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What are the benefits of this workshop?

The workshop aims to provide spouses

with the means to uncover, find, or redis-
cover their passion and identify their career
goals. Together we will create coherence
between the individuals career-related
ambitions and the current opportunities in
Denmark. The workshop offers the partici-
pants a structured and realistic individual
action plan to support their future career
The action plan is intended as a manage-
ment tool which ensures consistency
across the various courses offered in con-
nection with Copenhagen Talent Bridge
committing spouses to maintain momen-
tum while pursuing their ambitions.
Spend an exciting 1,5 days with 10-20
people in a situation similar to yours
Gain structure and momentum to your
individual career development
Experience a mixture of presentations,
group exercises, and time for individual
Sign up for individual or group career
More than 100 spouses have partici-
pated since the launch in December 2012
The workshop is free of charge
The workshop is held once every month at
the Technical University of Denmark (DTU).
For further details and to sign up, please
visit and
navigate to the next available workshop in
the calendar.

We are looking very much forward to wel-
coming you at the next career workshop.
Kind Regards,
Mette Nelleberg, DTU Career Coach & Mikkel
Orlovski, International HR Specialist
Copenhagen Talent Bridge offers career coaching for spouses and partners of
highly skilled knowledge workers who live in the The Capital Region of Denmark
Career Development Workshop
Copenhagen Talent Bridge invites Spouses to join our
Contact your career coach on email:
Career Coaching for Spouses
How do my qualifications match the
Danish job market?
How important is Danish?
Do I really need to call the companies
before applying?
How do I read between the lines in Job
How do I balance Danish work culture
with my own best self?
What is my dream job?
How have my career choices been made
so far?
Why is being overqualified seen as
something negative?
What is with this focus on my personal
How do I address the hiring manager?
How do I network effectively?

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