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Jocelynn Brunelle

Quarter: 4
School year: 2014

Read On Summary Evidence: Book Review

Book Title: Mariel of R edwall
Genre: Fiction
Author: Brian Jacques
# of pages: 387

2. A passage that interests or inspires you and why?
A passage that inspires me is between pg.267 and pg.272. When
Mariel and her party had to go to the bottom of a lake to get a bird
compass. At the bottom of the lake there is also a killer lobster who guards
it. I liked this part in the book because I didnt think that both Dandin and
Mariel would get the compass.

3. A personal response to the book--- what did you get out of this
book and why would you recommend it?
When I had first started reading this book I didnt think it would have
that much action in it. It started out with a description of a nice land where
everything seems happy. As I read on I discovered that this book uses any
details that help the reader picture the battles that Mariel faces. I would
recommend this book to anyone who likes a good action story and isnt
discouraged by page numbers.

4. Anything else you would like to say about your book
This book used accents so it is a little hard to read at some points.

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