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Name____________________ Class __________


Read these sentences about sculpture. Circle the word that makes the sentence correct.
All of the words are vocabulary in the February 2012 issue of Scholastic Art.

2. Oliver created a small mold/maquette of his sculpture before making the full-size version.
3. Martin chose to make a sculpture relief/in the round, with a different design on each side.
4. Isabel modeled/cast her sculpture out of soft clay.
5. Dara used a mold/maquette to cast/carve her bronze sculpture.
Write your own sentence for each of the vocabulary words below.

1. carve: ______________________________________________________________________________________

2. model: _____________________________________________________________________________________

3. cast: _______________________________________________________________________________________

4. mold: _______________________________________________________________________________________

5. relief: ______________________________________________________________________________________


Uses: copying machine, opaque projector, or transparency master for overhead projector. Scholastic Inc. grants teacher-subscribers of Scholastic Art permission to reproduce this page for use in their classrooms. Copyright 2012 by Scholastic Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Beth carved/cast a sculpture of a horse from wood.

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