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Derrik Stevenson

Monday, May 5, 2014

Ms. Jeon

In The Wife of Baths Tale by Geoffrey Chaucer, the knight has portrayed
unchivalrous behaviour. The code of chivalry says that a knight should protect the weak and
defenceless. Yet the knight failed to do this by harming the maiden and taking her
maidenhead. Another was he broke the chivalry code is by disobeying the lady who he had
previously swore to that he would do anything she wanted - therefore he did not obey those
placed in authority. The lady wanted to wed the knight, which he refused, and after an argument
he was forced to wed. Lastly, the knight did not respect the honour of women. This was done
by calling the lady ugly, old and poor, which is no way to treat a woman. In no way could this
knight be seen true to the chivalry code, and needs to dramatically change his ways in order to
return to or become a proper knight.

The paragraph on the Knights Code of Chivalry was my best paragraph. I enjoyed finding the
arguments in the story and forming them into sentences. It was a simple, straight forward assignment,
which was easy to follow, and educational. Again, I could improve upon my supporting details, as they
lacked in convincing the argument.

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