My Strengths and Weaknesses As A College Student

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Fabiola M.

Torres Prez
INGL 3201 L03
Preparatory Paragraph
April 28, 2014
My Strengths and Weaknesses as a College Student
I have many strengths as a college student, but within these strengths I also
have weaknesses. Being smart, responsible, committed and dedicated to my studies are
my greatest strengths. I dont take my university studies as a joke, but as something I am
going to rely on in the future, either professionally or in my personal life. These qualities
make me compete with myself to improve. On the other hand, my weaknesses are not as
nice as my strengths. For example, I distract easily when teachers carry out monologues
in their classes. I also leave things for the last minute like work or exams. Sometimes I
just want to sleep or watch movies instead of putting my work up to date. But these
weaknesses do not affect me in my studies. Most importantly, I want to fight to be
someone important and enhance these strengths that I have. Despite the positive and
negative qualities I have, I am going to focus more on my future in order to overcome my
weaknesses and become the professional I wish to be.

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