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Presented as Partial Fulill!ent " t#e Re$uire!ents
t" O%tain t#e Sarjana Pendidikan De&ree
in En&lis# Lan&ua&e Edu'ati"n
Oktavianus Vendi Ferdian Yulianto
Student Number: 031214077
Final !a"er on
!re"ared and !resented by
Oktavianus Vendi Ferdian Yulianto
Student Number: 031214077
""roved by

#rs$ %$B$ &una'an( )$$ 22 u*ust 200+
)a,or S"onsor
O-.V/N0S V1N#/ F21#/N Y03/N.O
Student Number: 031214077
#e4ended be4ore t5e Board o4 16aminers
on 7 u*ust 200+
and #e8lared 88e"table
B"ard " E,a!iners
95air "erson : *ustinus :ardi !rasetyo( S$!d$( )$$ ;;;;;;;;;;;;
Se8retary : )ade Frida Yulia( S$!d$( )$!d$ ;;;;;;;;;;;;
)ember : #rs$ %$B$ &una'an( )$$ ;;;;;;;;;;;;
)ember : ;;;;;;;;;;;;
)ember : 777777777777$ ;;;;;;;;;;;;
Yo*yakarta 7 u*ust 200+
Fa8ulty o4 .ea85ers .rainin* and 1du8ation
Sanata #5arma 0niversity
#rs$ .arsisius Sarkim( )$1d$( !5$#$
/ 5onestly de8lare t5at t5is 4inal "a"er( '5i85 / 5ave 'ritten does not 8ontain t5e
'orks or "art o4 t5e 'orks o4 ot5er "eo"le( e68e"t t5ose 8ited in t5e <uotations
and t5e re4eren8es( as a s8ienti4i8 "a"er s5ould$
Yo*yakarta( 22 u*ust 200+
.5e =riter
Oktavianus Vendi Ferdian Yulianto
Yulianto( Oktavianus Vendi Ferdian$ 200+$ The Use of Pictorial Materials to
Teach Vocabulary for the Fourth Graders of Elementary School. Yo*yakarta:
1n*lis5 3an*ua*e 1du8ation Study !ro*ram( Fa8ulty o4 .ea85er .rainin* and
1du8ation( Sanata #5arma 0niversity$
1n*lis5 is an international lan*ua*e '5i85 is very im"ortant in t5is
*lobali>ation era$ )any "eo"le around t5e 'orld use 1n*lis5 as a means o4
8ommuni8ations$ .5ere4ore( one 4a8tor '5i85 is im"ortant to be im"roved is
1n*lis5 learnin*$ One o4 t5e im"ortant 4a8tors 4or t5e im"rovement o4 1n*lis5
mastery is vo8abulary mastery$ /n t5is "a"er( t5e 4ourt5 *rade students o4
elementary s85ool "roblem in masterin* vo8abulary is t5at t5ey 8ould not
memori>e 1n*lis5 'ords o"timally$ 9onsiderin* t5e "5enomenon( t5e 'riter tried
to su**est an e44e8tive strate*y to tea85 1n*lis5 'ords to'ard t5e 4ourt5 *rade
students o4 elementary s85ool$ .5at is "i8torial materials$ :o'ever( t5e use o4
"i8torial materials to tea85 vo8abulary 4or t5e 4ourt5 *rade students o4 elementary
s85ool raised t'o <uestions as t5ey are 4ormulated in t5e "roblem 4ormulation$
=5at are t5e suitable "i8torial materials t5at 8an be used to tea85 vo8abulary to
t5e 4ourt5 *raders o4 elementary s85ool? nd 5o' 8an "i8torial materials be used
to tea85 vo8abulary to t5e 4ourt5 *raders o4 elementary s85ool?
.5e 'riter a""lied library study in t5is "a"er$ .5e 'riter tried to 8olle8t
in4ormation 4rom many sour8es su85 as book( internet( and some "ast resear85es$
ll o4 t5at in4ormation 'as 8olle8ted and 4ormulated to ans'er t5e "a"er
From some t5eories and in4ormation t5at t5e 'riter 8olle8ted( it 5ad been
"roven t5at "i8torial materials 'ere able to im"rove students@ mastery on 1n*lis5
'ords$ .5us( it 8ould be 8on8luded t5at t5e use o4 "i8torial materials to tea85
vo8abulary 4or t5e 4ourt5 *raders o4 elementary s85ool 'orked e44e8tively sin8e it
8ould im"rove t5e a85ievement o4 t5e 4ort5 *raders o4 elementary s85ool *rade in
learnin* 1n*lis5 vo8abulary$
Yulianto( Oktavianus Vendi Ferdian$ 200+$ The Use of Pictorial Materials to
Teach Vocabulary for the Fourth Graders of Elementary School. Yo*yakarta:
!ro*ram Studi !endidikan Ba5asa /n**ris( Fakultas -e*uruan dan /lmu
!endidikan( Sanata #5arma 0niversity$
Ba5asa /n**ris adala5 Ba5asa /nternasional yan* san*at "entin* di era
*lobalosasi ini$ Oran*Aoran* di seluru5 dunia men**unakan Ba5asa /n**ris
seba*ai alat komunikasi$ )aka dari itu( sala5 satu 4aktor yan* san*at "entin* dan
"erlu dikemban*kan adala5 "en*a,aran Ba5asa /n**ris$ Sala5 satu 4aktor "entin*
dalam "enin*katan "en*uasaan Ba5asa /n**ris adala5 "en*uasaan kosakata$
#alam makala5 ini( masala5 kosakata yan* banyak di5ada"i sis'a kelas em"at
sekola5 dasar adala5 mereka tidak da"at men*5a4alkan kosakata dalam Ba5asa
/n**ris se8ara o"timal$ Berdasarkan 4enomena tersebut( "enulis menyarankan
sebua5 strate*i yan* e4ekti4 untuk men*a,ar kosakata dalam Ba5asa /n**ris
ke"ada sis'aAsis'i kelas em"at Sekola5 #asar( yaitu materi ber*ambar$ kan
teta"i "en**unaan materi ber*ambar untuk men*a,ar kosakata untuk sis'aAsis'i
kelas em"at sekola5 dasar menimbulkan dua "ertanyaan dimana keduanya di
4ormulasikan dalam rumusan masala5$ )ateri ber*ambar a"a sa,a yan* da"at
di*unakan untuk men*a,ar kosakata "ada sis'aAsis'i kelas em"at sekola5 dasar?
dan ba*aimana materi ber*ambar da"at di*unakan untuk men*a,ar kosakata "ada
sis'aAsis'i kelas em"at sekola5 dasar?
