Admissions Policy 2014-15

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School Name St Anns CE Primary School

Headteacher Mrs R Wilkinson

Address View Road, Rainhill, L35 L!
Telephone Number "5" #$% 5&%'
Age Range # ( ""
Admission Number %
St Anns is a Ch)rch o* En+land Primary School sit)ated in the ,iocese o* Li-er.ool
and is maintained /y St 0elens Local A)thority1
Admission arran+ements are determined /y the 2o-ernin+ 3ody o* the school in
cons)ltation with the ,iocesan 3oard o* Ed)cation, the Local A)thority and other
admission a)thorities in the rele-ant area1
4he Admission 5)m/er *or the $"# rece.tion year intake at St Anns Ch)rch o*
En+land Primary School is %1
$a,ing an Application
A..lications *or rece.tion year in Se.tem/er $"# sho)ld /e made on the a..licants
home local a)thority common a..lication *orm1 Co.ies o* St 0elens Primary
Ed)cation 6n*ormation *or Parents 3ooklet and a..lication *orms will /e a-aila/le at
all St 0elens .rimary schools, local li/raries and the Admissions Section o* the Local
A)thority *rom Se.tem/er $"3 onwards1
St 0elens residents may also online -ia htt.788admissions1sthelens1+o-1)k
A..lications m)st /e s)/mitted /y (+ -anuar. &'().
All a..lications will /e considered at the same time and a*ter the closin+ date1
,ecision letters will /e sent to .arents on "% $"#1
ate Applications
A..lications s)/mitted a*ter the closin+ date will only /e considered alon+side those
who a..lied on time when they are recei-ed /e*ore the allocation .roced)res /e+in1
0owe-er, as this date cannot /e .redicted, .arents ha-e no +)arantee that any
a..lication recei-ed a*ter the closin+ date will /e incl)ded1
Where the n)m/er o* a..lications e9ceeds the n)m/er o* .laces a-aila/le the
2o-ernin+ 3ody will the *ollowin+ o-er(s)/scri.tion criteria
"1 Children who are in :.)/lic care or who were .re-io)sly in .)/lic care1
$1 Children who ha-e a /rother or sister at the school at the time o* likely
admission1 4his incl)des *)ll, hal* or ste./rothers and sisters, ado.ted and
*oster /rothers and sisters or a child o* the .arent8carers .artner, and in
e-ery case who is li-in+ at the same address and is .art o* the same *amily
31 Children whose .arent;s< re+)larly attend a Ch)rch o* En+land ch)rch1;A
.arent is any .erson who has .arental res.onsi/ility or care o* the child1<
Re+)lar attendance shall /e de*ined as .)/lic worshi. *or at least once a
month and *or at least $ years /e*ore a..lication1 4his wo)ld need to /e
con*irmed in writin+ /y a mem/er o* the cler+y or a ch)rch o**icer and
s)/mitted /y the .arent with their a..lication *orm1
#1 Children whose .arent;s< re+)larly attend another Christian ch)rch that is a
mem/er o* Ch)rches 4o+ether in 3ritain and 6reland ;www1ct/i1or+1)k< or a
.lace o* worshi. which is associated with the => 6nter*aith 5etwork
;www1inter*aith1or+1)k<1;A .arent is any .erson who has .arental
res.onsi/ility or care o* the child1< Re+)lar attendance shall /e de*ined as
.)/lic worshi. *or at least once a month and *or at least $ years /e*ore
a..lication1 4his wo)ld need to /e con*irmed in writin+ /y the
minister o* reli+ion or reli+io)s leader and s)/mitted /y the .arent with their
a..lication *orm1
51 Children who *or medical or social reasons re?)ire a .lace at the school1
S)ch a..lications wo)ld need to /e s)..orted in writin+ /y a re+istered
health .ro*essional or social worker at the time o* a..lication1 4he s)..ortin+
letter or re.ort m)st set o)t the .artic)lar reasons why the school is the most
s)ita/le and the di**ic)lties that wo)ld /e ca)sed i* the child had to attend
another school1
%1 Children whose .arents e9.ress a .re*erence *or a .lace at the school1
:Children in .)/lic care are de*ined as children who are ;a< in the care o* a Local
A)thority, or ;/< /ein+ .ro-ided with accommodation /y a Local A)thority in the
e9ercise o* their Social Ser-ices *)nctions ;)nder section $$;"< o* the Children Act
"'&'1 Children .re-io)sly in .)/lic care are those who immediately mo-ed on *rom
that stat)s a*ter /ecomin+ s)/@ect to an ado.tion, residence or s.ecial +)ardianshi.
Tie 0rea,
6n the e-ent o* any o-er(s)/scri.tion in the n)m/er o* a..lications made
)nder any o* the cate+ories a/o-e then the Admissions Committee will
o**er .laces *irst to children whose *amily home is nearest the school1 4he
meas)rement shall /e done /y the Local A)thority in a strai+ht line )sin+ a
2eo+ra.hical 6n*ormation System ;26S< /ased on Local Land and Pro.erty 2aAetteer
;LLP2< data and the 5ational 2rid co(ordinates *or the *amily home and the school1
Where the tie /reak does not distin+)ish /etween a..licants e1+ children li-in+ in the
same /lock o* *lats random allocation will /e )sed1 4his will /e done /y drawin+ lots
and s).er-ised /y someone inde.endent o* the school1

