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Task 1: Persuasive Speech Assignment

Aftei ieauing some examples of peisuasive speeches anu uiscussing effective

language use, we will begin wiiting oui campaign speeches. As a gioup, you will be
iesponsible foi collaboiative wiiting with youi gioup membeis thiough a uoogle
Bocs uocument.

Each gioup must submit one speech that uesciibes the viewpoint of theii political
"faction" anu theii goals foi foiming the new society. }ust as a piesiuential canuiuate
woulu uiscuss the way that they woulu iun the goveinment, youi gioup must
piesent youi values as possible leaueis of this new society.

The gioup leauei will be the "piesiuent" of youi gioup anu will be iesponsible foi
piesenting youi speech to the class, eithei by in class piesentation oi by viueo.


1. Wiitten speech must be 2 pages, uouble-spaceu in NLA foimat.

2. Recoiueu oi piesenteu speech must total at least thiee minutes.

S. uioups must each have a iole in wiiting oi piesenting the speech anu each task
must be cooiuinateu with the stuuent's iole anu stiengths.

4. Each speech must maintain the essence of peisuasive speaking anu wiiting, by
using specific stiategies (which will be piesenteu eithei in class oi thiough online
leaining foimats) to coeice youi auuience.

S. The speech must connect with a specific chaiactei in the novel. Foi example, youi
gioup may iuentify themselves with the leaueiship style of }ack, iejecting the typical
stanuaius of civilization in oiuei to live fieely on the islanu. In youi speech, you
must piesent ways that youi gioup exemplifies this leaueiship style. Pioviue at least
thiee quotes fiom the novel (which can be statements maue by the chaiactei) to
suppoit youi association with that chaiactei.

Examples of this might look like:

}ust as Ralph believeu that society on the islanu shoulu focus on a common goal,
such as cieating oiuei, attempting to get iescueu, anu builuing shelteis, my gioup
feels that oiganizeu society is oui best methou of suivival on the islanu.

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The speech is
organized and
presents the goals of
the group effectively.
The speech is
organized and presents
the goals of the group
The speech may not
clearly present the goals
of the group or be
organized effectively.
The speech has little
organization or goals
No efforts were made
to present the goals
of the group and the
speech has no

Interest Level
The speech was well-
written and
entertaining, working
to engage audience
The speech is
engaging at times, but
may have moments of
low interest level.
The speech
demonstrates a
moderate effort to
engage the audience.
The speech
demonstrates little
effort to engage the
The speech did not
show any efforts to
engage the audience.

The speech contains
accurate and
thoughtful use of at
least 3 persuasive
The speech contains
accurate and
thoughtful use of at
least 3 persuasive
The speech contains
accurate and thoughtful
use of at least 3
persuasive strategies.
The speech contains
accurate and thoughtful
use of at least 3
persuasive strategies.
The speech contains
accurate and
thoughtful use of at
least 3 persuasive

There are little or no
grammatical errors,
and/or spelling
There are minor
grammatical errors
and/or spelling
There are many errors
in usage.
Numerous errors in
There is no effort
towards revising

The speech contains
three or more
references to a main
character with
accurate and well-
The speech contains at
least three references
to a main character,
but connections may
not be well-developed
or accurate.
The speech contains
two references to a
main character from the
The speech contains
only one reference to a
main character from the
No reference to any

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