!enulis men**unakan studi "ustaka dalam makala5nya$ !enulis men8oba
men*um"ulkan se*ala in4ormasi dari berba*ai sumber se"erti buku( dan bebera"a
"enelitian di masa lalu$ Seluru5 in4ormasi tersebut dikum"ulkan dan di
4ormulasikan untuk da"at di*unakan untuk men,a'ab "ertanyaanA"ertanyaan
dalam makala5 ini$
#ari bebera"a teori dan in4ormasi yan* tela5 dikum"ulkan ole5 "enulis(
tela5 terbukti ba5'a materi ber*ambar da"at menin*katkan "en*uasaan kosakata
dalam Ba5asa /n**ris sis'a$ )aka dari itu( da"at disim"ulkan ba5'a "en**unaan
materi ber*ambar untuk men*a,ar kosakata "ada sis'aAsis'i kelas em"at sekola5
dasar ber,alan se8ara e4ekti4 karena 5al tersebut da"at menin*katkan kema,uan
sis'aAsis'i kelas em"at sekola5 dasar dalam mem"ela,ari kosakata dalam Ba5asa
/ 'ould like to say t5anks to &od be8ause o4 :is *ra8e to me$ :e 5as
en8oura*ed and *iven me s"irit to 4inis5 t5is "a"er$ :is love also a""ears t5rou*5
"eo"le around me '5o also *ive me su""ort( assistan8e( and en8oura*ement$
.5ere4ore( / 'ould like to say t5anks to t5ese *reat "eo"le$
)y 4irst *ratitude *oes to my ma,or s"onsor( Drs/ 0/B/ Guna1an2 M/A/2
4or 5is advi8e and *uidan8e t5rou*5 t5e "ro8ess o4 'ritin* o4 t5is "a"er( 4or
endo'in* me 5is time to read and to 8orre8t it( and 4or s5arin* 5is kno'led*e 'it5
me$ / learn a lot o4 t5in*s 4rom 5im$ :is "atien8e( 4riendliness( and 8are 5ave
8om4orted me in im"rovin* my 'ritin* t5rou*5 every "a"er 8onsultation / 5ad
'it5 5im$
/ 'ould also like to t5ank to( Fidelis C#"sa (astu#andani2 S/Pd/ 4or
"atiently *ives some su**estions and advi8e 4or en8oura*in* me t5rou*5 t5e
'ritin* "ro8ess o4 t5is "a"er$ / 5ave learned many t5in*s related to *rammar and
t5e me85ani8s o4 4ormal 'ritin* 4rom 5im$ :is 8are4ulness in readin* my "a"er
makes my "a"er better t5an be4ore$
/ 'ould also like to t5anks to my beloved at#er2 !"t#er2 &rand!"t#er2
and sister$ .5ey 5ave *iven me motivation in a88om"lis5in* t5is "a"er$ lt5ou*5
/ kno' t5at my "arents 5ave "assed a'ay( but / believe t5at t5ey also *ive me
some su""ort 4rom 5eaven$ .5ere4ore( / 'ould like to t5ank t5em 4or t5eir
8on8ern( en8oura*ement( "rayer( and a88om"animent$
)y bi**est *ratitude also *oes to all o4 my 4riends( su85 as U3i42 Putri2
Fe%ri2 D"n"2 Y"5"42 and Dudi 4or t5eir su""ort and 8riti8ism to'ard t5e "a"er
t5at / 'rote$ .5ey 5ave *iven me a lot o4 advi8e and su**estion '5i85 are so
5el"4ul 4or me$ /t is my "rayer to %esus 95rist to bless all '5o 5ave su""orted and
4ostered me t5rou*5 all t5is time$
Oktavianus VendiF.Y
./.31 !&1777777777777777777777777$$$7
!!2OV3 !&1S 77777777777777777777$$$77
S..1)1N. OF =O2-@S O2/&/N3/.Y77777777777777
BS.29. 7777777777777777777777777$$77
ABSTRA 7777777777777777777777777777
9-NO=31#&)1N.S 77777777777777777777$$7
.B31 OF 9ON.1N.S 7777777777777777777777$
3/S. OF !!1N#/91S 77777777777777777$777$$$7
CHAPTER I/ INTRODUCTION 7777777777777777
1$1 2esear85 Ba8k*round 77777777777777
1$2 2esear85 )et5od 777777777777777$$
CHAPTER II/ DISCUSSIONS 7777777777777777$
2$1Vo8abulary .ea85in* Strate*ies 7777777777
2$2 !i8torial )aterial 777777777777777$$
2$2$1 .y"es o4 !i8torial )aterials 7777777777$$
2$2$2 .5e 0se o4 !i8torial )aterials 777777777$$
2$2$2$1 .5e dvanta*es o4 !i8torial )aterial 777777
2$2$2$2 .5e #isadvanta*es o4 !i8torial )aterials 7777$
2$2$2$3 .5e 0se o4 !i8torial )aterials 77777777$$
2$3 Some 2esear85es on t5e 0se o4 !i8torial )aterials in
Vo8abulary 3earnin* 7777777777777$$$
2$4 .5e 2esults 77777777777777777$
2$4$1 .5e Suitable !i8torial )aterials t5at 9an be 0sed to
.ea85 Vo8abulary 77777777777777
2$4$2 .5e 0se o4 !i8torial )aterials in Vo8abulary .ea85in*$$
CHAPTER III/ CONCLUSION 77777777777777$$
3$1 9on8lusion 77777777777777777$
3$2 Su**estions 77777777777777777
APPENDICES 7777777777777777777777$
""endi8es 9over 77777777777777777777$$ 2D
""endi6 1$ Syllabus 7777777777777777777$ 2+
""endi6 2$ 3esson !lan 77777777$$777$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 4B
""endi6 3 16er8ise 7777777777777777777$$ C7
""endi6 4$ .able o4 t5e 2esult o4 Some 2esear85es 7777$$$$$$$$$ 71
""endi6 B$ .y"e o4 !i8tures$$7777777777777$77$$ 7B
.5is "a"er is *oin* to dis8uss t5e use o4 "i8torial materials to tea85
vo8abulary 4or t5e 4ourt5 *raders o4 elementary s85ool$ .5ere4ore( in t5is 85a"ter
t5e 'riter "resents t5e resear85 ba8k*round( t5e ob,e8tive o4 t5e study and t5e
resear85 met5od t5at t5e 'riter used in t5is "a"er$
6/6/ Resear'# Ba'4&r"und
Be8ause o4 t5e ra"id *ro't5 o4 advan8ed 8ommuni8ation system( t5e
'orld seems to be s5rinkin* very ra"idly$ /t 5a""ens as t5e international barriers
break do'n and "eo"le 8an more easily 8ome into 8onta8t 'it5 ot5er 8ultures and
lan*ua*es t5rou*5 travellin*( 8ommuni8ation or ne' te85nolo*y$ .5e *ro'in*
trend o4 usin* 1n*lis5 as an international lan*ua*e 5as led into t5e introdu8tion o4
1n*lis5 lan*ua*e learnin* by many 85ildren all over t5e 'orld$ Bre'ster et al$
E2002: 1F mention t5at "ressure to introdu8e early 1n*lis5 as a 4orei*n lan*ua*e
learnin* 5as o4ten 8ome 4rom "arents '5o stron*ly believe learnin* 1n*lis5 as t5e
lan*ua*e skill 'ill bene4it t5eir 85ildren *reatly by *ivin* t5em more
o""ortunities to *ain e8onomi8( 8ultural or edu8ational advanta*es$ s it is
e6"lained by Bre'ster et al$ E2002: 1F t5at
&overnments and "rivate s85ools all over t5e 'orld 5ave de8ided to
introdu8e 1n*lis5 at "rimary level( be8ause t5ere is a stron* G4olkH belie4(
a sort o4 Ia8t o4 4ait5@( t5at youn* 85ildren learn lan*ua*e better and more
