Proposed Anti-Bullying Task Force

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This list is not yet finalized. Rep.

Shannon Erickson will work with her fellow delegation members to

make sure it is as comprehensive as possible. If any community members have interest in serving or
information to share, they can contact the delegation liaison, eredith Irion at mirion!
Proposed Anti-Bullying Task Force
General Assembly Member
General Assembly Member
Elementary School Parent !"#
Middle School Parent !"#
$igh School Parent !"#
B%S& Superintendent or his designee#
B%S& School Board %hair or his designee#
School 'mpro(ement %ouncil )epresentati(e
PT* )epresentati(e
Faith-Based *rgani+ation !"#
Beau,ort %ounty Sheri,, or his designee#
Beau,ort %ounty %ouncil or his designee#
Beau,ort %ounty Sheri,, or his designee#
%ity o, Beau,ort )epresentati(e
To-n o, Port )oyal )epresentati(e
To-n o, Blu,,ton )epresentati(e
To-n o, $ilton $ead )epresentati(e
S%&M$.%oastal Empire Mental $ealth &irector or his designee#
/udicial )epresentati(e
Attorney General0s *,,ice
State &epartment o, Education
Beau,ort %ounty School &istrict
T-o other S% School &istricts
Beau,ort $igh School &rama &epartment
S% %iti+en 1 2egislati(e /oint %ommittee on %hildren
Public %omment $earings:
$ilton $ead

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