Financial English

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Foreign exchange

Id like to change some euro into US dollars.

Cashier: Hi. May I help you
!aul "ye#ield: $es. %hats the &uying rate #or euro
Cashier: '.'( U.S. dollars to the euro.
!aul "ye#ield: )kay. Id like to change some euro into US dollars* please.
Cashier: Sure. Ho+ much +ould you like to change
!aul "ye#ield: Six hundred euro.
Cashier: ,ery good. May I see your passport
!aul "ye#ield: Here you are.
Cashier: Ho+ +ould you like your &ills
!aul "ye#ield: In #i#ties please.

International trans#ers

Ho+ long does it take

-ank clerk: Hello. Can I help you* maam
Mary .ones: $es. Could you tell me ho+ to send some money to someone +ith an account +ith a
&ank in /ermany
-ank clerk: %ell* you can pay &y mail* telegraphic or S%IF0 trans#er. )r you can ha1e a &anker
s dra#t and mail it yoursel# to the &ene#iciary.
Mary .ones: %hich is the &est +ay
-ank clerk: It depends on the amount and ho+ #ast you +ant that person to recei1e the money. 2
S%IF0 trans#er is the #astest method &ut a &ankers dra#t is usually the cheapest. Ho+ much do you
+anna send
Mary .ones: 3455.
-ank clerk: %hy dont you send it &y mail payment order
Mary .ones: Ho+ long does it take
-ank clerk: 2&out a +eek.
Mary .ones: I dont kno+. Can I send it more 6uickly
-ank clerk: Sure. $ou can ha1e a 0elegraphic or a S%IF0 trans#er.
Mary .ones: 2nd ho+ long do those take
-ank clerk: -oth a 0elegraphic 0rans#er and a S%IF0 trans#er +ill normally &e credited to the
payees account +ithin three or #our +orking days* depending on +hether the &ene#iciarys &ank is
among our correspondent &anks or +e ha1e to route the trans#er through a third &ank.
Mary .ones: I see. Ho+ can I pay &y 0elegraphic 0rans#er
-ank clerk: $ou ha1e to #ill out this #orm* maam.

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