easily t5an older 85ildren$ .5is means t5ere is a 'ide s"read belie4 t5at
t5ere are de4inite advanta*es to introdu8in* lan*ua*e learnin* early in li4e
'5i85 out'ei*5 t5e disadvanta*es$
.5is 8ondition also 5a""ens in /ndonesia$ lt5ou*5 1n*lis5 is 8onsidered
as a 4orei*n lan*ua*e or se8ond lan*ua*e( t5e *overnment de8ided to start to
introdu8e 1n*lis5 in 1lementary s85ool( es"e8ially t5e 4ourt5 *rade o4 elementary
s85ool$ .5e *overnment took t5at de8ision be8ause 1n*lis5 is kno'n as
international lan*ua*e t5at 8an be used by "eo"le all over t5e 'orld to
8ommuni8ate$ /t is also used by many te6t books o4 any sub,e8ts$ .5us( i4
/ndonesia 'ants to move 4or'ard( youn* "eo"le need to learn 1n*lis5$
/n 4a8t( t5e /ndonesian *overnment started to introdu8e 1n*lis5 4rom
%unior :i*5 S85ool and Senior :i*5 S85ool$ :o'ever( t5ere is a "roblem in t5at
"oli8y be8ause t5e result is unsatis4yin*$ .5is 8ondition 5a""ens be8ause 1n*lis5
starts to be tau*5t at %unior :i*5 S85ool in '5i85 t5e students do not 5ave any
ba8k*round o4 1n*lis5$ .5ey 5ave limited vo8abulary and t5ey start to learn it
4rom t5e be*innin*$ From t5at 8ondition( based on t5e !residential #e8ree number
017J113J)J-"tsJ1++4 dated 2
)ay 1++4( t5e *overnment de8ided to introdu8e
1n*lis5 4rom t5e elementary s85ool( es"e8ially 4ourt5 *raders o4 t5e elementary
s85ool$ /t is 5o"ed t5at by tea85in* 1n*lis5 to 1lementary s85ool students( t5e
students 'ill be 4amiliar 'it5 1n*lis5 and t5ey 8an 8ontinue to t5e ne6t level o4
1n*lis5 in %unior :i*5 S85ool$ .5ere4ore( t5e result 'ill be satis4yin*$
Sin8e it is introdu8ed 4irst time in elementary s85ool( it is better t5at t5e
materials and tea85in* a8tivities are relevant to t5e student needs to make t5e
students en,oy learnin* 1n*lis5$ One o4 t5e 4a8tors '5i85 are em"5asi>ed in
tea85in* 1n*lis5 to t5e elementary s85ool is vo8abulary$ Vo8abulary is im"ortant
be8ause it is one o4 t5e lan*ua*e elements as it is <uoted in Sin*leton E1+++: +F
G'it5out *rammar very little 8an be 8onveyed( 'it5out vo8abulary not5in* 8an be
8onveyedH E=ilkins( 1+72: 111F$ .aylor E1++0: 1F states:
/n order to live t5e 'orld( 'e must name it "ro"oses anot5er eviden8e o4
t5e im"ortan8e o4 'ord$ Names are essential 4or t5e 8onstru8tion o4 reality 4or
'it5out a name it is di44i8ult to a88e"t t5e e6isten8e o4 an ob,e8t( an event( a
4eelin*$ Namin* is t5e means '5ereby 'e attem"t to order and stru8ture t5e
85aos and 4lu6 o4 e6isten8e( '5i85 'ould ot5er'ise be an undi44erentiated
mass$ By assi*nin* names( 'e im"ose a "attern and meanin* '5i85 allo' us
to mani"ulate t5e 'orld$
:o'ever( based on t5e &eneral /nstru8tional Ob,e8tive o4 1n*lis5
8urri8ulum E#e"dikbud )uatan 3okal( 1++4: 4F it is said t5at Gstudents are able to
read( listen to( "ronoun8e( and 'rite some vo8abularies related to immediate
environment in very sim"le e6"ression or senten8es$H .5is means t5at vo8abulary
is em"5asi>ed in t5e tea85in* o4 1n*lis5 at elementary s85ool$
Sin8e 1n*lis5 is a ne' sub,e8t 4or elementary s85ool students( t5ere mi*5t
be some "roblems t5at t5e students and t5e tea85ers 4a8ed in t5e tea85in* learnin*
a8tivities$ .5ere4ore( t5e tea85ers need an a""ro"riate tea85in* strate*y t5at 8an be
used to introdu8e t5e students to 1n*lis5$
/n 8onne8tion 'it5 learner@s strate*ies and vo8abulary learnin*( Nation
E1++0: B1F e6"lains t5at t5e meanin* o4 'ords 8an be 8ommuni8ated in many
di44erent 'ays$ .5ey are by demonstration or "i8tures: usin* an ob,e8t( usin* a
8utAout 4i*ure( usin* *esture( "er4ormin* an a8tion( "5oto*ra"5s( bla8kboard
dra'in* or dia*rams( and "i8tures 4rom books$ /n t5is "a"er( t5e 'riter uses one
ty"e o4 8o*nitive strate*ies '5i85 is 8alled ima*ery$ /n ima*ery( learnin*
vo8abulary 8ould be done t5rou*5 demonstrations and usin* "i8tures$ Nation
E1++0: B3F e6"lains all strate*ies are 'ell a""lied to 8ondition in '5i85 it does
translate t5e idea 4rom t5e in4ormation sour8e$ :e also su**ests t5at 1n*lis5
lan*ua*e tea85ers 8ould 5el" t5eir learners to *ras" t5e 8on8e"t by varyin* t5e
situation in '5i85 it is demonstrated and by *ivin* verbal de4inition as 'ell as
nonverbal one$ /n t5is 8ase( =enden and 2ubin E1+D7: 77F state t5at ima*ery is
used by relatin* ne' in4ormation to visual 8on8e"ts in memory via 4amiliar easily
retrievable visuali>ations( "5rases or lo8ations$ .5ose visual 8on8e"ts are suitable
and 5el"4ul 4or students@ strate*y in memori>ation o4 1n*lis5 'ords$
Nation E1++0: 2F ar*ues t5at i4 'e 'ant to in8rease learners@ vo8abulary
'it5out *ivin* attention to "uttin* t5is kno'led*e to use or even *et t5e learners
to do lan*ua*e task '5en t5eir vo8abulary is inade<uate 4or t5e task may not be
e44e8tive$ Finally( *ivin* attention to vo8abulary is unavoidable$ 1ven t5e most
4ormal 8ommuni8ation dire8ted to lan*ua*e tea85in* must deal 'it5 t5e need o4
vo8abulary as one im"ortant 4a8tor in t5e su88ess o4 1n*lis5 lan*ua*e tea85in*$
Based on t5e e6"lanation( t5e 'riter su**ests t5e use o4 "i8torial materials
in 1n*lis5 vo8abulary tea85in*$ .5e t5eories 5ave su""orted t5e use o4 "i8torial
materials t5us in t5e ne6t 85a"ter t5e 'riter dis8usses some im"ortant issues
related to t5e use o4 "i8torial materials in vo8abulary tea85in*$ :en8e( t5e 'riter
'ants to dis8uss t'o <uestions in t5is "a"er( t5ose are:
1$ =5at are t5e suitable "i8torial materials t5at 8an be used to tea85
vo8abulary to t5e 4ourt5 *raders o4 t5e elementary s85ool?
2$ :o' 8an "i8torial materials be used to tea85 vo8abulary to t5e 4ourt5
*raders o4 t5e elementary s85ool?
