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Fabiola M.

Torres Prez
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Quitting Smoking takes Several Steps
Smoking has become a bad habit that most of people cant stop doing. Around a
70% of smokers say that they want to quit smoking and approximately the half tries to
quit smoking every year, but only a 4% to 7% makes it without any help. Researchers
recommend some steps to help smokers to break with this bad habit. First is important to
admit that you have a problem, consider how the habit changes or affects your life and
accept that youd like to modify it. To start with this first step, ask yourself: Why is tis
habit bad? What is holding me back from getting rid of it?, and What things or people
stop me from breaking the habit? Second, Change your environment, research suggests to
find a way to change your scenery and see if your smoke addiction becomes less
tempting. Prevent to interact with people who encourage you to smoke. If your bad habit
takes place in an environment you cant alter like your place of work, then try to change
your social group. An example of this is, if you smoke on breaks with a group of
coworkers, start to change your timing for break so that youre not tempted to join the
fray and light up. Third step, create barriers to the habit, find a person or group of a
person that disapproves the smoke addiction, or that theyre trying to stop with the same
addiction. Also use another behavior to fight the habit. Fourth step, try to replace your
habit with something new. For instance, instead of smoking you can chew gum or walk
around when you would usually light up: The last step is to patient, behavioral
conditioning is a long process, and breaking a habit takes time.

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