!e1inition o1 Home Address
4his is the con*irmed address ;/e*ore allocation .roced)res /e+in< where the child
and .arent, or .erson with .arental res.onsi/ility, normally li-e1 6* yo) are se.arated
and yo)r child s.ends time at each .arents address, the address we shall )se is that
o* the main carer1 We )se the address o* the .arent who is in recei.t o* child /ene*it
*or this1 6t may /e necessary *or the 2o-ernin+ 3ody to carry o)t checks to con*irm
that addresses +i-en are +en)ine1 Bo) may, there*ore, /e asked to .rod)ce
doc)mentary e-idence o* yo)r childs address e1+1 Co)ncil ta9 or )tility /ills
"lease note2
Any chan+e in yo)r home address a*ter yo) ha-e com.leted the a..lication *orm
m)st /e noti*ied to the Admissions Section and s)..orted /y doc)mentary e-idence1
Similarly, i* yo) are )ns)ccess*)l in yo)r a..lication *or yo)r .re*erred school;s< and
s)/se?)ently mo-e address, yo) sho)ld noti*y the Admissions Section as this may
a**ect yo)r childs .osition on the waitin+(list;s<1
False #n1ormation
Where the 2o-ernin+ 3ody disco-ers that a child has /een awarded a .lace as a
res)lt o* any *alse in*ormation relatin+ to the home address, .roo* o* date o* /irth or
in-ol-ement in a .lace o* worshi., it will withdraw the o**er and yo)r child will lose the
Ho3 places 3ere allocated in September &'(4
Admission 5)m/er 0ow .laces
were allocated
Cinal n)m/er o* .laces allocated
incl)din+ any ).held a..eals
" $
$ "3
3 #
# "
5 "
% 3':
:4he 2o-ernin+ 3ody )sed its tie /reak to decide which a..licants wo)ld /e allocated )nder criterion % and the 3

.lace was allocated to a child who li-ed "15 miles *rom the school
!e1erred Entr.
6n St 0elens children are admitted to .rimary school the Se.tem/er a*ter their *o)rth
/irthday1 Bo) may re?)est that yo)r childs admission /e de*erred )ntil later in the
same school year1 0owe-er, yo) wo)ld not /e a/le to de*er entry /eyond the
academic year *or which the ori+inal a..lication was acce.ted, i* yo) did, yo) wo)ld
need to re( *or the *ollowin+ year1 4he a..lication wo)ld then /e *or a .lace in
year " D the correct chronolo+ical a+e +ro). *or the child1 3e*ore makin+ the decision
to de*er entry .arents are ad-ised to s.eak to the school1
5aiting ist
,)rin+ the normal admissions ro)nd, i* a .lace is re*)sed /eca)se the school is
o-ers)/scri/ed yo)r childs name will a)tomatically /e .laced on the waitin+ list1 4he
waitin+ list will /e ke.t in .riority order accordin+ to the o-ers)/scri.tion criteria and
not on the date on which a..lications were recei-ed1 6* a .lace /ecomes a-aila/le
within the admission n)m/er, the child whose name is at the to. o* the list will /e
o**ered a .lace1
Children who are the s)/@ect o* a direction /y the local a)thority to admit or who are
allocated to a school in accordance with the Cair Access Protocol will take
.recedence o-er those on the waitin+ list
4he waitin+ list will close at the end o* the a)t)mn term *or the Se.tem/er $"#
rece.tion year intake1
Fair Access "rotocol
4he 2o-ernin+ 3ody has a d)ty to with the Local A)thoritys Cair Access
Protocol and may ha-e to admit a/o-e its .)/lished admission n)m/er, e-en i* the
year +ro). concerned is *)ll1
All schools m)st .artici.ate in their Local A)thoritys .rotocol1 Cor that reason,
admission a..eal .anels will not -iew the *act that the school is o/li+ed to admit o-er
its admission n)m/er as an indication that it can do so *or all in year trans*ers witho)t
ca)sin+ .re@)dice to the e**icient .ro-ision o* ed)cation or e**icient )se o* reso)rces1
#n %ear Trans1ers
A..lications *or a .lace in rece.tion year a*ter the waitin+ list has closed or
years " D % sho)ld /e made on the Local A)thoritys in year common a..lication
*orm1 4he a..lication will then /e .rocessed in accordance with St 0elens in year co(
ordinated admission scheme1
Parents will normally recei-e a written res.onse to their a..lication within ten school
Appeal "rocedure
Where .arents are )ns)ccess*)l in a..lyin+ *or a school .lace, the decision letter will
+i-e reasons why the a..lication was re*)sed ;in li+ht o* the .)/lished admission
arran+ements< noti*ication o* the ri+ht o* a..eal, incl)din+ details o* how, and to
whom, to make an a..eal and where to o/tain *)rther in*ormation1
Parents sho)ld /e aware that le+islation limits in*ant class siAes to 3 .).ils and
restricts the +ro)nds ).on which an a..eal can /e ).held1 Bo) wo)ld ha-e to show
that the decision was one which in the circ)mstances no reasona/le +o-ernin+ /ody
wo)ld ha-e made, or that yo)r child wo)ld ha-e /een o**ered a .lace i* the
+o-ernors admission arran+ements had /een .ro.erly im.lemented1

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