6/)/ Resear'# Met#"d
Sin8e t5is "a"er is a library study( t5e met5od t5at t5e 'riter used in t5is
"a"er is to 8olle8t in4ormation about t5e use o4 "i8torial materials to tea85
vo8abulary 4rom many sour8es su85 as books and t5e "revious 'orks o4 some
resear85ers$ .5e 'riter took some in4ormation '5i85 is a""ro"riate to su""ort 5is
'ritin* and 8ombine it 'it5 ot5er in4ormation( t5en t5e 'riter 'ill *ive 8omments
on t5e in4ormation '5et5er 5e a*rees or re,e8ts '5at ot5er resear85ers say about
t5e use o4 "i8torial material to tea85 vo8abulary$
.5e 'riter uses 4ourt5 *raders o4 elementary s85ool as t5e sub,e8ts in t5is
"a"er$ /ndonesian Go!erment Re"ulation no #$% &''( de4ines elementary s85ool
as a unit 4orm o4 basi8 edu8ation '5i85 runs a si6Ayear edu8ation "ro*ram$ .5e
'riter 85ose t5e 4ourt5 *raders o4 elementary s85ool be8ause 1n*lis5 is
8onsidered as a 4orei*n lan*ua*e in /ndonesia and t5e 1n*lis5 8urri8ulum starts
4rom t5e 4ourt5 *rade o4 t5e elementary s85ool$ Besides( some o4 t5e vo8abulary
"roblem 8an be 4ound in t5e 4ourt5 *rade be8ause it is t5e students@ startin* "oint
in learnin* 1n*lis5 4ormally$
.5is 85a"ter is *oin* to dis8uss some 4a8tors '5i85 su""ort t5e use o4
"i8torial materials in vo8abulary tea85in* and some eviden8es 4rom some e6"ert
t5at s5o' t5at "i8torial materials 8an be used to tea85 vo8abulary e44e8tively$ .5e
'riter 'ants to s5o' t5at "i8torial materials 8an be used in vo8abulary tea85in* in
order to 5el" ot5er tea85ers '5o 5ave a "roblem in vo8abulary tea85in* in one
side and to im"rove 1n*lis5 edu8ation in /ndonesia$ .5ere4ore( t5e 'riter *ives
some e6"lanation on t5e use o4 "i8torial materials in t5is 85a"ter$
)/6 V"'a%ular5 Tea'#in& Strate&ies
.5ere are t'o *eneral te85ni<ues in 4orei*n vo8abulary learnin*( namely
Gre8e"tive and "rodu8tive learnin*H E=alla8e( 1++1: 21F$ 2e8e"tive learnin*
makes t5e students able to re8all t5e translation o4 4orei*n 'ord '5en t5e 4orei*n
'ord 5as been seen or 5eard$ For e6am"le( t5e tea85er says t5e 'ord Ired@( t5e
students 5ear t5e 'ord and are able to remember t5e meanin* in t5eir 4irst
!rodu8tive learnin* su""orts t5e students to "rodu8e t5e 4orei*n 'ord by
s"eakin* and 'ritin*$ /t re<uires more time 4or students to master t5an re8e"tive
learnin*$ For "rodu8tive learnin*( Gsayin* t5e 'ords aloud brin*s 4aster learnin*
'it5 better retentionH E=alla8e( 1++1: 2+F$ For instan8e( t5e tea85er s5o's a
"i8ture o4 an ele"5ant and asks t5e student to 'ord it in 1n*lis5$ /t 8an be
8on8luded t5at based on t5e te85ni<ues( t5is deals 'it5 re8e"tive and "rodu8tive
learnin*$ First( students need to be able to re8all translation o4 t5e 'ord and
se8ond( t5e students are re<uired to s"eak t5e 'ord in oral 'ay and to 'rite t5e
'ord in s8ri"t 4orm$
Beside o4 "rodu8tive and re8e"tive learnin*( t5ere is a tea85in* strate*y
'5i85 is also "art o4 vo8abulary tea85in* strate*y( t5at is 8o*nitive strate*y$ .5e
tea85in* strate*ies t5at t5e 'riter 'ants to "ro"ose in t5is "a"er is 8o*nitive
strate*ies( t5us( t5ey involve mani"ulation or trans4ormation o4 material to be
learnedK in ot5er 'ords( learners intera8t dire8tly 'it5 '5at is to be learned
E=enden and 2ubin( 1+D7: 72F$ 9o*nitive strate*ies 8an vary in t5e amount o4
learners@ intera8tion or trans4ormations involvedK *reater involvement is t5ou*5t
to result in in8reased learnin*$ Luoted in =enden and 2ubin E1+D7F( Bro'n and
!alis8ar E1+D2F divide 8o*nitive strate*ies into several kinds$ .5ey are re"etition(
resour8in*( dire8ted "5ysi8al res"onse( translation( *rou"in*( note takin*(
dedu8tion( re8ombination( ima*ery( auditory re"resentation( key 'ord(
8onte6tuali>ation( elaboration( trans4er( and di44eren8in*$
One o4 t5e 8o*nitive strate*ies t5at t5e 'riter 'ants to use in t5is "a"er is
ima*ery$ .5ere are many kinds o4 ima*ery ob,e8t t5at tea85ers 8an use to tea85
vo8abulary su85 as "i8ture( 4ilm( 85art( and real ob,e8t$ :o'ever( t5is "a"er is
*oin* to dis8uss about t5e use o4 "i8torial materials to tea85 vo8abulary$ .5e
'riter "ro"oses t5e use o4 "i8torial materials to tea85 vo8abulary be8ause t5ey
5ave many 4un8tions '5i85 'ill be dis8ussed in t5e ne6t "art$
)/) Pi't"rial Material
!i8torial material is one o4 t5e tea85in* aids '5i85 are "art o4 instru8tional
aid and visual aid$ 88ordin* to :aas and !a8ker E1+B0: 6iF an instru8tional aid is
any devi8e t5at assists an instru8tor to transmit 4a8ts( skills( attitudes( kno'led*e(
understandin* and a""re8iation to a learner$ )ean'5ile( a visual aid is any o4
instru8tional devi8es t5at 8an be seen( but not 5eard$ Beside o4 :aas and !a8ker
E1+B0F understandin* on "i8torial materials( :eini85 E1+D2:D2F also *ives t5e
meanin* o4 "i8torial materials( t5at is "5oto*ra"5i8 o4 "eo"le( "la8es( or t5in*s(
are available in most sub,e8t areas and level 4rom kinder*arten to adults$ From
t5ose e6"lanations( t5e 'riter 8an 8on8lude t5at "i8torial material is any devi8e
t5at 8an be seen but not 5eard '5i85 8an be used to transmit 4a8ts( skills( attitude(
kno'led*e and a""re8iation to t5e learners$
.5e 'riter su**ests t5e use o4 "i8torial material 4or vo8abulary learnin* in
t5is "a"er be8ause "i8torial material 8an be used to 8onvey meanin* o4 a 'ord$ /t
8an be used to 8onvey meanin* o4 a 'ord be8ause students( es"e8ially youn*er
85ildren mi*5t not understand t5e meanin* o4 t5e real 4orm o4 t5e 'ord itsel4$
.5at is be8ause t5ey are un4amiliar 'it5 'ord or t5ey never 5eard or sa' t5in*s or
