary of Findings ------------------- 67

Conclusions --------------------------- 74

Recommendations ----------------------- 75

Bibliography -------------------------- 78


Appendix A Curriculum Vitae --------- 80

Appendix B Questionnaire ------------ 88


Table Page

1. Respondent’s Profile in Terms

of Age, Age Range , Frequency,

Percentage, Total and Mode ------------- 47

2. Respondent’s Profile in Terms

of Gender, Frequency, Percentage,

Total and Mode------------------------- 49

3. Respondent’s Profile in Terms of

Civil Status, Frequency, Percentage,

Total and Mode------------------------- 50

4. Respondents’ Profile in Terms of

Types of Students, Frequency,

Percentage, Total and Mode ------------- 51

5. Respondent’s Level of Understanding

on the Topics of NCM 101 Lecture

with the Use of Power Point

Presentation, Mean, Verbal Descriptions,

Total and Total Mean ------------------- 53

6. Respondents’ perception in the

effectivity of PowerPoint

presentation, mean, verbal descriptions,

total, total mean, grand total

and grand mean ------------------------- 55

7. Significant Difference of the

Respondent’s Perception in the

Level of Understanding in NCM 101 Topics,

Where Ho is Tested at Alpha = 0.05, Mean,

Standard Deviation, Computed T-test Value,

Critical T-test Value, Decision on Ho,

and Conclusion ------------------------- 63

8. Significant Relationship in the

Level of Effectivity of Power Point

Presentation and the variable Cited

in Problem 2, Ho is Tested at Alpha=0.05,

Mean, Standard Deviation, Computed

T-Test Value, Critical T-Test Value,

Decision in Ho, and Conclusion --------- 65

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