somet5in* '5i85 is mentioned by t5e 'ord$ .5at 8ondition 5a""ens be8ause t5ey
are in t5e a*e o4 learnin* 1n*lis5 as a se8ond lan*ua*e or 4orei*n lan*ua*e$ .5ey
never 5eard t5e 'ord be4ore and it is also a44e8ted by t5eir mot5er ton*ue$
.5ere4ore( by usin* 8o*nitive strate*ies in t5e 4orm o4 "i8torial materials(
t5e 'riter 5o"es t5at t5e students 8an *ain t5eir vo8abulary mastery be8ause 2ead(
E2000: 17F says t5at t5e su88ess4ul o4 t5e vo8abulary mastery is determined by t5e
students@ ability to mat85 t5e 'ord t5at t5ey learnt 'it5 an e<uivalent 'ord in
t5eir o'n lan*ua*e
)/)/6 T53es " Pi't"rial Materials
.5ere are many kinds o4 "i8torial materials '5i85 8an be used in
vo8abulary tea85in*$ .5ey are:
1$ 9om"osite "i8tures
9om"osite "i8tures are kind o4 "i8tures '5i85 s5o' s8enes su85 as
5os"ital( bea85( o44i8e( et8 in '5i85 t5ere are some "eo"le '5o are doin*
somet5in* in t5ese "i8tures EYunus( 1+D1: 4+F$ .5e advanta*e o4 t5ese
"i8tures is t5at t5ey enable t5e students to see "la8es( events( ob,e8ts and
"eo"le@s o88u"ations '5i85 t5ey 8an not see be4ore be8ause o4 time(
distan8e or 8ost "roblems$ Besides( t5ese kind o4 "i8tures are usually
made in bi* si>e$ .5ere4ore( it is a""ro"riate to use t5ese kind o4 "i8tures
to tea85 t5e '5ole 8lass rat5er t5an individual$
2$ "i8ture series
Yunus E1+D1: B0F said t5at a "i8ture series is a number o4 related
8om"osite "i8tures linked to 4orm a series or se<uen8e$ .5e main 4un8tion
o4 t5ese kind o4 "i8tures is to tell a story or se<uen8e o4 events$
3$ /ndividual "i8tures
/ndividual "i8tures are sin*le "i8tures o4 ob,e8ts( "ersons or a8tivities
EYunus( 1+D1:B0F$ .5ese "i8tures usually vary in si>e$ .5ere4ore( t5ey 8an
be used to tea85 individual or t5e '5ole 8lass$
4$ S"e8iali>ed "i8tures E"osters( 85arts( advertisements( bro85uresF
S"e8iali>ed "i8tures are not desi*ned 4or tea85in*$ :o'ever( t5ese kind o4
materials 8an be used in vo8abulary tea85in* in order to *ain t5e students
motivation or "rovide some to"i8s '5i85 8an be dis8ussed in t5e
Beside o4 t5ose kinds o4 "i8torial material '5i85 are dis8ussed by Yunus
E1+D1F( no'adays t5ere are some kinds o4 "i8torial material '5i85 are
"ro"osed by :armer E2001F$ Some o4 t5ese "i8torial materials are a8tually
"art o4 Yunus E1+D1F "i8torial materials( but t5ere are some develo"ments
o4 t5e "i8torial materials '5i85 are "ro"osed by :armer E2001F( es"e8ially
in t5eir 4orms$ .5ose "i8torial materials are:
1$ Flas58ards
Flas58ard are smallis5 8ards '5i85 8ontain brie4 and to t5e "oint
messa*e$ .5e 8ards may also be used e44e8tively in a drill or revie'
E:aas and !a8ker( 1+B0: DBF$
2$ 3ar*e 'all "i8tures
3ar*e 'all "i8tures are kind o4 "i8tures '5i85 are bi* enou*5 4or
everyone to see details$ .5ey are usually used 4or lar*e 8lass in '5i85
'5ole o4 t5e students 8an see t5e "i8tures$ .5ese "i8tures 8an be in a
4orm o4 individual "i8tures or 8om"osite "i8tures$ .5ey 8an be in a 4orm
o4 individual "i8tures '5i85 are only one "i8ture o4 a "erson or a t5in* in
t5em$ =5en t5ey are in a 4orm o4 8om"osite "i8tures( t5ey only a "i8ture
'5i85 5as some "i8tures o4 "erson or t5in*s in t5em '5i85 is s5o' a
situation o4 a "la8e su85 as 5os"ital( market( or s85ool$
3$ 9ue 8ards
9ue 8ards are small 8ards '5i85 students used in "air or *rou" 'ork$
.5ey are di44erent 4rom 4las5 8ards$ .5ese 8ards 8ontain some "i8tures
'5i85 8an be used as 8ues to *uess an ob,e8t '5i85 is related to t5e 8ues$
4$ !5oto*ra"5
!5oto*ra"5 is a kind o4 "i8ture '5i85 s5o's reality su85 as "erson(
t5in*s( or nature$ .5ey are use4ul in s5o'in* "ersons( "la8es( or t5in*s
t5at t5e students are unable to see in reality$
)/)/) T#e Use " Pi't"rial Materials
!i8torial materials 8an be used in tea85in* vo8abulary 4or t5e 4ourt5
*raders o4 elementary s85ool$ :o'ever t5ey also 5ave some advanta*es and some
disadvanta*e$ .5ose t5in*s 'ill be dis8ussed in t5e ne6t "art$
)/)/)/6 T#e Ad7anta&es " Pi't"rial Materials
.5ere are some advanta*es o4 t5e use o4 "i8torial materials '5i85 'ere
mentioned by Yunus E1+D1: B3F$ .5ey are:
1$ !i8tures are very use4ul 4or "resentin* ne' *rammati8al and vo8abulary
2$ !i8torial materials allo' 4or meanin*4ul "ra8ti8e o4 vo8abulary and
stru8tures "resented by tea85ers$
3$ !i8torial materials 8an also "rovide stimulus 4or usin* t5e lan*ua*e at t5e
re"rodu8tion and mani"ulation sta*es to s"eak( to read( or to 'rite$
4$ !i8torial materials 8an be used 4or revision 4rom one lesson to anot5er as
'ell as 4or lon*Aterm revision o4 vo8abulary$
B$ !i8torial materials 8an be used to su""lement '5atever te6tbook t5e
tea85er is usin* or '5atever 8ourse 5e is 4ollo'in*$
C$ !i8torial materials are easy to 8olle8t( to make( and to trans"ort$
)/)/)/) T#e Disad7anta&es " Pi't"rial Materials
Beside o4 t5e advanta*es( "i8torial materials also 5ave some
disadvanta*es$ .5ey are:
1$ /t needs e6tra time to make t5e "i8ture or to 8olle8t su44i8ient "i8tures$
2$ /t needs 8are4ul administration
3$ .5e tea85er s5ould 5ave t5orou*5 "re"aration be4ore 8lass$
EBro'n( 1++4 in 95ristiyani( 200B: 2DF
:o'ever( all o4 t5e disadvanta*es o4 "i8torial materials 8an be solved by
*ood "re"aration( dis8i"line( and 8reativity o4 t5e tea85er 5imsel4$
)/)/)/8 T#e Use " Pi't"rial Materials in V"'a%ular5 Learnin&
!i8torial materials 8an also be used in vo8abulary learnin* a8tivities$ .5e use
o4 "i8torial materials in vo8abulary learnin* a8tivities 8an vary t5e tea85in*
learnin* a8tivities itsel4 and make t5e vo8abulary learnin* more 4un$ .5ere4ore( it
8an 5el" t5e students to master t5e vo8abulary$ .5ere are some tea85in* learnin*
a8tivities in vo8abulary learnin* '5i85 'as "ro"osed by :armer E2001: 134F$ .5e
4ollo'in* tea85in* learnin* a8tivities in vo8abulary learnin* are:
1$ #rills
2$ 9ommuni8ation E&amesF
3$ 0nderstandin*
4$ Ornamentation
B$ #is8ussion
)/8 S"!e Resear'#es "n t#e Use " Pi't"rial Materials in V"'a%ular5
.5ere are some resear85es on t5e use o4 "i8torial materials to tea85
vo8abulary 4or t5e 4ourt5 *raders o4 elementary s85ool '5i85 'ere done by some
resear85ers to investi*ate t5e use o4 "i8torial materials to tea85 vo8abulary 4or t5e
4ourt5 *raders o4 elementary s85ool$ .risis8a E1++CF is one o4 t5e resear85ers '5o
tries to investi*ate t5e use o4 "i8torial materials to tea85 vo8abulary 4or t5e 4ourt5
*raders o4 elementary s85ool$ S5e made a resear85 in S# )arsudirini Yo*yakarta
in '5i85 t5e sam"les 'ere t5e 4ourt5 *rader students$ S5e divided t5e *rou" into
t'o *rou"s( t5e 4irst *rou" 'as t5e 8ontrol *rou" and t5e se8ond *rou" 'as t5e
e6"erimental *rou"$ .5e e6"erimental *rou" 'as tau*5t by "i8tures and t5e
8ontrol *rou" 'as tau*5t 'it5out any "i8tures$
.5e resear85er used t'o kinds o4 test on 5er resear85( t5ose 'ere( "reAtest
and "ostAtest$ .5e resear85er used t5ose kinds o4 test to 8om"are t5e result o4
t5ose t'o tests '5et5er t5e use o4 "i8torial materials in vo8abulary learnin* really
5el"s t5e students or not$ .5e results o4 t5e test 8an be seen on table 1 and table 2
in t5e a""endi6es
From 5er resear85( s5e 4ound t5at t5e results o4 t5e "reAtest and "ostAtest
bet'een t5e 8ontrol *rou" and e6"erimental *rou" 'ere di44erent$ .5e *rade o4
t5e e6"erimental *rou" 'as better t5an t5at o4 t5e 8ontrol *rou"$ /t means t5at
usin* "i8torial materials in vo8abulary tea85in* 'as better t5an not usin* "i8torial
2esear85 on t5e use o4 "i8torial materials to tea85 vo8abulary to t5e 4ort5
*raders o4 elementary s85ool 'as also done by 95ristiyani E200BF$ S5e 8ondu8ted
a resear85 on t5e use o4 "i8torial materials to tea85 vo8abulary to 3D students o4
t5e 4ourt5 *rade o4 S# -raton Yo*yakarta$ S5e did not divide t5e students into
8ontrol *rou" and e6"erimental *rou" be8ause t5ere 'as only one 8lass in t5at
elementary s85ool$
s "ro"osed by t5e "revious resear85er( s5e used "reAtest and "ostAtest to
8om"are t5e results o4 t5e tests( '5et5er t5e use o4 "i8torial materials in
vo8abulary tea85in* 8an 5el" t5e students to *ain t5eir kno'led*e on vo8abulary
or not$ .5e result o4 t5e resear85 is "resented in table 3$ in t5e a""endi8es$
From t5e result o4 t5e "reAtest and "ostAtest( 'e 8an see t5at t5e mean
result o4 t5e "ost test 'as 5i*5er t5an t5e mean s8ore o4 t5e "reAtest$ :o'ever(
95ristiyani E200BF also "resented t5e result o4 t5e des8ri"tive statisti8 and t5e
result inter"retation as it is "resented in t5e table 4 in t5e a""endi6es$
/n table 4 'e 8ould see t5at t5e standard deviation o4 t5e "reAtest 'as 3$07
and t5e standard deviation o4 t5e "ostAtest 'as 3$1+$ From t5e des8ri"tive statisti8
results( 95ristiyani E200BF *ave t5e result inter"retation t5at t5e de*ree o4 4reedom
Ed4F 4or t5e nonAinde"endent tAtest e<uals to NA1 o4 3DA1 M 37$ .5e tAtable 4or t5e
0J0B level o4 si*ni4i8ant 'it5 37 d4 s5o's t5e value 1(C1C '5ile t5e tAobserved
'as 0$++ and sin8e t5e value o4 t5e tAobserved 'as less t5an t5e tAtable it 8an be
8on8luded t5at "i8torial materials *ave t5e students some im"rovement$
From t5e 4a8ts t5at t5ose t'o resear85ers 5ave s5o'n in t5eir resear85( t5e
'riter a*rees and 8on8ludes t5at t5e use o4 "i8torial materials to tea85 vo8abulary
4or t5e 4ourt5 *raders o4 elementary s85ool 'as mana*eable to in8rease t5e
student@s mastery on vo8abulary$
)/9 T#e Results
/n t5is "art( t5e 'riter 'ill dis8uss t5e results t5at 8an be 8on8luded 4rom
t5e "revious 'orks o4 some resear85ers on t5e use o4 "i8torial materials to tea85
vo8abulary 4or t5e 4ourt5 *raders o4 elementary s85ool$
)/9/6 T#e Suita%le Pi't"rial Materials t#at Can %e Used t" Tea'# V"'a%ular5
From t5e e6"lanation o4 some e6"erts and some resear85ers on t5e use o4
"i8torial materials to tea85 vo8abulary 4or t5e 4ourt5 *raders o4 elementary s85ool(
t5e 'riter 8on8ludes t5at t5e best "i8torial materials t5at 8an be used to tea85
vo8abulary 4or t5e 4ourt5 *raders o4 elementary s85ool are 8onte6tAoriented
"i8tures and stru8tureAoriented "i8tures '5i85 are sim"le( 5avin* no ambi*uity( in
a88ordan8e 'it5 t5e students@ level( and related to t5e to"i8 '5i85 is bein* tau*5t$
.5e "i8torial materials t5at 8an be used to tea85 vo8abulary 4or t5e 4ourt5 *raders
o4 elementary s85ool are:
1$ 9om"osite "i8tures
2$ "i8ture series
3$ /ndividual "i8tures
4$ S"e8iali>ed "i8tures
B$ Flas58ard
C$ 3ar*e 'all "i8tures
7$ !5oto*ra"5
D$ 9ue 8ards
From t5ose "i8torial materials t5at 8an be used to tea85 vo8abulary 4or t5e 4ourt5
*raders o4 elementary s85ool( t5e 'riter only used some o4 t5em$ 8tually( all o4
t5ose "i8torial materials 8an be used to tea85 vo8abulary 4or t5e 4ourt5 *raders o4
elementary s85ool$ :o'ever( 5e only 85ose some o4 t5e "i8torial materials
be8ause some o4 t5e "i8torial materials 5ave similar 4orms$ .5e ot5er reason '5y
t5e 'riter 85ose to use some o4 t5e "i8torial materials is be8ause t5e
mana*eability o4 t5e "i8torial materials( 4or e6am"le( a lar*e 'all "i8ture 5ave a
similar 4orm to 8om"osite "i8tures$ :o'ever( a lar*e 'all "i8ture takes more
s"a8e and money to make it be8ause it s5ould be lar*e enou*5 to be seen$
.5ere4ore( it is not mana*eable$ Ot5er kinds o4 "i8ture '5i85 5ave a similar 4orm
are individual "i8tures and 4las5 8ards$ n /ndividual "i8ture is similar to a
4las58ard be8ause it "resents an individual ob,e8t or an a8tivity$ .5ou*5 t5ey are
similar( bot5 o4 t5ose "i8tures 8an be used to tea85 vo8abulary$ .5ere4ore( t5e
'riter de8ided to use one o4 t5e "i8tures as a term in t5is "a"er( t5at is( 4las58ards$
:en8e( t5e 4ollo'in* "i8tures '5i85 t5e 'riter de8ided to 85oose are:
1$ 9om"osite "i8tures
9om"osite "i8tures 8an be used to tea85 vo8abulary 4or t5e 4ourt5 *raders
o4 elementary s85ool be8ause t5ey 8an be used to tea85 a lot o4 vo8abulary
su85 as "eo"le o88u"ation( s8ene( and "eo"le a8tivities in t5e "i8tures$
Sin8e t5ey 5ave lar*e si>e( t5e '5ole 8lass 8an see t5em and t5ey 'ill
bene4it t5e tea85er be8ause tea85er 8an tea85 t5e '5ole 8lass e44e8tively$
2$ "i8ture series
"i8ture series 8an be used to tea85 vo8abulary be8ause t5ey 8an be used
by a tea85er as a media to tell a story( se<uen8e( or events to t5e students
be8ause 85ildren usually like to 5ear a story$ .5e tea85er 8an link t5e story
to t5e tar*et materials t5at 5e or s5e 'ants to *ive to t5e students or t5e
tea85er 8an ask t5e students to "ut a senten8e or a 'ord in t5e "i8ture
3$ Flas58ards
Flas58ards are similar to individual 8ards$ .5ey 8onsist o4 individual
"i8tures$ .5ey 8an be used by t5e tea85er to drill or to revie' t5e lesson
be8ause o4 t5eir si>es '5i85 are small and t5e messa*e t5e 8ards 8ontained
is brie4 and to t5e "oint$ .5ere4ore( t5e students 8an *ain t5eir vo8abulary
4$ 9ue 9ards
9ue 8ards 8an be used to tea85 vo8abulary be8ause t5e tea85er 8an use
t5em as 8ues to *uess an ob,e8t '5i85 is related to t5e 8ues$ .5ey 8an be
used in a 4orm o4 *ame or drill a8tivities$ Students tend to like learnin*
a8tivities '5i85 are 85allen*in* 4or t5em$ /4 t5ey are involved in t5is
a8tivity( t5ey 'ill im"rove t5eir vo8abulary mastery automati8ally$
B$ !5oto*ra"5s
!5oto*ra"5 8an be used in tea85in* vo8abulary be8ause t5ey 8an be used
to s5o' reality su85 as a "erson( t5in*s( or s8enery t5at t5e students are
unable to see be8ause o4 limitation o4 time or money$ .5e tea85er 8an use
t5em in a tea85in* and learnin* a8tivity( drills or *ame$
C$ S"e8iali>ed "i8tures
lt5ou*5 t5is kind o4 "i8torial materials are not desi*ned 4or tea85in*$
.5ey 8an be used to raise students@ motivation in learnin* vo8abulary$
.5ey 8an be used to "resents to"i8 o4 t5e vo8abulary t5at t5e tea85er 'ants
to e6"lain$
.5ose kinds o4 "i8ture 8an be used to tea85 vo8abulary 4or t5e 4ourt5 *raders
o4 elementary s85ool be8ause t5ey also 5ave some advanta*es$ .5e 4ollo'in* are
statements o4 some advanta*es o4 "i8torial materials$
1$ !i8tures are very use4ul 4or "resentin* ne' *rammati8al and vo8abulary
.5ey are very use4ul be8ause t5ey 5el" tea85ers to "rovide t5e
situation and 8onte6t '5i85 li*5ten t5e meanin* o4 'ords and later t5ey
'ill also li*5ten t5e tea85er@s burden in tea85in* ne' 'ords 'it5out *ive a
lot o4 e6"lanation o4 t5e 'ords$
2$ !i8torial materials allo' 4or meanin*4ul "ra8ti8e o4 vo8abulary and
stru8tures "resented by tea85ers$
!i8torial material 8an be used as a means o4 8ommuni8ation to 5ave
some drills on some 'ords rat5er t5an re"eat it orally$
3$ !i8torial materials 8an also "rovide a stimulus 4or usin* t5e lan*ua*e at t5e
re"rodu8tion and mani"ulation sta*es to s"eak( to read( or to 'rite$
.5e students 8an use t5e 'ord to e6"lain somet5in* by usin* t5e
"i8ture itsel4$
4$ !i8torial materials 8an be used 4or revision 4rom one lesson to anot5er as
'ell as 4or lon*Aterm revision o4 vo8abulary$
!i8torial materials 'ill 5el" t5e tea85ers to *ive some revision at t5e
'ords *iven be4ore be8ause t5e students 'ill remember 'it5 'ords '5i85
t5e tea85er mentions by seein* t5e "i8ture$
B$ !i8torial materials 8an be used to su""lement '5atever te6tbook t5e
tea85er is usin* or '5atever 8ourse 5e or s5e is 4ollo'in*$
.5ey 'ill 5el" t5e readers to *ras" t5e meanin* o4 t5e 8ontent o4 t5e
te6tbook t5at t5ey read$
C$ !i8torial materials are easy to 8olle8t( to make( and to trans"ort$
.5is means t5at tea85ers 8an use t5em 4or tea85in* any as"e8t o4 t5e
lan*ua*e to any a*e *rou" at any level o4 lan*ua*e "ro4i8ien8y$
)/9/) T#e Use " Pi't"rial Materials in V"'a%ular5 Tea'#in&
From some e6"lanation on t5e use o4 "i8torial materials '5i85 is "ro"osed
by :armer E2001F( t5e 'riter a*rees t5at "i8torial materials 8an be used to tea85
vo8abulary 4or t5e 4ourt5 *raders o4 elementary s85ool in a 4orm o4:
1$ #rills
!i8torial materials 8an be used in drillin* a8tivities$ #rillin* a8tivities
usin* "i8tures 'ill 5el" t5e students to remember t5e vo8abulary t5at t5ey
5ave learned and it 8an 5el" t5em to solve t5eir "roblem in rememberin*
t5e vo8abulary t5at t5e tea85er 5as *iven to t5em by enou*5 re"etition in a
4orm o4 drillin* a8tivities$
.5e e6am"le o4 drillin* a8tivity usin* "i8torial materials is t5at t5e tea85er
8an use t5e "i8ture in a 4orm o4 4las5 8ards in 8ue res"onse drills$ .5e
tea85er 8an s5o' some "i8tures in 4las5 8ards as a 8ue 4or a t5in* or
vo8abulary t5at t5e tea85er 'ants$ .5ere4ore( t5e students 'ill be
85allen*ed to *uess t5e 'ord t5at t5e tea85er 'ants 4rom t5e 8ue t5at t5e
tea85er 5as *iven to t5em and t5ey 5ave learned t5e vo8abulary t5at t5e
tea85er 'ants to *ive indire8tly$
2$ 9ommuni8ation E&amesF
!i8torial materials 8an also be used 4or 8ommuni8ation a8tivities su85 as
*ames$ s 'e kno' t5at 85ildren usually are bored 'it5 monotone
tea85in* learnin* a8tivities su85 as e6"lainin* and 'ritin* a8tivities$ .5e
result 4rom t5ose tea85in* strate*ies is t5at t5e 85ildren 'ill not remember
t5e vo8abulary t5at t5e tea85er 5as tau*5t to t5em and t5e tea85in*
learnin* a8tivities 'ill be 'asted$
On t5e ot5er 5and( t5e use o4 "i8tures in a 4orm o4 *ame 'ill make t5e
students more ent5usiasti8 to ,oin t5e *ame and *uess all o4 t5e tea85er@
<uestions be8ause t5ey 'ant to 'in t5e *ame( t5ere4ore t5e use o4 "i8torial
materials 'ill be use4ul 4or t5e tea85er and students be8ause t5e tea85er@
*oals in tea85in* vo8abulary 'ill be a85ieved and t5e students 8an learn
vo8abulary e44e8tively$
3$ 0nderstandin*
One o4 t5e a""ro"riate uses 4or "i8ture is 4or "resentin* and 85e8kin*
meanin*$ s 'e kno' t5at sometimes( 85ildren 8annot 8at85 t5e meanin*
o4 t5e 'ord t5at t5e tea85er said$ /t 5a""ens be8ause :armer E2001: 3DF
said t5at 85ildren@s understandin* 8omes not ,ust 4rom e6"lanation but also
4rom '5at t5ey see and 5ear and 8ru8ially( 5ave a 85an8e to tou85 and
intera8t 'it5$ .5at is '5y( tea85ers 5ave to 4ind a 'ay to make t5e
students understand t5e meanin* o4 1n*lis5 'ords$ .5ere4ore( t5e use o4
"i8torial materials in t5e tea85in* learnin* a8tivities 8an 5el" t5e tea85er to
8onvey t5e meanin* o4 t5e vo8abulary t5at 5e or s5e 'ants to e6"lain$
Besides( it is easy to 85e8k t5e students@ 8om"re5ension o4 t5e vo8abulary
t5at t5e tea85er *iven by askin* t5em to sele8t t5e "i8ture '5i85 best
8orres"onds 'it5 t5e tea85er@ order$
4$ Ornamentation
!i8torial materials 8an also be used as ornamentation$ .5is means t5at
"i8tures 8an be used to make t5e students@ 'ork more a""ealin*$ For
e6am"le( in a readin* te6t( t5ere are some "i8tures or "5oto*ra"5s "ut ea85
o4 t5e vo8abulary o4 1n*lis5 'ords in a 85ildren te6tbook( '5i85 are
ne8essary to e6"lain t5e meanin* o4 t5e 'ord to t5e 85ildren in a 4orm o4
"i8ture$ Besides( t5ey 8an be used as ornamentations to make t5e book
more a""ealin* to 85ildren( be8ause 85ildren usually like a lot o4 "i8tures
in t5eir book$ .5ere4ore( it is 8lear t5at "i8ture im"roves t5e vo8abulary
mastery$ One t5in* t5at t5e tea85er s5ould remember is t5at i4 t5e "i8tures
are interestin*( t5ey 'ill a""eal to at least some members o4 t5e 8lass
stron*ly$ .5ey 5ave t5e "o'er to en*a*e students to im"rove t5eir
vo8abulary mastery$
B$ #is8ussion
!i8tures 8an also be used in a dis8ussion a8tivity be8ause it 8an stimulate
<uestions 4or t5e students in dis8ussin* t5e "i8tures '5i85 are *iven by t5e
tea85er or maybe t5e tea85er 8an ask t5e students to *ive any des8ri"tion
o4 t5e "i8tures su85 as t5e 8olor( si>e( s5a"e( and t5e ot5ers$
/n t5is 85a"ter( t5e 'riter "resents t5e 8on8lusion on t5e use o4 "i8torial
materials to tea85 vo8abulary 4or t5e 4ourt5 *raders o4 elementary s85ool '5i85
are dra'n 4rom some "roo4s in t5e dis8ussion in 85a"ter 2$ Besides( t5e 'riter also
*ives some su**estions to 1n*lis5 tea85ers in t5e elementary s85ool and ot5er
'riters '5o are interested in investi*atin* t5e use o4 "i8torial materials to tea85
8/6/ C"n'lusi"n
.5is "a"er is 8on8erned 'it5 4indin* out t5e suitable "i8torial materials
t5at 8an be used to tea85 vo8abulary to t5e 4ourt5 *raders o4 t5e elementary s85ool
and t5e use o4 "i8torial materials to tea85 vo8abulary to t5e 4ourt5 *raders o4
elementary s85ool$ 0sin* some 4indin*s t5at t5e 'riter 5as 4ound( t5e 'riter 8an
8on8lude t5at:
1$ .5e suitable "i8torial materials t5at 8an be used to tea85 vo8abulary 4or t5e
4ourt5 *raders o4 elementary s85ool are 8om"osite "i8tures( a "i8ture series(
4las5 8ards( 8ue 8ards( "5oto*ra"5s( and s"e8iali>ed "i8tures$ .5ese ty"es o4
"i8torial materials are a""ro"riate to tea85 vo8abulary to t5e 4ourt5 *raders o4
elementary s85ool be8ause t5ey 'ill raise t5e students@ attention to t5e
vo8abulary '5i85 is "resented in many kinds o4 "i8torial materials$
2$ !i8torial materials 8an be used in many kinds o4 tea85in* and learnin*
a8tivities su85 as E1F drills( E2F 8ommuni8ation E&amesF( E3F understandin*(
E4F ornamentation( and EBF dis8ussion$ /t 5as also been "roved by some
resear85ers t5at "i8torial materials are e44e8tive to tea85 vo8abulary to t5e
4ourt5 *raders o4 t5e elementary s85ool be8ause t5e results o4 t5e "reAtest and
"ostAtest o4 some "revious resear85 s5o' t5at t5e "ost test result is 5i*5er t5an
t5e "reAtest result$
8/)/ Su&&esti"ns
1$ For 1n*lis5 tea85ers in elementary s85ool
.5e 1n*lis5 tea85er in t5e elementary s85ool s5ould be 8reative in
tea85in* vo8abulary t5rou*5 "i8tures be8ause sometimes t5e materials 8annot
be 8onveyed to t5e students i4 t5e tea85er *ives monotonous a8tivities
alt5ou*5 5e uses "i8torial materials as a media$ .5ere4ore( t5e tea85er s5ould
be 8reative in 8reatin* a lot o4 tea85in* learnin* a8tivities '5i85 use "i8tures
as media to make t5e students interested in learnin* vo8abulary$
2$ For ot5er 'riters '5o are interested in investi*atin* t5e use o4 "i8torial
materials to tea85 vo8abulary
Sin8e t5is "a"er only dis8usses t5e uses o4 "i8torial materials to tea85
vo8abulary 4or t5e 4ourt5 *raders o4 elementary s85ool( it is 5o"ed t5at ot5er
'riters 8an 4ind ot5er bene4its and t5ey 8an 4ind t5e use o4 "i8torial materials
in ot5er lan*ua*e skills su85 as s"eakin*( readin*( listenin*( and 'ritin*$
=5en t5e use o4 "i8torial material in 1n*lis5 tea85in* develo"s( t5e use o4
"i8torial material 'ill *ain t5e advanta*es 1n*lis5 tea85in*$
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